Donkey Kong Country X

The dream tool of any hardcore DKC player, the DKCLB aims to make editable in unison all elements from the original DKC Trilogy, and allow customization of it all, too! Powered by the Delta Suite.

Donkey Kong Country X

Postby VideoViking » June 10th, 2009, 2:34 pm

As you know, I originally joined the forum in hopes of searching for the highly-rumored Donkey Kong Country Beta ROM. When I learned that a DKC Editor was in development, I decided to put that search on hold and work on something I have not done in over 13 years. It's called Donkey Kong Country X.

For those of you who've played the SNK/Neo-Geo shoot-'em-up classic Metal Slug X, the game is a remix of their previous installment Metal Slug 2, with notable differences such as enemy replacements, new items, and new vehicles. Donkey Kong Country X is just like that. There are new levels to explore in the island of the apes. You get to replay some of your favorite levels - remixed, of course - from the original DKC Trilogy. And with the arrival of a brand new breed of enemy - human poachers who dub themselves The Hunters - comes a new story line, where their own island becomes a part of Kong's captured Banana Hoard.

Moderation Notice: Thread has been purged due to project privacy concerns.
[NOV. 4th 4:49:49PM]
Treasure Hunter
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Re: Donkey Kong Country X

Postby Simion32 » November 5th, 2011, 8:24 am

OK everybody, I'm sorry I had to do this but there were mounting concerns about the privacy of VideoViking's DKCX project, due to all the images and information he had posted here. I discussed this with VideoViking and we agreed on doing this, so it was OK with him.

I have purged this thread of all the (admittedly messy) posts past the first post, and you may discuss DKCX further here, but V.V. will no longer be updating this thread with images and so forth.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country X

Postby aperson98 » November 5th, 2011, 1:46 pm

So is VideoViking's project supposed to be a private project between only a few members of this forum then?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country X

Postby VideoViking » November 5th, 2011, 2:20 pm

It's still going to be for the public to see, but I'm not going to add anything new here anymore. It all stems to an email I received yesterday - somebody was asking about my game, and wanted to look over my levels. Simion feared that the person wanted to use my images for that person's own game, and I didn't feel right about handing over my level concepts and ideas to other people.

Besides which, all my images were never tagged in the first place. Without some kind of ID, anybody could claim the image as their own and use it for their own game. I would be devastated over this, and would have lost interest in pursuing DKCX any further, as well as assisting Simion in the test builds for DKCRE, DKCLB and DELTA.

The decision to blank this thread was a needed and necessary step in order to continue with the development of both his trio of programs and my hack game.

DKCX will return, though.
Treasure Hunter
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