Bobbing Barrel Brawl on foot

Just worked around this trick today but later found out that it's already know. But hey, it's still a great exploit.
You must be Kiddy and have Dixie.
Jumping at the very first barrel and turning backwards just before going in will shoot the Kongs straight up, facing backwards.
If you manage to fall the slope up enough while avoiding hitting the barrel, a quick team-throw will make it possible to jump over the Ellie barrel.
In a nutshell; attempt a backwards team-throw from as close as the Ellie barrel as possible.
You must be Kiddy and have Dixie.
Jumping at the very first barrel and turning backwards just before going in will shoot the Kongs straight up, facing backwards.
If you manage to fall the slope up enough while avoiding hitting the barrel, a quick team-throw will make it possible to jump over the Ellie barrel.
In a nutshell; attempt a backwards team-throw from as close as the Ellie barrel as possible.