My Killer Instinct 3D Characters

Talk about other games developed by the creators of Donkey Kong Country.

My Killer Instinct 3D Characters

Postby Cosmicman » November 10th, 2012, 1:03 am

I started working on models from other Rare games I grew up with and I wanted to share them here.


With bump texture


Fulgore is next, then Jago probably.
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Re: My Killer Instinct 3D Characters

Postby Qyzbud » November 10th, 2012, 4:26 pm

Good gracious — it's Glacius! :lol: (Yeah, I know I already used that wordplay in my PM to you, but hey.) :P

He looks great. How long had you worked on this model for at the time of posting, do you suppose? You've got a real knack for this sculpting thang!

Verrry nice. 8-)

Also, I'm glad to hear you have Fulgore and Jago on your list — they are two of my favourites, after Glacius. ;)
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Re: My Killer Instinct 3D Characters

Postby Cosmicman » November 11th, 2012, 1:29 am

:mrgreen: Glacius is done, I'm working on Fulgore now. I'm doing their models from KI2 which a bit more detailed, there is not much to them, they are simple, I want to do Raptor too, he wasn't a favorite but looks cool anyways.

I have always wondered if Raptor could be imported into a DKC fan game, his walking, running and dying sprites should make for an awesome boss, and it has that Rare look which will fit in perfectly. Maybe I should pitch that idea to Leo. Anyways here is the bad boy done.


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Re: My Killer Instinct 3D Characters

Postby Qyzbud » November 11th, 2012, 11:33 pm

Awesome. :D

Killer Instinct (the original) was always my favourite. I've only played KI2 a handful of times, and although I played a fair bit of KI Gold, I never really took to it like I did to the first game. The characters in KI2 were a bit more detailed/refined for the most part, but I think I still like the original designs a bit more.

Still, any KI is good KI. ;)

(as long as it doesn't distract you too much from your Kong calling, of course) :lol:
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Re: My Killer Instinct 3D Characters

Postby Cosmicman » November 14th, 2012, 11:59 am

Ki1 is more nostalgic but gold is a better game in my opinion, the models I'm making are from gold but i just want to do like 4 characters in total so it won't take time from my 3d Dkc models.

Edit: Glacius is now fully rigged, here are some renders with his new buddy.

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