Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

A place for discussion of storyline facts and ponderings regarding the DKC trilogy (and beyond, where relevant).
Any facets of Kong and Kremling history - or other similar topics - can be discussed here.

Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Gnawzooka » September 25th, 2008, 6:01 pm

If the games weren't directed at young children, i'd agree. :P
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Swing King » September 26th, 2008, 7:22 am

I don't know, what with that line written by Mr. Loveday... :?
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Kong Family Tree

Postby FefeRawft » January 7th, 2010, 1:42 pm

I'm unsure if this thread already exists, but if it is, I really don't care if you merge it.

I've been interested in this one broken chain of information. I want to figure it out.

(These lin were created by me, using information I found) [Part 1] Donkey Kong has ___ Sibling(s). Diddy Kong is Donkey's nephew, implying that either his mother/father is Donkey's sister/brother. _____ Is Donkey's brother/sister and Diddy's father/mother. There are two Kongs that are most likely Diddy's father and Donkey's brother. Swanky, very closely resembles a darker Donkey Kong implying they are either brother's or twins. Funky somewhat resembles DK, and is very close to Diddy. Could this mean that Donkey may have two brother. [Part 2] ______ is Diddy's mother. No possible or clear candidates for Diddy's mother appear in the Donkey Kong series. This could either mean one of a few things. 1. Diddy's mother is dead. 2. Diddy's mother is in the game, but not obviously shown as his mother. 3. Diddy was adopted. 4. Diddy's mother has yet to make an appearance.

Thoughts anyone?
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Jomingo » January 8th, 2010, 11:39 am

First of all, yes we most certainly do have a Kong Family Tree topic, here it is. Second, I really really really hate talking about the Kong family again every year, so just go ahead and read the discussion in this topic. Of course, if other people want to join in and renew the conversation be my guest; unfortunately I've already stated my views to death.
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 8th, 2010, 5:05 pm

I was a very avid Kong family historian in my youth, and I still like to think about the subject every now and again, but I've come to terms with the fact they're all video game characters. I mean, yeah, we've never seen Diddy's mother, but have we ever seen Birdo's? Waluigi? Stanley the Bugman, anyone?

No. And we never will unless Raptor Jesus steps down from the Jurassic heavens and sets things straight. But until then, feel free to speculate. My actual thoughts:

~Branch 1~
Cranky Kong is the original Donkey Kong, and Wrinkly is his wife. Donkey Kong Jr. is his son. The pink Donkey Kong Jr. In Donkey Kong Jr. Math is either Donkey Kong Jr.'s sister or spouse/significant other. The Donkey Kong introduced in Donkey Kong Country is Donkey Kong III and Candy Kong is his girlfriend. Diddy Kong's placement in the tree is a bit fuzzy... while numerous games do state him as Donkey Kong III's biological nephew, it is a little hard to believe. But I guess it'll have to do.

~Branch 2~
Dixie Kong and Tiny Kong are sisters. Their aunt and uncle are the parents of Kiddy Kong and Chunky Kong, making them cousins... In Donkey Kong Country 3, Donkey Kong III is also said to be a cousin of Dixie and Kiddy. It's very well possible that Kiddy is adopted, but I don't believe that's been officially stated- also, it's very well possible that Funky Kong is either Kiddy Kong's biological or adopted father... Funky bears some resemblance to Chunky as well, so he might really be their dad, brother, cousin, or something. I'm not even gonna try to place Lanky anywhere and the whole idea about Swanky being DK's brother started out as fanwank on the DKU... it's not exactly a bad idea, but I think he's more related to Cranky and Wrinkly before Donkey Kong III. He doesn't have to be his brother.

I've already posted some tree pictures in this thread, so you can look for those if you'd like... I can also cite every scrap of evidence supporting my claims up there, so I'm up for a good debate. :)
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Jomingo » January 9th, 2010, 3:25 am

Sure, there may be some evidence for a couple statements you've made, but the majority of what you just said was just your theories. Unlike you, I am not in the mood for a debate, at least not about the Kong Family Tree. Though, it always seems to turn into one. The worst thing about these threads is that new members read our theories and then think they are facts.
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 9th, 2010, 4:28 am

Yeah, the only big theory was about Funky being related to Kiddy or Chunky... but we have been talking about this for years. It does get old.
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby FefeRawft » January 9th, 2010, 10:53 am

Tiptup Jr. wrote:I was a very avid Kong family historian in my youth, and I still like to think about the subject every now and again, but I've come to terms with the fact they're all video game characters. I mean, yeah, we've never seen Diddy's mother, but have we ever seen Birdo's? Waluigi? Stanley the Bugman, anyone?

No. And we never will unless Raptor Jesus steps down from the Jurassic heavens and sets things straight. But until then, feel free to speculate. My actual thoughts:

~Branch 1~
Cranky Kong is the original Donkey Kong, and Wrinkly is his wife. Donkey Kong Jr. is his son. The pink Donkey Kong Jr. In Donkey Kong Jr. Math is either Donkey Kong Jr.'s sister or spouse/significant other. The Donkey Kong introduced in Donkey Kong Country is Donkey Kong III and Candy Kong is his girlfriend. Diddy Kong's placement in the tree is a bit fuzzy... while numerous games do state him as Donkey Kong III's biological nephew, it is a little hard to believe. But I guess it'll have to do.

~Branch 2~
Dixie Kong and Tiny Kong are sisters. Their aunt and uncle are the parents of Kiddy Kong and Chunky Kong, making them cousins... In Donkey Kong Country 3, Donkey Kong III is also said to be a cousin of Dixie and Kiddy. It's very well possible that Kiddy is adopted, but I don't believe that's been officially stated- also, it's very well possible that Funky Kong is either Kiddy Kong's biological or adopted father... Funky bears some resemblance to Chunky as well, so he might really be their dad, brother, cousin, or something. I'm not even gonna try to place Lanky anywhere and the whole idea about Swanky being DK's brother started out as fanwank on the DKU... it's not exactly a bad idea, but I think he's more related to Cranky and Wrinkly before Donkey Kong III. He doesn't have to be his brother.

I've already posted some tree pictures in this thread, so you can look for those if you'd like... I can also cite every scrap of evidence supporting my claims up there, so I'm up for a good debate. :)

I've read that DK was Cranky's son. I've never heard about a third DK before.
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 9th, 2010, 12:27 pm

If you accept the idea of the current Donkey Kong being the original's grandson, then yes, that would make him Donkey Kong III. Newer games such as Super Smash Bros. Brawl and others support this view.
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Jomingo » January 10th, 2010, 4:12 am

Correction: A newer game called Super Smash Bros. Brawl supports that view, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl also states that Kaptain K. Rool is King K. Rool's brother.

As far as Rare is concerned (who, might I remind you, created Cranky Kong) Cranky is DK's father, and Loveday said that any instance claiming otherwise is a mistake. Until a legitimate source (by legitimate I mean Rare, or an actual Donkey Kong game, not a random cameo appearance made by people who care very little for accuracy) proves otherwise, that is what we should believe.
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 10th, 2010, 4:42 pm

Honestly now, I think we're getting a bit ridiculous.

Rare was great. They made what many consider to be the greatest video games of all time, and I commend them for that; but as it currently stands they have absolutely no authority over the Donkey Kong series at all. I know we're a Donkey Kong Country fansite and all, but completely disregarding what the most successful video game company in the world (Nintendo) says about their own character in favor of a deranged lunatic (Loveday, who I'm sure we can all agree is pretty messed up) is... pretty messed up.

And the Kaptain K. Rool thing... an error in translation. Strange, yes, but practically unavoidable in games like Brawl. Lately I think Nintendo has really been trying to make it clear how they view the Kong family lineage, and how they want things to be. Take Tiny Kong, for instance: her redesign was entirely Nintendo's choice. You can't just say, "Oh, I like Rare's version better so I'm going to completely ignore every Nintendo game and everything they say." If not a huge, blockbusting, sidescrolling follow-up to the Donkey Kong Country franchise, Nintendo still has something in mind for Donkey Kong, and if that's nothing more than Mario cameos, I will gladly take it.
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Jomingo » January 10th, 2010, 5:11 pm

First of all, Nintendo didn't make Brawl, HAL did. And Sakurai has no authority over the continuity of the DK series. A cameo appearance by DK should not dictate how the series goes. Also, if the Kaptain K. Rool mistake was an error in translation then the Cranky Kong being DK's Grandfather thing could just as easily be wrong. You can't pick and choose what to follow, if they can mistake as huge as thinking that Kaptain K. Rool was K. Rool's brother then they've lost all credibility as far as I'm concerned. Besides, Rare themselves mistakenly called Cranky DK's grandpa, so Brawl could have researched it and found that mistake thinking it to be true.

Nintendo has made no official statement be it through interview or in one of their games either way, so the last credible source we have to go by is Rare's in game statements and interviews. Loveday may have a strange sense of humor, but he did write the DKC trilogy for god sakes. I'm not saying that Rare has the ability to contradict Nintendo on the DK series, but Nintendo hasn't said anything either way. If a real in game source comes out of Nintendo contradicting Rare, then maybe I'll change my mind, but you cannot take what Brawl says as canon. This is a debate that's gone on since the original DKC, and one small piece of dialouge from a crossover game not even developer by Nintendo does not decide the direction of the series.

Next, Loveday is not a "deranged lunatic". He has a british sense of humor that we don't really get completely, and he just plain doesn't give care about the minor details that we've picked apart. He wrote DKC 15 years ago and now he gets asked intricate questions about the most insignificant things so it should be expected that he just likes to joke with his answers. That doesn't make him crazy.

Also, Nintendo hasn't made anything clear in this decade their views on anything about Donkey Kong other than that they have no idea what to do with him.

EDIT: I'd just like to point out the fact that though it's clear that you and I have very different views on how the series should be handled I find it ridiculous that you are the one calling me ridiculous. It's not like I'm taking an interview from Loveday in higher regard to something that Nintendo has officially declared; this is a tiny reference in Brawl, a game not made by Nintendo and having little to no focus on the DK series itself. They were not required to do much research, and what research they did could very easily have found the false references in DKC of Cranky calling DK his grandson which Rare themselves have stated were mistakes. The game isn't meant to make up new canon, they were merely stating what they thought was fact. That doesn't mean Nintendo is officially calling Cranky DK's grandfather, it's just a small mistake made in a crossover game. If Nintendo does come out and say it, or they make a game that claims it then we'll talk. Until then the most recent credible statement either way is from Rare's titles, and those are what we should follow until something comes out that contradicts it.
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby FefeRawft » January 11th, 2010, 8:55 am

Tiptup Jr. wrote:Take Tiny Kong, for instance: her redesign was entirely Nintendo's choice. You can't just say, "Oh, I like Rare's version better so I'm going to completely ignore every Nintendo game and everything they say." If not a huge, blockbusting, sidescrolling follow-up to the Donkey Kong Country franchise, Nintendo still has something in mind for Donkey Kong, and if that's nothing more than Mario cameos, I will gladly take it.

Well they did change the style of the Zelda games to being all about cartoons. Though I don't prefer this, I don't think the style has anything to do with this discussion.

Jomingo wrote:First of all, Nintendo didn't make Brawl, HAL did. And Sakurai has no authority over the continuity of the DK series. A cameo appearance by DK should not dictate how the series goes. Also, if the Kaptain K. Rool mistake was an error in translation then the Cranky Kong being DK's Grandfather thing could just as easily be wrong. You can't pick and choose what to follow, if they can mistake as huge as thinking that Kaptain K. Rool was K. Rool's brother then they've lost all credibility as far as I'm concerned. Besides, Rare themselves mistakenly called Cranky DK's grandpa, so Brawl could have researched it and found that mistake thinking it to be true.

Nintendo has made no official statement be it through interview or in one of their games either way, so the last credible source we have to go by is Rare's in game statements and interviews. Loveday may have a strange sense of humor, but he did write the DKC trilogy for god sakes. I'm not saying that Rare has the ability to contradict Nintendo on the DK series, but Nintendo hasn't said anything either way. If a real in game source comes out of Nintendo contradicting Rare, then maybe I'll change my mind, but you cannot take what Brawl says as canon. This is a debate that's gone on since the original DKC, and one small piece of dialouge from a crossover game not even developer by Nintendo does not decide the direction of the series.

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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 11th, 2010, 1:39 pm

Ugh, I had this really long and epic response typed out on my phone but for some reason it wouldn't post, and then I lost it... basically it said I'M RIGHT BWAHAHAHFG'OASDJGI;I
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Gnawzooka » January 11th, 2010, 3:44 pm

Tiptup Jr. wrote:Ugh, I had this really long and epic response typed out on my phone but for some reason it wouldn't post, and then I lost it... basically it said I'M RIGHT BWAHAHAHFG'OASDJGI;I

Excuses, excuses. :mrgreen:
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Jomingo » January 11th, 2010, 11:04 pm

Please post the response, I want to refute it!
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Tiptup Jr. » October 23rd, 2010, 11:18 am

Alright... bumping this because I have something new to add, and apparently I didn't finish a conversation with Jomingo.

As seen here (http://www.dkvine.com/newnews/images/DKCR_NP_4.jpg), Cranky once again refers to DK as his grandson. I believe it is time to rid ourselves of our silly Rare fanaticism and acknowledge that this is now official fact. I mean come on, Cranky only calls DK his son in ONE GAME! What the hell? Here's what I think happened:

Donkey Kong Jr. is the biological father of our current Donkey Kong. However, before the current DK was born, DK Jr. somehow died. The current DK's mother probably died during childbirth as well, leaving Cranky and Wrinkly to raise him. This explains Cranky's bitterness and why he calls DK his grandson and son: deep down, he considers him both. And of course a younger version of DK Jr. appears in Mario games occasionally, but I attribute that to time travel and such. I actually wouldn't mind if that version of the character made a comeback, as long as he didn't interfere with things too much.

I also think that people don't age in the Mushroom Kingdom, or at least they reach a peak physical age and stay there. This varies for every individual and explains how the Baby characters became their full-grown selves. For example, Peach and Toadsworth are both years apart but have reached their peak ages and will most likely retain their physical appearances until they die. Cranky's never even been in the Mushroom Kingdom, which is why he and Tiny (who lives on DK Island on planet Earth, but has admittedly been in the MK) age realistically while everyone else stays the same. I believe the current Donkey Kong has also reached this "peak age" as a side effect of being in the Mushroom Kingdom so much.
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Jomingo » October 23rd, 2010, 2:40 pm

DK was called his son in two games, DKC and DK64. DKC had both in it, son and grandson.

Anyway, I'm not changing my mind about this. Cranky is DK's dad, DK is DKJr. If George Lucas makes a new Star Wars Movie and says all of a sudden that Vader was actually Lukes grandfather and the missing father is never explained do you think anyone will follow it? No. Because you can't change things that have already happened. The idea of a retcon is ridiculous, and I don't have to accept what a future developer says when every developer flip-flops on it for over a decade. The original intention of the character is enough to make a definitive decision regardless of the fact that every game keeps changing it's mind on the case. If nobody else seems to know what's right and makes a mistake that doesn't mean we should erase history and call the mistake fact.
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Krow111 » October 27th, 2010, 12:12 pm

I don't think that Nintendo/Rare cares about the continuity of Cranky Kong. There have been games that said that he's his grandfather. Other games have stated that he's his father. In his first appearance, he calls DK his grandson. Even though Rare stated that Cranky is DK's father, they don't Cranky Kong anymore. Nintendo does. And Nintendo could do whatever they want with him. In DKCR, he refers to DK as his grandson yet again. There's nothing we can do about it. I personally agree with the idea that Cranky is DK's grandson, but this will no doubt start the flamewars all over again :roll:.
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Jomingo » October 27th, 2010, 12:15 pm

No, Nintendo Power called him grandson. It doesn't say that in DKCR, just in the interview in Nintendo Power. They don't have authority. As far as I'm concerned, nothing has changed except a magazine made a mistake. Also, DKC refers to it both ways.
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Krow111 » October 27th, 2010, 1:39 pm

Oops, my bad :oops:. It doesn't matter either way. I still think he is DK's grandad. But everyone has their own opinions so I'm not going to argue with anyone.
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Chibisai Kong » December 7th, 2010, 10:15 am

Jomingo wrote:DK's Tree:[/b]
Cranky's brother is Karate Kong, and Dread, Sumo, and Ninja are his sons.
Funky is DK's younger brother. This explains why he is so lazy/rebellious, because DK is the first born and he inherits the island, so Funky is ignored, causing him to lash out.
Funky could be Diddy's father. This would make him DK's nephew. If you compare Diddy with sunglasses and a boombox to Funky in the original Funky Flights, you'll see the similarities.
Wrinkly also has an unnamed sister, who is dead. Her son's are Swanky and City kong.
2) Candy's Family Tree:
Candy has 3 siblings: Bumpkin, Kiddy/Chunky's parent, and Dixie/Tiny's parent.
3) Lanky's Tree:
Lanky and Manky are brother's. That's it.

Things that are problems with this, Jomingo:

It is never proven that Dread, Sumo, and Ninja are Karate's sons although several people do believe that.
I don't think Karate is Cranky's brother---they don't look a spit alike(dunno why I just said 'a spit'...).
There is no proof of Diddy being Funky's son and DK's nephew. As someone already said, there's no actual confirmation from BOTH Rare and Nintendo.
Bumpkin and City are never seen(although one of my characters is Wrinkly's older sister, who died when the poor child was little)
Swanky---now, he COULD be DK's brother because of the resemblence.
Who the hell is Manky?
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Tiptup Jr. » December 7th, 2010, 10:30 am

Jomingo explicitly stated that those were just speculations. I also made a graphic depiction: http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z72/Tiptup_Jr/kongs3.png
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Chibisai Kong » December 7th, 2010, 10:39 am

OK. Sounds good. BUT THINK ABOUT IT!!! Maybe if we ask nicely Nintendo and Rare will give us the family tree.
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Chibisai Kong » December 7th, 2010, 11:06 am

SERIOUSLY? You honestly think Wrinkly was in a relationship before she was married to Cranky? And that DK and Funky are the half-brothers of Swanky and City? Oh my god. I'm not saying our theories are incorrect but I mean COME ON! If that's the case, what happened to her previous husband/whatever? If that's the case, are her sons two different sets of twins?!

OH MY GOD SOMEONE STOP ME BEFORE I STAB SOMEONE(not really, just the kids at school)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh geez. Sorry. Had to get that out of my system. Now then---about the speculations:

I FREAKING KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Tiptup Jr. » December 7th, 2010, 3:53 pm

Holy crap. First of all, calm the f--- down. You're not gonna score points with anyone by putting a million exclamation marks at the end of each sentence. Second, no- I do NOT think that's how the Kong family tree really looks and I simply made that to illustrate Jomingo's speculations. Tomorrow if I'm not to busy I'll make a picture of the tree I go by, which is more or less completely factual according to official material.

But no hard feelings though... I'm usually friendly to an extent. :)
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Chibisai Kong » December 8th, 2010, 12:50 pm

Oh. Sorry, Tiptup. I have a bad habit of doing that.

Wait a sec... I went and read some other posts and y'all are opening my eyes to the relationship between DK and Wrinkly as well. I can't believe it took a forum to make me notice this! But hey. I'm staring at the instruction booklet that comes with King Of Swing and when it tells about Wrinkly, it says that she frets about him.

Lemme point this out for you---'fret' means 'worry'.

Maybe Wrinkly isn't his real mother and that's why she never mentions him. Maybe Cranky's rantings has caused her to stop if she did before. Maybe DK did something and she ignores him because of it. I don't know... I'M CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Chibisai Kong » December 29th, 2010, 11:09 am

The Kirby wrote:It's possible that DK and Cranky aren't biologically related, but rather Cranky adopted DK, who Cranky raised to be a sort of successor to him, and that his mixed relationship of being DK's father/grandfather is just referring to Cranky's paternal role and advanced age.

That's true---it IS possible. I'm not trying to disband this but is Cranky were to somehow become younger in the games presently or somehow his younger self appeared in the present day---that would be FREAKING AWESOME---then DK and Cranky would look mysteriously alike. Maybe he's the result of a one-night stand and his mother died somehow and he was put up for adoption. I guess this combines another person's theory.

Still, you have a good point The Kirby.
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Chibisai Kong » June 6th, 2011, 6:48 am

The Angry Sun wrote:
Swanky Kong is unrelated then.

Not true---no one, probably even Nintendo and Rare, knows his and DK's relationship. With the possibility of them being biological brothers(fraternal (almost identical?) twins but if not then DK is the older of them either way), since I read the DKVine bios(I know they're not true but hey---just give them a shot), I thought that if they WERE brothers they had a HUGE sibling rivarly and they denied their relationship to anyone that asked because of it. The reason for their rivalry is that it was beginning to appear, as the two got older, that their mother favored Swanky more.
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Tailikku » December 30th, 2011, 2:06 am

I'd liketo bring this up, which could possibly get rid of some "kong"-fusion (but not that this is fan-made):

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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Super Luigi! » August 10th, 2014, 12:48 am

This relates more to relationship than family tree, and I don't have much to say, but here I go anyway.

I firmly believe Tiny Kong is evil in some way. Just her appearance alone makes me think something's fishy. Sure, Tiny looks just like a normal, hip teenager, but I suspect she's hiding something, that she has a dark side. Naturally, most of my speech is merely observations, but nevertheless.

I also suspect Tiny abuses Dixie in some way, and she tries to steal Diddy from her. After so many years of actually being tiny and now suddenly earning a growth spurt, Tiny may be out for revenge. She'll use her increased size to her advantage, and although Dixie always escapes unharmed, she must look out for her sister's sinister traps. Again, I have no proof of this, but I don't think the sisters care too much for each other.

Don't get me wrong, I love Tiny as a character and a Kong. I'm sure she's probably not as half as evil as I see her to be. I do wonder what she would think of my thoughts. Hmmmm... In any case, she is a great baseball player!
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby WesternTanager794 » November 25th, 2022, 8:15 pm

I have some interesting theories here.
The question is, is DK, Funky’s older brother?
Is Funky’s kids Chunky and Kiddy?
Or did Funky adopt Diddy?
If funky’s kids are Chunky and Kiddy, how do Dixie and Tiny fit in the equation?
In Diddy Kong Racing, Diddy has unnamed parents!
And DK is Cranky’s grandson!
New Idea! In the past, soon after the kings became intelligent, King Kong I the greatest Kong ever rallies all of the clans of kongs! The kremlins have always been an issue, but now they have had some organized rule! First King Alberich Krock, Second Ruler Beatrice Krock, Third Ruler Eli Krock, King Kong I in the days of King Eli Krock, almost completely annihilated the kremlings and enslaved the majority of them! He forced them to build him Kong Castle! I am building a kremling family tree as well as a Kong family tree. King Kong II was not as great as the original, but kept the gains of the kongs intact. King Kong III The Insane comes about! He rules for a short period, letting the imprisoned kremlings go free! Then he runs away to New York City and causes trouble! NBC didn’t know where he was from, so they made up Skull Island. King Kong III died at an unknown date and returned later, as a malicious spirit to Kong castle where he had previously ruled. The interregnum takes place! Donkey Kong I (Cranky Kong) reunites and dominates the kongs, and takes the name of Kong, of the rulers of old. He is potentially even better a ruler than the original King Kong, at this point, Jumpman/Mario discovers DK Island and the arcade adventures take place, later, Rareware also discovers DK Island. Donkey Kong I reigned for many years before stepping down to let his son rule, DK I realized that he was gifted with exceptionally long life! He lived to 151 years! DK jr. becomes king and disappears, assumed to have perished in an untimely death. The rearising kremlins are probably to blame for this. The kremlins slowly rebuilt their population and strength, after the Super Intelligent race of the Krock Kremlins were diminished, the Kritters took over, two kings that house had. They were overthrown by the Klumps! Two rulers they had! The klumps were overthrown by the Zingers, who had three leaders. Then the K.rools came about. Not as intelligent as the Krocks but very smart in themselves! They started causing trouble for the Kongs, Klampon.rool was the first, succeeded by Krusha.rool, who was the better. Klampon.rool appointed K.rool as his successor and K.roil took the name of the breed of Krusha, which was the tradition in this new house. At the peak of the strength of Kaptain K.rool, he struck, stealing the banana hoard! Donkey Kong III (DK) was a fairly new king. Many feared a similar fate would befall this second house of Kong as the first one.

I have loads of ideas as shown here! I just scratched the tip of the iceberg! More installments coming soon! For those of you that remember the book that Dixie Kong is writing in my fanfiction, this is what it is about! :parry:

Diddy and Dixie get married
Candy and DK get married in the latter part of DK’s years, they have no kids, Diddy then arises to the throne. Dixie succeeds him!
Tiny and Dixie are sisters
Chunky and Kiddy are brothers
Swanky and DK are brothers?
Is Manky Kong descended from King Kong II sister?
Wrinkly and Cranky are married,
DK’s Dad is DK jr.
Cranky and Wrinkly adopt DK as a son after DK jr’s untimely death, ignoring Wrinkly’s comments about DK in DKC2 and DKC3.
Cranky and Wrinkly are DK Jr’s parents.
Funky adopted Diddy?
Who are Diddy’s parents?
Funky’s sons are Chunky and Kiddy?
Chunky and Kiddy are cousins with Tiny and Dixie.
Kimi Kong and Chibsai Kong might also make an appearance in the far reaches of this family tree!

Note: Has anyone other than me heard of the unused Athlon Kong?

DidnI miss anything?
Sage of Discovery
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Joined: 2022

Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby WesternTanager794 » November 26th, 2022, 8:51 am

Guess what I found! Cool link to Rare’s old website! Thanks Tiptup JR!

https://web.archive.org/web/20010128014 ... ssfar.html
DKC3 Fanfiction by Rare

https://web.archive.org/web/20010204094 ... ndex2.html
And the main website!

I found some scenes and images in their gallery I’ve never seen before! Some of them aren’t even in the atlas gallery!
https://web.archive.org/web/20010223161 ... t/gallery/
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Super Luigi! » November 26th, 2022, 4:21 pm

Thank you for sharing these, Tanager. I also don't really think Tiny is evil.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby WesternTanager794 » November 27th, 2022, 9:33 am

Your welcome! I assumed that you either changed your opinion, or you weren’t serious, based on how you portray Tiny in your stories today! Chapter 15 is getting really long and I’m probably splitting it into two chapters, maybe not. What do you think of a 5,000 to 6,000 word chapter? :parry:
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Kong Family Tree/Relationship Discussion

Postby Super Luigi! » November 27th, 2022, 4:29 pm

It could work. I'm not in any hurry, so write the chapter how you want to.
Sage of Discovery
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