Harmony of Heroes - a SSB fan arrangement album

Harmony of Heroes - a SSB fan arrangement album

Postby Cody » October 8th, 2014, 6:23 pm

Recently released is a new Smash Bros. fan arrangement album, Harmony of Heroes, that spans 101 tracks over the course of 7.4 hours! It's very very very good, can't stop listening! Professionally-arranged fan music for your listening pleasure, the torrent can be found here → [Click me!]

(More info in this DK Vine thread: http://www.dkvine.com/interactive/forum ... topic=8914)

For iTunes users, sort album by "grouping" to see which franchises each respective track is from.
Treasure Hunter
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Re: Harmony of Heroes - a SSB fan arrangement album

Postby Qyzbud » October 9th, 2014, 12:27 pm

Good discovery, Cody, and thanks for sharing; I've just started downloading. :)

The official project site doesn't seem to be loading reliably at the moment (especially with Chrome), but here's a link, if anyone wants to try their luck:

Harmony of Heroes | A Super Smash Bros. Fan Album by Shinesparkers

Here are a couple of previews to check out, too:

Seems like it'll be worth a listen — maybe even the non-DK stuff. :lol:

The torrents, as Cody linked to:
Full Album (1.26 GB, MP3 format, ZIP archive)
Lossless Full Album (5.65 GB, M4A format, RAR archive)

Unfortunately, both torrents are archived, meaning you'll have to download the entirety of the torrent before you can listen to a single track. Hopefully the site will be working soon, so those who are just interested in hearing/downloading the DK tunes can do so without the fuss of downloading everything. :roll:

Edit: I've collected a few links to help us DK fans grab the good stuff!

The DK set:

12. Jungle Swing by Stephan Wells
13. Rhythm of the Kong by Sean Haeberman
14. A K.Rool Pub Crawl by Sebastian Mårtensson (feat. Christopher Woo)
15. Rush of the Rainforest by Buoy
16. Kong Kollektive by Sebastian Mårtensson

The full (lossy/MP3) download list can be found here; apparently you can't scroll down the list using Chrome (edit: except via the Tab key), and have to use the keyboard to do so in Firefox... :scratch:
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Re: Harmony of Heroes - a SSB fan arrangement album

Postby Cody » October 25th, 2014, 5:18 am


^ the whole album! There are track taggings in the description for easy navigation. I figured this would be helpful for those who don't have the internet connection / time / willpower to download such a huge collaboration album. :D
Treasure Hunter
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