DKC episodes: Tell us an episode for a new DKC cartoon!

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DKC episodes: Tell us an episode for a new DKC cartoon!

Postby DoubleD99 » June 24th, 2016, 2:25 pm

As the title displays, Tell us all an episode you would make for a new DKC cartoon! Characters for your episode can include-

Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Dixie Kong
Funky Kong
Candy Kong
Cranky Kong
Tiny Kong (DK64 Tiny. Not Teenage Tiny unless if it's for a transformation episode...)
Chunky Kong
Lanky Kong
Kiddy Kong
Swanky Kong
Wrinkly Kong
King K.rool
Animal buddies (Rambi, Squawks, Enguarde, etc.)

Incase if I am missing any other characters from any DKC game, Or if this forum needs editing, Just notify me. :diddywink:
NOTE- characters that were only exclusive for the CGI cartoon (Bluster, Eddy the mean yeti, etc.) CANNOT be part of your episode.

Until next time, This is DoubleD99 signing off! :kiddywave:
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Re: DKC episodes: Tell us an episode for a new DKC cartoon!

Postby CarpTheFish » June 24th, 2016, 11:50 pm

Rockshow Rumble

King K.rool is walking around, when he hears a sudden noise. He goes to check it out, and he finds a hidden room. In the room is a storage of weapons. He wonders what he should do with them.
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Re: DKC episodes: Tell us an episode for a new DKC cartoon!

Postby Kimi Kong » September 30th, 2016, 9:58 am

I would like to see the episode Klump's Lumps redone, honestly. But that may too much to ask so something similar would be nice.
Treasure Hunter
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