Wierd French Message Found In DKC3 (Possibly Beta)

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Wierd French Message Found In DKC3 (Possibly Beta)

Postby Markster » December 19th, 2011, 7:17 am

Here it is...
ke. m~riter mieux que de moisir. dans cet abri de fortune.... Quelle id~e de s'appeler. Dixie, franchement! De mon. temps, avoir un nom c'~tait. d~j| pas mal.... Une h~ro„ne de jeux vid~o,. pff! Je n'y crois pas! Un. h~ros, `a devrait .tre une. masse de muscles arm~e. jusqu'aux dents, pas quelqu'un. qui joue | la marelle!.. Essayez toujours, mais ce jeu. n'a vraiment aucun int~r.t |. c.t~ de DKC, qui n'~tait d~j|. pas une gloire!... Simplement parce que DKC s'est. bien vendu, il faut maintenant. que je me donne en spectacle. dans cette aventure d~bile!. Mais c'est bien la derni}re. fois!... Quel imb~cile ce Donkey! Moi,. dans mon jeune temps je. n'aurais jamais ~t~ captur~!.... Je n'ai m.me pas deux. ~crans pour moi! Je suis sƒr. que K. Rool en a deux. . Pourquoi pas moi alors?... Il est encore temps de laisser. tomber avant que les gosses ne. s'aper`oivent que le meilleur. c'~tait Donkey!.... O‚ est donc pass~e Expresso?. Une araign~e empot~e et un. perroquet lourdaud, on aura. tout vu!... Regardez-moi toutes ces. cochonneries! Ils traitent ma. ma. on comme si c'~tait une. d~charge publique, aucun. respect pour leurs a€n~s!... Quelle plaie de rester enferm~. dans ce baril miteux,. j'aimerais mieux .tre assis. dehors comme la derni}re fois..... Cette fois-ci, K. Rool va vous. donner une racl~e, bande de. garnements! Je viens | la. rescousse, `a m'~vitera de. vous voir rougir de honte!... Tous pour un? Je n'ai jamais. entendu une telle {nerie! De. mon temps, j'~tais seul contre. tous!.. Ne serait-il pas plus logique. que Dixie soit une jolie. princesse que l'on viendrait. arracher des griffes des

Here is a crappy English translation I made with Google Translator.
ke. m ~ Riter better than moldy. in this makeshift shelter .... What id ~ e to be called. Dixie, frankly! My. time, have a name c ~ silent. d ~ j | a lot .... A h ~ ro "does not play vid ~ o,. pff! I do not believe! Un h ~ ros, `a should. Be one. arm muscle mass ~ e. to the teeth, not someone. plays | hopscotch! .. Always try, but this game really has no int ~ rt |. ~ c.t of DKC, which n ~ d ~ silent j |. no glory ... Simply because DKC was. sold well, it is now. I am an entertainer. in this adventure of bile ~!. But it is the last re}. time! ... What imb ~ cult that Donkey! I,. I in my youth. never ~ t ~ captur ~!.... I did not m.me two. ~ notches for me! I sƒr. that K. Rool two. . Why not me? ... There is still time to leave. fall before the kids do. s'aper `oivent the best. c ~ silent Donkey !.... O is ~ e pass Espresso. A spider ~ e ~ e and a slouch. clumsy parrot, it will. seen it all! ... Look at all these. crap! They treat me. I. as if it c ~ silent one. ~ d public office, no. respect for their a € ~ s! n ... What wound to remain locked up ~. barrel in this shabby. I would rather. be seated. out as the last time ..... re} This time, K. Rool will you. provide a scraper ~ e, band. rascals! I just | the. rescue, with m ~ of Vitera. see you blush with shame ... All for one? I never. heard such nerie {! De my time, I '~ shut up alone against. all! .. Would not it make more sense. Dixie is one that pretty. Princess we would. extract claws.

It is very weird, don't you think?
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Re: Wierd French Message Found In DKC3 (Possibly Beta)

Postby Phyreburnz » December 19th, 2011, 7:42 am

That's really weird. It sounds like some character explaining the situation in DKC3. I wonder if there was supposed to be a letter like in the second game?
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Re: Wierd French Message Found In DKC3 (Possibly Beta)

Postby Mattrizzle » December 19th, 2011, 8:20 am

Hate to burst your bubble, but this is nothing more than leftover text data from DKC2, used to pad empty space. 37A923-37AFFF in the (U) version of DKC3 is identical to the same offset range in DKC2 (U) Revision 1.1. The byte you rendered as a lowercase k at the beginning of the text is not a character, but the end of a DKC3 subroutine (6B is the 65c816 return from subroutine long (RTL) opcode). The text gets cut off at 37B000 in the DKC3 ROM by a JMP opcode to $F28D (4C 8D F2).

Also, you need to apply a table file in order to read that text correctly. The game actually uses the tilde (~) character's ASCII value to display an e with an accent mark (é).

Still, it's strange that empty space would appear in the middle of a bank, rather than the end of it...

EDIT: Well, now you know! :geek:
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Re: Wierd French Message Found In DKC3 (Possibly Beta)

Postby Markster » December 19th, 2011, 9:18 am

That does not burst my bubble at all, I wanted to know what it was.
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Re: Wierd French Message Found In DKC3 (Possibly Beta)

Postby Markster » December 20th, 2011, 6:33 am

Well this topic is useless, take it down Simion32.
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Re: Wierd French Message Found In DKC3 (Possibly Beta)

Postby Simion32 » December 20th, 2011, 6:58 am

Nah, I'd leave it here, as someone may eventually ask the same thing again. So, moved to ROM hacking section.
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