DKC 2 Easy Edition

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DKC 2 Easy Edition

Postby aperson98 » September 16th, 2010, 5:29 am

After the the positive feedback I had about DKC 1 easy edition I decided to release a patch for DKC 2 that makes it easier.
The changes from normal DKC 2 include-
-Invincibility barrels, once rare now are very common in the first two areas.
- Most of the "powerful enemies" are cut from the game.
- Animal buddies see far more use except for Squitter. His role was reduced due to him being somewhat hard to use.
- Team up isn't required anymore, Kongs can get things solo now. (I think Scraps69 will like this change)
-Most DK coins easier to grab.
- Most warps and bonus rooms are easier to find.
- Slightly faster gameplay.
- You transform into animals now instead of riding them. (This makes getting bonuses easier because you can't lose the animal buddy.)

Here's the link - -Link removed- (This is for (U) 1.0 by the way I modified it so that it will work in english, but if you want it to work with SDK 2 here's the link for that. -
Jungle Explorer
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Re: DKC 2 Easy Edition

Postby Scraps69 » September 16th, 2010, 3:30 pm

- Team up isn't required anymore, Kongs can get things solo now. (I think Scraps69 will like this change)

Hehe, sure do ;). Does the DKC2 ips work the same as the DKC ips? I'll get to trying it out sometime when I can.Though 'when I can' is in about a month (and I'll also be looking at your DKCR levels).
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Re: DKC 2 Easy Edition

Postby aperson98 » September 17th, 2010, 12:10 pm

@ Scraps69- It should but I just noticed a problem with the english patch. Sigh for some reason the map edits I made seem to not be there as they are restored to default. I find this odd because the levels themselves are changed. I going to remove the english link for now and hopefully have it fixed soon. I hope no one minds patching the SDK 2 (J) 1.0 for right now.
Jungle Explorer
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