how can I create pre rendered graphics equal DKC ?

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how can I create pre rendered graphics equal DKC ?

Postby legame10 » May 1st, 2016, 8:25 am

Hello, I am creating a fan game DKC and accurate charting of the same style to the games of the original series, can anyone tell me an easy way to do this?
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Re: how can I create pre rendered graphics equal DKC ?

Postby OneOf99 » May 2nd, 2016, 2:17 am

Welcome to the DKC Atlas forum! (Just saying, bye the way) :thumbs:

Unfortunately, there is no surefire way of undoing the 3D to 2D process that rare applied to its games, however with time and dedication one can learn to recreate the style of the DKC games. Here are a few examples from the forum itself:

Honestly, one has to either learn to do it himself or have someone else do it for them. However, it is harder to do the latter.... :gnawty-lol:
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Re: how can I create pre rendered graphics equal DKC ?

Postby legame10 » May 3rd, 2016, 12:01 pm

Thank you for your suggestion, I participate in the production of Donkey Kong Country 4 of the first subject was responsible for creating the game's scenarios, but I took the original game sprites and edited in photoshop, it was not necessary any contact modeling in 3D, but now I want to create my own fan game DKC and want a job that is the height of DKC 4.
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Re: how can I create pre rendered graphics equal DKC ?

Postby riki2321gamer » December 30th, 2016, 2:56 am

You could try making 3d things that looked DKC-styled and then maybe give them a 2d look (Aiming the camera at them) and create some kind of tileset. It always work for me.

I recommend blender for 3d modeling
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