Single Level DKC Hacks

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Single Level DKC Hacks

Postby BlueTronic » August 4th, 2008, 8:51 am

There used to be a thread for all DKC hacks, but it got renamed as a thread for minor hacks. I just finished my Oil Drum Alley hack and it's a full level hack, so I made a new thread.

Oil Drum Alley (U) (V1.0) [!].ips
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Image YouTube Video

Hidden in the level, there's

the K-O-N-G letters,
one of each Animal Token,
a Red Life Balloon,
a Green Life Balloon,
a Blue Life Balloon,
and a shortcut.

The balloons and the shortcut are hidden very well, but the K-O-N-G letters and Animal Tokens are easy to find. The Red Balloons in the Pit of Klaptraps bonus are not the hidden ones, by the way. Also, be careful with the walls in the maze bonus, It's easy fall through them. I prevented it as much as I can but they're still glitchy. Let me know if anyone finds the any of the 3 Balloons or the shortcut. I hope I didn't make them too hard to find. The Youtube video shows where the shortcut and the 3 balloons are (thanks to Simion for the Zero Music Patch to blank out the music).
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Re: Major DKC Hacks

Postby Cody » August 4th, 2008, 10:53 am

I love you, Kong-Fu.

That level was ridiculously clever and fun. I especially liked the part where you had to hop across the animal buddy crates.
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Re: Major DKC Hacks

Postby BlueTronic » August 4th, 2008, 1:27 pm

Cody wrote:I especially liked the part where you had to hop across the animal buddy crates.

I don't know why they float down like that, but I found it out when I made my Lives in the Mines hack and used it in this one.

Also the Youtube video is uploaded. It shows where to get the 3 balloons and the shortcut. (Thanks to Simion for the Zero Music Patch to blank out the music.)
Previously "Kong-Fu"
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Re: Major DKC Hacks

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 4th, 2008, 1:35 pm

Ugh... your hacks make me want to get an emulator!
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Re: Major DKC Hacks

Postby Qyzbud » August 4th, 2008, 2:14 pm

In the Minor DKC hacks & early works in progress topic, Qyzbud wrote:
Each major hack is to have its own thread

Please read what I write. A 'Major DKC Hacks' topic is completely inappropriate based on that guideline.

To me, a major hack would be one that changes most of the game, whereas this is just a single, incomplete level hack. Personally, I don't see this as a 'complete' level hack because (among other reasons) the banana map is unchanged, and makes the whole design seem more 'messy'. This hack could have been posted as a WIP hack in the minor hacks topic, which will be converted to a single project thread once the project is advanced enough.

Alternatively, we could have a 'Single Level Hacks' thread, where everyone can share these customised single levels.

Anyone have preferences?
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Re: Major DKC Hacks

Postby Cody » August 4th, 2008, 4:44 pm

Perhaps we could have:

"Minor Hacks" - i.e. little hacks, like the DKL3 color modification.
"Major Hacks" - A full-fledged hack, like perhaps a whole stage in Donkey Kong Country (at this time, since the editor is impossibly hard to use correctly).
"Single Level Hacks" - Kong-Fu's hack of Oil Drum Alley is a perfect example.
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Re: Single Level DKC Hacks

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 5th, 2008, 2:18 am

Kong-fu put a blast barrel in Jungle Hijinx that blasts you to Rope Bridge Rumble, and Really Gnawty Rampage has the spinning KONG letters in it. Thus, it's not a single level hack, it's a 4 level hack.
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Re: Single Level DKC Hacks

Postby Simion32 » August 5th, 2008, 2:36 am

I didn't even notice that those barrels and other things were there, I just copied a save for the patched game and went straight to Oil Drum Alley. :roll:
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Re: Single Level DKC Hacks

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 5th, 2008, 2:38 am

Then go check it out.
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Re: Single Level DKC Hacks

Postby Qyzbud » August 5th, 2008, 9:07 am

Well, the other changes seem like random experimentation more than focussed hacking, so really the focus is on the substantial hacking of Oil Drum Alley. At any rate, we can use this topic for two level hacks, three/four/five level hacks, whole world hacks, boss hacks, etc. The requirement is that the hacking is more than just experimental; meaning there's intelligent design, the level's playable (or Rube Goldberg-able/autoplaying) and changes are made to practically every aspect of level layout. If/when the hacker decides to expand their hack into a 'project', they can start their own topic.

Simion has already started his own project thread, as he has a vision in mind for a complete hack of the game. If anyone else has such a vision, and intends to see it through to completion, they are welcome to start a topic for such a project.
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Re: Single Level DKC Hacks

Postby Cody » August 5th, 2008, 3:54 pm

I'm working on a hack of Tree Top Town, Rope Bridge Rumble, Oil Drum Alley, and perhaps Blackout Basement if things go well. It won't be a hack that's just thrown together (no offense, Kong-Fu, but yours was absolutely terrible in terms of visual design), but will stick to Rare's normal level formula while providing challenging, unique gameplay combos never before seen in the Donkey Kong Country games.

If Simion releases his editor soon (as in within the next few months) and it allows you to paste full-tiled designs and objects (the trees in Snow Barrel Blast being a good example) I will totally turn this into a full-game project. Guaranteed. With the current editor, it's pretty much impossible to edit most levels with quality because of the way the graphics work (the snow, cave and temple levels being good examples).

I'll release an IPS patch of Tree Top Town when I fully make sure it's how I want it to play like. It's good for the most part, but I just have to touch it up and make playing it an exciting experience for you all. It should be done within this next day or so.
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Re: Single Level DKC Hacks

Postby Goe » October 5th, 2008, 5:58 am

like a curous date:

today i was playing this Oil Drum alley hack, and i entered the klap trap bonus level with enguarde...the klap traps dameged my enguarde so many timesbut i always reach and mount him again...that began to produce DK and Diddy colur glitches and enguarde turned into a Dk and a Diddy so many times too...when a klap trap defeated me, i appeared in the level again...mounting a Rambi!

i suggest you to try it ;)

PS: for a strang reason, if a you have both kongs in that bonus level, and if a klap trap defeat diddy, you will appear in Oil Drum Alley like a rambi. However, if the klap trap defeat DK, he will run away like when you are in a normal level, and you will be only with diddy
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Bramble Barrel (DKC2 Level Hack)

Postby Markster » September 4th, 2010, 2:24 am

I made a level hack for DKC2, the level is called Bramble Barrel, its a cool level i designed, i used SDK2 Editor 007 for objects and Platinum for tiles, remember, read the Read Me file, and make sure you patch (J) v1.0.

Have fun :)
DKC2 Bramble Barrel Level Hack
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