The DKC Trilogy Remastered (Flash Project)

Where dead topics hang out.

What else might you want to see.

An option to use the original graphics/sound (similar to Halo CE: Anniversary)
Use any Kong in any level once game is complete (possibly new levels/areas)
The arcade trilogy (DK, DKJ, DK3) remade
The Land trilogy remade with the same assets
Total votes : 4

The DKC Trilogy Remastered (Flash Project)

Postby TimeRe4per » June 6th, 2014, 11:57 am

After hours of wasted time I have finally decided to get off my lazy Ass and do something. And the result? A top-secret mix of craziness with a little bit of Flash CS6 and FLStudio to create...


When I am complete, the finished product will be a flash file that includes:
    - The SNES versions of Donkey Kong Country, DKC2: Diddy's Kong Quest & DKC3:Dixie Kong's Double Trouble
    - The GBA exclusive mini-games as optional extras, accessible from the main menu
    - Three save files for each game
    - Better and clearer graphics and sound
    - The SNES cheats for each game
    - Identical level design to the SNES versions
    - Pacifica with a new boss, and Kerosene

This project is far from complete, but I should think that I have the dedication to do so, and this is definitely more than Nintendo is doing for the ape at the current point in time.
If you wish to help me with the project, PM me with your skills. I will require help if we want to make this happen.

    - Main Menu - ABANDONED
    - Music - In Progress
    - Extras - ABANDONED

Edit: This thread probably will not be updated very often, especially before I start making some serious headway. :dixiecry:

Edit: The project has been near abandoned as a result of rising school work and exams. My focus at the moment, in terms of the project, are on the music remasters. The game itself probably won't be worked on again until far in the future, and even then on a completely different engine like unity, or self coded if I cannot find a suitable engine. I will be posting my works on YouTube, which I am personally new to as a budding content creator, along with various lets plays and other videos. Thank you for understanding. Once I start posting, you'll be able to find me under the alias "FeverBlade".
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Re: The DKC Trilogy Remastered (Flash Project)

Postby Qyzbud » June 6th, 2014, 12:11 pm

Welcome to DKC Atlas!

This sounds incredibly ambitious, and I wish you the best of luck. I assume you're handy with ActionScript and have all the time and motivation in the world? :lol:

Seriously though, it sounds fantastic, and I'd love to see/hear any progress that you've made so far. :)
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Re: The DKC Trilogy Remastered (Flash Project)

Postby Simion32 » June 6th, 2014, 12:12 pm

Welcome to DKC Atlas!

@TimeRe4per: Why not visit the chat? :)

You should take a look at how long I've been working on my C++ engine. Making a DKC isn't at all easy if you want it to be *absolutely perfect*. ;)

Good luck, but I'm afraid I won't be able to help you out with this one. :P

EDIT: For extracting DKC resources, you should look up DKCRE over in its subforum. Be sure to download DKCRE v0.0.5.0 as well as the newest one, so that you can get DKC2 maps. ;)
Sage of Discovery
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Re: The DKC Trilogy Remastered (Flash Project)

Postby TimeRe4per » June 6th, 2014, 12:34 pm

Hi guys,
I've been a lurker since just before the release of Double The Trouble! on OCRemix, and I have already tried and had little success with DKCRE.
Also, when I was requesting help, It could be in the form of a HD background in the form of a bmp, or a sprite to work off.
I'm also working on upgrading the music in a similar fashion to DKCR and DKCTF, just truer to the originals.

Just glad to be part of it all.
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Re: The DKC Trilogy Remastered (Flash Project)

Postby Simion32 » June 6th, 2014, 12:45 pm

If you must find those maps without using DKCRE, I suggest The Spriter's Resource, where TonBerry2K has uploaded DKCRE extracted maps.

As for HD art, I doubt there will be many folks willing to go that route. I'm definitely not an artist, so count me out.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: The DKC Trilogy Remastered (Flash Project)

Postby Qyzbud » June 6th, 2014, 12:56 pm

I've been wanting to try my hand at HD reworks of DKC assets for quite some time, so perhaps I'll bump it up a notch on my rather long to-do list. :)

Hopefully others will be interested in pitching their talents in.

Edit: Your approach to the soundtrack sounds like music to my ears. :D
Atlas Author
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