DKC1 - Engine-Related Game Bugs

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DKC1 - Engine-Related Game Bugs

Postby VideoViking » September 9th, 2014, 12:54 pm

A year ago, a user reported a glitch in the level Stop & Go Station. When Donkey and Diddy run past the arrow sign, the game would immediately crash. Nobody knew the cause, but as a precaution, all compound scripts needed to be deleted (or banana'ed) for the level to run properly. Today, the culprit has been discovered.

The crash is caused by the compound object BDE8, Set Of 2 Rock Krocs. Users who wish to test this level will only need to delete that object.

Until now, the only way this level could be played is through ZSNES. Now we need to know why this object causes the crash.

EDIT: Mattrizzle with the correction. Thanks.
Stop & Go Station in DKCRE - the crash culprit discovered
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Re: DKC1 - Engine-Related Game Bugs

Postby Mattrizzle » September 10th, 2014, 11:18 am

The object map data for compound objects is usually stored right after the normal object map data for a level. If you use a larger quantity of objects in a level than the original game used, you run a risk of overwriting this data. Oh, so the unedited game is crashing when this level is AutoLaunched from DKCRE?

Also, I noticed that your post says that BD28 is the culprit, but the DKCRE screenshot has BDE8 highlighted. Which is it? The latter is a valid compound object in vanilla DKC v1.0 (U), but the former is not.
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Re: DKC1 - Engine-Related Game Bugs

Postby VideoViking » September 10th, 2014, 11:40 am

BDE8. I must have misread the E as a 2.

EDIT: That's right. In a ZSNES environment, the level works just fine. The problem arises when auto-launched through DKCRE.
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Re: DKC1 - Engine-Related Game Bugs

Postby Raccoon Sam » September 10th, 2014, 2:28 pm

Can't really comment on the issue here, but testing your hacks on ZSNES is generally a bad idea.
The ideal emulator would be BSNES/Higan, but I think SNES9X is okay too.
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