DKC editing level for practice Tanked Up Trouble

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DKC editing level for practice Tanked Up Trouble

Postby lepi » January 27th, 2014, 10:03 pm

Hello guys i have a question , there is any chance to edit Tanked Up Trouble to start very close to this picture Image
the reason cos i really wanna practice those jumprolls but i dont have a game saver just a flash cart( super ufo pro 8) but it cannot do savestates with dkc :shakehead: (i dont know why)
so im trying to modify the stage to start really close to this point , the problem is , if i move the platform there Image , as soon as i touch it the platform moves to the left .
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Re: DKC editing level for practice Tanked Up Trouble

Postby Simion32 » January 27th, 2014, 10:43 pm

You could try using DKCRE to edit the level so that the jumproll is right at the start... but I'm not sure that's what you are looking for.

Also, the tank track platform is essentially on a hard coded path, and will not start mid-sequence. You would need to manually hack that, too, if you wanted to do this with the track platform there.

DKCRE isn't capable of starting the level in arbitrary locations yet, either, but there exists documentation here that could help with hacking that.

Finally, edited games won't guarantee an accurate speed run, so be careful about that. ;)
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