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Re: How do you think this game compares to the other DKC gam

Personally it's my favorite of the SNES Donkey Kong Country games. I like Kiddy, he's way more useful than Baby Mario. I love how each level has it's own gimmick. It really keeps you on your toes. I love the overworld map screen, and how it opens up more and more with each of Funky's boats. I also l...
by BigDonkey101
May 27th, 2018, 2:12 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 3
Topic: How do you think this game compares to the other DKC games?
Replies: 14
Views: 50898

Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze!

I've never heard this before... source plox? Nintendo's Kensuke Tanabe recently went into detail about the development process of Super Mario Bros. 2. "The idea was that you would have people vertically ascending, and you would have items and blocks that you could pile up to go higher, or you ...
by BigDonkey101
June 23rd, 2013, 2:05 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Topic: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Replies: 202
Views: 940947

Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze!

Phyreburnz wrote:To be fair, super Mario bros 2 is NOT a true Mario game. It was its own game originally
Wrong. Doki Doki Panic(the game that became Super Mario Bros 2 in the US) was originally a Super Mario 2 prototype. So in a way it was always meant to be a Mario game.
by BigDonkey101
June 22nd, 2013, 1:12 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Topic: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Replies: 202
Views: 940947

Re: The Donkey Kong Country TV Show

I have mixed feelings about the show. There are things about it that I like, and things that I hate about it. The good The voice actors for K. Rool, Cranky, Klump, and Krusha. The bad The character designs. They made Diddy weak and helpless most of the time. I hate what they did to Dixie. Bluster(Nu...
by BigDonkey101
January 26th, 2011, 5:47 am
Forum: General DKC Discussion
Topic: The Donkey Kong Country TV Show
Replies: 111
Views: 304457

Re: Is Donkey Kong Country a Nintendo or Rare franchise?

It's hard to say. I use to consider DKC more of a Rare franchise then a Nintendo franchise, but Donkey Kong Country Returns proved to me that we don't need Rare to get a good DKC game.
by BigDonkey101
January 25th, 2011, 2:25 am
Forum: General DKC Discussion
Topic: Is Donkey Kong Country a Nintendo or Rare franchise?
Replies: 4
Views: 11484

Re: Possible Poisonous Pipeline glitch(VC version only)?

It happens a couple of seconds after I enter the water.
And the rest of my games work fine.
by BigDonkey101
October 27th, 2010, 3:03 pm
Forum: DKC3 Glitches
Topic: Possible Poisonous Pipeline glitch(VC version only)?
Replies: 2
Views: 11345

Re: Bootleg Donkey Kong Country 2 for NES

I like the 8-bit version of Jib Jig, and for an 8-bit game it looks nice, but those are the only good things that I can say about this bootleg.

I find it funny that there are only 3 levels in the bootleg. I guess they got lazy, and decided that 3 levels was good enough.
by BigDonkey101
October 26th, 2010, 12:04 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 2
Topic: Bootleg Donkey Kong Country 2 for NES
Replies: 14
Views: 34666

Possible Poisonous Pipeline glitch(VC version only)?

I'm hesitant to post this because it maybe just me, but 9 times out of ten whenever I try to play the level poisonous pipeline on the Wii's virtual console it causes my Wii to freeze, and the screen will become scrambled.
Has this happen to anyone else or is it just me?
by BigDonkey101
October 26th, 2010, 11:45 am
Forum: DKC3 Glitches
Topic: Possible Poisonous Pipeline glitch(VC version only)?
Replies: 2
Views: 11345

Re: What do you want to see "Return" the most?

Water levels. I really enjoyed the water levels in the DKC games. They were a nice change of pace, and I found them relaxing(except for poisonous pipeline).

I'd also like to see Dixie Kong be playable in a future DK game.
by BigDonkey101
October 25th, 2010, 12:49 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country Returns
Topic: What do you want to see "Return" the most?
Replies: 7
Views: 22759


I'm looking forward to this game. I know that some people are disapointed with the lack of Kremlin's but this looks like it will be a game that respects the DKC series(unlike a certain game called Jungle Beat).
by BigDonkey101
October 25th, 2010, 12:43 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country Returns
Topic: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion
Replies: 493
Views: 1632341

Swanky's Dash

One of the biggest changes(besides the music)in the GBA version of DKC3 was the replacing of Swanky's sideshow with Swanky's dash. I really did not enjoy Swanky's dash. It felt like it did not belong in a Donkey Kong Country game. I want to know what people think, did you like Swanky's dash, or do y...
by BigDonkey101
February 5th, 2010, 2:16 pm
Forum: DKC3 Port (GBA)
Topic: Swanky's Dash
Replies: 8
Views: 26272

Re: Favorite Boss?

For looks I voted for Dumb Drum, for gameplay I voted for King K.Rool.
K.Rool is a fun boss, plus the fake ending credits when you think you've beating him are made of win.
by BigDonkey101
January 25th, 2010, 2:50 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country
Topic: Favorite Boss?
Replies: 43
Views: 97660

Re: Poorly made?

I played the game on all my GameBoys, so I don't think that it's the Game Boy that is making the game mess up. The cartridge is yellow, has a picture of Diddy and Dixie swiming, it has the ESRB rateing KA(Kids to Adults). My other copy is the same except that it is the million sell rerelease, and ha...
by BigDonkey101
October 14th, 2009, 5:50 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Land
Topic: Poorly made?
Replies: 5
Views: 19120

Re: Poorly made?

I should have gone into more detail in my first post. Not only do my two copies of DKL2 erase themselves, but they are glitched also. The other day I was playing DKL2, and Diddy went into his duck pose, ever though I did push down on the control pad. Then a Klobber enemy appeared out of nowhere, the...
by BigDonkey101
September 29th, 2009, 6:29 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Land
Topic: Poorly made?
Replies: 5
Views: 19120

Poorly made?

Has anyone else have problems with there copies of DKL2?
I have two copies of the game, and they both erase themselves.
I want to know if it's just my copies, or if other people have had this happen to them also.
by BigDonkey101
September 28th, 2009, 11:32 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Land
Topic: Poorly made?
Replies: 5
Views: 19120

Re: What's NOT canon

I only consider the games that Rare(except for the Donkey Kong Land games)made to be canon. Donkey Kong Land 1&2 have the same story as DKC1&2 have. Sure DKL1's manual mentions Cranky challenging DK and Diddy to get the bananas back from the Kremlings again to prove that they can be hero's o...
by BigDonkey101
September 25th, 2009, 9:05 pm
Forum: Storyline/Continuity
Topic: What's NOT canon
Replies: 36
Views: 119614

Re: Winky the frog VS. Rattly the snake

I voted for Rattly.
Rattly is easter to control then Winky.
Winky's jumps made it hard to always know were he would land.
by BigDonkey101
September 25th, 2009, 4:12 pm
Forum: General DKC Discussion
Topic: Winky the frog VS. Rattly the snake
Replies: 62
Views: 138323

Re: Most annoying moment?

I can name a couple of annoying moments in DKC2.
Messing up on Bramble Blast.
Dying on King Zing after getting him down to a normal size Zinger.
And don't forget about Toxic Tower.
by BigDonkey101
September 25th, 2009, 3:52 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 2
Topic: Most annoying moment?
Replies: 45
Views: 120154

Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Sorry for bumping this, but I found a weird glitch in DKC. I started a new file, and when the map screen appeared Funky's jet barrel appeared on the map, and the Funky's Flights music was playing, even though I had not yet beating the first level. Once I had beaten the first level DK then appeared o...
by BigDonkey101
May 4th, 2009, 5:23 pm
Forum: DKC Glitches
Topic: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches
Replies: 36
Views: 118994

Re: K.Rool's intelligence

One thing to remember though is that we don't actually get to see the Blast-O-Matic blast Donkey Kong Island in the Game Over screen, we only see it pointed at the island.
So for all we know it still might have not worked.
by BigDonkey101
April 28th, 2009, 3:26 pm
Forum: Storyline/Continuity
Topic: K.Rool's intelligence
Replies: 9
Views: 36173

K.Rool's intelligence

In DKC3 K.Rool seemed to be quite intellect, and good at building weapons like Kaos. He was also smart in capturing DK and Diddy to use as living batteries to power Kaos. And he sealed away the Queen of the Banana Birds, and he got away with this without anyone noticing. Yet in DK64 K.Rool did not s...
by BigDonkey101
April 26th, 2009, 6:59 pm
Forum: Storyline/Continuity
Topic: K.Rool's intelligence
Replies: 9
Views: 36173

Re: Virtual Console Games

Super Mario Bros1-3
Super Mario World
Zelda:A Link to the Past
Super Mario RPG(my favorite game)
Kirby 64
Super Mario64
Paper Mario
Mario Kart64.
by BigDonkey101
April 25th, 2009, 4:54 pm
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: Virtual Console Games
Replies: 42
Views: 80963

Re: The GBC version is my least favorite port of DKC.

I agree, the GBC version of DKC is my least favorite version of the game. The Game Boy Color versions backgrounds for the levels make some of the enemies hide to see. Also in some levels (like Tree Top Town)where you have to go from flying barrel to barrel the game has a hard time keeping up. These ...
by BigDonkey101
April 25th, 2009, 4:44 pm
Forum: DKC Ports (GBC, GBA)
Topic: The GBC version is my least favorite port of DKC.
Replies: 18
Views: 60879

Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

;) There are a lot of things that I like about DKC2.
It is a really challenging game to master(way harder then the games Wii have today).
Plus the game seem to be a little darker with the pirate theme.
by BigDonkey101
April 23rd, 2009, 4:38 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 2
Topic: What did you like best about DKC2?
Replies: 30
Views: 96583

Re: SNES, GBC, or GBA?

I think the SNES version is the best version of DKC.
The Game Boy versions of the game are harder to see, especially the GBC version where the enemies tend to blend in with the background more.
by BigDonkey101
April 23rd, 2009, 4:24 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country
Topic: SNES, GBC, or GBA?
Replies: 54
Views: 173984

Re: Most hated level

The levels that I hate are Buzzer Barrage, and Poisonous Pipeline.

Buzzer Barrage is a pain because you have to play as purple Squawks who can only attack enemies with barrels.

And Poisonous Pipeline is a big pain in the neck.
by BigDonkey101
April 23rd, 2009, 4:12 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 3
Topic: Most hated level
Replies: 61
Views: 183539

Re: Favorite Boss?

My favorite boss for looks is Belcha, he's cool looking(for a giant evil looking barrel). And I like the fact that he shoots out little barrels. For gameplay my favorite boss is Baron K. Roolenstein. The fight with K.Rool feels epic, and it's a fun boss fight. It feels like a good boss battle to end...
by BigDonkey101
April 22nd, 2009, 12:08 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 3
Topic: Favorite Boss?
Replies: 52
Views: 137797

Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Wow, and here I thought I knew everything about DKC2.
Mr X looks really cool, it's a shame that they did not put him in the game.
by BigDonkey101
April 22nd, 2009, 9:55 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 2
Topic: The Mysterious Mr X — A mystery no more!
Replies: 108
Views: 322709

Re: Most hated level

The level that I hate is Oil Drum Alley.
You pretty much have to have very good timeing to beat the level.
by BigDonkey101
April 22nd, 2009, 9:43 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country
Topic: Most hated level
Replies: 50
Views: 137560

Re: Introduce yourself!

Thanks for the warm welcome!
I feel at home already.:)
by BigDonkey101
April 22nd, 2009, 9:36 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Introduce yourself!
Replies: 697
Views: 3047125

Re: Introduce yourself!

Hello everyone I'm BigDonkey101, and I'm a long time Donkey Kong Country fan.
My favorite DKC game is DKC3.
I'm kind of shy so please be nice.
by BigDonkey101
April 21st, 2009, 1:07 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Introduce yourself!
Replies: 697
Views: 3047125

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