Diddy Kong Racing spinoffs

Well, we all know that Banjo and Conker both were spunoff characters from Diddy Kong Racing, and I think that the days of anticipating which one would be made next are long gone. Still, I think it would be cool to talk about which ones could've had cool spinoffs and what they'd be like.
Here's the DKR Racers:

Top Row, left to right: Krunch the Kremling, Diddy Kong, Drumstick the Rooster, Bumper the Badger, and Banjo the Bear.
Bottom Row, left to right: Conker the Squirrel, Tiptup the Turtle, T. T. The Stopwatch, Pipsy the Mouse, and Timber the Tiger.
Ah, but don't forget the non-playable characters, such as Taj the Genie, Wizpig the evil intergalactic Pig Wizard, Tricky the Triceratops, Bubbler the Octopus, Bluey the Walrus, and Smokey the Dragon.
Here's the DKR Racers:

Top Row, left to right: Krunch the Kremling, Diddy Kong, Drumstick the Rooster, Bumper the Badger, and Banjo the Bear.
Bottom Row, left to right: Conker the Squirrel, Tiptup the Turtle, T. T. The Stopwatch, Pipsy the Mouse, and Timber the Tiger.
Ah, but don't forget the non-playable characters, such as Taj the Genie, Wizpig the evil intergalactic Pig Wizard, Tricky the Triceratops, Bubbler the Octopus, Bluey the Walrus, and Smokey the Dragon.