How can I export and import the tittle screen of DKC2? Can someone help me out?
I know that the GFX of the titlte screen is a 4bpp, using a a 128 colours palette, each 8x8 tile has your own palette value, something like that (sorry, I am a newbie in this area)
But, i dont know if anyone has something like a export / import of the tittle screen and a optimization of the palette.
Look what I did.
Original: http://prntscr.com/f1vad9
Edited: http://prntscr.com/f1vanv
If someone dont get my point here, please, feel free to ask me.
I know that the GFX of the titlte screen is a 4bpp, using a a 128 colours palette, each 8x8 tile has your own palette value, something like that (sorry, I am a newbie in this area)
But, i dont know if anyone has something like a export / import of the tittle screen and a optimization of the palette.
Look what I did.
Original: http://prntscr.com/f1vad9
Edited: http://prntscr.com/f1vanv
If someone dont get my point here, please, feel free to ask me.