Documentation ( Updated November 9th )

by Cyclone
This will be the place I will post my knowledge and anything to do with DKC hacking.
Please take everything with a grain of salt. I'm a horrible hacker but I think that knowledge should be shared.
Hopefully this will be useful for beginner hackers such as myself.
Thanks for looking!
PS thanks Rainbowsprinkles. Mattrizzle and anyone else who has helped me.
To Mattrizzle. I quoted you. Hope you don't mind?
So far I attached a text file on how to change the entrance styles in DKC. Edit Simion can you allow me to post txt files please?
Entrance Styles
This will be the place I will post my knowledge and anything to do with DKC hacking.
Please take everything with a grain of salt. I'm a horrible hacker but I think that knowledge should be shared.
Hopefully this will be useful for beginner hackers such as myself.
Thanks for looking!
PS thanks Rainbowsprinkles. Mattrizzle and anyone else who has helped me.
To Mattrizzle. I quoted you. Hope you don't mind?
So far I attached a text file on how to change the entrance styles in DKC. Edit Simion can you allow me to post txt files please?
Entrance Styles
.----------------. .----------------. .----------------.
| .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. |
| | ________ | || | ___ ____ | || | ______ | |
| | |_ ___ '. | || | |_ ||_ _| | || | .' ___ | | |
| | | | '. \ | || | | |_/ / | || | / .' \_| | |
| | | | | | | || | | __'. | || | | | | |
| | _| |___.' / | || | _| | \ \_ | || | \ '.___.'\ | |
| | |________.' | || | |____||____| | || | '._____.' | |
| | | || | | || | | |
| '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' |
'----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
.----------------. .-----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .-----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------.
| .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. | | .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. |
| | _________ | || | ____ _____ | || | _________ | || | _______ | || | __ | || | ____ _____ | || | ______ | || | _________ | | | | _______ | || | _________ | || | ____ ____ | || | _____ | || | _________ | || | _______ | |
| | |_ ___ | | || ||_ \|_ _| | || | | _ _ | | || | |_ __ \ | || | / \ | || ||_ \|_ _| | || | .' ___ | | || | |_ ___ | | | | | / ___ | | || | | _ _ | | || | |_ _||_ _| | || | |_ _| | || | |_ ___ | | || | / ___ | | |
| | | |_ \_| | || | | \ | | | || | |_/ | | \_| | || | | |__) | | || | / /\ \ | || | | \ | | | || | / .' \_| | || | | |_ \_| | | | | | (__ \_| | || | |_/ | | \_| | || | \ \ / / | || | | | | || | | |_ \_| | || | | (__ \_| | |
| | | _| _ | || | | |\ \| | | || | | | | || | | __ / | || | / ____ \ | || | | |\ \| | | || | | | | || | | _| _ | | | | '.___`-. | || | | | | || | \ \/ / | || | | | _ | || | | _| _ | || | '.___`-. | |
| | _| |___/ | | || | _| |_\ |_ | || | _| |_ | || | _| | \ \_ | || | _/ / \ \_ | || | _| |_\ |_ | || | \ '.___.'\ | || | _| |___/ | | | | | |'\____) | | || | _| |_ | || | _| |_ | || | _| |__/ | | || | _| |___/ | | || | |'\____) | | |
| | |_________| | || ||_____|\____| | || | |_____| | || | |____| |___| | || ||____| |____|| || ||_____|\____| | || | '._____.' | || | |_________| | | | | |_______.' | || | |_____| | || | |______| | || | |________| | || | |_________| | || | |_______.' | |
| | | || | | || | | || | | || | | || | | || | | || | | | | | | || | | || | | || | | || | | || | | |
| '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' | | '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' |
'----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
Updated November 7th 2022
This Document was created by me Cyclone with the help from others.
Thanks Rainbowsprinklez! Any questions, suggestions please email me at or visit me on the forums!
This Document if for customizing what movement and/or Animal Buddy is used when entering an area.
Changing entrance styles is not perfect and can cause glitches to occur such as spawning glitches, a few palette Glitches, player falling off screen or black screens in water levels.
Sometimes an Animal Buddy is still carried over to the next area after exiting a bonus area despite changing the entrance style. Note you can force Animal Buddy's to be carried over
by changing the below two values.
Change the value at address 8393XX to 839360
Change the value at address 3883CAXX 3883CA65
Pointer Table
3FFD60 - 3FFF2B
86CF = nothing
8725 = run to the left
8733 = run to the right as Rambi
873F = run to the left as Winky
874B = run to the right as Expresso
8742 = run to the left as Rambi
8757 = start as Enguarde
877B = run to the right
8810 = Kongs enter the level then plays the looking up animation. aka "barrel roulette" animation that is played in barrel roulette/chance bonus levels.
8783 = no running or walking at start of area. Camera is fixed until you kill a baddy or switch kongs.
8818 = walk to the right
88E2 = no running or walking at start of area.
8915 = swimming
An Example
To have Rambi at the start of Ropey Rampage....
go to the address 0x3FFD77 then the change the next two bytes to 33 and 87. Note the values may be in reverse.
Kongo Jungle
Jungle Hijinx = 0x3FFD8B
Tree House = 0x3FFE17
Tree House Exit = 0x3FFD7B
Banana Horde =
Banana Horde Exit = 0x3FFE1D
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFD6B
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFD6F
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFD93
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE3B
Mid Point = 0x3FFDA9
Ropey Rampage = 0x3FFD77
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFD97
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE3D
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFD95
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE3F
Mid Point = 0x3FFD7D
Reptile Rumble = 0x3ffD61
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFD63
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFD71
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFDEF
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFEF1
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFD67
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFD75
Mid Point = 0x3FFDAB
Coral Capers = 0x3FFEDD
Mid Point = 0x3FFEDF
Barrel Cannon Canyon = 0x3FFD8D
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFDEB
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE4B
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE19
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE4D
Mid Point = 0x3FFD91
Very Gnawty's Lair (Boss) = 0x3FFF1F
Monkey Mines
Winky's Walkway = 0x3FFF11
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFDFD
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE01
Mid Point = 0x3FFF13
Mine Cart Carnage = 0X3FFDBB
Mid Point = 0x3FFDCF
Bouncy Bonanza = 0x3FFD6D
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE8D
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE4F
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFD81
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE51
Winky's Area = 0x3FFD65
Winky's Area Exit = 0x3FFD7F
Mid Point = 0x3FFD89
Stop & Go Station = 0X3FFDC1
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFDF5
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE63
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFDF3
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE65
Mid Point = 0x3FFDD7
Millstone Mayhem = 0x3FFDE3
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE09
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFEBB
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE0B
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFEBD
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFE0D
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFEBF
Mid Point = 0x3FFE0F
Necky's Nuts (Boss) = 0x3FFF21
Vine Valley
Vulture Culture = 0x3FFEA9
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFECD
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFED3
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFECF
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFED5
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFED1
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFED7
Mid Point = 0x3FFEB3
Tree Top Town = 0x3FFEA7
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFEC7
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFEC9
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFEC5
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFECB
Mid Point = 0x3FFEB1
Forest Frenzy = 0x3FFEFF
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFF17
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFF19
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFF07
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFF15
Mid Point = 0x3FFF01
Temple Tempest = 0x3FFDE5
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE03
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFEC1
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE05
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFEC3
Mid Point = 0x3FFE11
Orang-utan Gang = 0x3FFD79
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFD9F
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE41
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFD9D
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE43
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFD9B
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFE45
Bonus #4 = 0x3FFE15
Bonus #4 Exit = 0x3FFE47
Bonus #5 = 0x3FFE13
Bonus #5 Exit = 0x3FFE49
Mid Point = 0x3FFD99
Clam City = 0x3FFF1B
Mid Point = 0x3FFF1D
Bumble B. Rumble (Boss) = 0x3FFF29
Gorilla Glacier
Snow Barrel Blast = 0x3FFDA7
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE2D
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE87
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE31
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE89
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFE2B
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFE8B
Mid Point = 0x3FFDAF
Slipslide Ride = 0x3FFE39
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFEF3
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFEED
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFEE9
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFEEF
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFEEB
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFEF5
Mid Point = 0x3FFEB5
Ice Age Alley = 0x3FFEAD
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE33
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFEB7
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE35
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFEB9
Mid Point = 0x3FFEAF
Croctopus Chase = 0x3FFDDB
Mid Point = 0x3FFDDD
Torchlight Trouble = 0x3FFD87
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFEE1
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFEE3
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFEE5
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFEE7
Mid Point = 0x3FFD85
Rope Bridge Rumble = 0x3FFEFB
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFF09
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFF0F
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFF0D
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFF0B
Mid Point = 0x3FFEFD
Really Gnawty Rampage = 0x3FFF23
Kremkroc Industries Inc.
Oil Drum Alley = 0x3FFDDF
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE25
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE7D
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE21
Bonus #2 & #3 Exit = 0x3FFE7F
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFEDB
Bonus #4 = 0x3FFE1F
Bonus #4 Exit = 0x3FFE81
Mid Point = 0x3FFDE7
Trick Track Trek = 0x3FFDBD
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFEA1
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE6F
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE9B
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE73
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFE99
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFE71
Mid Point = 0x3FFDD1
Elevator Antics = 0x3FFD8F
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE93
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE59
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE95
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE5B
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFE97
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFE5D
Mid Point = 0x3FFDA5
Poison Pond = 0x3FFDA3
Mid Point = 0x3FFDB3
Mine Cart Madness = 0x3FFDAD
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFDF9
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE77
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE9F
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE79
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFEA3
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFE7B
Mid Point = 0x3FFDD5
Blackout Basement = 0x3FFDE1
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE27
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE83
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFEA5
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE85
Mid Point = 0x3FFDE9
Boss Dumb Drum = 0x3FFF25
Chimp Caverns
Tanked Up Trouble = 0x3FFDBF
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE9D
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE75
Mid Point = 0x3FFDD3
Manic Mincers = 0x3FFD83
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFD69
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE53
Mincer Room = 0x3FFE91
Mincer Room Exit = 0x3FFE55
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE8F
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE57
Mid Point = 0x3FFDB1
Misty Mine = 0x3FFD73
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFDC5
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE5F
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFDC3
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE61
Mid Point = 0x3FFDB9
Loopy Lights = 0x3FFDCB
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFDF1
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE67
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFDCD
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE69
Mid Point = 0x3FFDD9
Platform Perils = 0x3FFDB5
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFDFB
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE6B
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFDFF
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE6D
Mid Point = 0x3FFDB7
Necky's Revenge (Boss) = 0x3FFF27
Final Boss
Gang-Plank Galleon (Boss) = 0x3FFE2F
Animal Buddy Areas
Expresso Bonus Area = 0x3FFE37
Rambi Bonus Area = 0x3FFF03
Winky Bonus Area = 0x3FFF05
Enguarde Bonus Area = 0x3FFEAB
| .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. |
| | ________ | || | ___ ____ | || | ______ | |
| | |_ ___ '. | || | |_ ||_ _| | || | .' ___ | | |
| | | | '. \ | || | | |_/ / | || | / .' \_| | |
| | | | | | | || | | __'. | || | | | | |
| | _| |___.' / | || | _| | \ \_ | || | \ '.___.'\ | |
| | |________.' | || | |____||____| | || | '._____.' | |
| | | || | | || | | |
| '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' |
'----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
.----------------. .-----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .-----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------.
| .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. | | .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. |
| | _________ | || | ____ _____ | || | _________ | || | _______ | || | __ | || | ____ _____ | || | ______ | || | _________ | | | | _______ | || | _________ | || | ____ ____ | || | _____ | || | _________ | || | _______ | |
| | |_ ___ | | || ||_ \|_ _| | || | | _ _ | | || | |_ __ \ | || | / \ | || ||_ \|_ _| | || | .' ___ | | || | |_ ___ | | | | | / ___ | | || | | _ _ | | || | |_ _||_ _| | || | |_ _| | || | |_ ___ | | || | / ___ | | |
| | | |_ \_| | || | | \ | | | || | |_/ | | \_| | || | | |__) | | || | / /\ \ | || | | \ | | | || | / .' \_| | || | | |_ \_| | | | | | (__ \_| | || | |_/ | | \_| | || | \ \ / / | || | | | | || | | |_ \_| | || | | (__ \_| | |
| | | _| _ | || | | |\ \| | | || | | | | || | | __ / | || | / ____ \ | || | | |\ \| | | || | | | | || | | _| _ | | | | '.___`-. | || | | | | || | \ \/ / | || | | | _ | || | | _| _ | || | '.___`-. | |
| | _| |___/ | | || | _| |_\ |_ | || | _| |_ | || | _| | \ \_ | || | _/ / \ \_ | || | _| |_\ |_ | || | \ '.___.'\ | || | _| |___/ | | | | | |'\____) | | || | _| |_ | || | _| |_ | || | _| |__/ | | || | _| |___/ | | || | |'\____) | | |
| | |_________| | || ||_____|\____| | || | |_____| | || | |____| |___| | || ||____| |____|| || ||_____|\____| | || | '._____.' | || | |_________| | | | | |_______.' | || | |_____| | || | |______| | || | |________| | || | |_________| | || | |_______.' | |
| | | || | | || | | || | | || | | || | | || | | || | | | | | | || | | || | | || | | || | | || | | |
| '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' | | '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' |
'----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
Updated November 7th 2022
This Document was created by me Cyclone with the help from others.
Thanks Rainbowsprinklez! Any questions, suggestions please email me at or visit me on the forums!
This Document if for customizing what movement and/or Animal Buddy is used when entering an area.
Changing entrance styles is not perfect and can cause glitches to occur such as spawning glitches, a few palette Glitches, player falling off screen or black screens in water levels.
Sometimes an Animal Buddy is still carried over to the next area after exiting a bonus area despite changing the entrance style. Note you can force Animal Buddy's to be carried over
by changing the below two values.
Change the value at address 8393XX to 839360
Change the value at address 3883CAXX 3883CA65
Pointer Table
3FFD60 - 3FFF2B
86CF = nothing
8725 = run to the left
8733 = run to the right as Rambi
873F = run to the left as Winky
874B = run to the right as Expresso
8742 = run to the left as Rambi
8757 = start as Enguarde
877B = run to the right
8810 = Kongs enter the level then plays the looking up animation. aka "barrel roulette" animation that is played in barrel roulette/chance bonus levels.
8783 = no running or walking at start of area. Camera is fixed until you kill a baddy or switch kongs.
8818 = walk to the right
88E2 = no running or walking at start of area.
8915 = swimming
An Example
To have Rambi at the start of Ropey Rampage....
go to the address 0x3FFD77 then the change the next two bytes to 33 and 87. Note the values may be in reverse.
Kongo Jungle
Jungle Hijinx = 0x3FFD8B
Tree House = 0x3FFE17
Tree House Exit = 0x3FFD7B
Banana Horde =
Banana Horde Exit = 0x3FFE1D
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFD6B
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFD6F
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFD93
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE3B
Mid Point = 0x3FFDA9
Ropey Rampage = 0x3FFD77
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFD97
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE3D
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFD95
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE3F
Mid Point = 0x3FFD7D
Reptile Rumble = 0x3ffD61
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFD63
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFD71
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFDEF
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFEF1
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFD67
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFD75
Mid Point = 0x3FFDAB
Coral Capers = 0x3FFEDD
Mid Point = 0x3FFEDF
Barrel Cannon Canyon = 0x3FFD8D
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFDEB
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE4B
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE19
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE4D
Mid Point = 0x3FFD91
Very Gnawty's Lair (Boss) = 0x3FFF1F
Monkey Mines
Winky's Walkway = 0x3FFF11
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFDFD
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE01
Mid Point = 0x3FFF13
Mine Cart Carnage = 0X3FFDBB
Mid Point = 0x3FFDCF
Bouncy Bonanza = 0x3FFD6D
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE8D
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE4F
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFD81
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE51
Winky's Area = 0x3FFD65
Winky's Area Exit = 0x3FFD7F
Mid Point = 0x3FFD89
Stop & Go Station = 0X3FFDC1
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFDF5
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE63
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFDF3
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE65
Mid Point = 0x3FFDD7
Millstone Mayhem = 0x3FFDE3
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE09
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFEBB
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE0B
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFEBD
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFE0D
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFEBF
Mid Point = 0x3FFE0F
Necky's Nuts (Boss) = 0x3FFF21
Vine Valley
Vulture Culture = 0x3FFEA9
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFECD
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFED3
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFECF
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFED5
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFED1
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFED7
Mid Point = 0x3FFEB3
Tree Top Town = 0x3FFEA7
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFEC7
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFEC9
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFEC5
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFECB
Mid Point = 0x3FFEB1
Forest Frenzy = 0x3FFEFF
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFF17
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFF19
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFF07
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFF15
Mid Point = 0x3FFF01
Temple Tempest = 0x3FFDE5
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE03
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFEC1
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE05
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFEC3
Mid Point = 0x3FFE11
Orang-utan Gang = 0x3FFD79
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFD9F
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE41
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFD9D
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE43
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFD9B
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFE45
Bonus #4 = 0x3FFE15
Bonus #4 Exit = 0x3FFE47
Bonus #5 = 0x3FFE13
Bonus #5 Exit = 0x3FFE49
Mid Point = 0x3FFD99
Clam City = 0x3FFF1B
Mid Point = 0x3FFF1D
Bumble B. Rumble (Boss) = 0x3FFF29
Gorilla Glacier
Snow Barrel Blast = 0x3FFDA7
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE2D
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE87
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE31
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE89
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFE2B
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFE8B
Mid Point = 0x3FFDAF
Slipslide Ride = 0x3FFE39
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFEF3
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFEED
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFEE9
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFEEF
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFEEB
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFEF5
Mid Point = 0x3FFEB5
Ice Age Alley = 0x3FFEAD
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE33
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFEB7
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE35
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFEB9
Mid Point = 0x3FFEAF
Croctopus Chase = 0x3FFDDB
Mid Point = 0x3FFDDD
Torchlight Trouble = 0x3FFD87
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFEE1
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFEE3
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFEE5
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFEE7
Mid Point = 0x3FFD85
Rope Bridge Rumble = 0x3FFEFB
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFF09
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFF0F
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFF0D
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFF0B
Mid Point = 0x3FFEFD
Really Gnawty Rampage = 0x3FFF23
Kremkroc Industries Inc.
Oil Drum Alley = 0x3FFDDF
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE25
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE7D
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE21
Bonus #2 & #3 Exit = 0x3FFE7F
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFEDB
Bonus #4 = 0x3FFE1F
Bonus #4 Exit = 0x3FFE81
Mid Point = 0x3FFDE7
Trick Track Trek = 0x3FFDBD
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFEA1
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE6F
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE9B
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE73
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFE99
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFE71
Mid Point = 0x3FFDD1
Elevator Antics = 0x3FFD8F
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE93
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE59
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE95
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE5B
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFE97
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFE5D
Mid Point = 0x3FFDA5
Poison Pond = 0x3FFDA3
Mid Point = 0x3FFDB3
Mine Cart Madness = 0x3FFDAD
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFDF9
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE77
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE9F
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE79
Bonus #3 = 0x3FFEA3
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3FFE7B
Mid Point = 0x3FFDD5
Blackout Basement = 0x3FFDE1
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE27
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE83
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFEA5
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE85
Mid Point = 0x3FFDE9
Boss Dumb Drum = 0x3FFF25
Chimp Caverns
Tanked Up Trouble = 0x3FFDBF
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFE9D
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE75
Mid Point = 0x3FFDD3
Manic Mincers = 0x3FFD83
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFD69
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE53
Mincer Room = 0x3FFE91
Mincer Room Exit = 0x3FFE55
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFE8F
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE57
Mid Point = 0x3FFDB1
Misty Mine = 0x3FFD73
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFDC5
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE5F
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFDC3
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE61
Mid Point = 0x3FFDB9
Loopy Lights = 0x3FFDCB
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFDF1
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE67
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFDCD
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE69
Mid Point = 0x3FFDD9
Platform Perils = 0x3FFDB5
Bonus #1 = 0x3FFDFB
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3FFE6B
Bonus #2 = 0x3FFDFF
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3FFE6D
Mid Point = 0x3FFDB7
Necky's Revenge (Boss) = 0x3FFF27
Final Boss
Gang-Plank Galleon (Boss) = 0x3FFE2F
Animal Buddy Areas
Expresso Bonus Area = 0x3FFE37
Rambi Bonus Area = 0x3FFF03
Winky Bonus Area = 0x3FFF05
Enguarde Bonus Area = 0x3FFEAB
.----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------.
| .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. | | .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. |
| | ________ | || | ___ ____ | || | ______ | | | | ____ ____ | || | _____ _____ | || | _______ | || | _____ | || | ______ | |
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| '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' | | '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' |
'----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
Donkey Kong Country Music Info
Updated November 11th 20022
by Cyclone
Thanks to Simion32, Mattrizzle, rainbowsprinklez and others on various forums for the help.
** How I went about changing the music played when visiting Cranky and the other non level music. **
Use Donkey Kong Country U version 1.0 of game.
1. In a debugger (I used bsnes-plus) turn on the Trace option and run the game starting at the map screen. Then enter Cranky's Cabin and then stop the trace when this area is just loaded.
2. Open the trace log and search for the "A8C65" ( minus the first digit ) value which is in the list below. This is the address for Cranky's Theme. A few lines up from here in the log you will see the accumulator "A" value is 0017.
Search for this #$0017 index value. This is the index value for Cranky's Theme. Change this value at this address to change the music. If you can't find the "A8C65" value search for jsl $b99049 or jml $B99036.
You will see the index value on the line right above it. See example of trace log below.
80eaa9 lda #$0017 A:008f X:00c2 Y:0080 S:01ff D:0000 DB:80 NvmxdIzC V:240 H: 86 F:47 ← Index value specifying the music to load.
80eaac jsl $b99049 [b99049] A:0017 X:00c2 Y:0080 S:01ff D:0000 DB:80 nvmxdIzC V:238 H: 84 F:48 ← $b99049 Loads the music.
Below is a list of index values and Sequence/Waveform set positions for the different songs in the game from a Japanese Document. May have errors.
These Waveform set positions are for DKC Version 1.2. For DKC 1.0 subtract 5 bytes
Song title Sequence position Waveform set position
00 Jungle Groove 0x0A9361 0x0AB286
01 Cave Dweller Concert 0x090000 0x0AB29C
02 Misty Menace 0x090838 0x0AB2A8
03 Aquatic Ambience 0x0A8000 0x0AB2B6
04 Mine Cart Madness 0x093BBF 0x0AB2CE
05 Northern Hemispheres 0x091CF8 0x0AB2DC
06 Voices of the Temple 0x1F1650 0x0AB2EC
07 Fear Factory 0x090F83 0x0AB2F8
08 Life in the Mines 0x23CDA7 0x0AB30A
09 Simian Segue 0x13D484 0x0AB31C
0A Fanfare Theme 0x2A0000 0x0AB33A
0B Ice Cave Chant 0x3095BE 0x0AB33E
0C DK Island Swing 0x016B84 0x0AB34A
0D Forest Frenzy 0x050000 0x0AB356
0E The Credits Concerto 0x1FDBB4 0x0AB362
0F Game Over 0x340000 0x0AB374
10 Bonus Room Blitz 0x1BF5D8 0x0AB37C
11 Lost Life 0x210000 0x0AB394
12 Bonus Win 0x2E1476 0x0AB38A
13 Treetop Rock 0x05EBC6 0x0AB39A
14 Funky's Fugue 0x060000 0x0AB3A4
15 Bad Boss Boogie 0x29C6A4 0x0AB3B8
16 Candy's Love Song 0x31BB58 0x0AB3C8
17 Cranky's Theme 0x0A8C65 0x0AB3DA
18 Gang-Plank Galleon 0x022ECC 0x0AB3E2
19 Bonus Lose 0x13DEAB 0x0AB3F0
1A Level Goal 0x3C5A12 0x0AB38A
?? (Null) 0x0AB330
Index Values and their Addresses
80eaa9 (PC Address = EAA9) 17 = Cranky's Theme
80f428 (PC Address = F428) 14 = Funky's Fugue
80efdf (PC Address = EFDF) 16 = Candy's Love Song
80e2a3 (PC Address = E2A3) 1A = Level Goal Music
80e2ac (PC Address = E2AC) 0C = DK Island Swing(Map Music)
00ba67 (PC Address = BA67) 0A = Fanfare Theme (Rare Logo Theme)
80c070 (PC ADDRESS = C070) 09 = Simian Segue (Intro Song)
80de85 (PC Address = DE85) 0F = K. Rool's Cacophony (Game Over)
be983e (PC Address = 3E983E) 11 = Lost Life
be8b73 (PC Address = 3E8B73) 19 = Bonus Level Lose
be891f (PC Address = 3E891F) 12 = Bonus Level Win
b98703 (PC Address = 398703) 00 = Jungle Groove
b98582 (PC Address = 398582) 10 = Bonus Room Blitz
b98908 (PC Address = 398908) 01 = Cave Dweller Concert
b98589 (PC Address = 398589) 15 = Bad Boss Boogie
b98a84 (PC Address = 398A84) 03 = Aquatic Ambience
b98c16 (PC Address = 398C16) 08 = Life in the Mines
b98c59 (PC Address = 398C59) 04 = Mine Cart Carnage ← same song as Mine Cart Madness just a different pointer.
b989f0 (PC Address = 3989F0) 02 = Misty Menace
b98d5f (PC Address = 398D5F) 06 = Voices of the Temple
b98e61 (PC Address = 398E61) 0D = Forest Frenzy
b98e1b (PC Address = 398E1B) 13 = Treetop Rock
b98b75 (PC Address = 398B75) 05 = Northern Hemispheres
b98dc3 (PC Address = 398DC3) 0B = Ice Cave Chant
b98ce8 (PC Address = 398CE8) 07 = Fear Factory
b98bc1 (PC Adresss = 398BC1) 04 = Mine Cart Madness
b98fb4 (PC Address = 398FB4) 18 = Gang-Plank Galleon
b9901c (PC Address = 39901C) 0E = The Credits Concerto
Music Format
From Japanese document which Mattrizzle made notes from
For a more detailed Document please visit this link. ... Music_Spec
Header of music data:
Bytes 0x00-0x01 Length of data, not including this or the next two bytes (DKC1)/SPC RAM Destination (DKC2 & 3; Always 1300)
Bytes 0x02-0x03 SPC RAM Destination (DKC1, always 12A0)/ Length of data divided by two (DKC2 & 3)
0x04-0x13 SPC RAM Pointers to each instrument track's data for (2 bytes per pointer, 8 tracks per song)(this for song 0x00 in a set in DKC2 & 3)
0x14 Music Tempo
0x15 Sound Effect Tempo (Always A0 in DKC1; FF in DKC2 & 3)
The actual instrument track data comes after this, and can include the following control codes:
Control Codes (documentation is still incomplete):
00 End of sound data
01 II Set Instrument sample (Valid values: 00-45(DKC1)
02 LL RR Volume Levels (separate values for left and right speakers)
03 yy XX Play sound data at SPC RAM address XXyy
04 NN yy XX Play sound data at SPC RAM address XXyy NN times, then return
05 ????? (sometimes used at the end of sound data instead of 00)
06 ?? Global note length (if not set, must specify a note length after each note value)
08 ?? ?? ?? ?? ????? (DKC1)
0B ?? ????? (DKC1)
10 ?? ?? Attack/Decay/Sustain/Release(ADSR) of current instrument?
11 LL RR Master Level (LL = left, RR = right; valid range: #$00-#$7F)
12 ?? ?????
13 PP Set Instrument Pitch (signed)
14 PP Increase/Decrease Instrument Pitch (signed)
15 KK LL RR Echo of entire song (KK = feedback, LL = left echo level, RR = right echo level)
16 ?? ?? ?????
17 ????? (DKC1)
18 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Finite Impulse Response(FIR) Filter for whole song
21 yy XX Play sound data at SPC RAM address XXyy, different from 03? (DKC2 & 3 only)
23 VV Volume Levels (same value for both speakers, DKC2 & 3 only)
28 II LL RR Set instrument and left/right levels (DKC1 only?)
2A ?? ????? (DKC1 only?, Usually #$64)
80 Rest
81-?? Music Note Scale
**** Quote from Mattrizzle ****
There are a few different subroutines/entry points having to do with music. All of these are in bank $B9. For the first three, the accumulator (A) should contain the 16-bit value of the music track to play
prior to jumping to the subroutine. The values to load into A match the list in the second quote block in your original post.
$B99023 jumps to $9027, which loads a music track (sequence data, BRR waveforms, etc.), but doesn't play it. Both of the routines following this one jsr to $9027 as well.
$B99036 loads a music track and plays it no matter what.
$B99049 checks the value of the music track which is playing, and only switches to the new track if the value in A doesn't match this.
$B990CE starts or restarts the loaded music track. $B99036 and $B99049 both call this subroutine.
$B990E7 stops the track. (I could be wrong on this one.)
Sometimes these routines are JSL'd into, while other times they are JML'd into.
For instance, code at $80EAA9 loads and plays Cranky's Theme when it is heard at Cranky's Cabin, calling $B99049 using a JSL:
org $80EAA9
lda #$0017
jsl $B99049
In another example, code at $B99015 loads and plays the same music track when it is heard in D.K.'s treehouse, but calls the subroutine $B99036 using a JML:
org $B99015
lda #$0017
jml $B99036
**** End of Quote *****
Donkey Kong Country Waveform List:
00 Voice-uh_A
01 Strings
02 Kick
03 Xylophone_A
04 Harp
05 Bells_A
06 Simple Waveform_A
07 Piano
08 Voice-uh_B
09 Tom_A
0A Marimba
0B Snare
0C Water Sound
0D Metal Sound
0E Simple Waveform_B
0F Simple Waveform_C
10 Trumpet 13 FC 12 F6
11 Goo
12 Bell_B
13 Simple Waveform_D
14 Simple Waveform_E
15 Conga
16 Hi-Hat
17 Simple Waveform_F
18 Simple Waveform_G
19 Simple Waveform_H
1A Whistle_A
1B Acoustic Bass
1C Simple Waveform_I
1D Trolley Running Sound
1E Simple Waveform_J
1F Birdsong
20 Whoo-hoo
21 Tal cannon, balloons, etc.
22 Simple Waveform_K
23 Cymbal?
24 Ho-A
25 Hot_B
26 Huh
27 Gee
28 Uh-oh
29 Crasher
2A Uh-oh.
2B Oooh
2C Simple_L
2D Simple Waveform_M
2E Simple Waveform_N
2F Simple Waveform_O
30 Simple Waveform_P
31 Glocken
32 ? Voice
33 Ending guitar
34 E.Guitar_A
35 Bottole_Blow
36 Neckie
37 Tree
38 Simple Waveform_Q
39 Simple Waveform_R
3A Fau
3B E.Kick?
3C Aa.Ya?
3D OrchestraHit
3E Pizzicato
3F Timpani
40 Noise? Cymbals?
41 Simple Waveform_S
42 Xylophone_B
43 Tom_B
44 Hot_C
45 E.Guitar_B
Music modifiers
Song Header Start Address is $12a0
****Tempo Global***
The below values will change the global sound/music tempo for the particular sound track. Meaning it will change the tempo of other sound effects like DK's chest pound etc.
Lower values increase tempo. The default value of this is 0x64.
Cranky's Theme = 0xA8C7C
Funky's Fugue = 0x60017
Candy's Love Song = 0x31BB70
DK Island Swing (Map Music) = 0x16B9B
Treetop Rock = 0x5EBDD
Gang-Plank Galleon = 0x22EE3
Bonus Room Blitz = 0x1bF5EF
Forest Frenzy = 0x50017
Jungle Groove = 0xA9384
Mine Cart Madness = 0x93BC3
Northern Hemispheres = 0x91D0F
Cave Dweller Concert = 0x90062
Voices of the Temple = 0x1f1668
Fear Factory = 0x9100A
Ice Cave Chant = 0x3095D5
Misty Menace = 0x90856
Bad Boss Boogie = 0x29C6BB
Life in the Mines = 0x23CDC6
Aquatic Ambience = 0xA86D9
Fanfare Theme (Rare Logo) = 0x2A0018
Game Over = 0x340019
Lost Life = 0x210017
Bonus Lose = 0x13DEC2
Bonus Win = 0x2E148D
Level Goal = 0x3C5A29
Simian Segue (Intro Song) = 0x13D49B
The Credits Concerto = 0x1FDBD3
Aquatic Ambience = 0xA8014 ← Lower values reduce tempo.
****Mute Music****
Change the value at the below addresses to "00" to mute the music. It is the 21st byte from the song header and Controls the music tempo but changing it to zero mutes the music.
Cranky's Theme = 0xA8C79
Funky's Fugue = 0x60014
Candy's Love Song = 0x31BB6C
DK Island Swing (Map Music) = 0x16B98
Treetop Rock = 0x5EBDA
Gang-Plank Galleon = 0x22EE0
Bonus Room Blitz = 0x1BF5EC
Forest Frenzy = 0x50014
Jungle Groove = 0xA9375
Mine Cart Madness = 0x93BD3
Northern Hemispheres = 0x91D0C
Cave Dweller Concert = 0x90014
Voices of the Temple = 0x1F1664
Fear Factory = 0x90F97
Ice Cave Chant = 0x3095D2
Misty Menace = 0x9084C
Bad Boss Boogie = 0x29C6B8
Life in the Mines = 0x23CDBB
Aquatic Ambiance = 0xA8014
Fanfare Theme (Rare Logo) = 0x2A0014
Game Over = 0x340014
Lost Life = 0x210014
Bonus Lose = 0x13DEBF
Bonus Win = 0x2E148A
Level Goal = 0x3C5A26
Simian Segue = 0x13D498
The Credits Concerto = 0x1FDBC8
Master Vol for Funky's Fugue is at 60018 XX XX? is the 25th byte after the start of the header. The control code to look for is 0x11
Change instruments/Waveforms
Control codes are the first number. For example the control code to set instruments is 01.
Step 1. Set an instrument. The instruments/waveform list is above.
The first instrument location for Jungle Groove is → 0xA939A
01 xx - Set Instrument.
Step 2. Set tempo. Play around with this value to something that sounds right.
0B xx - Set Tempo
Step 3. Set pitch. NOTE I haven't figured out how to change pitch. this is glitchy.
08 xx yy zz ww vv - Pitch Slide Up
For this example change xx to A0 and yy to around 8F. Leave the rest at the default. To increase pitch increase the value of yy.
An Example
Below is an example on changing an instrament in the Jungle Groove song.
0x2A is the Uh-oh waveform sound. Search for 0x28? The The default is 0x0B is one byte after this.
location = 0xA9A43;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9A59;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9A65;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9A80;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9AAE;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9AC0;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9ACC;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9AE7;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9AF2;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9A80;
Change to = 0x2A;
Level Music Pointers
Level Music Pointer Table = 0x3983B6
LevelMusicPointers *
8703 = Jungle Groove
8908 = Cave Dweller Concert
8A84 = Aquatic Ambience
8C16 = Life in the Mines
8C59 = Mine Cart Carnage
89F0 = Misty Menace
5F = Voices of the Temple
8E61 = Forest Frenzy
8E1B = Treetop Rock
8B75 = Northern Hemispheres
C3 = Ice Cave Chant
8CE8 = Fear Factory
8BC1 = Mine Cart Madness
8589 = Bad Boss Boogie
8FB4 = Gang-Plank Galleon
901C = The Credits Concerto
8582 = Bonus Room Blitz
9015 = Cranky's Theme
86FC = Lost Life
Music below missing From Above Pointer Table?
Change the index value for the below music instead of pointer. Read beginning of Doc for info.
Cranky's Theme (In pointer table but could not find it's pointer)
Lost Life (In pointer table but could not find it's pointer)
Bonus Room Win
Bonus Room Lose
Simian Segue
Candy's Love Song
Funky's Fugue
K. Rool's Cacophony
Note... Some Songs mess up the Tire Bounce Sound
The pointers listed below are grouped into song titles and in order in which they appear in game.
*************************************8703=Jungle Groove***************************************************************
Jungle Hijinxs = 0x3983e2
Bonus #1 = 0x3983c2
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3983c6
Save Point = 0x398400
Bonus #2 = 0x3983EA
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x398492
Bannana Hoarde = 0x39844E
Exit From Banana Hoarde = 0x398474
DK's Tree House = 0x39846E
DK's Tree House Exit = 0x3983d2
Ropey Rampage = 0x3983CE
Save Point = 0x3983D4
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398494
Bonus #1 = 0x3983EE
Bonus #2 = 0x3983EC
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x398496
Barrel Cannon Canyon = 0x3983e4
Save Point = 0x3983E8
Bonus #1 = 0x398442
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984A2
Bonus #2 = 0x398470
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984A4
Orang-utan Gang = 0x3983D0
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398498
Bonus #1 = 0x3983F6
Bonus #2 = 0x3983F4
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x39849A
Bonus #3 = 0x3983F2
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x39849C
Bonus #4 Exit = 0x39849E
Bonus #4 = 0x39846C
Bonus #5 = 0x39846A
Bonus #5 Exit = 0x3984A0
Save Point = 0x3983F0
************************************8908=Cave Dweller Concert********************************************************
Reptile Rumble = 0x3983B8
Save Point = 0x398402
Bonus #1 = 0x3983BA
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3983C8
Bonus #2 = 0x398446
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x398548
Bonus #3 = 0x3983BE
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3983CC
Bouncy Bonanza = 0x3983C4
Bonus #1 = 0x3984E4
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984A6
Save Point = 0x3983E0
Winky Room = 0x3983BC
Wunky Room Exit = 0x3983D6
Bonus #2 = 0x3983D8
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984A8
Torchlight Trouble = 0x3983DE
Save Point = 0x3983DC
Bonus #1 = 0x398538
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x39853A
Bonus #2 = 0x39853C
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x39853E
Elevator Antics = 0x3983E6
Bonus #1 = 0x3984EA
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984B0
Bonus #2 = 0x3984EC
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984B2
Save Point = 0x3983FC
Bonus # 3 Exit = 0x3984B4
Bonus #3 = 0x3984EE
Manic Mincers = 0x3983DA
Save Point = 0x398408
Bonus #1 = 0x3983C0
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984AA
Mincer Room = 0x3984E8
Mincer Room Exit = 0x3984AC
Bonus #2 = 0x3984E6
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984AE
**********************************8A84=Aquatic Ambience*******************************************************************************
Coral Capers = 0x398534
Midway Point = 0x398536
There are no Bonus levels for this level.
Clam City = 0x398572
Midway Point = 0x398574
There are no Bonus levels for this level.
Croctopus Chase = 0x398432
Midway Point = 0x398434
There are no Bonus levels for this level.
Poison Pond = 0x3983FA
Midway Point = 0x39840A ← New
There are no Bonus levels for this level.
*************************************8C16=Life in the Mines*****************************************************************
Winky's Walkway = 0x398568
Save Point = 0x39856A
Bonus #1 = 0x398454
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398458
Trick Track Trek = 0x398414
Bonus #1 = 0x3984F8
Bonus Exit = 0x3984C6
Save Point = 0x398428
Bonus #2 = 0x3984F2
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984CA
Bonus #3 = 0x3984F0
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3984C8
Tanked Up Trouble = 0x398416
Bonus #1 = 0x3984F4
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984CC
Save Point = 0x39842A
Platform Perils = 0x39840C
Bonus #1 = 0x398452
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984C2
Save Point = 0x39840E
Bonus #2 = 0x398456
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984C4
***************************************8C59=Mine Cart Carnage*****************************************************************************************
Mine Cart Carnage = 0x398412
Midway Point = 0x398426
There are no Bonus levels for this level.
***************************************8BC1=Mine Cart Madness*******************************************************************************************
Mine Cart Madness = 0x398404
Bonus #1 = 0x398450
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984ce
Save point = 0x39842C
Bonus #2 = 0x3984f6
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984D0
Bonus #3 = 0x3984fa
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3984D2
***************************************89F0=Misty Menace*********************************************************************************************
Stop & Go Station = 0x398418
Save point = 0x39842E
Bonus #1 = 0x39844C
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984BA
Bonus #2 = 0X39844a
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984BC
Misty Mine = 0x3983CA
Save Point = 0x398410
Bonus #1 = 0x39841C
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984B6
Bonus #2 = 0x39841A
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984B8
Loopy Lights = 0x398422
Bonus #1 = 0x398448
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984BE
Save Point = 0x398430
Bonus #2 = 0x398424
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984C0
************************************8D5F=Voices of the Temple************************************************************************************************
Millstone Mayhem = 0x39843A
Bonus #1 = 0x398460
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398512
Bonus #2 = 0x398462
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x398514
Bonus #3 = 0x398464
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x398516
Save Point = 0x398466
Temple Tempest = 0x39843C
Bonus #1 = 0x39845A
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398518
Save Point = 0x398468
Bonus #2 = 0x39845C
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x39851A
******************************8E61=Forest Frenzy********************************************************************************************************
Vulture Culture = 0x398500
Bonus #1 = 0x398524
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x39852A
Bonus #2 = 0x398526
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x39852C
Save Point = 0x39850A
Bonus #3 = 0x398528
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x39852E
Forest Frenzy = 0x398556
Save Point = 0x398558
Bonus #1 = 0x39856E
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398570
Bonus #2 = 0x39855E
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x39856C
*******************************8E1B=Treetop Rock********************************************************************************************************
Tree Top Town = 0x3984fe
Bonus #1 = 0x39851E
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398520
Save Point = 0x398508
Bonus #2 = 0x39851c
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x398522
Rope Bridge Rumble = 0x398552
Bonus #1 = 0x398560
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398566
Save Point = 0x398554
Bonus #2 = 0x398564
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x398562
********************************8B75=Northern Hemispheres***************************************************************************************************
Snow Barrel Blast = 0x3983FE
Bonus #1 = 0x398484
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984de
Bonus #2 = 0x398488
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984e0
Save Point = 0x398406
Bonus #3 = 0x398482
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3984e2
Ice Age Alley = 0x398504
Bonus #1 = 0x39848A
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x39850e
Save Point = 0x398506
Bonus #2 = 0x39848C
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x398510
*****************************8DC3=Ice Cave Chant************************************************************************************************************
Slipslide Ride = 0x398490
Bonus #1 = 0x39854A
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398544
Bonus #2 = 0x398540
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x398546
Save Point = 0x39850C
Bonus #3 = 0x398542
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x39854c
******************************8CE8=Fear Factory*************************************************************************************************************
Oil Drum Alley = 0x398436
Bonus #1 = 0x39847C
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984d4
Bonus #2 = 0x398478
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984D6 → duplicate pointer. This pointer is also used for Bonus Room #3 Secret Exit.
Bonus #3 Secret = 0x398532
Bonus #3 Secret Exit = 0x3984d6 → duplicate pointer. This pointer is also used for Bonus Room #2 Exit.
Save Point = 0x39843e
Bonus #4 = 0x398476
Bonus #4 Exit = 0x3984d8
Blackout Basement = 0x398438
Save Point = 0x398440
Bonus #1 = 0x39847E
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984DA
Bonus #2 = 0x3984FC
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984dc
***************************8589=Bad Boss Boogie***************************************************************************************************************
Very Gnawty's Lair = 0x398576
Necky's Nuts = 0x398578
Bumble B. Rumble = 0x398580
Really Gnawty Rampage = 0x39857A
Boss Dumb Drum = 0x39857C
Necky's Revenge = 0x39857E
***************************8FB4=Gang-Plank Galleon*************************************************************************************************************
Gang-Plank Galleon = 0x398486
****************************8582=Bonus Room Blitz (Animal Buddy Bonus Rooms )************************************************************************************
Rambi = 0x39855A
Expresso = 0x39848E
Winky = 0x39855C
Enguarde = 0x398502
*****************************901C=The Credits Concerto*********************************************************************************************************
Credits = 0x398472
********************************Music Missing From Above Pointer Table?****************************************************************************************
Change the index value instead of pointer. Read beginning of Doc for info.
Cranky's Theme (In pointer table but could not find it's pointer)
Lost Life (In pointer table but could not find it's pointer)
Bonus Room Win
Bonus Room Lose
Simian Segue
Candy's Love Song
Funky's Fugue
K. Rool's Cacophony
| .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. | | .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. |
| | ________ | || | ___ ____ | || | ______ | | | | ____ ____ | || | _____ _____ | || | _______ | || | _____ | || | ______ | |
| | |_ ___ '. | || | |_ ||_ _| | || | .' ___ | | | | ||_ \ / _|| || ||_ _||_ _|| || | / ___ | | || | |_ _| | || | .' ___ | | |
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| | | | | | | || | | __'. | || | | | | | | | | |\ /| | | || | | ' ' | | || | '.___`-. | || | | | | || | | | | |
| | _| |___.' / | || | _| | \ \_ | || | \ '.___.'\ | | | | _| |_\/_| |_ | || | \ `--' / | || | |'\____) | | || | _| |_ | || | \ '.___.'\ | |
| | |________.' | || | |____||____| | || | '._____.' | | | ||_____||_____|| || | '.__.' | || | |_______.' | || | |_____| | || | '._____.' | |
| | | || | | || | | | | | | || | | || | | || | | || | | |
| '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' | | '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' |
'----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
Donkey Kong Country Music Info
Updated November 11th 20022
by Cyclone
Thanks to Simion32, Mattrizzle, rainbowsprinklez and others on various forums for the help.
** How I went about changing the music played when visiting Cranky and the other non level music. **
Use Donkey Kong Country U version 1.0 of game.
1. In a debugger (I used bsnes-plus) turn on the Trace option and run the game starting at the map screen. Then enter Cranky's Cabin and then stop the trace when this area is just loaded.
2. Open the trace log and search for the "A8C65" ( minus the first digit ) value which is in the list below. This is the address for Cranky's Theme. A few lines up from here in the log you will see the accumulator "A" value is 0017.
Search for this #$0017 index value. This is the index value for Cranky's Theme. Change this value at this address to change the music. If you can't find the "A8C65" value search for jsl $b99049 or jml $B99036.
You will see the index value on the line right above it. See example of trace log below.
80eaa9 lda #$0017 A:008f X:00c2 Y:0080 S:01ff D:0000 DB:80 NvmxdIzC V:240 H: 86 F:47 ← Index value specifying the music to load.
80eaac jsl $b99049 [b99049] A:0017 X:00c2 Y:0080 S:01ff D:0000 DB:80 nvmxdIzC V:238 H: 84 F:48 ← $b99049 Loads the music.
Below is a list of index values and Sequence/Waveform set positions for the different songs in the game from a Japanese Document. May have errors.
These Waveform set positions are for DKC Version 1.2. For DKC 1.0 subtract 5 bytes
Song title Sequence position Waveform set position
00 Jungle Groove 0x0A9361 0x0AB286
01 Cave Dweller Concert 0x090000 0x0AB29C
02 Misty Menace 0x090838 0x0AB2A8
03 Aquatic Ambience 0x0A8000 0x0AB2B6
04 Mine Cart Madness 0x093BBF 0x0AB2CE
05 Northern Hemispheres 0x091CF8 0x0AB2DC
06 Voices of the Temple 0x1F1650 0x0AB2EC
07 Fear Factory 0x090F83 0x0AB2F8
08 Life in the Mines 0x23CDA7 0x0AB30A
09 Simian Segue 0x13D484 0x0AB31C
0A Fanfare Theme 0x2A0000 0x0AB33A
0B Ice Cave Chant 0x3095BE 0x0AB33E
0C DK Island Swing 0x016B84 0x0AB34A
0D Forest Frenzy 0x050000 0x0AB356
0E The Credits Concerto 0x1FDBB4 0x0AB362
0F Game Over 0x340000 0x0AB374
10 Bonus Room Blitz 0x1BF5D8 0x0AB37C
11 Lost Life 0x210000 0x0AB394
12 Bonus Win 0x2E1476 0x0AB38A
13 Treetop Rock 0x05EBC6 0x0AB39A
14 Funky's Fugue 0x060000 0x0AB3A4
15 Bad Boss Boogie 0x29C6A4 0x0AB3B8
16 Candy's Love Song 0x31BB58 0x0AB3C8
17 Cranky's Theme 0x0A8C65 0x0AB3DA
18 Gang-Plank Galleon 0x022ECC 0x0AB3E2
19 Bonus Lose 0x13DEAB 0x0AB3F0
1A Level Goal 0x3C5A12 0x0AB38A
?? (Null) 0x0AB330
Index Values and their Addresses
80eaa9 (PC Address = EAA9) 17 = Cranky's Theme
80f428 (PC Address = F428) 14 = Funky's Fugue
80efdf (PC Address = EFDF) 16 = Candy's Love Song
80e2a3 (PC Address = E2A3) 1A = Level Goal Music
80e2ac (PC Address = E2AC) 0C = DK Island Swing(Map Music)
00ba67 (PC Address = BA67) 0A = Fanfare Theme (Rare Logo Theme)
80c070 (PC ADDRESS = C070) 09 = Simian Segue (Intro Song)
80de85 (PC Address = DE85) 0F = K. Rool's Cacophony (Game Over)
be983e (PC Address = 3E983E) 11 = Lost Life
be8b73 (PC Address = 3E8B73) 19 = Bonus Level Lose
be891f (PC Address = 3E891F) 12 = Bonus Level Win
b98703 (PC Address = 398703) 00 = Jungle Groove
b98582 (PC Address = 398582) 10 = Bonus Room Blitz
b98908 (PC Address = 398908) 01 = Cave Dweller Concert
b98589 (PC Address = 398589) 15 = Bad Boss Boogie
b98a84 (PC Address = 398A84) 03 = Aquatic Ambience
b98c16 (PC Address = 398C16) 08 = Life in the Mines
b98c59 (PC Address = 398C59) 04 = Mine Cart Carnage ← same song as Mine Cart Madness just a different pointer.
b989f0 (PC Address = 3989F0) 02 = Misty Menace
b98d5f (PC Address = 398D5F) 06 = Voices of the Temple
b98e61 (PC Address = 398E61) 0D = Forest Frenzy
b98e1b (PC Address = 398E1B) 13 = Treetop Rock
b98b75 (PC Address = 398B75) 05 = Northern Hemispheres
b98dc3 (PC Address = 398DC3) 0B = Ice Cave Chant
b98ce8 (PC Address = 398CE8) 07 = Fear Factory
b98bc1 (PC Adresss = 398BC1) 04 = Mine Cart Madness
b98fb4 (PC Address = 398FB4) 18 = Gang-Plank Galleon
b9901c (PC Address = 39901C) 0E = The Credits Concerto
Music Format
From Japanese document which Mattrizzle made notes from
For a more detailed Document please visit this link. ... Music_Spec
Header of music data:
Bytes 0x00-0x01 Length of data, not including this or the next two bytes (DKC1)/SPC RAM Destination (DKC2 & 3; Always 1300)
Bytes 0x02-0x03 SPC RAM Destination (DKC1, always 12A0)/ Length of data divided by two (DKC2 & 3)
0x04-0x13 SPC RAM Pointers to each instrument track's data for (2 bytes per pointer, 8 tracks per song)(this for song 0x00 in a set in DKC2 & 3)
0x14 Music Tempo
0x15 Sound Effect Tempo (Always A0 in DKC1; FF in DKC2 & 3)
The actual instrument track data comes after this, and can include the following control codes:
Control Codes (documentation is still incomplete):
00 End of sound data
01 II Set Instrument sample (Valid values: 00-45(DKC1)
02 LL RR Volume Levels (separate values for left and right speakers)
03 yy XX Play sound data at SPC RAM address XXyy
04 NN yy XX Play sound data at SPC RAM address XXyy NN times, then return
05 ????? (sometimes used at the end of sound data instead of 00)
06 ?? Global note length (if not set, must specify a note length after each note value)
08 ?? ?? ?? ?? ????? (DKC1)
0B ?? ????? (DKC1)
10 ?? ?? Attack/Decay/Sustain/Release(ADSR) of current instrument?
11 LL RR Master Level (LL = left, RR = right; valid range: #$00-#$7F)
12 ?? ?????
13 PP Set Instrument Pitch (signed)
14 PP Increase/Decrease Instrument Pitch (signed)
15 KK LL RR Echo of entire song (KK = feedback, LL = left echo level, RR = right echo level)
16 ?? ?? ?????
17 ????? (DKC1)
18 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Finite Impulse Response(FIR) Filter for whole song
21 yy XX Play sound data at SPC RAM address XXyy, different from 03? (DKC2 & 3 only)
23 VV Volume Levels (same value for both speakers, DKC2 & 3 only)
28 II LL RR Set instrument and left/right levels (DKC1 only?)
2A ?? ????? (DKC1 only?, Usually #$64)
80 Rest
81-?? Music Note Scale
**** Quote from Mattrizzle ****
There are a few different subroutines/entry points having to do with music. All of these are in bank $B9. For the first three, the accumulator (A) should contain the 16-bit value of the music track to play
prior to jumping to the subroutine. The values to load into A match the list in the second quote block in your original post.
$B99023 jumps to $9027, which loads a music track (sequence data, BRR waveforms, etc.), but doesn't play it. Both of the routines following this one jsr to $9027 as well.
$B99036 loads a music track and plays it no matter what.
$B99049 checks the value of the music track which is playing, and only switches to the new track if the value in A doesn't match this.
$B990CE starts or restarts the loaded music track. $B99036 and $B99049 both call this subroutine.
$B990E7 stops the track. (I could be wrong on this one.)
Sometimes these routines are JSL'd into, while other times they are JML'd into.
For instance, code at $80EAA9 loads and plays Cranky's Theme when it is heard at Cranky's Cabin, calling $B99049 using a JSL:
org $80EAA9
lda #$0017
jsl $B99049
In another example, code at $B99015 loads and plays the same music track when it is heard in D.K.'s treehouse, but calls the subroutine $B99036 using a JML:
org $B99015
lda #$0017
jml $B99036
**** End of Quote *****
Donkey Kong Country Waveform List:
00 Voice-uh_A
01 Strings
02 Kick
03 Xylophone_A
04 Harp
05 Bells_A
06 Simple Waveform_A
07 Piano
08 Voice-uh_B
09 Tom_A
0A Marimba
0B Snare
0C Water Sound
0D Metal Sound
0E Simple Waveform_B
0F Simple Waveform_C
10 Trumpet 13 FC 12 F6
11 Goo
12 Bell_B
13 Simple Waveform_D
14 Simple Waveform_E
15 Conga
16 Hi-Hat
17 Simple Waveform_F
18 Simple Waveform_G
19 Simple Waveform_H
1A Whistle_A
1B Acoustic Bass
1C Simple Waveform_I
1D Trolley Running Sound
1E Simple Waveform_J
1F Birdsong
20 Whoo-hoo
21 Tal cannon, balloons, etc.
22 Simple Waveform_K
23 Cymbal?
24 Ho-A
25 Hot_B
26 Huh
27 Gee
28 Uh-oh
29 Crasher
2A Uh-oh.
2B Oooh
2C Simple_L
2D Simple Waveform_M
2E Simple Waveform_N
2F Simple Waveform_O
30 Simple Waveform_P
31 Glocken
32 ? Voice
33 Ending guitar
34 E.Guitar_A
35 Bottole_Blow
36 Neckie
37 Tree
38 Simple Waveform_Q
39 Simple Waveform_R
3A Fau
3B E.Kick?
3C Aa.Ya?
3D OrchestraHit
3E Pizzicato
3F Timpani
40 Noise? Cymbals?
41 Simple Waveform_S
42 Xylophone_B
43 Tom_B
44 Hot_C
45 E.Guitar_B
Music modifiers
Song Header Start Address is $12a0
****Tempo Global***
The below values will change the global sound/music tempo for the particular sound track. Meaning it will change the tempo of other sound effects like DK's chest pound etc.
Lower values increase tempo. The default value of this is 0x64.
Cranky's Theme = 0xA8C7C
Funky's Fugue = 0x60017
Candy's Love Song = 0x31BB70
DK Island Swing (Map Music) = 0x16B9B
Treetop Rock = 0x5EBDD
Gang-Plank Galleon = 0x22EE3
Bonus Room Blitz = 0x1bF5EF
Forest Frenzy = 0x50017
Jungle Groove = 0xA9384
Mine Cart Madness = 0x93BC3
Northern Hemispheres = 0x91D0F
Cave Dweller Concert = 0x90062
Voices of the Temple = 0x1f1668
Fear Factory = 0x9100A
Ice Cave Chant = 0x3095D5
Misty Menace = 0x90856
Bad Boss Boogie = 0x29C6BB
Life in the Mines = 0x23CDC6
Aquatic Ambience = 0xA86D9
Fanfare Theme (Rare Logo) = 0x2A0018
Game Over = 0x340019
Lost Life = 0x210017
Bonus Lose = 0x13DEC2
Bonus Win = 0x2E148D
Level Goal = 0x3C5A29
Simian Segue (Intro Song) = 0x13D49B
The Credits Concerto = 0x1FDBD3
Aquatic Ambience = 0xA8014 ← Lower values reduce tempo.
****Mute Music****
Change the value at the below addresses to "00" to mute the music. It is the 21st byte from the song header and Controls the music tempo but changing it to zero mutes the music.
Cranky's Theme = 0xA8C79
Funky's Fugue = 0x60014
Candy's Love Song = 0x31BB6C
DK Island Swing (Map Music) = 0x16B98
Treetop Rock = 0x5EBDA
Gang-Plank Galleon = 0x22EE0
Bonus Room Blitz = 0x1BF5EC
Forest Frenzy = 0x50014
Jungle Groove = 0xA9375
Mine Cart Madness = 0x93BD3
Northern Hemispheres = 0x91D0C
Cave Dweller Concert = 0x90014
Voices of the Temple = 0x1F1664
Fear Factory = 0x90F97
Ice Cave Chant = 0x3095D2
Misty Menace = 0x9084C
Bad Boss Boogie = 0x29C6B8
Life in the Mines = 0x23CDBB
Aquatic Ambiance = 0xA8014
Fanfare Theme (Rare Logo) = 0x2A0014
Game Over = 0x340014
Lost Life = 0x210014
Bonus Lose = 0x13DEBF
Bonus Win = 0x2E148A
Level Goal = 0x3C5A26
Simian Segue = 0x13D498
The Credits Concerto = 0x1FDBC8
Master Vol for Funky's Fugue is at 60018 XX XX? is the 25th byte after the start of the header. The control code to look for is 0x11
Change instruments/Waveforms
Control codes are the first number. For example the control code to set instruments is 01.
Step 1. Set an instrument. The instruments/waveform list is above.
The first instrument location for Jungle Groove is → 0xA939A
01 xx - Set Instrument.
Step 2. Set tempo. Play around with this value to something that sounds right.
0B xx - Set Tempo
Step 3. Set pitch. NOTE I haven't figured out how to change pitch. this is glitchy.
08 xx yy zz ww vv - Pitch Slide Up
For this example change xx to A0 and yy to around 8F. Leave the rest at the default. To increase pitch increase the value of yy.
An Example
Below is an example on changing an instrament in the Jungle Groove song.
0x2A is the Uh-oh waveform sound. Search for 0x28? The The default is 0x0B is one byte after this.
location = 0xA9A43;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9A59;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9A65;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9A80;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9AAE;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9AC0;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9ACC;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9AE7;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9AF2;
Change to = 0x2A;
location = 0xA9A80;
Change to = 0x2A;
Level Music Pointers
Level Music Pointer Table = 0x3983B6
LevelMusicPointers *
8703 = Jungle Groove
8908 = Cave Dweller Concert
8A84 = Aquatic Ambience
8C16 = Life in the Mines
8C59 = Mine Cart Carnage
89F0 = Misty Menace

8E61 = Forest Frenzy
8E1B = Treetop Rock
8B75 = Northern Hemispheres

8CE8 = Fear Factory
8BC1 = Mine Cart Madness
8589 = Bad Boss Boogie
8FB4 = Gang-Plank Galleon
901C = The Credits Concerto
8582 = Bonus Room Blitz
9015 = Cranky's Theme
86FC = Lost Life
Music below missing From Above Pointer Table?
Change the index value for the below music instead of pointer. Read beginning of Doc for info.
Cranky's Theme (In pointer table but could not find it's pointer)
Lost Life (In pointer table but could not find it's pointer)
Bonus Room Win
Bonus Room Lose
Simian Segue
Candy's Love Song
Funky's Fugue
K. Rool's Cacophony
Note... Some Songs mess up the Tire Bounce Sound
The pointers listed below are grouped into song titles and in order in which they appear in game.
*************************************8703=Jungle Groove***************************************************************
Jungle Hijinxs = 0x3983e2
Bonus #1 = 0x3983c2
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3983c6
Save Point = 0x398400
Bonus #2 = 0x3983EA
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x398492
Bannana Hoarde = 0x39844E
Exit From Banana Hoarde = 0x398474
DK's Tree House = 0x39846E
DK's Tree House Exit = 0x3983d2
Ropey Rampage = 0x3983CE
Save Point = 0x3983D4
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398494
Bonus #1 = 0x3983EE
Bonus #2 = 0x3983EC
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x398496
Barrel Cannon Canyon = 0x3983e4
Save Point = 0x3983E8
Bonus #1 = 0x398442
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984A2
Bonus #2 = 0x398470
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984A4
Orang-utan Gang = 0x3983D0
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398498
Bonus #1 = 0x3983F6
Bonus #2 = 0x3983F4
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x39849A
Bonus #3 = 0x3983F2
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x39849C
Bonus #4 Exit = 0x39849E
Bonus #4 = 0x39846C
Bonus #5 = 0x39846A
Bonus #5 Exit = 0x3984A0
Save Point = 0x3983F0
************************************8908=Cave Dweller Concert********************************************************
Reptile Rumble = 0x3983B8
Save Point = 0x398402
Bonus #1 = 0x3983BA
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3983C8
Bonus #2 = 0x398446
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x398548
Bonus #3 = 0x3983BE
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3983CC
Bouncy Bonanza = 0x3983C4
Bonus #1 = 0x3984E4
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984A6
Save Point = 0x3983E0
Winky Room = 0x3983BC
Wunky Room Exit = 0x3983D6
Bonus #2 = 0x3983D8
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984A8
Torchlight Trouble = 0x3983DE
Save Point = 0x3983DC
Bonus #1 = 0x398538
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x39853A
Bonus #2 = 0x39853C
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x39853E
Elevator Antics = 0x3983E6
Bonus #1 = 0x3984EA
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984B0
Bonus #2 = 0x3984EC
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984B2
Save Point = 0x3983FC
Bonus # 3 Exit = 0x3984B4
Bonus #3 = 0x3984EE
Manic Mincers = 0x3983DA
Save Point = 0x398408
Bonus #1 = 0x3983C0
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984AA
Mincer Room = 0x3984E8
Mincer Room Exit = 0x3984AC
Bonus #2 = 0x3984E6
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984AE
**********************************8A84=Aquatic Ambience*******************************************************************************
Coral Capers = 0x398534
Midway Point = 0x398536
There are no Bonus levels for this level.
Clam City = 0x398572
Midway Point = 0x398574
There are no Bonus levels for this level.
Croctopus Chase = 0x398432
Midway Point = 0x398434
There are no Bonus levels for this level.
Poison Pond = 0x3983FA
Midway Point = 0x39840A ← New
There are no Bonus levels for this level.
*************************************8C16=Life in the Mines*****************************************************************
Winky's Walkway = 0x398568
Save Point = 0x39856A
Bonus #1 = 0x398454
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398458
Trick Track Trek = 0x398414
Bonus #1 = 0x3984F8
Bonus Exit = 0x3984C6
Save Point = 0x398428
Bonus #2 = 0x3984F2
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984CA
Bonus #3 = 0x3984F0
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3984C8
Tanked Up Trouble = 0x398416
Bonus #1 = 0x3984F4
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984CC
Save Point = 0x39842A
Platform Perils = 0x39840C
Bonus #1 = 0x398452
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984C2
Save Point = 0x39840E
Bonus #2 = 0x398456
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984C4
***************************************8C59=Mine Cart Carnage*****************************************************************************************
Mine Cart Carnage = 0x398412
Midway Point = 0x398426
There are no Bonus levels for this level.
***************************************8BC1=Mine Cart Madness*******************************************************************************************
Mine Cart Madness = 0x398404
Bonus #1 = 0x398450
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984ce
Save point = 0x39842C
Bonus #2 = 0x3984f6
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984D0
Bonus #3 = 0x3984fa
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3984D2
***************************************89F0=Misty Menace*********************************************************************************************
Stop & Go Station = 0x398418
Save point = 0x39842E
Bonus #1 = 0x39844C
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984BA
Bonus #2 = 0X39844a
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984BC
Misty Mine = 0x3983CA
Save Point = 0x398410
Bonus #1 = 0x39841C
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984B6
Bonus #2 = 0x39841A
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984B8
Loopy Lights = 0x398422
Bonus #1 = 0x398448
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984BE
Save Point = 0x398430
Bonus #2 = 0x398424
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984C0
************************************8D5F=Voices of the Temple************************************************************************************************
Millstone Mayhem = 0x39843A
Bonus #1 = 0x398460
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398512
Bonus #2 = 0x398462
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x398514
Bonus #3 = 0x398464
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x398516
Save Point = 0x398466
Temple Tempest = 0x39843C
Bonus #1 = 0x39845A
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398518
Save Point = 0x398468
Bonus #2 = 0x39845C
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x39851A
******************************8E61=Forest Frenzy********************************************************************************************************
Vulture Culture = 0x398500
Bonus #1 = 0x398524
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x39852A
Bonus #2 = 0x398526
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x39852C
Save Point = 0x39850A
Bonus #3 = 0x398528
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x39852E
Forest Frenzy = 0x398556
Save Point = 0x398558
Bonus #1 = 0x39856E
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398570
Bonus #2 = 0x39855E
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x39856C
*******************************8E1B=Treetop Rock********************************************************************************************************
Tree Top Town = 0x3984fe
Bonus #1 = 0x39851E
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398520
Save Point = 0x398508
Bonus #2 = 0x39851c
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x398522
Rope Bridge Rumble = 0x398552
Bonus #1 = 0x398560
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398566
Save Point = 0x398554
Bonus #2 = 0x398564
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x398562
********************************8B75=Northern Hemispheres***************************************************************************************************
Snow Barrel Blast = 0x3983FE
Bonus #1 = 0x398484
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984de
Bonus #2 = 0x398488
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984e0
Save Point = 0x398406
Bonus #3 = 0x398482
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x3984e2
Ice Age Alley = 0x398504
Bonus #1 = 0x39848A
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x39850e
Save Point = 0x398506
Bonus #2 = 0x39848C
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x398510
*****************************8DC3=Ice Cave Chant************************************************************************************************************
Slipslide Ride = 0x398490
Bonus #1 = 0x39854A
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x398544
Bonus #2 = 0x398540
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x398546
Save Point = 0x39850C
Bonus #3 = 0x398542
Bonus #3 Exit = 0x39854c
******************************8CE8=Fear Factory*************************************************************************************************************
Oil Drum Alley = 0x398436
Bonus #1 = 0x39847C
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984d4
Bonus #2 = 0x398478
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984D6 → duplicate pointer. This pointer is also used for Bonus Room #3 Secret Exit.
Bonus #3 Secret = 0x398532
Bonus #3 Secret Exit = 0x3984d6 → duplicate pointer. This pointer is also used for Bonus Room #2 Exit.
Save Point = 0x39843e
Bonus #4 = 0x398476
Bonus #4 Exit = 0x3984d8
Blackout Basement = 0x398438
Save Point = 0x398440
Bonus #1 = 0x39847E
Bonus #1 Exit = 0x3984DA
Bonus #2 = 0x3984FC
Bonus #2 Exit = 0x3984dc
***************************8589=Bad Boss Boogie***************************************************************************************************************
Very Gnawty's Lair = 0x398576
Necky's Nuts = 0x398578
Bumble B. Rumble = 0x398580
Really Gnawty Rampage = 0x39857A
Boss Dumb Drum = 0x39857C
Necky's Revenge = 0x39857E
***************************8FB4=Gang-Plank Galleon*************************************************************************************************************
Gang-Plank Galleon = 0x398486
****************************8582=Bonus Room Blitz (Animal Buddy Bonus Rooms )************************************************************************************
Rambi = 0x39855A
Expresso = 0x39848E
Winky = 0x39855C
Enguarde = 0x398502
*****************************901C=The Credits Concerto*********************************************************************************************************
Credits = 0x398472
********************************Music Missing From Above Pointer Table?****************************************************************************************
Change the index value instead of pointer. Read beginning of Doc for info.
Cranky's Theme (In pointer table but could not find it's pointer)
Lost Life (In pointer table but could not find it's pointer)
Bonus Room Win
Bonus Room Lose
Simian Segue
Candy's Love Song
Funky's Fugue
K. Rool's Cacophony