Game Ending

I must say...
An explorer's discussion forum for Donkey Kong Country
cfh wrote:But has anyone here not seen the 103% ending?
Qyzbud wrote:Nick- my honest opinion is that every DKC game (on SNES) is worth completing in its entirety. Besides, the average gamer ought to be able to complete the trilogy over a lazy weekend. Well, maybe a few of the more well-hidden bonus rooms could make that tricky for anyone new to the games.
Kowbrainz wrote:that oh-so tricky [bonus area] in Oil Drum Alley.
nickp17 wrote:Is it really worth completing all 103%?
Kowbrainz wrote:DKC3 was my favourite in the series for a while due to nostalgic purposes - up until a while ago when I started playing the whole series through time after time. I probably like DKC2 the most now... but I'm not really sure.