Testers Needed

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Testers Needed

Postby Cyclone » April 6th, 2020, 10:34 am

Hi, I need testers to see if my hacking works. Rename your rom file to file.bin.
Click on "Lives(Start With)" and change the value to something like 42 then click Apply. This should give you 42 lives.
Thats all I done so far.

Let me know if it works.

Thanks a bunch.
Simple test.
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Re: Testers Needed

Postby Kingizor » April 7th, 2020, 1:38 am

Seems to be complaining about a missing "MSVCP140D.dll". You can fix that by changing the profile setting in MSVC from "debug" to "release" and recompiling.

The idea is that there are normal versions of those DLLs that most people will have anyway, and special debug ones that make debugging a bit easier whilst developing applications. Changing that flag will tell the program to use the normal ones instead, which is what you should do when distributing an application to end-users. Otherwise potential users would have to download the same development environment you're using just to run it.
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Re: Testers Needed

Postby Cyclone » April 7th, 2020, 7:41 am

Thanks for your reply. I complied it for release.
Does it work now?

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Re: Testers Needed

Postby Kingizor » April 7th, 2020, 8:32 am

Yes, seems to be working fine now. Mine Cart Carnage is still a struggle even with 42 lives...

You might want to edit that attachment. That included "file.bin" is suspiciously non-blank all of a sudden. :krool:
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Re: Testers Needed

Postby Simion32 » April 7th, 2020, 12:43 pm

I've removed the mistaken ROM upload from that post.

Cyclone will need to repost the editor download without the file.bin included.
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Re: Testers Needed

Postby Cyclone » April 7th, 2020, 1:07 pm

I'm so sorry lol. Scatter brain i am.
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