DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 has concluded

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Re: DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 is underway!

Postby Simion32 » May 18th, 2008, 3:19 pm

Now, I will finally pitch in my 2 cents at the last moment, ten minutes before the deadline. I almost missed out! :P

I used ZSNES 1.51 for the screen shots. Get them here: ATLAS RE-UPLOAD
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Re: DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 is underway!

Postby Qyzbud » May 18th, 2008, 5:18 pm

Simion, good timing. Some really nice snapshots there, too! 8-)

Well any Alaskans or Hawaiians out still have a few hours up their sleeves, but there's a bit more than 10 minutes left for those in the other west-most American states. I'll begin to collate the screenshots I've gathered so far from this thread, and when it's officially Sunday the world over, I'll pick the finest entries out!

Thanks to all who have entered. :)
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Round 1 has concluded

Postby Qyzbud » May 21st, 2008, 1:46 am

Round 1 of our Screenshot Competition has concluded...

There were many excellent shots submitted, and I've chosen what I think to be the best and most fitting of these to be displayed on the Level Info pages. I've also added some of my own screenshots in an effort to provide a balanced representation of each level's unique features and situations.

Take a look:
Bouncy Bonanza
Stop & Go Station
Millstone Mayhem

The captions and submitters' names haven't yet been filled out, but I'll get this sorted out as soon as I get a chance.

** A big thank you to everyone who participated **

There will be prizes for those whose screenshots were chosen, but I'll have to ask you to be patient with me while I organise this!

A new round of the screenshot competition will commence shortly.
(In the meantime, feel free to get a head start by collecting your best snaps of Vine Valley's first few levels.) :)
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Re: DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 has concluded

Postby Stone » May 21st, 2008, 1:53 am

I don't need any prizes, because every update is like a jackpot ;)

Many levels pages feature screenshots of every bonuslevel, but some not. Sure, I don't know if it even was your intention to include them all, because a bonuslevel section will make this unnessecary.
And I think it's no coincidence that in Stop&Go the greener shots are on the left side and the red ones on the right. Am I correct? :mrgreen:
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Re: DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 has concluded

Postby Qyzbud » May 21st, 2008, 2:22 am

Stone, I'm glad you feel that way. :)

As for your observations; I do intend to have every bonus area pictured in the level info galleries, when time permits... and you may be right about the green/red split for Stop & Go's gallery. I think it's fair to say that it was more than just coincidence... ;)
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Re: DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 has concluded

Postby Jomingo » May 21st, 2008, 6:27 am

So, will there be a caption competition? I like not feeling useless. :D
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Re: DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 has concluded

Postby Qyzbud » May 21st, 2008, 12:04 pm

Yes, I like the sound of a caption competition. Maybe the best idea would be to expand this screenshot comp from just one topic to a whole sub-board... That way we can organise things a little better, and have a 'general submissions' topic for anyone wanting to post screens which aren't from the 'featured' levels. A topic for each round would make a bit of sense, too. Saves people getting lost in it all. Then we can also have a separate topic for each screenshot in need of a caption, so suggested captions can be posted without being confusing amongst other screenshot submissions, competition talk, etc...

Sound like a good idea? I'll sort this out today or tomorrow, hopefully. :)
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Re: DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 has concluded

Postby Simion32 » May 21st, 2008, 1:09 pm

I like that idea Qyz. It will be a lot more organized than trying to sift through an entire thread (like this one) to see what has/hasn't been done.
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Re: DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 has concluded

Postby Jomingo » May 22nd, 2008, 7:36 am

I like the idea, but probably not an entire subforum for one contest. Maybe a "Contest forum" for all such contests? And I don't know about separate threads for each and every screen. Maybe a thread for each level of screens? And to make sure people are talking about the right picture make them quote the picture in there post. And then add it to a spoiler tab so it doesn't spread the page. Eh??
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Re: DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 has concluded

Postby Qyzbud » May 22nd, 2008, 10:14 am

Nice thoughts. I think maybe that's how I'll organise things... A board/subforum where we can hold any and all site competitions, and captioning on a level-per-topic basis sounds good. I had wanted to avoid people having to quote/post their pic of choice for every single suggestion, but if they were all spoilered, that mightn't be such a big deal. Of course, then you would have to click a spoiler tag to view every single entry... so I'm not sure if that's ideal. Still, thanks aplenty for the input.
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Re: DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 has concluded

Postby Jomingo » May 22nd, 2008, 11:34 am

Thanks, I've been thinking about it, I don't really see any other way. If you think that they each need there own topic, that might be fine. How many are there? If there's a lot, I don't know. Is there a way to split it anymore, moreso than by level?
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Re: DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 has concluded

Postby Qyzbud » May 22nd, 2008, 12:08 pm

We can always shift the 'concluded' discussion topics to a separate subforum of their own, once they've served their purpose. That will allow us to keep a record of all suggestions and discussions, but it means that we won't have to wade through old topics. From a user-friendliness stand point... is the one-topic-per-screenshot approach perhaps too awkward for someone who wants to suggest say, five or six captions, for separate snaps? I wouldn't think so, but maybe others would find that a hassle. If I could just have a little YouTube-esque 'comments' system beneath each image on the site when viewed, that would be ideal... maybe someday I'll work out how to do it that way, but until then, I'll pick an option that won't take as long for me to set up.
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Re: DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 has concluded

Postby Jomingo » May 23rd, 2008, 6:05 am

Yeah, whatever you decide to do, I still think a thread for each and every screenshot is a little much. Especially if we start putting up other contests in there. I like the idea of moving them once there purpose has been fulfilled.
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Re: DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 has concluded

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 9th, 2009, 11:16 am

Ha, I'm bumping this thread into another year! Nice.

So I was checking out DKC3 Atlas, and at the bottom of the level info pages it says screenshots can be submitted here. Does that include all the games, and if so, are we still accepting submissions?
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Re: DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 has concluded

Postby Qyzbud » January 9th, 2009, 11:38 am

Hmm, I'd better work on organising this. I'll start a fresh topic for general screenshot submissions for the trilogy, retire this 'competition' topic to the Post Mortuary, and perhaps I will prepare a new series of competition topics at a later stage.

Everyone is always welcome/encouraged to submit screenshots from any level of any DKC game.
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Re: DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 has concluded

Postby CrankyMan » September 6th, 2010, 2:53 am

Jungle Hijinks

Ropey Rampage

Reptile Rumble

Stop & Go Station

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Re: DKC Screenshot Competition: Round 1 has concluded

Postby Simion32 » September 6th, 2010, 4:17 am

That's all well and good but those are from Mario Wiki. They are not highest-quality PNG images and therefore cannot be considered.

Also, the first round has Already Concluded, so this topic is useless.

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