Hi H4v0c x S4nTA, thanks for joining our community and sharing your vision!
As Retro linked above, a similarly ambitious DKC SNES trilogy remastering project was initiated a couple of years back by TimeRe4per, but it's nice to see another
4A foray into this concept.

I love the idea of a faithful HD remaster of the classic
Donkey Kong Country games, and 1080p seems like a good resolution to optimise for, but perhaps vector-based assets would be the best idea for the sake of the visuals looking sharp and beautiful on 4K displays, and whatever else the future brings. This approach would allow for smoother animations at smaller file sizes, too, as well as nicer zooming/scalability and other such things.
Anyhow, just wanted to lend my thoughts and support. Would be great to see all of the DKC games looking at home on high-res displays one day.