But I did get Phyre's part, good luck to your brother

Brotip if he does get jailed: Everything happens for a reason.
The Banana Bird wrote:Call me weird but bad dreams and nightmares never disturb me.
Phyreburnz wrote:Trust me... if you had dreams like mine... you'd not be saying that. I used to think like that. I never had what I'd consider nightmares. I had what "normal" people would consider nightmares, like being chased and stuff like that.... then it just went to straight-up horror movie status.
Phyreburnz wrote:My mum and dad went to visit him in jail... he's been doing crack. He asked my mum to take him to rehab. All I want is for him to be telling the truth about wanting to go to rehab.
Phyreburnz wrote:He broke into somebody's house with a friend (the friend is underage, my brother is not). They stole an Xbox 360 controller and 15 games. The value of the stuff they took was estimated around $900. He has like 4 felony charges against him. I'm guessing he'll plead guilty; it says in the paper (yeah, it was on the front page of the local paper) that he admitted to it. Here in PA, he will get one chance to get his record exponged. That means if he does what the judge says, it will be taken off of his record.
Also, a few weeks ago he was expelled from school for possession of drugs. They were a lookalike substance, though (they weren't really drugs). He made fake pills and tried to sell them. So, even though they were fake, he will still get charged with intent to deliver... that means he would get labeled as a drug dealer.
*EDIT* My mum and dad went to visit him in jail... he's been doing crack. He asked my mum to take him to rehab. All I want is for him to be telling the truth about wanting to go to rehab.
SexyRayman wrote:Random thought... Guy talk annoys me alot lately.. all they talk about is cars , tools , weather , jobs and all those boring stuff. Don't understand them at all..
Super Luigi! wrote:So does everyone on the Atlas have their own job.? Like, Simion32 is recreating the world of DKC as we know it, Phyreburnz is bringing life to us by animating 5 different types of Klobbers and other such things, leo_core is making a 4th DKC game, Markster is teaming up with Cream the Rabbit to make more games, and I just make people laugh. I think I'm the Joker in this kingdom.
Super Luigi! wrote:The Banana Bird, you fly around to the different parts of the Atlas and create life out of new topics, such as those polls.
Tiptup Jr. wrote:Not to make anyone else's problems on here seem less significant, but since nobody on this forum seems to want to talk about Donkey Kong, I guess I will.
You guys have almost no idea what true pain or misery is like. Holy crap. And I've been through it all, moving 800 miles away, parents divorcing, abusive family, alcohol, drugs, corrupt law enforcement officials, etc. The other week I was spending the night at my mom's with my four little brothers and one of their friends, and my mom and her boyfriend started beating the crap out of each other so I had to call my father (who I also hate more than anyone in the world) to take us home. This was at 2 o' clock in the morning. I'm just dead inside. Have been for awhile. All life is pointless. Just move on.
Now, that doesn't mean I don't laugh and have a good time. I'm generally considered one of the nicest people in my entire school/community. I don't really have a specific group of friends, everyone is generally cool with me but I don't really talk to people. I've lost most internal concepts of moral rights and wrongs, but of course this doesn't show when I'm at school or at home, which are the only two places I ever am. I live 800 miles away from the rest of my family, so I don't have anyone else to stay with. And my siblings (ages 15, 14, 8 and 6) are all just terrible little * who should never have been born- especially the 14-year-old, who completely ransacked my room yesterday and pissed all over the place, leaving it looking worse than the places on Hoarders (a TV show). I take good care of my possessions, yet thanks to this * they're all probably ruined. I don't know, you can't even F---ING walk in there.
And I'm graduating May 24th, and I have no F---ING plans or a job or a car or anything. I'm just going to wander around aimlessly downtown until I inevitably end up dead, either by my own hand or someone else's. It's ironic because the public education system has been my enemy for my entire life and now that I'm leaving I have no idea what I'm going to do. I guess school wins.
Also, I alluded to my father earlier, yeah, he is the WORST F---ING person in the entire world. I really want to kill him, and I would, but with all the anal rape and whatnot I'm not too fond of going to prison. Anyway he's always yelling at me and crap and all this terrible F---ING stuff and I just hate the f--- out of him.
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