Cyclone wrote:I'm also not really sure what a DMA group is lol. Is it just groups of tiles?
Sorry for being dumb and thank you for your patience!
Cyclone wrote:hmmm... still hasn't clicked in my head yet.
What exactly are "garbage tiles" are they the ones in red in your previous image?
Cyclone wrote:When you said no space is wasted do you mean VRAM or the ROM?
rainbowsprinklez wrote:The way you propose would have the data arranged like this in the ROM
rainbowsprinklez wrote:Cyclone wrote:When you said no space is wasted do you mean VRAM or the ROM?
Think about it and tell me. Where are we cutting down on space used?
Cyclone wrote:How do we know when we encounter a garbage cell?
Cyclone wrote:One thing though. What program did you use to view those sprites in VRAM with?
Reason is I want to write a tutorial.
Cyclone wrote:Am I making sense?
#include "C:\Users\Chris\source\repos\PNG\lodepng.h"
#include "C:\Users\Chris\source\repos\PNG\lodepng.cpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <atlstr.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
using namespace std;
//Encode from raw pixels to disk with a single function call
//The image argument has width * height RGBA pixels or width * height * 4 bytes
void encodeOneStep(const char* filename, std::vector<unsigned char>& image, unsigned width, unsigned height) {
//Encode the image
unsigned error = lodepng::encode(filename, image, width, height);
//if there's an error, display it
if (error) std::cout << "encoder error " << error << ": " << lodepng_error_text(error) << std::endl;
int main()
const size_t width = 256, height = 256;
const size_t no_elems = width * height * 4;
using Image = std::vector<unsigned char>;
std::vector<Image> Image_PNG(1000, Image(no_elems));
CString File_Path;
char sztmp[1024];
const char* filepath = " ";
cout << "Enter Path to extract sprite graphics to: " << endl;
cin.getline(sztmp, sizeof(sztmp), '\n');
filepath = sztmp;
// Donkey Kong Pallette
static const unsigned char coloursB[16][4] = { // An array of colour values.
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }, /* White */
{ 24, 16, 0, 255 }, /* Index 1 */
{ 64, 32, 0, 255 }, /* Index 2 */
{ 96, 48, 0, 255 }, /* Index 3 */
{ 136, 64, 0, 255 }, /* Index 4 */
{ 168, 80, 0, 255 }, /* Index 5 */
{ 192, 96, 0, 255 }, /* Index 6 */
{ 208, 112, 0, 255 }, /* Index 7 */
{ 248, 0, 0, 255 }, /* Index 8 */
{ 128, 0, 0, 255 }, /* Index 9 */
{ 152, 48, 0, 255 }, /* Index 10 */
{ 248, 128, 112, 255 }, /* Index 11 */
{ 248, 160, 144, 255 }, /* Index 12 */
{ 248, 192, 184, 255 }, /* Index 13 */
{ 248, 224, 216, 255 }, /* Index 14 */
{ 248, 248, 248, 255 } /* Index 15 */
// Create the Bitplanes
int* Bitplane0__ROW = new int[10000];
int* Bitplane1__ROW = new int[10000];
int* Bitplane2__ROW = new int[10000];
int* Bitplane3__ROW = new int[10000];
long long int address = 0x381C46; // add 0xC00000 to get the SNES address.
int offset = 0; // The location of the next set of sprites.
int Data_Size = 0;
int x_coord = 0;
int y_coord = 0;
int X;
char oDataK[0x10000]; // Sprite buffer
ifstream inFileK;"C:\\Users\\Chris\\Desktop\\dkc1.sfc", ios::binary); // Note. this opens a binary stream. This is needed. cuzz the program was using 0x1a values as a Substitute AscII charter which halts the program/Using it as End Of File.
inFileK.seekg(address + Data_Size, 1); // Seek to the current sprite header location., 0x10000);
int Header = 8;
int tile_offset = 0;
int Size_of_coordenants = (oDataK[0] + oDataK[1]) * 2; // 0 contains the value of the number of 2x2 chars (16 x 16 pixel tiles). 1 contains the value of the number of 1x1 chars (8x8 pixel tiles). These two values are multiplied by 2 (two bytes for each set of coordenants).
int Start_Of_First_Tile = Header + Size_of_coordenants; // 8 is the size of the header. 6 is the total size of coordinates(3 chars (tiles) * 2 bytes for earch char) (these are also part of the header...)
// Assign each Bitplane Row the data from the buffer. oData is the buffer containing the bytes from the rom.
for (int p = 0, t = 0; t < 5; t++) // 16x16 Tiles
p = 24;
tile_offset = (32 * 17);
Bitplane0__ROW[p++] = oDataK[14 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane0__ROW[p++] = oDataK[12 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane0__ROW[p++] = oDataK[10 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane0__ROW[p++] = oDataK[8 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane0__ROW[p++] = oDataK[6 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane0__ROW[p++] = oDataK[4 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane0__ROW[p++] = oDataK[2 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane0__ROW[p++] = oDataK[0 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
p = 24;
Bitplane1__ROW[p++] = oDataK[15 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane1__ROW[p++] = oDataK[13 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane1__ROW[p++] = oDataK[11 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane1__ROW[p++] = oDataK[9 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane1__ROW[p++] = oDataK[7 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane1__ROW[p++] = oDataK[5 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane1__ROW[p++] = oDataK[3 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane1__ROW[p++] = oDataK[1 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
p = 24;
Bitplane2__ROW[p++] = oDataK[30 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane2__ROW[p++] = oDataK[28 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane2__ROW[p++] = oDataK[26 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane2__ROW[p++] = oDataK[24 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane2__ROW[p++] = oDataK[22 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane2__ROW[p++] = oDataK[20 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane2__ROW[p++] = oDataK[18 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane2__ROW[p++] = oDataK[16 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
p = 24;
Bitplane3__ROW[p++] = oDataK[31 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane3__ROW[p++] = oDataK[29 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane3__ROW[p++] = oDataK[27 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane3__ROW[p++] = oDataK[25 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane3__ROW[p++] = oDataK[23 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane3__ROW[p++] = oDataK[21 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane3__ROW[p++] = oDataK[19 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Bitplane3__ROW[p++] = oDataK[17 + Start_Of_First_Tile + tile_offset ];
Start_Of_First_Tile = Start_Of_First_Tile + Data_Size; // the location of the curent sprite.
int c = 0;
for (int p = 24 ; p < 32; p++)
// Bottom Right of 16x16
if (p == 24) { c = 256 * (y_coord + 15) * 4 + x_coord + 0 + 0;; }
if (p == 25) { c = 256 * (y_coord + 14) * 4 + x_coord + 0 + 0;; }
if (p == 26) { c = 256 * (y_coord + 13) * 4 + x_coord + 0 + 0;; }
if (p == 27) { c = 256 * (y_coord + 12) * 4 + x_coord + 0 + 0;; }
if (p == 28) { c = 256 * (y_coord + 11) * 4 + x_coord + 0 + 0;; }
if (p == 29) { c = 256 * (y_coord + 10) * 4 + x_coord + 0 + 0;; }
if (p == 30) { c = 256 * (y_coord + 9) * 4 + x_coord + 0 + 0;; }
if (p == 31) { c = 256 * (y_coord + 8) * 4 + x_coord + 0 + 0;; }
// Write the PNG Images
if (p < 32)
for (int j = 0, N = 7; j < 8; j++, N--) // Check which bits are set for each pixel of the tiles. Then assign the index colour to the image Array location.
std::bitset<4> bs;
bs.set(0, (Bitplane0__ROW[p] >> N) & 1);
bs.set(1, (Bitplane1__ROW[p] >> N) & 1);
bs.set(2, (Bitplane2__ROW[p] >> N) & 1);
bs.set(3, (Bitplane3__ROW[p] >> N) & 1);
unsigned long Index = bs.to_ulong();
Image_PNG[X][c++] = coloursB[Index][0]; // Red
Image_PNG[X][c++] = coloursB[Index][1]; // Green
Image_PNG[X][c++] = coloursB[Index][2]; // Blue
Image_PNG[X][c++] = coloursB[Index][3]; // Alpha
string combined_file_path(string(filepath) + to_string(X) + ".png");
encodeOneStep(combined_file_path.c_str(), Image_PNG[X], width, height); // Write the .png image file.
return 0;
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