I'm starting to work on the Factfiles section a little, after Tiptup Jr. so generously offered to help write them, and I've realised that there are some elements/features of Donkey Kong Country which I don't have exact names for. I'm hoping that some of you may know an official term for these things, but even just a commonly accepted term, or your own suggestion of what to call them would be handy.
What should these be called?____________________
Small, Dumb Drum-like canisters which small baddies pop out of:

- Currently chosen name: Mini Drum
- unnamed-dumbdrum.png (3.68 KiB) Viewed 136077 times
The only place I've heard them officially mentioned is in the Nintendo Player's Guide, where they are referred to as "baddie-emitting barrels" and an "enemy-spitting canister". I think something like
Mini Dumb Drum would be fine, although it's not an officially sanctioned name...
Necky vultures which perch and throw/drop coconuts:

- Currently chosen name: Perched Necky
- unnamed-necky.png (5.8 KiB) Viewed 136077 times
We can assume that these are a kind of Necky, but I don't think they have a more specific name. They are very different from the regular, airborne Neckys, so I think they deserve a unique name. I've personally referred to them as a
Nut-Necky or
Nutty-Necky, but
Perched Necky has been recommended, and fits well.
Vine Barrel (Officially named, thanks guys)

- Official name: Vine Barrel
- unnamed-vinebarrel.png (4.31 KiB) Viewed 136075 times
Patches of ground which conceal hidden items until landed on with enough force:

- Currently chosen name: Item Cache
- unnamed-itemstashes.png (23.21 KiB) Viewed 136073 times
The Player's Guide refers to these as a "patch of fragile ground", an "oddly-colored patch of ground" or a "black square on the floor", depending on the level type. Seems like it would be good to have a single, shorter term which covers this feature.
Item Stash is a term I often use, but
Fragile/Soft Ground could be okay. Our currently chosen term 'Item Cache' is quite appropriate, but maybe not quite descriptive enough.
I'm not sure if an official name was ever made known for these things, but it would be good to be able to express anything in the game without having to describe them each time, right? For cases like this, I think it would be good to all brainstorm here, and maybe even ask around the net for other fans' ideas. Having a term that all DKC fans can agree on for each of these would be great. I mean, I certainly don't want to fill DKC Atlas with a collection of expressions made up by me; I want everything on the site to help towards the ultimate goal of making DKC Atlas the most in-depth, accurate and understandable source of DKC information on the net. I'm sure it can be done, but hey... I need your help to do it!
Suggestions for what to call these things are much appreciated!