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Re: v0.0.7.0 Features Brainstorming (I NEED YOUR INPUT!)

What about the water levels? Weren't they buggy? Or am i mistaken? Some time passed since the last time i checked DKCRE... (Sorry, I'm more interested in DKCLB, since it will not be limited as a rom hack) If this was already addressed, then sorry. If not, then i think thats one of the main bugs to b...
by HellFire
February 27th, 2013, 12:32 pm
Forum: DKC Resource Editor
Topic: v0.0.7.0 Features Brainstorming (I NEED YOUR INPUT!)
Replies: 26
Views: 78548

Re: Poll - What would you like to see created in 3D

I vote for Krusha! Then, creating the gray one would be just a matter of recoloring it. Actually, I would like to see all baddies from dkc1 (my fav dkc) done your way, your work is top notch!
by HellFire
December 17th, 2012, 3:04 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: What would you like to see created in 3D
Replies: 15
Views: 29435

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animaton Project

Good job on the models, man! Gnawty is very close to the original :thumbs:
The animation need to be improved though. Gnawty's feet are strange as well as the way the butterfly flies, plus it lands on the leaf in a "flat" way.
Keep the good work!
by HellFire
November 6th, 2012, 11:41 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project PHASE ONE COMPLETE
Replies: 1108
Views: 3719975

Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Hm, the level idea is pretty good, and the color you used for the ship is good as well. I liked the idea of mixing elements from both ship archetypes. As for the background, the one from the mines look out of place in my opinion, they're emeralds, not ice crystal. Try replacing that with the DKC 2 i...
by HellFire
June 24th, 2012, 9:28 am
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas
Replies: 419
Views: 1304870

Re: DELTA General Discussion Topic

I just tested the last build, impressive stuff Simion! The physics are like in the original, thats great! You're for sure a top notch programmer! I'm looking forward for the day when everyone will create their own levels and share with everyone! I'm not the most inspired person but I will for sure h...
by HellFire
June 14th, 2012, 11:17 am
Forum: Delta Suite
Topic: DELTA General Discussion Topic
Replies: 449
Views: 2330504

Re: Future Ideas Poll: 3D for DELTA?

Cosmicman wrote:I think you should concentrate on the level builder for now, then work on a 3d builder when you're completely done with this current project.

My words exactly. It would be an welcome addition, but in my opinion you should focus on the LB for now. I voted No.
by HellFire
May 17th, 2012, 1:08 am
Forum: Delta Suite
Topic: Future Ideas Poll: 3D for DELTA?
Replies: 9
Views: 31468

Re: Sprite editing/animating suggestions

No offense but I think this one is a lot better: The DKC style of the winky's sign looks really bad, that guy created a new one for it which in my opinion looks near perfect. Only the winky's painting on the sign should be black and not...
by HellFire
March 27th, 2012, 1:49 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Sprite editing/animating suggestions
Replies: 39
Views: 83451

Re: Sprite editing/animating suggestions

Hmm ideas for the expresso special... This one gonna be hard. I think he's already very good with his speed and ability to avoid low kritters. But some new stuff would be welcome. Maybe some sort of dash is the way to go? It would be a good concept, an animal that has no attack at all but excels at ...
by HellFire
March 18th, 2012, 3:33 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Sprite editing/animating suggestions
Replies: 39
Views: 83451

Re: DKC-related animations

It looks very good.
by HellFire
March 10th, 2012, 7:56 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC-Related Custom Animations
Replies: 804
Views: 5284736

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

I think the additional ability to swim is enough. In DKC1, every animal had a niche, each one had one specific use. In DKC2, 2 "overpowered" animals were added: squawks and squitter. If you do that much to winky he will be a better rattly, and maybe in the same league as squawks and squitt...
by HellFire
March 10th, 2012, 7:43 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8202943

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Very nice progress. Looking forward for the expresso. The winky looks really nice. Will the rattly be just like winky but with the ability to "charge" the jump? I was thinking about what could differentiate winky from rattly and i think i got an idea. What if you could go underwater with w...
by HellFire
March 9th, 2012, 7:13 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8202943

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Hi. The DKCatlas user 'aperson' created the Rambi floating sprites, but they're for the DKC Rambi, not DKC2 (in the original, Rambi was grey, but in DKC2 he is "brown"). Also, notice that he created Winky's and Expresso's crates in DKC2/3 style (i.e. tilted) which does look better than the...
by HellFire
February 25th, 2012, 10:26 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8202943

Re: DKC-related animations

Wow man, the DK on the hook looks really good, only some little adjustments on his shoulder and it would be perfect in my opinion. The kiddy one swinging in the rope looks good as well, only his head animation looks a little unsynchronized, but as it is I think its very usable. The kiddy climbing in...
by HellFire
December 16th, 2011, 12:47 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC-Related Custom Animations
Replies: 804
Views: 5284736

Re: DELTA General Discussion Topic

Hey Simion, in the future when DKCLB is usable and people start doing levels for it, do you plan to create a level repository or something like that? Like, a website containing download links for all that stuff? I think that is a good idea, dunno if you already thought about that.
by HellFire
November 25th, 2011, 12:36 am
Forum: Delta Suite
Topic: DELTA General Discussion Topic
Replies: 449
Views: 2330504

Re: DKCLB Ideas, Concepts, and Gimmicks Topic.

Markster wrote:You know that two player mode in Donkey Kong Country Returns, well here is what it should look like SNES style.

...and with netplay support, that would be awesome.
by HellFire
November 25th, 2011, 12:31 am
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: DKCLB Ideas, Concepts, and Gimmicks Topic.
Replies: 55
Views: 165786

Re: DKCLB Ideas, Concepts, and Gimmicks Topic.

I support the resolution upgrade, but only if the original is still available.
by HellFire
November 15th, 2011, 5:21 am
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: DKCLB Ideas, Concepts, and Gimmicks Topic.
Replies: 55
Views: 165786

Re: DELTA General Discussion Topic

Bad news... it still crashes, and only on the P1 tab.

Wouldn't be better to do this conversation via PMs or some IM? I fell like I'm spaming/flooding in here.
by HellFire
November 11th, 2011, 12:28 pm
Forum: Delta Suite
Topic: DELTA General Discussion Topic
Replies: 449
Views: 2330504

Re: DELTA General Discussion Topic

Yeah take a look, nothing in the tabs:

(Didnt noticed your edit)
by HellFire
November 11th, 2011, 12:22 pm
Forum: Delta Suite
Topic: DELTA General Discussion Topic
Replies: 449
Views: 2330504

Re: DELTA General Discussion Topic

OK I already tested it, it doesn't crashes anymore but thats because you cutted a lot of stuff from it right? There is nothing in the main window (excluding some green text) and in the player configuration tabs theres nothing as well.
by HellFire
November 11th, 2011, 12:14 pm
Forum: Delta Suite
Topic: DELTA General Discussion Topic
Replies: 449
Views: 2330504

Re: DELTA General Discussion Topic

I've deleted the .xdq file, opened the program again, did the space+right click thing, went to config -> input -> P1 and it crashed again.
Then I opened the file via double clicking, tried to open the P1 tab and the same happened :| crashed again.
by HellFire
November 11th, 2011, 11:51 am
Forum: Delta Suite
Topic: DELTA General Discussion Topic
Replies: 449
Views: 2330504

Re: DELTA General Discussion Topic

Finally I had time to test this new version. As I said to you via pm, I can not test with my old ps1 joystick cuz I don't have it anymore, but I tested with my new USB stick and it works OK, I could map the buttons with no problems. Nice detail at the barral thing, made me smile ;) by the way I foun...
by HellFire
November 11th, 2011, 11:42 am
Forum: Delta Suite
Topic: DELTA General Discussion Topic
Replies: 449
Views: 2330504

Re: Minor DKC hacks & early works in progress

It looks very nice, good job. ;) An idea I had some time ago for a different color of archetype was for the forest one, with old leaves, you know, instead of green leaves on the trees, orange-brown leaves, some changes in the terrain and other aspects should be changed as well so everything looks co...
by HellFire
October 15th, 2011, 7:05 am
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: Minor DKC hacks & early works in progress
Replies: 98
Views: 382956

Re: DELTA General Discussion Topic

By lagging i meant slowdown. Anyway, i did not experienced any slowdown at 800x600.

EDIT: I doubt that theres some problem with my stick configuration, since i play online using it almost everyday. On ZSNES it works fine as well.
by HellFire
September 17th, 2011, 1:41 pm
Forum: Delta Suite
Topic: DELTA General Discussion Topic
Replies: 449
Views: 2330504

Re: DELTA General Discussion Topic

Here i got 60hz all the time, constant so i think it ran fine, but sometimes while moving the mouse over the DELTA window I experienced some major lagging, the cursor was moving sloppy, dunno how to explain this better(my english sucks). Also, whenever i press a button on my arcade stick, DELTA cras...
by HellFire
September 17th, 2011, 1:32 pm
Forum: Delta Suite
Topic: DELTA General Discussion Topic
Replies: 449
Views: 2330504

Re: Unused Content found in DKC Trilogy!

Wow, very interesting stuff! Can you take a screen shot of the one with DK's collision box? I could do it myself, but these numbers are like greek for me, don't really know what I'm supposed to do with em.
by HellFire
September 13th, 2011, 2:53 pm
Forum: ROM Hacking
Topic: Unused Content found in DKC Trilogy!
Replies: 222
Views: 1430597

Re: DKC Resource Editor

Well man, thats great! I will test it right now! By the way i already found a possible bug (a very minor one), whenever i move the DKCRE window this happens: As i said its a very minor bug (if its even a bug), but if it is then its reported! Thank...
by HellFire
June 7th, 2011, 1:13 am
Forum: DKC Resource Editor
Topic: DKCRE General Discussion Topic
Replies: 737
Views: 4698522

Re: DKC Resource Editor

I don't post here so much, but i'm always checking the state of Simion32's stuff and i must say that you've done some nice progress! Keep the great work dude!
by HellFire
December 20th, 2010, 5:50 am
Forum: DKC Resource Editor
Topic: DKCRE General Discussion Topic
Replies: 737
Views: 4698522

Re: The Donkey Kong Country Level Builder

I finally read all this topic (while testing the demos one by one). I like the way you keep us update with both technical and "normal" info. I wish the best of luck for you in this project, i'm really looking forward to this. I downloaded the demos and they all ran ok in my pc with excepti...
by HellFire
December 7th, 2009, 4:30 am
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: DKCLB General Discussion Topic
Replies: 541
Views: 2287064

Re: Introduce yourself!

Hi, im new here, and i fell like i'm not registering here to just to make a few posts... First, about the rules, i've read it and i'll try to write the best i can, but english isnt my native language (i'm brazillian) so if i type something that cant be understandable then please tell me. Well, now s...
by HellFire
December 5th, 2009, 7:30 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Introduce yourself!
Replies: 697
Views: 3047731

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