Donkey Kong Card Game

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Donkey Kong Card Game

Postby virus_bass » May 7th, 2013, 11:04 am

1º Sorry for my english :facepalm:
I'm wandering if someone know how is played that old Donkey Kong card game that used to be all the card in the official Nintendo page, most of all with characters from the TV show (I don't really like that artworks) and the Donkey Kong 64 characters (Those are really cool looking) I think I've seen some promotional cards too with Kiddie. I'm asking because I have the little idea of planning something like a DK card game, maybe based on that old official card game, but it's just an idea.
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Re: Donkey Kong Card Game

Postby Soniccuz » May 10th, 2013, 1:06 pm ... -announced

I take it these are the ones you're thinking of? I always liked them for the art style personally. Afraid I don't know how the game was played, though
I'd be interested to know myself. Apparently it involved power, skill, and speed values.

Actually tried coming up with my own DK card game a while back.
Was a fun thought experiment but, I feel the structure turned out too verbose to be fun and practical.
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Re: Donkey Kong Card Game

Postby virus_bass » May 11th, 2013, 1:02 am

Soniccuz wrote:

I take it these are the ones you're thinking of? I always liked them for the art style personally. Afraid I don't know how the game was played, though
I'd be interested to know myself. Apparently it involved power, skill, and speed values.

Actually tried coming up with my own DK card game a while back.
Was a fun thought experiment but, I feel the structure turned out too verbose to be fun and practical.

Yep that one. I totally understand that because I have too an idea a card game and how it works, but it could be to complex and not fun, so I'm traying to know how was played that game because mayba it was more simple.
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Re: Donkey Kong Card Game

Postby Soniccuz » May 13th, 2013, 7:55 am

Well I think looking at existing card games is a good way to go about it at first.
If you have an idea then go for it. Run with it see what happens. :thumbs:
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Re: Donkey Kong Card Game

Postby nintendobarn » June 5th, 2013, 5:08 am

There seem to be a few different card games. Got some cards from a while ago, but they are not from the game that IGN wrote about. They are printed on a thick cardbord. Anyone seen them before?
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Re: Donkey Kong Card Game

Postby Ribbedebie » June 13th, 2013, 9:56 pm

I think there's been a few different card games released for the games and the TV show (and I'm still sour that most merch of the TV show never made it outside of Japan!)

But yes, I do love the art work for the cards from the TV show. Later they incorporated various characters from DK64 and Donkey Kong Country 3 in it (like Lanky, Chunky, and Kiddy) as well. It should be fun to mention that Nintendo promoted the card game with two (special edition?) cards of Kiddy Kong in this amusing Japanese commercial.

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Re: Donkey Kong Card Game

Postby Gaz » June 14th, 2013, 12:16 am

I find it strange how Donkey Kong is playing Donkey Kong GB: Dinky Kong & Dixie Kong even though he's not even in the game itself, only a part of the story which was mentioned in the manual.
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Re: Donkey Kong Card Game

Postby Milo » April 29th, 2015, 7:25 pm

Hi all, bumping this for a good reason! I've put some work into collecting material related to the Japanese Donkey Kong trading card game. Well, most of the work was done by DKVine's Man-Frog in scanning his collection, but I've supplemented it and put together a big package of all known card art. It's mainly based on the animated series and DK64; the illustrations are nice and if you're feeling adventurous you could even print some out and play a game.

See here for more information:
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