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DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

March 16th, 2008, 2:27 pm
by Qyzbud
This is the thread for discussing the minor bugs and glitches of Donkey Kong Country 3.
Sometimes you might notice strange things that happen during gameplay which aren't quite glitchy enough to be given their own thread, but are still worth mentioning and discussing... so here is the place for just such discussions!
Should I start a new glitch thread, or should I post here?Whether a bug/glitch is minor or not is certainly a matter of opinion in most cases. If you aren't sure whether to start a new thread or not, don't worry too much; just use your best judgement based on the types of glitches which have their own thread so far, and which ones are a part of this thread. We can always shift a bug/glitch report after it has been posted (it's a simple matter to split off any post here into a new glitch thread, or to merge a new thread into this one), so don't worry too much about choosing the 'wrong' glitch/bug reporting method.
This thread began by being split away from
Kiddy14's bug post from the above linked thread:
I don't think the game was fully finished... There's this weird bug I like to call "Teh Never Stoping Companion Kong Bug". You know, if you have Kiddy in the lead and Dixie in the back, you were walking and stop, Dixie continues walking, then you run and stop, Dixie continues running in that place, you know, sometimes you would jump and the other kong would freeze in it's place, then you would walk, the kong would look back and forth and then follow you; also if you throw Dixie you would appear there and Dixie would freeze with her jumping sprite. It's pretty annoying, specially since it didn't happen in DKC1 and 2.
The posts below were made in response:
Re: Knautlius - Electrical Field Pause Error

March 17th, 2008, 1:16 am
by cfh
Really? That's never happened to me, must have been fixed in later versions.
Re: Knautlius - Electrical Field Pause Error

April 26th, 2008, 2:41 pm
Kiddy14 wrote:IYou know, if you have Kiddy in the lead and Dixie in the back, you were walking and stop, Dixie continues walking...
I noticed that. Sometimes when you crouch (mainly when playing as Kiddy) dixie continues to walk on the spot, very much moonwalk like. I guess she's trying to pass time by grooving out...
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

April 27th, 2008, 4:41 am
by Kiddy14
As a response to "TNSCKB", it's most likely to, the companion Kong never starts doing the idle animation, just keeps doing what the last thing or the most obvious thing the game should tell the companion Kong to do.
by the way, there's a glitch in the cliff levels, if you stand in a cliff near to the pit, you would not be able to switch, but if you stand really near to the pit, most likely jumping from a rope in KRevice Kreepers, and standing really near to fall, and switch, Dixie would blow up Kiddy and he would fall off the screen, but return rapidly. But if you change to Kiddy, he would drop Dixie and the game would freeze until she hits the ground, then Kiddy would be alone until you move, where Dixie would appear out of nowhere.
EDIT: There's this
video I actually forgot about till today, regarding TNSCKB... You can see how the Dixie looks back and forth until she returns walking. Funny bug
You know, I've noticed that when you roll, the other Kong takes the barrel-blasting sprites/form instead of walking/running like in DKC and DKC2. Rareware seemed to do this bug on purpose, to maybe prevent glitches. Being an unfinished game, makes sense. You may be wondering... But what glitches? Well... I don't know... ¬¬
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

May 1st, 2008, 12:44 am
by Kowbrainz
New thread for new glitches pls; don't worry if they're minor - if they're completely different glitches, they deserve completely different threads.

Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

May 1st, 2008, 8:35 am
by Kiddy14
So, even if they're minor they have to have their own thread? I thought this thread was for that...

Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

May 1st, 2008, 10:19 am
by Qyzbud
Kowz, did you realise that it was I who started this thread, and the two others like it? I think it's rather unnecessary to have a new thread for something so minor that Rare would have known about it, but left it there because it wasn't worth fixing. The bugs mentioned so far in this list are mostly things that most people will likely witness most times they play the game, since they basically happen on their own. I absolutely can't see why every such observation deserves a new thread...
Remember, if someone posts a fully-fledged glitch report here, I can (or you can) always split it off to make a new thread.
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

May 1st, 2008, 6:50 pm
by Tompa
You can skip Ellie in Murky Hill by ducking under the barrel with Dixie, probably not possible on console though

You can also skip her in Bobbing Barrel Brawl by landing on the slope with Kiddie, use a teamthrow and throw Dixie up above the barrel, also pretty hard to do in real time.
If you finish a bonus and run/roll against the coin, you can then jump the very frame when you get it and Kiddie/Dixie will jump and walk in the air to end the bonus.
You can throw the barrels against Arich to hit from above, making the barrels go through him between his legs and head.
All those, and some more, can be found in my
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

May 2nd, 2008, 4:05 pm
by Kowbrainz
Qyzbud wrote:Blah
Lol, when I posted that I think the topic may have bugged on me or something... the only post I could see was one by Kiddy14. :/
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

May 6th, 2008, 2:19 pm
by Kiddy14
Hey guys, I made this
video, 3 random minor DKC3 glitches =)
EDIT: The first one has Dixie and Kiddy switching right next to an edge, so one of them falls off the cliff.
The second one has Kiddy spasm while trying to jump off the rope.
The third one is the game placing Kiddy's sprite lower than what it should be because of the way the game handles his rope climbing sprites...
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

May 6th, 2008, 2:31 pm
by Qyzbud
Hang on... you aren't meant to be using your YouTube account! You're being very
Gnawty naughty!
Nice glitches, but I must say they are more than just 'minor' bugs... If I get a chance, I'll create a topic for each of them, or at least the second two. The first one is what you described a few posts up in this thread, right? I'll try this for myself, and will work out if it needs its own thread.

Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

May 6th, 2008, 4:58 pm
by Tompa
I didn't know about the first and third actually, nice.
The second, however, is used in my TAS.
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

May 17th, 2008, 3:30 pm
by Kiddy14
Hey! New news! OMG! Another pun, this is my 4th in the time I've been here, if this was a TV Show it would be a running gag xD
Anyway, I noticed if you carry anything and then run to a pit, you can jump midair =)
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

May 17th, 2008, 3:58 pm
by Qyzbud
By "run to a pit" you mean "run off an edge", right?
I must say I've always known about this, but never thought to mention it! I guess it's kinda like an alternative to roll-jumping, which you can't do when holding barrels... but then again it doesn't work in the previous two games, so I'd say it's probably a bug.
Kinda reminds me of air-jumping with Rattly in DKC2.
(although that wasn't a bug... I don't think)
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

May 19th, 2008, 1:26 pm
by Kiddy14
Yeah, that isn't a bug. Altough in DKC and DKC2 you can run with animal buddies off an edge and you can jump midair, but only works in their GBA versions.
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

June 10th, 2008, 1:36 pm
by Kiddy14
Bump and Double-Post ¬¬
Anyway, in DKC3, if you manage to play a bonus with a rope near the Coin, and get the coin with Dixie while Kiddy is still in the rope, he would be more "down" (I don't know how to say it") than normal. This is easier in bonuses like the ones in Kreeping Klasps and the first one in Krevice Kreepers. And if you jump down off the rope instead of the normal jump.
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

June 21st, 2008, 2:07 am
by BlueTronic
Remember how the last time you hit Arich, he shoots up real fast? If you stand on him when you hit him, he'll get hurt like normal,
then all of the sudden he'll shoot up.
Also, there's a space on Arich's upper legs where some things can get through and hit him from there very easily. The barrel not included.

Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

September 23rd, 2008, 5:29 am
by NS Guy
Kiddy14 wrote:Yeah, that isn't a bug. Altough in DKC and DKC2 you can run with animal buddies off an edge and you can jump midair, but only works in their GBA versions.
That isn't a bug, because in DKC2 GBA, Wrinkly tells you how to do that.
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

September 23rd, 2008, 10:50 am
by Kiddy14
It is. She tells you how to do it with Rattly, and his ability was also in the SNES version.
If it wasn't a bug then they wouldn't have removed it in DKC3.
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

November 10th, 2008, 1:09 pm
by gamer_boy997
I have an extremely minor glitch, followed by a glitch I got a long time ago a couple times, but I am unable to get it to come up again.
1. In Belcha's Barn, if you pick up a beetle, wait for Belcha to shoot out another barrel, then jump on the barrel, the beetle will suddenly appear in another spot above you.
2. Okay, this is a wierd glitch. I got it a long time ago while playing on the original SNES. I got it probably about 3 or 4 times. I don't know how, but randomly, when I throw a beetle into Belcha's mouth, he would burp, then his teeth will literally FLY OUT OF HIS MOUTH! They would shoot left, then Belcha would be stuck there with a teethless mouth, and would not shoot anymore barrels, forcing you to, a) Push reset, b) Fall into the pit on the left, or c) Press start then select. I haven't been able to achieve this again, (I don't know where my original SNES is, I just play on the VC now, where they removed alot of glitches, probably including this one), if anyone possibly finds out how to do it, post how here!
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

November 12th, 2008, 1:12 pm
by Kiddy14
Barrels come out of his teeth, actually =P Unless the teeth went also down.
Also, this may not be a "minor" glitch, perhaps it deserves its own thread!

It looks like it is really serious
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

November 14th, 2008, 5:11 am
by Tompa
Yeah, Belcha is odd. ElectroSpecter uploaded three different glitches that we found. There are probably more as well. I must agree that it looks funny when he loses his teeth for no reason

Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

November 15th, 2008, 11:07 am
by gamer_boy997
Kiddy14 wrote:Barrels come out of his teeth, actually =P Unless the teeth went also down.
Also, this may not be a "minor" glitch, perhaps it deserves its own thread!
I would make a thread... if I knew how to make the glitch occur.
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

November 19th, 2008, 5:06 pm
by Blaziken257
Here's a glitch I found.
When getting a Bonus Coin, if you hit B the moment you collect the coin (and when you're on the ground), whoever you're controlling will jump when he/she starts walking to the right. This is weird, because the jump doesn't occur until seconds after you press B. And if there's a wall on the right, the Kong will go through the wall. It's funny to watch. You need to press B at the exact time, though. Oh, and I'm not sure whether or not it works on a coin that you already collected.
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

November 19th, 2008, 11:30 pm
by Tompa
I wrote about that earlier in the topic, it is used in the 105% TAS as well as it saves time at some bonuses.
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

May 21st, 2009, 2:40 pm
by Kiddy14
If you land on a moving steel keg while dixiecoptering, Dixie would stand still on it.
EDIT: Squitter either has two death sounds or something... because if he gets hit in any factory level or in Pot Hole Panic, his hurting sound effect would play normally; but in any other level, it sounds as a gun-shot or rocks falling like. I don't get it since even though Pot Hole Panic also uses the Cavern Caprice song, in other levels it is glitched up.
EDIT 2: Do you know why sometimes this happens? I've also got it in the real SNES but it's really hard to replicate.
![Donkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!]_00008.png](./download/file.php?id=799)
- Donkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!]_00008.png (19.86 KiB) Viewed 94108 times
![Donkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!]_00013.png](./download/file.php?id=800)
- Donkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!]_00013.png (23.09 KiB) Viewed 94108 times
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

May 26th, 2011, 10:05 pm
by Crammalamma
Kiddy14 wrote:it sounds as a gun-shot or rocks falling like.
It sounds more like the Bill Blaster sound from Super Mario World to me.
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

December 23rd, 2013, 5:11 pm
by Rikdog2001
I am playing the original SNES version. Often, when I am trying to get Kiddy to bounce over water, he will roll a much longer distance through the air than he should before touching down onto the water for the first bounce. This usually results in him being too close to the objective platform when he hits the water and the bounce puts him into the side of the platform or hill or whatever the objective is, thus causing him to be unable to reach the top of the platform. I have not seen this glitch mentioned in any other forum so far. I have had this happen in both Tidal Trouble and Riverside Race and it doesn't seem to matter whether the platform he is jumping from is higher or lower from the water or whether I am using the 'run' button ('Y' on the SNES controller) or not, either.
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

December 24th, 2013, 11:22 am
by Simion32
Rare probably didn't account for the fact that the roll off of the edge needs to be the same length when preparing for a water skip, to prevent you from missing the ledge.
Of course, I think this was intentional, and isn't really a bug but you not performing the water skip the "right way".
It *would* be something to fix, though, given how frustrating it is to get the button presses but miss the ledge anyway.
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

December 11th, 2015, 1:40 pm
by OneOf99
Here is something I noticed in Kong-Fused cliffs when looking for the bonuses (I tend to ignore walkthroughs until I have spent enough time in a level), did you know you can repeat-jump up most of the slopes on the side? This allows for the avoidance of certain buzzes, but really brings nothing useful. Is this a glitch or an intended mechanic?
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

May 6th, 2016, 5:29 am
by Tompa
A fairly old glitch, from August 2015, was just re-discovered...
In the PAL and JP versions, fight Bleak, get hit and die. Just before the screen starts fading to black, press Start. If timed correctly (One frame window) the fight will be finished and you can continue to the next world. Saves a lot of time in a speedrun. The WR holder even did one run just now (Finished like 30 minutes ago) and got a new record thanks to it.
*WR for JP version, that is. Fastest DKC3 run is still on the US version as of now.*
Original video on Nicovideo: for the Bleak fight in the new run:
Re: DKC3: Minor Bugs & Glitches

November 10th, 2016, 11:24 am
by OneOf99
I was playing around with the slide mechanics of DKC3 and noticed something weird on the snow levels. Normally when you run up a hill (holding "Y" and "Right") you slow down. However, if you are carrying a barrel then you maintain your speed! I don't know why it happens, but it does.