This is something of a thread about technology immitating nature, but more specifically, jungles and forests. I've always loved exploring jungles; real ones
and those in games. DKC probably encouraged this in a big way, but I've seen some other games (especially first-person shooters) with some really beautiful jungle scenery which is explorable in 3D, and is truly beautiful. I think Far Cry was one that really impressed me (
screenshot), and recently I've seen graphics from a game called Crysis (by the same developers;
Crytek) which are truly breathtaking. Take a look at these...

Those are all from Crysis. I think they are incredible for in-game graphics.
A personal favourite of mine, also from Crysis:

- The amazing, jungly graphics of Crysis
- Crysis_05_sml.jpg (89.95 KiB) Viewed 26586 times
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Another great Crysis shot:

More great jungly stuff within Crysis:
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
The most realistic, atmospheric, lively and beautiful jungle areas are what I'm hoping to find with this thread. Screenshots are appreciated!
Jungle areas which feature overgrown temples and other stone ruins get extra points.