DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

The dream tool of any hardcore DKC player, the DKCLB aims to make editable in unison all elements from the original DKC Trilogy, and allow customization of it all, too! Powered by the Delta Suite.

Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Guy » July 10th, 2009, 2:40 am

Say, what's Game Maker 6?


Vile Volcano

Level Type: Volcano (DKC2 of course.)

Level Shape: Verticle Rectangle

Eneimes: Klampons, Click-Clacks, Neckies, Zingers and Kanons.

A unique volcaninc level as you have to go up instead of the right. The gimick is that lava slowly rises (Slower than the slime of Toxic Tower.) so you have to go as fast as you can to avoid losing.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Granville » July 11th, 2009, 12:25 am

Gamemaker is a pretty nice drag and drop application used for creating your own games. It's best for those of us with minimal coding skills. In fact, years ago, I recall this level builder actually being a DKC engine built in Gamemaker by both Simion32 and CFH. Simion32 I believe decided the program was too slow and not flexible enough to create a true port of DKC or something. It is indeed slower than coding from scratch. But what Simion32 meant above when using Gamemaker was its sprite editor I believe, which is actually pretty nice, especially when editing multiple frames in a animated sprite. I've used it myself to help me create sprite sheets for Spriters Resource and such.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Jomingo » July 11th, 2009, 12:17 pm

Hmmm... a volcano level scrolling up? Now that I think about it, it seems weird that they didn't already have one of those. Very nice idea.

Oh, and Chill Chamber sounds intense! It's one of those that forces you to learn from your actions, and memorize as you go along.

Well, I guess I'll come up with an idea then. Er.... how about a haunted pirate ship level(perhaps with an appearance by Kreepy Krow ala' King Zing in Rambi Rumble). Of course, ghost mini-neckies and Kloaks would be frequent, and perhaps Kackle would be in there too. Also, might as well combine it with a rigging level. For instance, for good portion of the level you move horizontally across the level, while utilizing Rambi of course. Then, halfway through you are blasted up to the Mast, in which you must climb frantically to avoid Kreepy Krow. I imagine that the ship itself would be a ghost ship, so it would look very dark and, well ghostly. The background would be stormy and spooky. What do you guys think?
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby FefeRawft » July 11th, 2009, 12:37 pm

Ya, I like the idea.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Guy » July 24th, 2009, 11:02 am

Desert Railroad

Terrain: Dessert

VG: Mine Cart Madness

Terrain Color: Eh, what a desert looks like at sunset then dusk (At halfway).

Enemies/Obstacles: Krash, those little Kremlings in Skull Karts from DKC2 (I'll just call them Kart Kremlings), Mini-Neckies (Swooping Variety), Rekoils, Blue/Green Kritters, Mincers, Dead Minecarts, Puftups and Shuris.

An idea I had a while ago. Anyway at the start you platform a little, jumping on Mini-Neckies and Rekoils. At one point there's some tracks overhead with the Kart Kremlings being idle on them, yet they still throw barrels. Here you have to find an invisible barrel to get on the tracks to go to a high area among them where the DK Coin is. Up there are some more idle Kart Kremlings, Blue/Green Kritters and a lone Mincer. After this part you finally reach the mine cart. On the tracks you encounter all of the enemies/obstacles in this level excluding Kritters. At midway you jump of the cart and reach the Star Barrel. Here you have to platform on some cacti (Avoiding the spiky, non-board up parts of course!) guarded by Blue/Green Kritters. After that you reach another mine cart. This time there's no pits and you follow a Kart Kremling the whole time. Other than it you have to look out for Mincers and some Rekoils. At the end you go through an oasis filled with exploding Puftups and Shuris that spin towards the kongs, some of which go out of the water! Other than them you can platform on the floating barrels. To get to the only bonus of this level which is located deep in the oasis the kongs have to dive deep while avoiding Shuris and some submerged Blue Kritters. At one point you will reach a Bonus Barrel. The bonus involves surviving (A new kind of bonus) in an area with Shuris spinning everywhere. The time starts at 25. When it reaches zero you get a Bonus Coin. Anyway, back to the Oasis you will reach the end of the water there is a Rekoil on the barrel. If you jump on it at the right time you can get a Banana Coin. At the end target there is a Mincer circling the target. The prizes are a lone banana, a red life baloon and a Banana Coin.

Hmmm... I have a feeling there can be a DK: KoS version of this level though...
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » August 2nd, 2009, 6:11 am

Name: Barrel-Roll Blast
Archetype: DKC2 Jungle
Music: Primal Rave
Special Effects: Custom pallet effects, water.
Gimmick: Barrels of all kinds complicate your progress through the level.
Simion32_Barrel-RollBlast.png (50.09 KiB) Viewed 126131 times

This is an area that is just on the edge of a deep, thick jungle. The foliage is very green, and moss is growing all over the place because of a local river. This level will be taller than the jungle levels from DKC2.

The main feature of the level is that of Barrels. Every type of barrel imaginable will show up here, and you will even need to make extensive use of Steel Barrels to cross spike pits and reach otherwise inaccessible areas. As well as solving several barrel-based puzzles, you will also be up against a very difficult barrel blast course. at first it will include a few puzzle elements, after which the barrel-blasting will just require pure skill. Unlike Klobber Karnage, however, it will not just be a continuous section using a rotatable barrel. Rather, it will use as much variety as possible.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Gnawzooka » August 2nd, 2009, 11:30 am

Steel Barrels really do need to be put to more use.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Guy » August 3rd, 2009, 4:03 am

Name: Prickly Platforming
Archetype: Brambles
Music: Ice Mountain (DKC1)
Special Effects: Icy boards and brambles (Making the pallette the color ice.), a blizzard that slows down the kongs and slowly pushes them left when they're idle.
Gimmick: The blizzard.
Enemies/Obstacles: (First Half) Krimps, Klomps, Flitters, Zingers. (Second half) Jumping Klaptraps, Krunchas, Neckies, Mincers.
BG: The background from the glacier levels of the first DKC.
Inspiration: The Bramble parts from DK: JC in the Falling Falls level.

A horizontal Bramble level found frozen at Gorrilla Glacier. The kongs have to be careful here with all the slippery boards and the blizzard. At first the enemies are not so bad but later on they are replaced by stronger ones. Squawks can be found in the first half of the level where he can be used to make it easier (And to find the first bonus and the DK Coin.)

Bonus 1: Find the Coin!: You have to jump on a few Flitters with Zingers flying around.

Bonus 2: Bash the Baddies!: Here you are Quawks (The parrot from DKC3). Here you have to use Barrels to defeat Neckies and Jumping Klaptraps.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby FefeRawft » August 3rd, 2009, 7:48 am

Simion32 wrote:Name: Barrel-Roll Blast
Archetype: DKC2 Jungle
Music: Primal Rave
Special Effects: Custom pallet effects, water.
Gimmick: Barrels of all kinds complicate your progress through the level.
Barrel-Roll Blast.PNG

Is that an actual screenshot, or did you just throw it together with random sprites, because it looks pretty real to me.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » August 3rd, 2009, 9:33 am

Naw, it's just another fake "concept screenshot". Even at its current (unreleased) version, though, DELTA could get pretty darn close to making that image - but it probably wouldn't be playable. Take note that this image is indirectly hinting at DELTA v0.0.5.0's three biggest implements. ;)

Again, I used Game Maker to do the color-shifting. The terrain was taken from an unused area in the last section of Animal Antics, and the rest of it was put together using sprites (some via DKCRE) and emulator screenshots.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby FefeRawft » August 4th, 2009, 3:22 am

Well than you're just really good at making those pictures. Do you have a link to a picture of the unused area?
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Guy » August 4th, 2009, 8:24 am

Name: Bumpy Bridge
Archetype: Tree Top Town-like
Music: Klomp Romp (Slightly modified so it'd feel like being on a bridge.
BG: Tree Top Town midground, combination of Gangplank Galley and Orang-utan Gang backgrounds.
Spicial Effects: Sunset
(Minor) Gimick: Some enemies come out of the Tree Top houses.
Enemies: Green Kritters, Neeks, Klumps, Krushas, Mini-Drums (Spawning Slippas)
Bonus Levels: 1 (Collect the Stars)

Eh, a unique kind of level in the Tree Tops of the Kongo Jungle that are so high you can see the distant ocean and the jungle. The first part involves simple platforming and barrel blasting. The second part is the same only some enemies surprise the Kongs by coming out of the Tree Top houses! The Bonus Level has fifty stars and two Tree Top platforms on trees connected by a bridge. There is a Slippa spawning Mini-Drum on the bridge. The Kongs have 25 seconds to collect all the Stars.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Guy » August 14th, 2009, 7:01 am

Sorry for the double post, but I had a great idea.

Name: Dark and Dank Drain

World located in: Modern Mekanos (Mekanos being in despair taking place 13 years after DKC3.)

Terrain: Pipeline

Terrain Color: Brown

Special effects: Total Darkness ; Wind sound effect

Enemies: Green/Gold Kritters, (Jumping) Klaptraps, Shuris, Puftups, Lockjaws, Bitesizes and Buzzes.

Bonus Levels: 1


In this level the Kongs explore a new part of Low-G Labyrinth. Like the surrounding factories being abandoned, Low-G Labyrinth has also changed. However, due to the lack of gases and light the Kongs will have to navigate with Sqauwks (In his DKC2 appearence, but he holds a torch.) behind them. At the start they fall down a long pipe where they can collect bananas and they land on the Sqauwks box. At first they have to navigate with just a little light while avoiding some Kritters and jumping Klaptraps. At one point they can only go around by hanging onto Qauwks while avoiding Buzzes. Near halfway the kongs pass a No Parrots sign, so they have to navigate in darkness although there's some lights on, but they're very dim but atleast bright enough to show them where enemies are. Next they reach a flooded part of the plumbing. Glimmer retns to aid the Kongs again here. Engaurade is hidden here next to the Bonus in where you have to navigate in the dark to find the Bonus Coin in under 50 seconds. At the end there are some working lights that are bright enough for the Kongs to see well yet they have to dodge the tricky flight patterns of the Buzzes.

Challenge Mode Changes: There's no Sqauwks or Glimmer yet the visilibity is slightly better to the point that Kongs can see enemies, but just poorly.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Granville » August 18th, 2009, 8:09 am

I might have an idea. Let me see what I can do with it. And tell me what you think.

Name- Ravaged Rainforest (not creative with names, but it's not bad)

Environments used-
Base level- jungle from DKC3
Secondary level parts- factory parts from Mekanos and maybe the swamp water from DKC2
Level effects- brown tinted rain parallax from either DKC 1 or 2. Later, the rain stops and is replaced with a mist/vapor like the kind seen in Misty Mine from DKC1 or Low G Labyrinth. I could see the mist tinted a light brown.
Obstacles- Perhaps some brownish puddles that are toxic to touch where the rain and oil have collected (ideally, I'd like to use level tiles from the swamp levels in DKC2 for these, hard though). I can DEFINITELY see some of those buzzsaws from DKC1. The black spiked ones seen in cave levels and Polluted Pond. I can see flaming oil drums (DKC1), enemy spewing oil cans (DKC1).
Kremling Possible candidates- Bazuka Kremling (DKC3), Kloak Kremling (DKC2), Klaptraps or their variations, Klopper/Knocka/TNT-Knocka kremlings, Krusha, Krochead (for the polluted puddles), Kuchuka, Klasp,
Music- I'd like a tune with a kind of dramatic tune, like the second part of Jungle Hijinx. I think the DKC jungle tune (jungle jitters) is too happy and jumpy to convey the dark and deadly theme the level represents. It would be neat to do some sort of music mix of jungle hijinx and aquatic ambiance. Not the idea of the level builder though.

I might do a mockup later on, but for now, here's the base level I had in mind-

I thought of scattering some of the foreground tiles of this level around the jungle-

And i'd rip the rain from either Ropey Rampage (DKC) or Topsail Trouble (DKC2). The mist would come from either Misty Mine (DKC) or Low G Labyrinth (DKC3). Both layers tinted light brownish-green to give the look of acid rain or polluted mist.

I propose a polluted rainforest basically that is in the early stages of having a factory built in it. I'd have one of the jungle levels in DKC 3 possibly with some scattered tiles of factory levels in Mekanos. During the level, it would rain acid rain (not harmful, just an environmental touch). And halfway through, the rain stops and waving mist appears instead (again, not harmful, just an environment touch). I'm not sure how well it would work, but I could see some brownish puddles around the level that hurt you when you touch them (but not an insta death pit) due to pollution. Krocheads would pop out to allow safe passage across the puddles. I could actually see this as an extra level of the Mekanos world or whatever. I will definitely try a mockup later when I get some time.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Guy » August 18th, 2009, 8:48 am

2 ideas...

Name: Midnight Maple Madness

Level type: DKC3 trees/DKC2 Forest

Terrain color: Springin' Spiders styled

Special Effects: Darkness, just not very dark, just dark as Bouncy Bonanza (DKC1)

Enemies: Zingers, Krumples, Karbrines, Bazukas, Neeks

Bonus Levels: 1

Yet another dark level idea, this time taking place in trees. It is atleast bright enough to see where you are going but not much. The first half involves climbing a pair of trees. However, if you get knocked down you'll have to do this half again. In the later half you leave the trees and have to some tricky platfoming across mere platforms. You mainly have to get across by jumping on barrels shot by Bazukas and avoid the fireballs of Karbrines. After all of this the kongs reach a barrel which plast them to the forest below. Here they just have to reach the end while encountering several swift Neeks. The Bonus is found right after the end target. It involves avoiding Zingers and getting to the end.

Poster's Comment: Eh, kind of dull due to less descriptions than usual...

Name: Fumbling Factory

Level Type: DKC3 Factory


Enemies: Klampons, Klumps, Manky Kongs, (Flying) Neckies, Slippas spawned by Mini-Drums

Pallette: Blue

Info: A DKC3 factory level that feels less confined, and how? Wide, open areas is the answer. There's ropes in this level, too. At the start you turn into Winky the Frog and have to go around as him. The enemies shouldn't be any trouble though. However, there are many Oil Drums that are actually hazardous. The later half involves swinging on ropes, but other than that it's a simple level.

Poster's Note: Didn't add much more due to bad key board.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Guy » August 25th, 2009, 10:23 am

Sorry again...

Name: A-Mazing Mill

Level type: DKC3 mill

Terrain color: Doorstop Dash

Enemies: Zingers, Kobbles, Klaptraps, Krooks

Bonus Levels: 1, but I don't want to describe it now.

Int this level there is one rope going upwards, so pretty much the kongs will have to do the obvious- climb. However, sometimes their path is blocked, thus they have to find the switches in areas left and right of the ropes. There are pretty much two paths to choose below these blockades, both splitting into two paths and later three. However the dead ends have valuable prizes... And are harder than the paths to the switches.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Guy » November 16th, 2009, 12:42 pm

Sorry yet again for a double post and bump.

Name: Lazy Lanturn

Terrain: DKC3 Riverside (No water, though.)

Pallette: Riverside Race

Special Effects: Darkness (Torchlight Trouble dark (So it can be lighter than Loopy Lights.))

Animal Buddies: Squawks (DKC1)

Enemies: Click-Clacks, Neckies (Both kinds.), Armies, Cat-'O'-09 Tails, Zingers, Gnawties, Mini-Neckes (Both kinds.)

Other: Nids (Remember Springin' Spiders? That's what they are.)


Basically like Torchlight Trouble. However, the lanturn's light is circular and it can only stay on for a limited time, so the kongs will have to find some Oil for it swiftly! Otherwise, they will have to navigate in darkness while avoiding some of the Trilogy's more quick enemies.

Author's Note: I seem to have some sort of obsession with "dark" levels...
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Qyzbud » November 17th, 2009, 11:02 am

Nice ideas, Guy. Don't worry about the double posts or bumps; you are contributing new ideas, so that's totally fine. You do seem to be focusing on 'dark' levels - that's cool though, as there are typically only one or two such levels in a DKC game, but they certainly have a memorable atmosphere... and now that Simion's able to implement advanced lighting techniques it will be especially cool to have a bunch of new gloomy levels to explore.

Granville, I really like your Ravaged Rainforest idea. The descriptions you gave (especially your attention to environmental atmosphere) are really vivid, and it sounds like my kind of level! I love the idea of rain, puddles and mist all being part of the experience, and the mix of jungle surroundings and industrial elements is a really cool theme.

Simion, I also really like your emphasis on barrel variety and puzzles in Barrel-Roll Blast. I agree that steel barrels have more to offer than we've seen so far in DKC and DKC3... they are really versatile, and deserve to put to more use in a variety of ways.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Guy » December 2nd, 2009, 10:49 am

I have a pair of great ideas, but I'll post the other later...

Name: Ship Deck Swim

Pallette: Night with a Moon (Blueish pallette)

Special effects: Darkness (Not realy dark, just a little lighter than Bouncy Bonzana (Forgot)), bobbing ship parts

Special Terrain: Lakeside (DKC3) ropes & those things they're connected to.

Enemies: Kanons, Neeks, (Green) Klobbers, (Golden/Brown/??? (Well, the ones that jump back and forth over an area... Seen in Rope Bridge Rumble)) Kritters, Kutlass, Kloak, Klasp

Bonus Levels: 2

A broken up ship in the middle of the sea. Because of its location some parts are submerged while the rest float up and down, some doing this more noticably than the others. You can either go by deck or water, yet both enemies on either side can effect the other, making it more challenging. For example, spikes of Purtups and Shuris can go out of the water! Also, Kanons can shoot kanonballs down into the water and Kloaks could throw objects down there, too. So, basically, in this level you have a choice to either swim or walk. Past halfway you could also climb on ropes.

Bonus 1 - Bash the Baddies! - Defeat 5 Shuris with multiple barrels.

Bonus 2 - Find the Coin! - Climb around ropes and barrels to reach the Kremkoin at the top of the area.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » December 17th, 2009, 12:12 pm

Name: Polluted Permafrost (Updated)
Archetype: DKC2 Transparent Ice with Water
Music: In A Snowbound Land
Special Effects: Loads of pallet effects, transparent ice (multiplicative), oily water
Gimmick: Limited time when swimming underwater, Very slippery terrain
DK and Dixie look into the murky depths of the oil-slick ice caves.
Simion32_PollutedPermafrost.png (83.42 KiB) Viewed 126131 times

The gimmick of the level, is that there was an oil spill in the area before everything got frozen; now, there is still oil trapped along with the water inside the polluted ice cavern. The oily water isn't necessarily harmful to the Kongs, but you can only stay underwater for a limited time. If you stay under too long you lose a life and must start over from the beginning or the halfway barrel - even if you had two Kongs while swimming. Further complicating the situation is that since the water also has oil frozen within it, the terrain becomes super-slippery!

There's quite a hefty amount of special effects, even surpassing Chill Chamber. There's multiplicative ice, oily water, and a veritable ton of pallet modifiers. Thinking out how DELTA's going to pull this one off is probably going to give me a headache! :P

Now that you have a visual of the level to examine, how does it look?
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Guy » December 17th, 2009, 12:22 pm

That's a really nice update of one of your previous ideas.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Qyzbud » December 17th, 2009, 6:48 pm

Definitely a cool idea... it's a very slick level concept! (both puns intended)

Can you explain in detail how the multiplicative transparency effects work, and how it will look? I'm intrigued. Shiny effects get my attention. ;)
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » December 19th, 2009, 8:46 am

First of all, I'd like note that the concept image was designed in Paint.NET for the advantage of having multiple layers.

It works by this method:
1. Convert the Main Layer to a grayscale image.
2. Mask the background, and lighten it by some set amount.
3. Multiply these two images together...
3a. When multiplying images together, each R, G, or B is multiplied by the R, G, or B in the source image, and then divided by 256 (like, since multiplying 100 by 100 gives you 10000, you have to get rid of the first two zeros). This transforms the destination pixels to be a "ratio" of the source. Grayscale is used here so that hue is not affected by the multiply operation.
4. Finally, combine the unchanged background with the result of the multiply, giving you the final image to be placed onscreen.
Here's an image which visually describes the process.
The water, and HDMA, were excluded for simplicity.
Qyzbud: Any chance of an image attachment option to force the image NOT to re-size?

EDIT: I figured out the layering needed for Polluted Permafrost.
The following layers are applied from the bottom up:
7. Oily Water (Foreground) [Multiplcative]
6. Sprites Layer
5. Main Layer [Multiplcative; Grayscaled]
4. BG (Multiply With Main) [Mask: Main; Brightened]
3. Oily Water (Background) [Mask: NOT Main; Multiplcative]
2. BG (Below Waterline) [Mask: NOT Main; Brightened Lots; Grayscaled]
1. BG (Above Waterline) [Mask: NOT Main]
*Greyscale and Brightness are precalculated during load time.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Lanky Kong » December 29th, 2009, 1:57 pm

Name: Krazy Keroro Platoon Perils
Archetype: DKC2 Brambles and DKC3 Mountains
Music: Rockface Rumble
Special Effects: Nothing xD
Kongs: Kiddy and Diddy
Description: This is like Animal Antics, but... WITH KERORO GUNSOU CHARACTERS!, You starts in a exit of inside the mountain, and you see a Keroro turning barrel, later in this level, you find a Giroro turning barrel, before the midway barrel you find a Dororo turning barrel, after the midway barrel (before the secret entrace for a bonus) you find a Tamama turning barrel, and before the G Letter you find a Kururu turning barrel...
Enemies: Kritter, Klump, Kobber, Zinger, Buzzes and Miny-Neckys (DKC2 Styiled)
Keroro: he does nothing, but you can jump on enemies
Giroro: he has equiped a gun, to shoot the enemies, push the Y button
Dororo: he has equiped his Ninja Sword, he attacks the enemies with his sword by pressing the Y button
Tamama: he makes the Tamama Impact, Hold Y to release that
Kururu: he shoot a tuntherbolt with his gun, just press the Y button...


How to entry: With Giroro, just shoot a wall next to a banana, the wall breaks, enter the cave (the breaked wall) and you enter...
Type: Destroy them all!
You must destroy all the Zingers and Buzzers with Giroro's gun, before the times run out...
Reward: A Kremcoin and a Red Ballon

How to entry: With Tamama, after the midway barrel, you see a banana bunch, grab them and you get intro a secret invisible barrel canon, shoot to the Bear Coin and you get to the invisible bonus barrel.
Type: Find the Token!
Its only with the bramble tiled-bonuses, just only jump to the planks of the brambles quickly and you find it...
Reward: A Kremocoin and a Bonus Coin...


thats all :roll:
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » December 30th, 2009, 11:04 am

Well... that's a bit.... different! :lol:

I can say that, however crazy it sounds, at first glance that seems to be all too possible with DKCLB. One problem though might be programming the characters (they would be classified as customized animal buddies because you are using a transformation barrel).
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Cyclone » December 30th, 2009, 2:14 pm

As far as the look of the hybrid achetypes in that image I think it looks pretty good. The lighting kinda matches, backgrounds show depth and the brambles add a something a little different to the gameplay. I'm not too keen on DKC characters having guns and swords however. In my opinion they don't go with the feel of the DKC games.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Granville » January 7th, 2010, 6:27 am

Level name- Dreary Deck Deluge
Level used- DKC2's normal ship levels (such as pirate panic)
Kongs- Diddy/Dixie
Music- i'd like a slow, atmospheric, and dramatic tune. Still having the accordion sounds, but definitely subdued. Ideally, there is a really cool song in Disney's Maui Mallard Cold Shadow (SNES) that catches my ears in style. I like what they're doing with the accordion, ship bell, creaking of the boat, and overall atmosphere. Obviously it needs to be arranged differently with some different instruments, but have a listen-
Theme- ship deck at a stormy night. The darkness employed in Bouncy Bonanza should do. Fog, rain, and wind which affect gameplay.
Special Effects- sunset/night/dawn shifting, darkness, rain, lighting, fog, moon and lantern lighting, transparency.
Level transitioning-
1- You start at sunset, on the verge of setting as the sun rolls down into the horizon
2- Night rolls and the moon rises in on your first few steps. The moon has its own look edited from the sun, has a haze around it.
3- about a quarter into the level, some thicker clouds come along, with some mist in the background (ala DKC3GBA's Stormy Seas)
4- a little more in, it begins to rain, i'd like the rain to be gradual, starting out light and then becoming more violent, maybe having a wind effect which causes the rain to go sideways or even different directions which affect your movement, as in the leaves of Gusty Glade (DKC2). Rain becomes a storm, along with lightning in the background, lightly illuminating the foreground.
5- about 3/4 into the level, the rain clears up and a fog rolls into the foreground. It might be interesting to have multiple fog layers to give a sense of depth, like one in the foreground, one in the background. The moon is now gradually going down
6- at the last few stretches, the fog begins to slowly lift as dawn approaches. The moon leaves, and a pink glow appears in the sky, the level now returns to its brightened state with a reddish-pink sun rising on the horizon. The level ends.
Other visual touches and color ideas- I was inspired by DKC3GBA's Stormy Sea. The background sky and sea would be a very dark blue, navy or whatever. I can see lanterns scattered around the masting, which turn on as night rolls in, I'd see them giving off a faint possibly flickering glow, a gradient lighting source, just very faint. Perhaps have a rocky cove far into the background with a lighthouse on top, which puts off a faint gradient glow of its own. Scatter some of the masting with those flapping flags seen in Topsail Trouble. They'd go well with the wind. I'm not even sure how possible this level would be on the level builder, but it's my idea, so we'll see.
Kremlings- Pirates obviously. Kobble, Klomp, Kaboing, Klinger, Kruncha, Kutlass, Kannon. I might have just used them all though lol! Throw in some Necky's having issues flying in the storm for good measure!
Hazards- visibility problems with the darkness, rain, and fog. Pits where the ship has come apart. Possibly have the wind push you with the oncoming storm, only in one direction though, but at different variable maybe... I'm not sure if i'd include it, but a storm would likely toss debris around. Incoming wood and such would be a possibility. Kind of wonder how i'd give you a signal that something was coming, maybe make them slow moving. Might be interesting to have some updrafts from the wind which can carry you to certain higher places in the level, ala Windy Well. Or in the contrast, drafts which send you down into a pit. Keep an eye on the rain direction to judge on the wind force.

Can't do a mockup to be honest. I'm not sure i could possibly replicate the dark effects or fog in a screenshot. Just know that i was inspired by Stormy Seas, but with an actual storm. Level parts from the Ship levels. Basically with new dynamic weather effects, lighting, and all sorts of atmospheric touches.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby FefeRawft » January 7th, 2010, 1:17 pm

Name: Kreepy Kaverns
Archetype: DKC3 Caves
Kongs: Diddy and Dixie
Animal Buddies: Quawks, a hidden Squawks to make a section of the descending easier, Enguarde during the water section, Squitter to make going to the mine cart quicker, Parry during the Mine Cart Section
World: Grave-Cave
Music: Haunted Chase
Special Effects: DKC Mine Carts, Kackle, Water
Gimmick: Two halves of this level, the first half is just a normal cave that you slowly descent into with Quawks . When you reach the bottom, there is rising and falling water, like in DKC2. After heading right you go up
about halfway to a mine cart leading through a passage. Once you jump into the mine cart and are taken to the second half of the level. You will be chased by a Kackle through the ENTIRE second half. Mid-level there will be two parallel + Barrels, both after a gap, one below the tracks, and one above. If you go for the one below you get Parry and if you successfully escort him/her to the end of the level you get the levels Hero Coin. Finally you are dropped off at the end and are allowed to leave the Grave-Cave.

[Concept Shots and Enemy List Coming Soon]

Info on the world:

-The Grave-Cave features mostly cave levels, as well as a few volcano levels and one swamp level. The map will either be Crocodile Cauldron or Chimp Caverns. The Boss will be "Kudgel's Killing." Kudgel's Killing is just a harder version of Kudgel's Kontest. Instead of him being able to jump where ever you are, there are fixed platforms that he jumps on. These platforms are also the only place you can jump on (Your in a cave with bottomless pits). He is also see-through because, well he was killed in DKC2.

Fefe has spoken.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » February 16th, 2010, 6:37 am

Name: Trampoline Treetops
Archetype: Treetown with Forest as Backdrop
Music: "B-Doing Woods" (Pac-Man World 2)
Gimmick: Uses the trampoline objects found in the tree levels of Pac-Man World 2.
Donkey Kong ventures into the treetops, using a revolutionary new transport system.
I had to draw the B-Doing from scratch using Paint.NET, of course.
TrampolineTreetops.PNG (53.69 KiB) Viewed 126832 times
I thought the tree levels in PMW2 were really cool, and the "B-Doings" seemed quite similar to Barrel Cannons and/or Tires from the DKCs in a few ways. So why not create a level which includes the best of both worlds? :D

This also implies that DK gets a ground-pound move such as in DK64. I think it could be done quite easily, as long as the controls are worked out right. As for the other Kongs, they cannot use the Trampolines (my DKC-based name for the B-Doings). Donkey Kong is the only one heavy enough to effectively bounce on the Trampolines.

As for the theme of this level; it's really taken almost verbatim from PMW2. Of course this will be quite a bit different since the level isn't 3D and also includes DKC elements such as Barrel Cannons, Ropes, Tires (yeah a bit redundant but who cares), and other methods of transport. What makes Trampoline Treetops fun is that you can speed through it without stopping to pick up any bonuses along the way. But even without stopping to grab extras, this level is lengthy. It is also a very tall level, as some Trampolines bounce DK quite high.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Cyclone » February 16th, 2010, 6:58 am

I like the idea\look. However the trampoline could look a bit more original\dk ish.

How about a Kong Marathon level where you progress though the level using different kongs. Ex you start off with dk then you get to a point where dk cannot pass then you switch to Diddy, then dixie, then diddy+dixie and so on. Kinda like Animal Antics.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Guy » February 16th, 2010, 7:18 am

That's a good idea there, Simion32.

Here's a level that has been in my head for a long time: A level that has the bosses as (invincible) obstacles.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » February 16th, 2010, 8:25 am

Cyclone wrote:I like the idea\look. However the trampoline could look a bit more original\dk ish.
Any suggestions how to do that?

Pretty much anything I draw won't end up blending in with DKC completely. I might have to do the trampolines in actual 3D *ugh* and then render their sprites out.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Cyclone » February 16th, 2010, 10:20 am

Creating and animating your trampoline image in 3D would be really easy. Making it fit with the style of DKC would be the hard part.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » February 16th, 2010, 10:41 am

Yeah, that's what I was thinking about with the *ugh*. Not that 3D is that hard, it's just that I'll have a hard time making it look DKC-ish either way.

And I have no idea how on earth to do the propellers on the bottom in 3D (and make it look decent).
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Jomingo » February 16th, 2010, 12:03 pm

I'm only half paying attention here but if you're trying to make a trampoline look DKC-ish then I would make it like a tan hide stretched around a rim rather than the red and white target looking one you have right now. I'm not sure if I'm conveying the image in my head very well but that's the best I got.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » February 16th, 2010, 3:08 pm

I took only half of your suggestion, and it fits like monkeys in a barrel.
[Trampolines Image] *OUTDATED, REMOVED*
EDIT: Updated Image for comparison. *REMOVED, see below*

I made it in 3D, and since I wanted to keep the "target" kinda look, I used a big DK symbol "printed" onto the hide texture instead of the rather bland red circle.

Also, they look nothing like a B-Doing anymore, because I also decided to drop the propeller from the design. Barrel Cannons in DKC float for no reason, so these things may as well do the same. Maybe I'll tackle a version with propeller blades later. ;)
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Cyclone » February 16th, 2010, 3:22 pm

Much better! Just needs a bit better on screen legibility and it's perfect like a colour that stands out from the rest of the background.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Guy » February 17th, 2010, 7:55 am

That's a very nice custom sprite there.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » February 20th, 2010, 6:16 am

Name: Trampoline Treetops (Updated)
Archetype: Moon-lit Treetown
Music: "Butane Pain" (Pac-Man World 2)
Gimmick: Uses Trampoline objects inspired from Pac-Man World 2.
The level is now a moonlit treetown, to make it feel less crowded.
The environment may actually be a bit brighter than this.
TrampolineTreetopsV3.png (45.08 KiB) Viewed 126762 times
I thought the tree levels in PMW2 were really cool, and the "B-Doings" seemed quite similar to Barrel Cannons and/or Tires from the DKCs in a few ways. So why not create a level which includes the best of both worlds? :D

This also implies that DK gets a ground-pound move such as in DK64. I think it could be done quite easily, as long as the controls are worked out right. As for the other Kongs, they cannot use the Trampolines (my DKC-based name for the B-Doings). Donkey Kong is the only one heavy enough to effectively bounce on the Trampolines.

As for the theme of this level; it's really taken almost verbatim from PMW2. Of course this will be quite a bit different since the level isn't 3D and also includes DKC elements such as Barrel Cannons, Ropes, Tires (yeah a bit redundant but who cares), and other methods of transport. What makes Trampoline Treetops fun is that you can speed through it without stopping to pick up any bonuses along the way. But even without stopping to grab extras, this level is lengthy. It is also a very tall level, as some Trampolines bounce DK quite high.
Here's the updated version of the level, I decided to modify the theme to make it more legible (these things only look good in certain types/colors of levels). Plus it was looking just a bit too crowded. Also changed the music to "Butane Pain" which is basically a rehashed version of the "B-Doing Woods" music.

Also, the Trampoline models were updated, and there is now an Angled Trampoline.
The models were cut out of the renders in such a way as to make them pixelated.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » March 4th, 2010, 3:07 pm

Name: Crucible Castle
Archetype: Fortress (a new theme based on DKC's temples)
Music: Hothead March (remix of Krook's March and Hot-Head Bop)
Special Effects: Some really ominous-looking Lava flows!
New Sprites: Steel Barrel Cannons, Manual and Autofire.
Gimmick: The place is themed like Bowser's Castle, and it's just really difficult.
Err... DK, you forgot to hit the Checkpoint Barrel!!
This image is mostly a draft and the lava definitely needs some work.
Simion32_CrucibleCastle.png (43.4 KiB) Viewed 126717 times

This concept here is designed with a very tough, challenging level in mind. Nothing like Mario Brothers. Nope, much harder than that. ;)

The first thing that may catch your eye in the concept shot is the Steel Auto-Fire Cannon. This level is almost too hot for the normal wooden Barrels and Barrel Cannons - if any of them get too close to the lava, they will be doomed burn and sink into the fiery pit of molten rock. Only Steel Barrel Cannons can better withstand the enormous amount of heat the lava puts off.

Throwing steel barrels into the lava can allow some temporary stepping stones - but be quick, for even the steel barrels will begin to melt after a second or two.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Guy » March 24th, 2010, 6:47 am

I have a good idea...

Name: Sticky Saps
Archetype: DKC3 Trees
Palette: Gray background and brown trees with dark green leaves.
Gimmick: Sap used to climb the tree.
Enemies: Buzzes, Rekoils, Bristles, Krimps, (DKC1) Mini-Neckies, Knockas

This tree level borrows an element from the DKC2 hive levels. Here, the trees have a large amount of sap which has to be used to climb. However, because of the more limited space and enemies, this level can't be too easy. That's all I can say about it.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby nickduffy27 » April 4th, 2010, 8:34 am

I have names and ideas but I will emphasize on the actual palletes and stuff later.

Mummy Museum: A museum that has kremlings dressed like mummys. Some can hide as part of the background a jump out.

Cactus Cave: A cave that has weird cactus-like obstacles that block your way, and you use barrels to avoid them.

Sandy Shore: A beach-like level that has a foreground effect similar to 'Web Woods'. Makes it hard to see.

Alot of these can contribute to a desert themed world. I have more ideas if anyone would be intrested.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby nickduffy27 » April 5th, 2010, 8:04 am

Necky's Nightmare

It's a boss battle with two Necky's. You have to use revolving ghost barrels that go in all 8 directions to try to hit both Necky's 3 times each, while trying to dodge their attacks and zingers who rotate in patterns that take time to memorize. It's a boss battle that requires patience. If you don't feel like waiting for one barrel, try the other.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Guy » April 5th, 2010, 8:19 am

That looks like something a Japanese DKC hacker would make...
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby nickduffy27 » April 9th, 2010, 9:11 am

I overdid it on the zingers but the gameplay would be outrageous. I actually like the idea. People would probably break their controllers.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Guy » April 9th, 2010, 10:49 am


I'd really like a factory level with levers and buttons that affect the environment.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Qyzbud » April 9th, 2010, 6:53 pm

Yeah, that's a great idea! There is a lot of potential for making factories more interactive. Conveyor belts of varying speeds (perhaps controlled by levers/buttons) might make for an interesting twist, too.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Guy » April 10th, 2010, 6:09 am

Those are also a good idea. There could also be elevators operated by switches.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby nickduffy27 » April 10th, 2010, 6:42 am

Simion32 wrote:Name: Crucible Castle
Archetype: Fortress (a new theme based on DKC's temples)
Music: Hothead March (remix of Krook's March and Hot-Head Bop)
Special Effects: Some really ominous-looking Lava flows!
New Sprites: Steel Barrel Cannons, Manual and Autofire.
Gimmick: The place is themed like Bowser's Castle, and it's just really difficult.

This concept here is designed with a very tough, challenging level in mind. Nothing like Mario Brothers. Nope, much harder than that. ;)

The first thing that may catch your eye in the concept shot is the Steel Auto-Fire Cannon. This level is almost too hot for the normal wooden Barrels and Barrel Cannons - if any of them get too close to the lava, they will be doomed burn and sink into the fiery pit of molten rock. Only Steel Barrel Cannons can better withstand the enormous amount of heat the lava puts off.

Throwing steel barrels into the lava can allow some temporary stepping stones - but be quick, for even the steel barrels will begin to melt after a second or two.

This without even playing it looks like a possible favorite level in a world or game for that matter, for me. I really enjoy the concept of how some barrels are too weak to withstand the lava.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby nickduffy27 » May 2nd, 2010, 8:06 am

Creepy Castle
Archetype: Castle from DKC2
Music: Castle from DKC2
Gimmick: Lightening strikes from the outdoors make the screen go dark (Blackout Basement)

I think the level would be a great challenge, and even though Toxic Tower isn't that bad, it could easily replace it and pose more of a challenge. The castle wouldn't scroll vertically like 2 did, and it wouldn't have chains to climb. I would be the first "normal" castle level.

Misty Mire
Archetype: Swamp from DKC2, but the colors would match Krockhead Klamber.
Music: Bayou Boogie
Gimmick: Swamp level, with misty effect (similar to Web Woods).

I think the level would be a good edition, especially with everything barely invisible, causing players to have trouble seeing where the barrels are in the swamp.
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