Simion32 wrote:That level looks great.
spaceman2028 wrote:Leo, are those leaf sprites from the land before time!?
Good luck coming on back, by the way!
Rux Ton wrote:That level looks AWESOME! I like the color choice.
And I second CatLoverMolly. 10/10 would love christmas gift
This is the coolest project ever ^-^
zaneebaslave wrote:Well, we'll see. Right now, I'm thinking of new enemies and new characters to add into the game. Right now, I'm thinking of a new K.Rool. I might draw a picture of him once I finish the new cheetah buddy.
CountryFan wrote:However, for the DK Barrel, would it be possible to have the initials change when the Kong inside does?
Simion32 wrote:Oh wow. That's looking exquisitely better than the last demo.
It all looks to be functioning much more cleanly as well. The level is awesome, too, though it needs a bit more "flow", although I understand you may be using it for testing purposes.
spaceman2028 wrote:Leo, those leaves falling down from the sky that seem to partially split are called "tree stars" in a prehistoric dinosaur-themed film known as "The land before time." A game based on the movies uses those leaf sprites.
Great level, by the way!
CatLoverMolly wrote:The engine looks so smooth! I think you've got the original DKC games down really well. I also really love that level, though I think perhaps animating the water at the bottom would help it look even better. Really great progress going on
sonosublime wrote:That newest demo looks amazing. When all of the assets from the DKC games are put together, it really does become a platform game like no other.
CountryFan wrote:VERY impressive! However, for the DK Barrel, would it be possible to have the initials change when the Kong inside does?
CatLoverMolly wrote:I second that idea, there could be a swirly animation where the letters sort of swirl like the bonus barrels do, but into a dark red DD for Diddy, then a pink DX for Dixie, then a blue KK for Kiddy, and obviously the red DK for Donkey. Naturally the animation would skip whatever Kong(s) are being used at the moment, and the letters should look sort of like in Tropical Freeze but with Kiddy instead of Cranky.
zaneebaslave wrote:
Donkey Kong is riding her, too. She's pretty big in comparison to... say... every other animal buddy. You may argue that cheetahs are in fact not larger then elephants and rhinos. I reply to you that they are also not big enough for gorillas to ride on them. But in a world where there is a spider big enough to wear human-sized sneakers and let monkeys ride on it, then there is room in this world for huge cheetahs also!
Tonberry2000 wrote: And looking at the Cheetah, he seems a bit too tall AND long. I wouldn't make him any larger than Rambi...
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