Switching saves from ZSNESW to Snes9x

So I was playing DKC2 on ZSNESW the other day and I came across this level called klobber karnage I was like who put those kaizo levels in there?? Then that day I discovered it was some kind of glitch where on ZSNESW version the barrels keep spinning but on other emulators they're how they're supposed to be and that means static. I have done a few videos about what games you shouldn't run on ZSNESW http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL ... bn0wQRkdmY I'm planning to add DKC2 there because of the level klobber karnage. I have completed the level in ZSNESW (it looked impossible yesterday) so I recorded how the level looks like in ZSNESW but I want to play it in SNES9x and show the difference and how the level should look like but it doesn't detect my save even though I have saved multiple times it only detects the save that I have made in first world. Any help with this??