DKC2 Unveiled [RELEASED]

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DKC2 Unveiled [RELEASED]

Postby emptysys » November 3rd, 2017, 7:55 am

Hey there! I'm emptysys or empty for short.
Welcome to DKC2 Unveiled
Release Date: Friday, Dec 11th 2020

"K. Rool is back and imbued with new powers!"

"Those who unveil all the secrets are truly worthy of this quest..."

DKC2 Unveiled includes 8 all new worlds that each have their own theme and levels that all feature interesting new quirks.
The maximum percentage you can obtain is 102% if you can unveil each and every secret that Crocodile Isle has to offer.

Note: Anyone that wants to get 102% on this, keep in mind that the number of Bonuses per level is the same as in the original game!
The "!" and "DK" behind level names works the same way as in the original game. So good luck hunting for Bonuses and DK coins!

Difficulty: Advanced

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DKC2 Unveiled — Official Launch Trailer

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Current Version: 8.1.2
The Extra Lives Cheat is now working properly and some text and translation error fixes for the BR version have been made.

The Download Link includes an ips patch for the romhack (has to be patched on a 1.0 U rom)
Also includes a README file that will tell you how to patch the game, step by step and
a Changelog file to track changes as well as the program Lunar IPS to patch the ROM.

Thanks to my good buddy Fred from the GnG community for all the great coding he does for this game!
Shoutouts to all of the DKC Community, DKC Atlas and the DKC Science Discord for all the help and feedback! I really appreciate it!

Special Thanks to Rainbow and Havoc for coming in clutch to work on some custom asm code and importing GFX.
You guys are truly amazing and I can't thank you enough.

If you are interested in watching Speedruns of this game you can do so by checking out the DKC2 Unveiled Leaderboards.

If there are any questions or anything you want to tell me , it would be best to hit me up on my Twitch.
as I should be online there all the time. But PM's on DKC Atlas will also do , if you don't have a Twitch account.

Here's an awesome 102% Walkthrough Guide in Portuguese that Javel_Bernardo made:
[BR] 102% Walkthrough Guide by JAVEL_BERNARDO

Thanks a lot Javel! And shoutouts to the BR community, you guys are absolutely amazing.
An english translation will most likely happen at a later stage, besides that I myself am also working on an official digital guide, but that will take a bit more time

Have Fun playing everyone! :thumbs:
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled

Postby OneOf99 » November 3rd, 2017, 8:09 am

This looks really cool! Glad you were able to make it onto the forum :dixiehappy: Perhaps I'll stream this sometime...
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled

Postby Super Luigi! » November 4th, 2017, 1:43 am

This is quite amazing, emptysys, and welcome to the forums! Not only have you created an incredible hack so far, you've also managed to somehow register on the DKC Atlas! Truly, you are amazing, so I'm sure your life will be too!
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled

Postby emptysys » November 4th, 2017, 2:25 am

OneOf99 wrote:This looks really cool! Glad you were able to make it onto the forum :dixiehappy: Perhaps I'll stream this sometime...

Thanks a lot :dk-tf: I'd love to watch you play it so hit me up if you should be playing it :mrgreen:

Super Luigi! wrote:This is quite amazing, emptysys, and welcome to the forums! Not only have you created an incredible hack so far, you've also managed to somehow register on the DKC Atlas! Truly, you are amazing, so I'm sure your life will be too!

Yea, the gods have somehow granted me access to an account :)
Thanks for all the kind words, really appreciate it. Also feel free to hit me up for feedback anytime if you were playing it :)
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled (3.1 Update Released!)

Postby emptysys » February 2nd, 2018, 5:14 am

Hey Guys!
About a week ago I released my latest Update, so I decided to update this thread as well :)

New Download Link and Trailer Video as well as some new screenshots are now updated on this thread, enjoy!
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled (3.1 Update Released!)

Postby Super Luigi! » February 3rd, 2018, 9:11 am

Thanks for the update, emptysys. I won't play this immediately, but I'll definitely keep it in mind. Please take care and continue to succeed! :banana:
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled (4.1 Update Released!)

Postby emptysys » July 29th, 2018, 10:33 am

What's up people, quick bump, letting you know this has been released once again!
Full World 4 Update, no Trailer this time to not spoil too much.

This already is the 4.1 Update I posted here (not 4.0) because I released this update earlier to have my people playtest it. This might not be the definitive version of the World 4 Update but I wanted to give you guys the chance to download this too.
I managed to already fix a lot and rebalance some parts that were too unfair or not reasonable.

Updated some of the screenshots and information on what's new. Hope you all are having a blast with it.
Also Careful, I upped the difficulty quite a bit this time :)
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled (4.4 Update Released!)

Postby emptysys » August 18th, 2018, 7:09 am

Announcing: 4.4 - The Colorful Update!

Hold down the L, R and/or Select Buttons in any combination while selecting a file to gain access to 1 of 7 new colors for the Kongs!

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Re: DKC2 Unveiled (4.4 Update Released!)

Postby Super Luigi! » August 18th, 2018, 8:57 am

This is definitely interesting, emptysys. Even if I never play your project, I still wish you the best.
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled (4.4 Update Released!)

Postby emptysys » August 18th, 2018, 10:11 pm

Super Luigi! wrote:This is definitely interesting, emptysys. Even if I never play your project, I still wish you the best.

hah, thanks for the kind words. No need to force yourself to play it, if you don't want to, I appreciate the support! :dk-tf:
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled (5.0 Update Released!)

Postby emptysys » January 19th, 2019, 5:22 am

Here we go again! World 5 Update is now out. Full World 5 with all new levels and all of its bonuses, new colors and kong text included!
I changed one of the Kong Colors in the selection, the new one looks much better in my opinion.
Also new reworked levels in World 2 and 3 and a lot of reworked bonus levels.
On top of that, 2-3 , 4-5 and 4-6 now have custom code added to them that allows you to Start Select out of them before you have beaten them!

Watch the newest Trailer I put up, to get a good glimpse at what it's about! Have fun everyone!
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled (5.0 Update Released!)

Postby Super Luigi! » January 19th, 2019, 7:48 am

Well done once more, dear emptysys. You truly are creating a masterpiece of greatness. Please continue to succeed greatly and be a hero to children everywhere.
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled (5.1 Update Released!)

Postby PegasusMan » January 21st, 2019, 12:44 am

Hey, emptysys! I love what you're doing, it amazes me, to be frank! I'd love to try it out, however I believe I'm having an issue with the way I am running the romhack. Does it make sense for me to run this hack through Snes9x Gx (a port of Snes9x to the Wii)? I realize it is supposed to run through Snes9x, the PC emulator, but I'd much rather play it through my Wii than my PC. Do you (or anyone else) know if this is possible?

Once again, keep up the outstanding work! I can't wait to try this out! :thumbs: :banana:

EDIT: I got it to work! :kiddywin: I believe I was using an incorrect version of DKC2 (namely, V1.1), when I was supposed to be using V1.0. Funny thing is, the websites I downloaded the roms from said they were V1.0, when in fact they weren't. Trial and error eventually lead me to find a V1.0 rom, and now it works! Either that is the reason for my troubles, or I somehow patched the .ips file incorrectly (but this is most likely not the case since it now works)...

After playing the first stage, I can tell I'll have tons of fun with this; thanks again, emptysys, for creating this hack!
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled (5.1 Update Released!)

Postby emptysys » January 27th, 2019, 2:12 am

Hey Pegasus! Thanks for the kind words, glad you got it to work! Have fun with the game and all of it's little secrets!
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled (7.3 Update Released!)

Postby emptysys » September 29th, 2019, 10:52 am

Hey guys! After almost another full year of working on this project, here we go with the 7.3 Update of DKC2 Unveiled!
This Update specifically took longer because, not only will this update include both World 6 and 7 but also a ton of other new features!

Here are some notes on what to expect in this Update:
- World 6 and 7 with all of their stages and bonus levels, DK Coins and secrets added to the game!
- Complete visual reworks of a lot of the older stages that I made
- 4 Bonus stage reworks in older Worlds
- 1 Complete stage rework (3-4)
- Custom K. Rool Fight, Credits and a lot of new text on all of the Kongs
- Klubba is not gonna let you enter the Lost World anymore... or is he? :huh:
- Various new custom codes implemented that will affect how some of the levels play
- Unlockable Secrets

And also, a cool new indicator at the start of each stage that uses the Start Select Code.
(This means you can leave the stage by pressing Start+Select even if you didn't beat it yet!)


I will post a Trailer Video for this new Update soon as well.
Thanks for having the patience with me and this project, it always takes a lot of time but I really want to make sure everything has been tested thoroughly and works.

So the base game is now done and fully playable, even all of the 102% content up to World 7.
The only thing left that's missing is the Lost World which will be the last Update I will work on from now on.

Thanks for playing, if there are any questions hit me up on Twitch or just ask here!
Good Luck people!
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled (7.6 Update Released!)

Postby Super Luigi! » December 11th, 2019, 3:31 pm

I'm glad to hear from you again, emptysys. Business is slow around here, but I'll always return if you need me. I might not play this update anytime soon, but keep working hard! Your project is important.
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled (7.6 Update Released!)

Postby emptysys » December 13th, 2019, 9:22 pm

Super Luigi! wrote:I'm glad to hear from you again, emptysys. Business is slow around here, but I'll always return if you need me. I might not play this update anytime soon, but keep working hard! Your project is important.

haha thanks for all the support, really appreciate it. I'm almost there, working hard on the Lost World right now and generally polishing the rest of the game :)
I've been trying to figure out how to make a custom intro screen for months by now because I'm a bit bothered by it saying "diddy's kong quest" but unfortunately didn't find a way yet.

So yeah if you or anyone else has any idea how to work on things like that, I'd highly appreciate that :D
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled (7.6 Update Released!)

Postby rainbowsprinklez » June 14th, 2020, 1:43 am

Oh yeah, did you ever figure out how to manipulate the title? I sure struggled for a while.
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled (7.6 Update Released!)

Postby emptysys » June 19th, 2020, 7:02 am

rainbowsprinklez wrote:Oh yeah, did you ever figure out how to manipulate the title? I sure struggled for a while.

Hey rainbow, unfortunately we couldn't figure it out.
The things you sent me apparently were notes that Fred already worked with, I don't know if we can manage to figure it out still but for now we'll have to go without it.

Due to some circumstances that are outside of my control that are holding up the finishing of Lost World I will be updating the game with another Work In Progress Version instead of the Final Release very soon (sometime next week).

That next patch will include the fully finished base game however, a lot of things are reworked and rebalanced and the aesthetics of the whole game have been overhauled (Bad Tileset fixes and new color palettes).

A new Title Screen would be really cool but if it can't be then so be it, I tried my best.
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled [RELEASED]

Postby emptysys » December 12th, 2020, 9:55 am

Hello there!

I would like to announce the last and final Update of DKC2 Unveiled.
Although I am not planning on updating this ROM ever again, technically this would be considered the 8.0 Update.

It's been a wild ride for me. About 4 and a half years of development have gone into this project and I can finally call it done.
I hope each and everyone of you will enjoy playing my game, it has been a community effort to make this game as refined as possible.

Special Thanks to Fred, Rainbow and Havoc, you guys are absolutely amazing.
And shoutouts to each and everyone of you for your continuous support!

Note: This game is currently available in English but a Portuguese Translation is also on the way.

Good luck everyone!
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled [RELEASED]

Postby emptysys » January 10th, 2021, 10:54 am

Sorry for the spam, last post I promise.
Just wanted to let you guys know that there is now a Portuguese Translation out for the game! :)

Huge shoutouts to Doumeis from the DKC Community for helping me out with that one, now we can reach a lot more people out there!
The EN Version has also been updated, technically I didn't want any future updates as this is the final version but I found out that a few things about the Kremkoin Cheat were not working as intended so it was essentially an emergency hotfix.

Good Luck everyone and Have Fun with the game!
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled [RELEASED]

Postby Super Luigi! » October 7th, 2022, 9:56 am

I remember when I first saw this game. I might need to try it again, now that the final version is out. Well done, emptysys.
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled [RELEASED]

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 7th, 2022, 10:21 am

This was actually always my favorite rom hack to play, the difficulty made it entertaining when I was bored with the original trilogy. Of course, the creator of the hack was enormously gifted at new concepts, my favorite level in the game was of course, team up trouble! :parry:
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled [RELEASED]

Postby Super Luigi! » October 8th, 2022, 2:06 am

I'm glad you like it at least, WesternTanager794. Only three levels in, and I already stopped. This hack is way too difficult and unfair, unfortunately, so for now at least, I'm not continuing. Nevertheless, I appreciate all the work you put into this, emptysys. Thanks for sharing this with us.
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled [RELEASED]

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 8th, 2022, 2:11 am

Well, if you want to see it beaten, I hear Vo0id has a 53 minute speed run of the game, just so you know, I have only gotten to Gloomy Gulch in DKC2 Unveiled. :parry:
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled [RELEASED]

Postby Super Luigi! » October 9th, 2022, 2:02 pm

After thinking about the hack for awhile, I may have been too harsh on it, even if I tried not to. Later on, I'll try the game again, even if I question some design choices.
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled [RELEASED]

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 9th, 2022, 3:04 pm

It’s a very creative hack, even if it is overly complex in difficulty, I was actually curious where the DK coin was in sticky situations because I looked very thoroughly, so I looked it up, a barrel cannon fires you into a guy that gets angry and turns red the name escapes me. Bouncing off of him you are shot into a barrel cannon that shoots up, eventually you have to find a rather creative way to kill the guy you have to jump into a pit and team toss at the guy and kill him. Then you go into the first barrel cannon I mentioned and it launches you to the DK coin. Other things like King Zing Sting In a maze of brambles and Kudgel’s Kontest In brambles are also ridiculous, and there’s a difference between creative and fun versus creative and making you not want to play it! I almost gave up unveiled until I decided it would be finally a proper challenge for me! :parry:
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled [RELEASED]

Postby Super Luigi! » October 17th, 2022, 6:05 am

I've made my decision. Unfortunately, I don't like this hack very much. I tried to stick with it, but it didn't work out.
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled [RELEASED]

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 17th, 2022, 6:17 am

That's ok. It is really difficult either way. :parry:
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled [RELEASED]

Postby n4ru » June 29th, 2023, 10:36 pm

Having a blast playing through this. Started off a bit slow because the difficulty curve vs the original is so steep, but after getting to World 3 I'm really enjoying it despite the many deaths. Not quite Kaizo but probably closer to it than not. Enjoying some of the puzzles, not enjoying every trap since a lot of it turns into "I wanna be the guy" where you just need to die and memorize. However, the novelty of a lot of the levels and additions keeps me hooked. Was really impressed with Ceaseless Chase, Mind Over Metal, and Bountiful Traps so far.
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled [RELEASED]

Postby WesternTanager794 » June 30th, 2023, 3:55 am

which one was ceaseless chase again? i agree with your opinion completely, n4ru! for some reason or another though, 4-2 was my favorite. i think i stopped at the second flashing zingers level. ill go through it again.
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled [RELEASED]

Postby Super Luigi! » June 30th, 2023, 11:47 am

I'm glad you like the game, n4ru, because I certainly didn't. Apparently, I was amazed by the screenshots all those years ago, but when it came time to play the game, the level design was a major disappointment. I expected the 8/10 Kremkoin difficulty to be like Lost World levels, but this hack ended up with Kaizo mechanics. As bad as Returns and Tropical Freeze were, I'd rather play those over this, which is incredibly frustrating, since I really wanted to like this project.

Although I don't see how much effort was given "to make this game as refined as possible", I'm glad emptysys had fun making this at least. Hopefully, any future projects will be better.
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Re: DKC2 Unveiled [RELEASED]

Postby WesternTanager794 » June 30th, 2023, 2:21 pm

I can see why you think that way. I just assume that I am a lot less picky than you. I'm just happy to play anything DKC. :parry:
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