"Pisang Cokelat"

This is one I saw at an Indonesian festival a few weekends ago. The actual recipe is quite traditional, though, so you'll be able to find everything in your local supermarket.
Chocolate Topping (a lot, lol) - the magic stuff that dries hard is really good for this
Your choice of dippings; good choices include coconut peelings, 100s and 1000s sprinkles, small nuts.
Also: buy some kebab skewers.
1. Take several bananas and stick them in the freezer.
2. After your bananas have been in the freezer for an hour or so at least, take one out and peel it.
3. Dip it in chocolate sauce all over
4. Dip one side of the banana in your choice of topping.
Done. Best to do with a few friends over or at a party or something, as there'll be a lot of sauce and toppings left over if you're doing it alone.
Chocolate Topping (a lot, lol) - the magic stuff that dries hard is really good for this
Your choice of dippings; good choices include coconut peelings, 100s and 1000s sprinkles, small nuts.
Also: buy some kebab skewers.
1. Take several bananas and stick them in the freezer.
2. After your bananas have been in the freezer for an hour or so at least, take one out and peel it.
3. Dip it in chocolate sauce all over
4. Dip one side of the banana in your choice of topping.
Done. Best to do with a few friends over or at a party or something, as there'll be a lot of sauce and toppings left over if you're doing it alone.