My DKC Beta Video Trilogy

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My DKC Beta Video Trilogy

Postby MetalGearKong » November 23rd, 2009, 6:58 pm

Working on the title...

My name is Steve and thanks to the wonderful people of DKA I was able to create a video.

The first video I made was based on Mr. X. I gathered the pics from here and incorporated them into
a video along with the theories. Not all of the theories are accurate.

I'm currently working on a second video showcasing the unused sprites that you guys found.

However..I could use some help...

First, I apologize for taking your pics without permission. If I could please get a list of the people who discovered the Mr. X and sprite sheets(one with TNT Koptar, etc.) so that I can give the appropriate credits.

Next, I need an explanation of the colors in the beta sprite sheets. Which are used and which are not.

I'm planning a third video to top off my trilogy so any ideas are appreciated!

Finally, as you can see the first video is just a slideshow. My editing skills are lackluster so I encourage someone to make
a better video that includes the first video and the other two that I plan to make.

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Re: My DKC Beta Video Trilogy

Postby Qyzbud » November 24th, 2009, 9:50 am

Welcome to DKC Atlas. Feel free to introduce yourself in this topic - it's a good way to get to know the community! ;)

Nice job so far. It looks like you've got a clear understanding of the facts and popular theories of Mr X, and you've presented your info in an objective way, which is important so as not to confuse people into thinking theories are facts. What you've done so far would translate well to an article on DKC Atlas, so when this is all complete maybe we could have such an article to provide a bit of extra detail, if there are any facts and (plausible) theories which don't find their way into your video.

I like what you've done so far; keep up the good work. :)
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Re: My DKC Beta Video Trilogy

Postby MetalGearKong » November 24th, 2009, 6:37 pm

Thank you, I really appreciate that.

My second video is now finished, I think I'll upload it on Thanksgiving.

Happy Holidays :geek:
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Re: My DKC Beta Video Trilogy

Postby Mattrizzle » November 26th, 2009, 2:07 pm

As for who to give credit to:

Palette-related info:
  • Palettes don't exist for the fish sprites and the collapsing barrel in the Miscellaneous DKC Sheet. Also, It's unknown what palette the "mechanical Kremling" would use.
  • The DKC Puftup, "jungle plant," and beta explosion use palettes that aren't associated with any other sprite in the game. The unused TNT Knocka in DKC3 also has palette IDs that are specific to it.
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Re: My DKC Beta Video Trilogy

Postby MetalGearKong » November 26th, 2009, 8:54 pm

Second video is up, if not, it's processing. I'm not 100% satisfied with it but I think it's decent.

Check my channel, enjoy, and have a good thanksgiving.
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Re: My DKC Beta Video Trilogy

Postby MetalGearKong » November 27th, 2009, 9:46 pm

Sorry for the double post but here is some news:

My third video will be a wrap up featuring some more beta stuff from DKC2 and DKC3 and maybe some DKC1
if I find any.

However, that won't be the end as I am planning a FOURTH video specifically for DK64, but it's kinda like an extra thing :p

The problem right now is WHEN to make these videos and WHEN to release them. I don't want it to end too quick, I really enjoy
making these. I guess I'll give it a few weeks.
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Re: My DKC Beta Video Trilogy

Postby MetalGearKong » December 12th, 2009, 6:37 pm

New video added, it's the DK64 one.
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