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Re: Birthday Topic

Happy birthday Qyz! I hope you have an awesome day! :D Hopefully it's still not tomorrow in Australia =P
by Kiddy14
October 2nd, 2013, 5:48 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Birthday Topic
Replies: 879
Views: 5346527

Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze — out December 6th!

The delay's now confirmed. February 2014.

Tropical Freeze on

Maybe this way people can get a Wii U on Christmas and worry for the game until some time later =P
by Kiddy14
October 2nd, 2013, 5:43 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Topic: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Replies: 202
Views: 940744

Re: Dreams and Nightmares

So I saw this thread and I thought I could contribute; I hope you don't mind! I almost never talk about my dreams because, personally, I think they're just too weird ( too as in really, really ). Sometimes, I wish I had normal dreams since they can get pretty tiring for me (who knew our mind could w...
by Kiddy14
September 29th, 2013, 5:57 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Dreams and Nightmares
Replies: 76
Views: 165863

Re: Birthday Topic

Hey guys! Thank you so much! :kiddycool: I've heard of your many achievements and have seen some on Youtube and (naturally) the DKC Atlas. Please return to your home here, so that we may all bask in your glory once again! Oh! *blush* Well, thanks for the compliments =P Honestly, I haven't been visit...
by Kiddy14
September 22nd, 2013, 9:18 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Birthday Topic
Replies: 879
Views: 5346527

Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze!

I think that having the same people who programmed the DKC for SNES programming the new DKC's is impossible since Microsoft acquired Rareware is not? Well, most Rareware employees have already left Rare ever since Microsoft bought the company. David Wise returning is just an example of people from ...
by Kiddy14
June 17th, 2013, 3:33 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Topic: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Replies: 202
Views: 940744

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

'Announcement' (merged in from other topic): During Nintendo's E3 Nintendo Direct they announced a new DKC game being developed once again by Retro Studios. The new game is playable on the Wii U and as Iwata said… THEY HAVE FUR! =B Here's a video (warning SPOILERS ): *Video move...
by Kiddy14
June 12th, 2013, 6:45 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Topic: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Replies: 202
Views: 940744

Re: Music Creation Software

I use Anvil Studio to compose MIDIs, then import them to SynthFont to play the songs with soundfonts. You don't even need a soundfont-compatible soundcard for the last one. Unfortunately, Anvil Studio's pretty rudimentary if you don't buy the add-ons, and I believe SynthFont will start being pay-onl...
by Kiddy14
September 10th, 2011, 4:33 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Music Creation Software
Replies: 6
Views: 18220

Re: stupidest programming myths you ever heard

My Programming professor used to tell us we shouldn't worry much about optimizing because "the difference in processing time is so small we wouldn't even notice." He told us to focus in understanding the program first, though. Of course, maybe he's a little right, but I almost always ignor...
by Kiddy14
August 11th, 2011, 1:33 pm
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: stupidest programming myths you ever heard
Replies: 13
Views: 26703

Re: Invisibe Sickness

Ok, here's a Wikipedia article.

EDIT: lol "Wow!" indeed =P
by Kiddy14
August 11th, 2011, 1:24 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Invisibe Sickness
Replies: 8
Views: 20011

Re: Invisibe Sickness

I have Dermatographism.
by Kiddy14
August 9th, 2011, 12:36 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Invisibe Sickness
Replies: 8
Views: 20011

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Wrong. It's not that I can't accept the opinions of others, I simply choose not too, for I vastly prefer my own opinions. …isn't that being intolerant? Since you seem to be pretty eloquent, how about we look for the definition of "tolerance" in the dictionary ? -noun 1. a fair, objective,...
by Kiddy14
July 11th, 2011, 9:39 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

When they're not being stupid Rare-worshiping bigots (mostly the DKU) blindly praising Donkey Kong Country Returns[…] You're the one who can't accept other people's opinions, Tiptup. The fact that you didn't like DKCR doesn't mean the whole DK fanbase is an idiot, that's you being intolerant. To be...
by Kiddy14
July 10th, 2011, 1:54 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

I died a little bit inside.

By the way, Top Cat movie! Yes! It's going to be awesome! =']
by Kiddy14
July 5th, 2011, 1:22 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Re: how to reach 102%

Did you visit every Kong Family Member yet?
I believe they count towards your total.
by Kiddy14
July 3rd, 2011, 5:30 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 2
Topic: how to reach 102%
Replies: 2
Views: 11357

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Salut C=
by Kiddy14
June 30th, 2011, 12:04 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Re: Count to 5000

45 (Just to keep with it)

It's a little bit silly.

Besides, Tiptup already ruined it.
by Kiddy14
June 30th, 2011, 11:57 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Count to 5000
Replies: 2372
Views: 3728491

Re: NEW WII!!! (No Joke!)

Une interview très intéressante ici, it answers some of the stuff people've been asking.
by Kiddy14
June 26th, 2011, 2:32 pm
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: NEW WII!!! (No Joke!)
Replies: 7
Views: 18526

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

It has been raining here =3

Today, I realized people won't care about anything not related to them in any way, even if it means people dying. I'm in some sort of passive-aggressive state now.
by Kiddy14
June 24th, 2011, 1:56 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

They're also the source of all those "Objection!" images/memes you see on the Net.
by Kiddy14
June 23rd, 2011, 11:24 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537


I just noticed that DKC-Atlas automatically censored my curse word, its probably a setting for people under 18 years old. This. I will use the word censoring filter to 'auto-replace' such language... You can disable the word censoring if you like, which means that you can see the uncensored version...
by Kiddy14
June 16th, 2011, 11:15 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Replies: 31
Views: 106420

Re: Birthday Thread

I'm late D= Happy birthday, everybody!
In advance… most of the time if it's your birthday then I'll probably be wishing you a good one even if I don't post xD
by Kiddy14
June 11th, 2011, 2:50 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Birthday Topic
Replies: 879
Views: 5346527

Re: Error Messages?

They're probably debugging strings for when the game had an actual debugger. Sometimes developers leave them in the games' codes because they do no harm. These ones, well they obviously were used for music programming =P
So yep, that's what I think they are.
by Kiddy14
June 9th, 2011, 1:34 pm
Forum: DKC Ports (GBC, GBA)
Topic: Error Messages?
Replies: 2
Views: 12853

Re: Favorite Game Store

I usually buy online; since people who sell online generally import the games from the US, they're actually cheaper (Latamel distributes at a fixed price Nintendo sets, so for example the 3DS ended up being at $420 Dollars but in Pesos).
Otherwise, GamePlanet or Gamers =P
by Kiddy14
June 9th, 2011, 1:13 pm
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: Favorite Game Store
Replies: 17
Views: 54526

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Only child? Yes =3 I'm late answering you though D= I go out on vacation at the start of August! Then go back to school in the middle of September. […]and by the way, my grandma did not need surgery after all, she just needs to heal at a hospital for a few days. I'm glad she's OK, but don't stress ...
by Kiddy14
June 9th, 2011, 1:08 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Aww, I'll never be an uncle =O
by Kiddy14
June 3rd, 2011, 2:18 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Bananas in Salty Food

Note: I'm using "salty" as the opposite of "sweet." I've noticed most of the stuff posted here is sweet recipes (well, yeah, pretty much everything =P). The thing is there are a lot of recipes where bananas are used with salty food! If that makes any sense =P Now, this is part of...
by Kiddy14
June 1st, 2011, 2:46 pm
Forum: Banana Recipes
Topic: Bananas in Salty Food
Replies: 0
Views: 9807


I hope for the best for these people; there's nothing like feeling something you think of as natural ends up being condemned by society.
I have a friend who's gay, and there's nothing wrong or awkward about him.
Be happy X3
by Kiddy14
June 1st, 2011, 1:58 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Replies: 31
Views: 106420

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

I just found out they pump gas for you in Oregon.
Why don't they do it elsewhere? Here in Mexico they pump gas for you everywhere =B I always found it troublesome having to go pay it at the store.
by Kiddy14
March 25th, 2011, 6:30 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Re: What internet browser do you use?

I don't like it when things look too simple, it makes me feel they think I'm too stupid to use something else than "bookmarks" and log-in buttons. That's why I always liked Firefox since the beginning, it allowed me to install a lot of stuff (but this is no longer valid since Chrome and IE...
by Kiddy14
March 25th, 2011, 6:21 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: What internet browser do you use?
Replies: 114
Views: 296091

Re: What do your friends and family think of DKC?

They don't really care. Most of my friends know I like DKC, and I've received some gifts out of it, but other than that there's nothing. My little cousin plays it with me and my parents once found used DKC cartridges they gifted me yay! I have a friend who's tried to make me bring my DKCR to his hom...
by Kiddy14
March 24th, 2011, 2:14 am
Forum: General DKC Discussion
Topic: What do your friends and family think of DKC?
Replies: 13
Views: 31569

Re: What internet browser do you use?

If you've seen the latest versions for IE and Firefox, you'll notice they're pretty similar to Chrome :lol: I've never liked Chrome because it seems too "simple" for me (this is my opinion, I'm in no way saying you're incorrect for liking it). Of course, it's added a lot of stuff in the la...
by Kiddy14
March 24th, 2011, 2:03 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: What internet browser do you use?
Replies: 114
Views: 296091

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

After going through Google's FAQs, I realized it's not a GMail account but a Google Account = total different things according to them. It's as if I were to sign up to Google's Facebook, but with more services, that I won't use 'cause this is just my YouTube account. In any case, I don't like it and...
by Kiddy14
March 10th, 2011, 3:12 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

I've a Pac-Man Plug & Play controller thingy =P I just have never liked it because I panic really easily. By the way, I didn't want to bump the 3DS thread, but they recently announced the 3DS will sell for $5,990 MXN O_o that's around $500 USD. Like, what… like… uhm, it's… yeah… If I had the mon...
by Kiddy14
March 8th, 2011, 5:19 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

No, I get this video.
Then Metro City Slums music from Final Fight Arcade.
Then Get a Weapon from Mega Man X.

EDIT: LOL I just wanted to show how my neighborhood sounds like at night (sometimes).
I don't even live near the Independencia colonia =P
by Kiddy14
February 26th, 2011, 5:16 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

^ I didn't get it XD

But this is nice.
by Kiddy14
February 25th, 2011, 1:52 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Go to Google Translate and translate "äääääääääääääää" from German to English.
by Kiddy14
February 24th, 2011, 4:32 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

They announced the winner of the Donkey Kong Arcade.
Somebody wrote:

I had written something here, but I backed off ._.
by Kiddy14
February 24th, 2011, 2:35 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country Returns
Topic: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion
Replies: 493
Views: 1632063

Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

The volcano, an eruption… whatever.
by Kiddy14
February 19th, 2011, 10:43 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country Returns
Topic: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel
Replies: 91
Views: 258828

Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Personally, I don't think I can predict how the sequel (if there ever is any) will be. Based on the way Nintendo wanted the characters to be handled, it's not like they'll bring Dixie with Diddy and have DK get lost again. I don't even think they're going to bring any Kongs back. Besides, the Tiki's...
by Kiddy14
February 19th, 2011, 6:56 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country Returns
Topic: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel
Replies: 91
Views: 258828

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

I saw my own semi-doppelganger! My friends and I realized we had doppelgangers when we got into our second year of preparatory (high) school. A new group of kids out of secondary (middle) school entered my school, and I can count 5 kids who are like doppelgangers to us (or are we to them?). It got ...
by Kiddy14
February 19th, 2011, 6:39 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

by Kiddy14
February 9th, 2011, 4:17 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Re: The 3DS

The 3DS will launch at $4,999 MXN here in Mexico (lol that's $4'999,000 MXP), that's about $415 USD. I like the improvements they've done, but personally I'll wait till the price lowers. EDIT: So it keeps getting higher, they announced it is actually going for $5,990 MXN, that's effectively $500 USD.
by Kiddy14
February 9th, 2011, 4:14 pm
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: The 3DS
Replies: 16
Views: 47644

Re: Birthday Thread

I'm really late, but Happy Birthday, Simion! =]
Simion32 wrote:[...]even if I could drink I'd choose not to anyway. You won't see me corrupting myself with such garbage. :lol:

I like your way of thinking 8-)
by Kiddy14
February 9th, 2011, 4:04 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Birthday Topic
Replies: 879
Views: 5346527

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

I'm freezing, it's been 2 degrees Celsius here since morning D=
To think yesterday night we were at 25 °C.
by Kiddy14
January 13th, 2011, 4:27 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

I actually don't mind having to shake to roll, then again I'm using the Wii Remote only (I tried Wiimote + Nunchuck, but I kept failing to crouch with the joystick) and keeping 1 pressed kind of helps.
I would like the Kongs to not gain so much momentum, though.
by Kiddy14
January 13th, 2011, 4:25 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country Returns
Topic: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion
Replies: 493
Views: 1632063

Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Has anyone played in 2P mode yet?
Much greater than NSMBW, that's for sure =D
by Kiddy14
January 4th, 2011, 3:08 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country Returns
Topic: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion
Replies: 493
Views: 1632063

Re: General DKC Atlas Queries and Troubleshooting

I think it is one of the butterflies you can see at the jungle in DKC.
by Kiddy14
December 16th, 2010, 3:34 pm
Forum: DKC Atlas Discussion
Topic: General DKC Atlas Queries and Troubleshooting
Replies: 163
Views: 658652

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Cannot unhear.
Also, not really worth it for the YT thread.
by Kiddy14
December 10th, 2010, 11:52 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10269537

Re: Weird Rocket Rush Warp Glitch...

I just found this video.
Perhaps anything the person recording did could help in recreating the glitch? They do seem to be listing their steps... I don't know anything about la langue japonaise =X
by Kiddy14
December 9th, 2010, 3:41 pm
Forum: DKC3 Glitches
Topic: Weird Rocket Rush Warp Glitch...
Replies: 8
Views: 33527

Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Derpy Backpack, Hurr! Also, I'm at that level which I don't know how it's called in English but it is Mordilocos Feroces in Spanish and stuff. But I'm loving the game, there's a new puzzle every new level and that's driving me crazy!! :D
by Kiddy14
November 23rd, 2010, 3:42 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country Returns
Topic: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion
Replies: 493
Views: 1632063

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