Puftup (unused)

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Puftup (unused)

Postby Goe » June 15th, 2021, 5:11 am

Hi mates, long time no post here!!!

In this forum, I read that Puftup was created in the first DKC even it finally was unused but their sprites remain in the game.

I'd like to see Puftup in the first game so, if someone has hacked the first DKC using Puftup, please send me Youtube links to that videos.

If not, could someone tell me the Hex Code for Puftup? Then, I’ll hack the game myself to see Puftup.

Thanks in advance and sorry if I have asked for something you think I could find by myself. I have searched both Youtube and DKC Atlas forum before asking this. :scratch:
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Re: Puftup (unused)

Postby Mattrizzle » June 15th, 2021, 9:46 pm

Hi Goe! It's been awhile!

At the risk of sounding like advertising, my DKC Sprite Viewer patch will allow you to view the Puftup sprites, and it also includes the hex locations of the sprites. Keep in mind that several of the unused sprites do not normally have pointers in the pointer table, nor do they have leftover animation data. Also, part of the tilemap data for the first frame was overwritten by other data. For this patch, I had to add all of the unused sprites to the end of the sprite pointer table, and manually repair and relocate Puftup's first frame.
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Re: Puftup (unused)

Postby Goe » June 16th, 2021, 7:16 am

Hi again!

I feel a bit embarrased because I hadn't seen your sprite tests yet. I have used the DKC one and is great. I have seen the Puftup sprites and it lacks the dead and the swollen sprites. Then, the first idea of rare may be an immortal enemy (like Clambo) and the idea of making it a blowfish may be later than its creation. I guess I should hack the ROM, add puftups and try to kill them with Enguarde. However, I don't find the Hex code for Puftup in your file. In "DKC Palette locations.txt" I see its palette is BC8B0C but I'd like to know the Hex code for the whole enemy. I remember when I hacked DKC in 2007 I downloaded (in the missing Giangurgolo website) a TXT file with almost every HEX code for almost every object in the game. Then, I changed:

1. The "Enguarde crate" code for "Green Kritter" code
2. The "Chomps Jr." code for "Rock Krock" code
3. The "red balloon" code for "Enguarde crate" code
4. The "Chomps" code for "Klump" code.

...and many more (all codes had 4 digits. Digits could be both letters and numbers). As a result, I got this hack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLDkvQ_JuXY

I'd like to do the same changing "Bitesize" code (for example) with "Puftup" code and try to kill them with Enguarde, but I don't know how to do that with the data you show in your Sprite viewer ZIP file.

In any case, best regards. It's a pleasure to be here again!!
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Re: Puftup (unused)

Postby Mattrizzle » June 16th, 2021, 9:55 pm

Those 4-digit "codes" are actually pointers to actor attribute tables in bank $B5 of the ROM. Puftup doesn't have a table, so one would have to be created from scratch. Puftup also has no behavior routine to speak of, and no animations (pointer table: $3E8572) use the sprites. On top of this, Puftup's sprites don't even exist in the sprite pointer table at $3BCC9C. The quickest way to make them viewable in game would be to add the sprites to the end of the pointer table (my DKC sprite viewer patch does this already), code an animation which uses the sprites, then replace the animation of an existing enemy with this one (likely Mincers, as they harm you from all angles and you can't defeat them with Enguarde).
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Re: Puftup (unused)

Postby rainbowsprinklez » January 23rd, 2022, 12:05 pm

Goe wrote:...and many more (all codes had 4 digits. Digits could be both letters and numbers). As a result, I got this hack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLDkvQ_JuXY

I did VERY similar in constructing this!
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