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Re: DKC2 ~ 2013 Hack ~ Coming soon ! ( .ips of level 1 )

I have been in the same question field as you. Fortunately, I was able to ask Matrizzle if the title screen was hopefully uncompressed so it would be easier to rifle through in the data but he was able to provide to me most of all the image data is compressed making it more difficult. I would have y...
by Axis
March 30th, 2013, 12:19 pm
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: DKC2 ~ 2013 Hack ~ K.Rool's Return ~ Coming soon !
Replies: 10
Views: 39053

Re: DKC2 ~ 2013 Hack ~ Coming soon ! ( .ips of level 1 )

Speaking of bonus descriptions, I forgot to edit those in my revised Kongtraband. Here is the information you need: You simply need a hex editor, I use WindHex. You can find the bonus description at 0x3AB430 and the cabin text at 0x34AC70. If you don't have much experience with a hex editor you defi...
by Axis
March 30th, 2013, 3:05 am
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: DKC2 ~ 2013 Hack ~ K.Rool's Return ~ Coming soon !
Replies: 10
Views: 39053

Re: DKC2 ~ 2013 Hack ~ Coming soon ! ( .ips of level 1 )

Watched most of your videos and I really wanted to download and start playing but I'd figure I'd wait for the 1/2/3 release so I can spend some time enjoying the hack. You've put a lot work in your hack judging your 2012 prior and I'll definitely be watching your progress as you complete this makeov...
by Axis
March 29th, 2013, 3:15 am
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: DKC2 ~ 2013 Hack ~ K.Rool's Return ~ Coming soon !
Replies: 10
Views: 39053

Re: TAS beats the game in under 5 minutes!

This is the only Nintendo 64 game cartridge I have left compared to what I've sold or given away.

I was so impressed with how much love I gathered from this game instead of Mario Kart, but it's cool that that you need a completed save for this trick. B/
by Axis
March 27th, 2013, 12:48 pm
Forum: Diddy Kong Racing
Topic: TAS beats the game in under 5 minutes!
Replies: 2
Views: 12713

Re: Sparkly?

Interesting, I haven't seen the symbol before but it's great to know there is an online status icon.

Thanks! :thumbs:
by Axis
March 27th, 2013, 12:37 pm
Forum: Forum Features
Topic: Sparkly?
Replies: 2
Views: 13033


Hey, what's that sparkly in the top right of my dialogue box in every post?

Before you give the blunt answer, I want you to know my perspective is quite curious and would want the answer clarifying if it simply admits I'm online, it represents me, or if I have some kinda cookie? :scratch:
by Axis
March 27th, 2013, 12:27 pm
Forum: Forum Features
Topic: Sparkly?
Replies: 2
Views: 13033

Re: New/Working DKC2 Custom Hack: *Kongtraband* - WORLD 1 RE

Well, if you do it. Make sure you edit the map :) Make cool design, put some bonus / DKC coin. If you need a lvl tester. I'll be glad to help ! I'll never give your rom away. Hey Super, that sounds great. You wouldn't need to worry about comprising the identity of a prerelease of my hack because I ...
by Axis
March 27th, 2013, 12:18 pm
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: New/Working DKC2 Custom Hack: *Kongtraband* - REVISING
Replies: 21
Views: 53846

Re: Best way to make a SNES USB controller

Bumping this.

I have an available USB third party snes controller still packaged because I use my personal two through an adapter. Jomingo, I'm not sure if your still active here but would you like the controller?
by Axis
March 23rd, 2013, 11:47 am
Forum: Emulation
Topic: Best way to make a SNES USB controller
Replies: 4
Views: 27515

Re: DKC Netplay

Here are the two things you need. Proper version of ZSNES (The latest has netplay disabled): Portforwarding category for any router: Quoting my method again. I'm still up fo...
by Axis
March 23rd, 2013, 11:45 am
Forum: Emulation
Topic: DKC Netplay
Replies: 28
Views: 75939

Re: New/Working DKC2 Custom Hack: *Kongtraband* - WORLD 1 RE

Hello! This is axis. I want to first thank you all for the 116 downloads and I'm glad we can bring some traffic to the site even encouraging some new members to start some DKC modding. SMW had its fame huh? Before I continue on from 2-1 to 2-6, I've evaluated that I really geared Kongtraband into a ...
by Axis
March 23rd, 2013, 11:43 am
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: New/Working DKC2 Custom Hack: *Kongtraband* - REVISING
Replies: 21
Views: 53846

Re: Gaming Discussion Subforum

From what I gather, the general Gaming Discussion area is the place for that kinda thing. Bingo, I assume I was simply pleading for some more discreet organization regarding platforms or genres. The site does need to stay Nintendo banana for most of its means. The etc ladder you have going there Qy...
by Axis
March 23rd, 2013, 11:15 am
Forum: DKC Atlas Forum Discussion
Topic: Forum suggestions: layout, features, settings etc.
Replies: 250
Views: 945364

Gaming Discussion Subforum

Welcome to bumping heads and seeing what moderators think! Since I've used the Atlas forum, into my new account, I've always had a tip for the comment box that I forgot to relay because everything is working fine already anyway. I wanted to suggest if we could implement different consoles or genres ...
by Axis
March 22nd, 2013, 8:06 am
Forum: DKC Atlas Forum Discussion
Topic: Forum suggestions: layout, features, settings etc.
Replies: 250
Views: 945364

Re: Introduce yourself!

Hello! You might be able to recognize me from my previous account's avatar but it is indeed axis.transhumant. I've chosen to remake my account name purely on the sake of the security for my account because it has quite a stretch outside these parts and oh dear, do I miss posting here. The solemn apt...
by Axis
March 22nd, 2013, 8:00 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Introduce yourself!
Replies: 697
Views: 3047735

Re: DKC1 Custom Music Possible?

KeysOfMyMind wrote:Jesus christ and people call these games simple what the hell :p
by Axis
March 22nd, 2013, 7:47 am
Forum: ROM Hacking
Topic: DKC1 Custom Music Possible?
Replies: 17
Views: 56196

Re: Leading Words On


Geez, 3 1/2 weeks of 16 bits got to me, I'm doing LP of Pikmin as you all play Kongtraband.

by Axis
August 14th, 2012, 12:12 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Leading Words On
Replies: 18
Views: 50528

Re: Picture Thread (post a photo of YOU!)

His name is Ace. I didn't even know he was in the picture, haha. :shock:
by Axis
August 14th, 2012, 12:11 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Post a photo of YOU!
Replies: 334
Views: 1071530

Re: Leading Words On

by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 2:44 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Leading Words On
Replies: 18
Views: 50528

Re: Count to 5000


Good luck, let me know how your experience goes.
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 2:43 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Count to 5000
Replies: 2372
Views: 3731472

Re: New/Working DKC2 Custom Hack: *Kongtraband* - WORLD 1 RE

Markster, I appreciate the comment and you give me encouragement to finish the project! I can't paste it to a Donkey Kong Country 2 (U) (V1.0) (Headerless) ROM. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! axis.transhumant Hmm, looks like it worked for me. Let me go ahead and double check some things and I'll give you a t...
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 11:29 am
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: New/Working DKC2 Custom Hack: *Kongtraband* - REVISING
Replies: 21
Views: 53846

Re: Count to 5000


I released World 1 of Kongtraband!
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 11:14 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Count to 5000
Replies: 2372
Views: 3731472

Re: New/Working DKC2 Custom Hack: *Kongtraband* - WORLD 1 RE

Progress Update: World 1 Ready! I am proud to announce that World 1 of Kongtraband is ready for test play. Please be aware that this has strong difficulty and will encourage you to use save states but you are offered many balloons to take plenty of shots at certain obstacles. I avoided bringing sev...
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 11:07 am
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: New/Working DKC2 Custom Hack: *Kongtraband* - REVISING
Replies: 21
Views: 53846

Re: Count to 5000


Sorta completed DKC3. :headache:
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 9:04 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Count to 5000
Replies: 2372
Views: 3731472

Re: Count to 5000


101. At least I completed the game :thumbs:
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 8:36 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Count to 5000
Replies: 2372
Views: 3731472

Re: Count to 5000


Who will have the epic bill post?
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 8:26 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Count to 5000
Replies: 2372
Views: 3731472

Re: Leading Words On

by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 7:32 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Leading Words On
Replies: 18
Views: 50528

Re: Kaizo Donkey Kong Country 2

Good catch. I figured that r word was a little bit brief and used in a different purpose to make it seem I wasn't suggesting its meaning. I'll edit it to rage. prgmdest's hack is something he's working on often, he just released an IPS up to 5-5 on his website.
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 7:31 am
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: Kaizo Donkey Kong Country 2
Replies: 2
Views: 15368

Re: Leading Words On

by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 7:28 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Leading Words On
Replies: 18
Views: 50528

Re: DKC Netplay

Here are the two things you need.

Proper version of ZSNES (The latest has netplay disabled): ...

Portforwarding category for any router: ... ding/ZNES/
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 7:26 am
Forum: Emulation
Topic: DKC Netplay
Replies: 28
Views: 75939

Re: Leading Words On


by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 6:32 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Leading Words On
Replies: 18
Views: 50528

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

They rebuilt her, with the technology. It was no ordinary growth spurt, this monkey was given secret bionics :target:

What do you think is DK"s choice of religion?
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 6:10 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3890164

Re: Leading Words On

Who are you making me use a dictionary. :huh: :huh:

by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 6:07 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Leading Words On
Replies: 18
Views: 50528

Re: Count to 5000


Almost 100, I bet nobody dreamed of this.
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 6:07 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Count to 5000
Replies: 2372
Views: 3731472

Re: Taking Foreign DKC-related Language screenshots

These are really cool to look at. Why? Because we are totally accustomed to the American release versions and what screens they offer, even difficulty of the game. I always enjoy looking at these especially since I'm still stuck in Kaizo DKC2 at the moment really absorbing the SDK environment becaus...
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 4:37 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Taking Foreign DKC-related Language screenshots
Replies: 6
Views: 14730

Re: Leading Words On

by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 3:40 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Leading Words On
Replies: 18
Views: 50528

Re: Count to 5000


No worries, cat woke me up at 5:00am.
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 3:39 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Count to 5000
Replies: 2372
Views: 3731472

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Because he gnawed on very inappropriate organs.

Why are there so many KONG/DK related objects to collect, sometimes nearing your banana hoard?
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 3:39 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3890164

Re: Picture Thread (post a photo of YOU!)

This is me. I feel that if you don't post here, you're just a monkey.

Image no longer available...

This is was kind of old, a still I took during a webcam.
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 3:32 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Post a photo of YOU!
Replies: 334
Views: 1071530

Re: No attachments in Anything Goes?

Oh cool, for some reason I couldn't find it. I've been digging up old topics for the past few days too.

Thanks for the tag reminder too, that's something worthy of keeping in your head.
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 3:29 am
Forum: DKC Atlas Forum Discussion
Topic: No attachments in Anything Goes?
Replies: 6
Views: 21884

Re: No attachments in Anything Goes?

Yeah, I considered the second option of just placing a link to fulfill what I wanted. I kinda wanted to beat some forum shy because I believe everybody here is a monkey until I see some proof....real life pictures! I felt the thread would bring some demand in order to have get to know each other bet...
by Axis
August 13th, 2012, 2:57 am
Forum: DKC Atlas Forum Discussion
Topic: No attachments in Anything Goes?
Replies: 6
Views: 21884

Re: DKCRE General Discussion Topic

Thanks, VV. I had a similiar broken theory to what you just informed me about and you really patched up the holes. I've had to subscribe to some DELTA topics because this is a really big thing for the Atlas and Simion is really breaking through with some innovation on this project. I've lurked mainl...
by Axis
August 12th, 2012, 2:33 pm
Forum: DKC Resource Editor
Topic: DKCRE General Discussion Topic
Replies: 737
Views: 4698527

Re: No attachments in Anything Goes?

That makes sense, oh well, it would be cool if it could be activated for a test run or something. Has there been a bad experience with attachments there or something? Well it's no biggie either way.
by Axis
August 12th, 2012, 2:14 pm
Forum: DKC Atlas Forum Discussion
Topic: No attachments in Anything Goes?
Replies: 6
Views: 21884

Re: DKCRE General Discussion Topic

Hello Simion. I wanted to say, I've been browsing through both DELTA program topics for sometime now just to really wrap my head around what your producing for the community. Can you list (it can be brief) some key points about the differences between DKCRE and DKCLB? I'm having trouble understandin...
by Axis
August 12th, 2012, 2:05 pm
Forum: DKC Resource Editor
Topic: DKCRE General Discussion Topic
Replies: 737
Views: 4698527

Re: DKC Netplay

*Bump* Is there anyone out there willing to netplay? I have some free time on my hands because I can't attend fall classes this year, but I will definitely for spring. I would be down to netplay DKC1-3 and after I confirm somebody available I can forward my ports and such. Let me know here or throug...
by Axis
August 12th, 2012, 1:57 pm
Forum: Emulation
Topic: DKC Netplay
Replies: 28
Views: 75939

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Because he lacked the ability to hover, float, or maneuver legless. He was actually a crippled Kremling.

Why did Banjo start building vehicles in his third game?
by Axis
August 12th, 2012, 12:49 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3890164

Re: Count to 5000


Then we will be 0.02% of the way.
by Axis
August 12th, 2012, 12:45 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Count to 5000
Replies: 2372
Views: 3731472

No attachments in Anything Goes?

I wanted to start a self-pic marathon topic in Anything Goes but it seems that attachments aren't allowed or even given as an option in that area? Am I somewhat blind to a fact or is it disabled for a reason?
by Axis
August 12th, 2012, 12:34 pm
Forum: DKC Atlas Forum Discussion
Topic: No attachments in Anything Goes?
Replies: 6
Views: 21884

Re: Count to 5000

Oh, I really couldn't tell because of the small size of the two. You can easily see it when you look hard enough.

by Axis
August 12th, 2012, 12:10 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Count to 5000
Replies: 2372
Views: 3731472

Re: DKC Boss Rush Hacks (DKC2: Brigand Barrage Updated Aug.

Just played through K. Rool to witness the change, it's really great and definitely smooth! It feels a lot more of something that could've been implemented in the original game. Why waste time on DK sprites, I guess, huh rare?
by Axis
August 12th, 2012, 11:46 am
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: DKC Boss Rush Hacks (Boss Blitz 1.5 RELEASED! See last post)
Replies: 126
Views: 1252627

Re: Count to 5000


If this topic reaches 5000, I will a bake and send homebaked banana bread to every top contributor.

By the way, what are these two icons? I can't see the resemblance.

:huh: :headache:
by Axis
August 12th, 2012, 11:15 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Count to 5000
Replies: 2372
Views: 3731472

Re: What are you listening to?

Kong in Concert!

Good background to hacking.
by Axis
August 12th, 2012, 11:08 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: What are you listening to right now?
Replies: 77
Views: 156662

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