3 years ago I was working in this project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdKo5OZrHhE
Basically I remake the "engine" of the game using construct2 that export in html5 and javascript. (so, it's possible to play in the browser). at that time I made like the 75% of the possible gamplay of the whole game.
Why contruct2 instead of unity? because it's faster to make prototype and I don't have enough time to write the codes and also the exporter it's really good because let's the player to play directly to the browser.
Now, I remade from zero the engine to make it better and easier (faster, less script) and I'm almost finished all the function of the gameplay. I also implemented a way to make easier the level design (because I use the tilemap) and other cool stuff that I'm going to share in the near future.
I'm posting here because yes, I want to make a remake but I would like to add some cool options that will change the gameplay a "little bit"

Please, contact me in this post if someone is interested.