Rambi Rumble: Strollin' in the Walls

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Rambi Rumble: Strollin' in the Walls

Postby Cody » March 9th, 2008, 12:14 pm

Years ago, I found a strange glitch that I'm sure many people don't know about. To do it, you must have already gotten to Rambi Rumble.

1. Make your way to the bonus located near the upper left of the halfway barrel.
2. Throw Diddy or Dixie above the bonus and hold to the left for a while.
3. You will then fall behind the bonus cave and into the honey. You can't do much, but it's pretty unique.


I find it strange that Imageshack still has that picture hosted up; It's been on their servers since April 2006.
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Re: Rambi Rumble: Strollin' in the Walls

Postby cfh » March 9th, 2008, 12:18 pm

Maybe people still view it a lot?

Anyway, I saw that on the DKU a while ago and tried it out. Nice glitch :)
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Re: Rambi Rumble: Strollin' in the Walls

Postby Kowbrainz » March 9th, 2008, 12:19 pm

There are actually a lot of places you can go through within the beehive levels... there's a video on youtube with two more of them. :/
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Re: Rambi Rumble: Strollin' in the Walls

Postby BlueTronic » March 9th, 2008, 12:23 pm

Haha. The old hive wall glitch? I remember that one. :D I found it years ago. Very mysterious. This happens because Rare didn't fill in the walls there along with many other places because they thought you wouldn't be able to get there. They didn't notice that the walls above the bonus weren't high enough to stop you from throwing your teamate above it.

I like doing it in Slipside Ride, but I keep falling through. The water levels make me fall through too, but Expresso can get up the walls pretty easy.
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Re: Rambi Rumble: Strollin' in the Walls

Postby Qyzbud » March 9th, 2008, 2:42 pm

Cool, thanks for sharing that one, Cody! I'm finding out a new (or old, in this case) glitch every day. ;)
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