Written by DKC Atlas Users
This is a little game that I believe will spark some fun here at the Atlas Forums.
How it works: a new story is created with a random topic and we see how close we can stay to that topic. After a reasonable amount of posts (enough that a story can be created from them), I will combine all the words into a final story.
1. Words used in the story must be in quotation marks. If it is not quoted, it will not be apart of the story. Obviously, one can post without quotation marks for discussion as long as it is not quoted.
2. Do not include spaces inside your quotation marks (e.g. " example" - notice the space after the first quotation mark). It will cause problems when I am copying the words into the final story.
3. One word means one word. For example, "bananas" is acceptable, but "rolling barrel" or "balloon!" is not.
4. Hyphenated words (e.g. "merry-go-round") are allowed. Get creative!
5. After your first post, you cannot edit the text in quotation marks. You may, however, edit the text outside quotation marks at your will.
6. All punctuation marks are allowed (e.g. "." and "!").
7. Punctuation marks count as one word (e.g. "?" is one word and "." is one word).
8. Abbreviations are allowed (e.g. "DK" for Donkey Kong). If you use "DK" or any other abbreviation that belongs to more than one thing, specify what it refers to by using: "as in _____".
9. No double posting.
10. For the sake of the Forum Rules, keep posts at least moderately appropriate and relevant.
11. If someone breaks one of the above rules, ignore their post and use the last compliant post.
Post 1: "DK" (as in Donkey Kong)
Post 2: "likes"
Post 3: "to"
Post 4: "puke"
Post 5: "bananas"
Post 6: "and"
Post 7: "eat"
Post 8: "Zingers"
Post 9: "."
I hope this topic will bring about more fun here at the Forums!