King K. Rool Action Figure Project

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King K. Rool Action Figure Project

Postby kshunk » September 20th, 2016, 7:03 pm

Hello everyone here at DKC Atlas! Before I talk about my action figure project that I am working on and ask some questions from you guys, I would like to let you guys know that I am new to the forum as I am a huge fan of the Donkey Kong series and would love to make friends on here! Anyway, I am currently in the works of making a King K. Rool action figure! I've been 3D modeling him as I could use help from you guys. I plan to 3D Print this action figure(in parts) and reproduce each piece in a better "toy like" material, paint the parts, and assemble it. I am wondering if anyone has large images or renders of King K. Rool from different angles. I am trying to capture the full likeness of him and turn him into an action figure that us fans never had before with articulation! I would post images with this but I do not know how. Thanks guys! :)
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Re: King K. Rool Action Figure Project

Postby Qyzbud » September 20th, 2016, 7:34 pm

Hi, and a warm welcome to you, kshunk!

One of our resident 3D modeling maestros, Cyclone, has searched for King K. Rool reference material, and has done a great job of recreating him, so these links ought to be worth checking out:

Those gallery images aren't huge or overly numerous, but hopefully they'll help.

This sounds like an exciting project and I wish you well. Good luck! :)

Tip: You can post images via the "Upload attachment" tab on the posting page, or by linking to an online source using the [img][/img] tags.
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Re: King K. Rool Action Figure Project

Postby kshunk » September 21st, 2016, 7:36 am

Thank you! I actually already have them images but thank you for the source! Months ago when I was first starting to create the action figure, I did see Cyclones model of K. Rool and was very impressed! I tried to reach out to him to see if he would let me use the model to make an action figure out of it but he never responded to me. Anyway I will make a new thread in a little bit with WIP images of the project if you or anyone else was interested in looking at it or could give me any feedback. Thanks again!
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Re: King K. Rool Action Figure Project

Postby OneOf99 » September 21st, 2016, 9:21 am

What 3D printer do you use? And what software are you using to make these models (Inventor, Blender)?

Also, could you show some screenies of your models so far?

Oh, and welcome to the forums!
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Re: King K. Rool Action Figure Project

Postby Cyclone » October 2nd, 2016, 1:56 pm

kshunk wrote:Thank you! I actually already have them images but thank you for the source! Months ago when I was first starting to create the action figure, I did see Cyclones model of K. Rool and was very impressed! I tried to reach out to him to see if he would let me use the model to make an action figure out of it but he never responded to me. Anyway I will make a new thread in a little bit with WIP images of the project if you or anyone else was interested in looking at it or could give me any feedback. Thanks again!


I didn't know you were trying to contact me. Sorry about that.
You can use my model if you want.

Just private message me for confirmation.
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