Everything is open for debate and anything that has the name of a DKC level means that is the idea of the level and I couldn’t come up with a good name for the level, I was looking for the DKC level builder, but it seems not to be a thing yet. I was thinking that the Kong’s return level names that the actual level of the DKC4 Kong’s Return could be used for the game. The storyline also has plenty of grammar mistakes, due to writing on a phone keyboard as fast as I can. But without further ado I will put my ideas down.
Storyline and Characters: UPDATED STORYLINE:
The Kremlings' Revenge
Chapter 1 Lightning and Thunder!
Cranky Kong was looking through his telescope, when he saw a sparkling glint of light coming from the base of the remains of Crocodile Isle. He zoomed in, and as he zoomed in, he said barely audibly, "What could be on Crocodile Isle? Are the kremlings repopulating it?"
Crocodile Isle had been weirdly been slowly rising above the sea until half of the island was above sea level. And it was still growing in menacing height. After he finished zooming, Cranky realized the glint of glass was much larger, this time he zoomed to max zoom and was eye to eye with a giant kremling eyeball.
"What the heck?!" said Cranky.
"What is it?" asked Dixie Kong coming out of Cranky's Cabin.
"A kremling eyeball is looking straight at me," Cranky informed her.
Dixie Kong had been looking through Cranky's archives in his basement to look at the history of the kremlings. Cranky had the letters of Captain K.rool's ancestors and the genealogy of every notable kremling and almost every kremling history book published. Cranky had told Dixie that the Kremlings historically kept massive libraries and maintained them well. What surprised Dixie the most was that the kremlings being so destructive were so careful at keeping meticulous records of the kremling peoples. Dixie once asked Cranky how he had all of them, he said that, “When my lumbering grandson and Diddy had their first adventure, they made all of the kremlings flee and left everything abandoned, I realized that enormous amounts of kremling history was going to disappear so I emptied each library and dug an enormous basement for all of the books. Also, similarly that is how my lumbering grandson got his banana hoard back, I hauled all of the bananas from the boss fights to his banana hoard because he couldn’t clean after himself!” Cranky usually used all the books as references and to spout out obscure kremling history whenever someone came over and there was a lull in the conversation. Dixie personally thought that sort of behavior was ridiculous and despised it.
Dixie replied to Cranky, "Isn't that weird?"
Cranky then said, "A tad bit, but I've seen kremlings over there plenty of times and it has all turned out to be all right in the end. It's not like they're building another Blast-o-Matic!"
Just then, Cranky's shed was shredded by an incoming cannonball.
"What was that!" Cranky asked obviously shocked.
"Maybe we should take cover," Dixie said.
“Raise you by two pieces o'eight.”
“Yer bluffing, Krook. I'll match yer two pieces o'eight, and raise ye three pieces o'nine.”
“Hehe, even if ye aren't bluffin', I'll win this hand. Kall.”
“I wouldn't be so sure! Look, Full House, Kings and jacks. I'd like to see ye beat that!”
“No problem, Krook. Four Jacks. Looks like I'll be winnin' this round!”
“Not so fast, Kaboing. Four Aces!”
“That's good, but this be better: Five Aces! Kan't beat that! Harharhar, money!”
“Hmpf, I guess you win. Let's play a different game, I don't like this one.”
“I told ye putting those decks together was a bad idea.”
“Hey, each of 'em missed kards. At least now they komplement each other.”
“Yer just mad 'kause I won!”
“K'mon, let's play a different game! --," Consequently, he was interrupted.
"There be a landlubbering kong looking direktly at me! Kaboing, get to your kannon!" said Kruncha.
“What? What?” said Kaboing.
The Kruncha on Crocodile Isle was very annoyed. He was almost going to go all red and angry! His one and only job was to make sure no one was witnessing this historik moment, and against all odds some kong eyeball with a teleskope was looking straight at him!
"No one must see this sinister endeavor or Captain K.rool, he must be thought dead! Prepare to fire!" said the Kruncha.
He gave the order to fire and he realized the kaboing had missed, bekause the eye was still looking at him.
"You fool! You missed! Fire again!" said the Kruncha.
"Ok sir," said Kaboing.
Kaboing fired the kannon and this time severely miscalculated and the kannonball landed in the sea. Kaboing expekted an angry rant but instead was greeted with, "The kong is gone! You hit your mark!"
The kaboing looked konfused, "But my shot landed in the sea! How kould I have taken out the kong? The kong kould've taken kover!"
"That doesn't matter, somehow the kong is dead, and that's the point! You kan go back to your ridikulous game!" said Kruncha.
"Skratch that game! K.rool's here!" said Krook.
Meanwhile, while they had been trying to fire at Cranky. K.rool had been steadily approaching where they were camped. K.rool had just shown up and a gnawty was unreeling a spool of wire, they were accompanied by a Kutlass and a lizardy looking fellow Kaboing hadn't seen before. Another important thing to note was that a storm was beginning to head to approach Crocodile Isle. The lizardy fellow was inspecting the terminal connections the gnawty had hooked up, when he was interrupted by the Captain, "The wires are connected properly, right Kunning?"
"Of course, Captain," said Kunning to K.rool.
Ever since the failure of the original Blast-o-Matic due to his incompetent underlings, he had searched far and wide for someone smarter than him, the infamous Captain K.rool. He had long since realized that if he himself had instead built the Blast-o-Matic perhaps even bringing back the genius disguise of Baron Von Kroolstein the Kongs would be dead right now. He had searched far and wide until he found Kunning who was apparently the former head of Kremkroc. K.rool didn't know this because he let the scientists at Kremkroc establish their own hierarkhy. At the time, Kunning had been konstrukting a thingamajig he called a wristwatch. He said it used quartz krystals to keep time. This was kompletely over K.rool's head and at the time he had just respektfully nodded as if he knew what he was talking about. Kunning had said that the device used a quartz krystal's vibrations to keep the sekonds konsistent. Kunning had shown K.rool over to his small hut and showed him the white board with all the formulas and K.rool pretended once again to understand everything he was talking about.
Kunning had then said, "You're almost as smart as I am, K.rool. In fact, my wristwatches are 52.7x more accurate at keeping time than the grandfather klocks in your kastle."
"Captain. Kutlass is ready," said the gnawty snapping K.rool back to attention.
"Good! Kutlass slice off the extra wire," said K.rool.
The Kutlass easily did and Kruncha said, "Are you sure you can trust this new technician of yours, Captain?"
"I'm absolutely positive! Do you doubt my word?" K.rool asked.
"No no no, of course not Captain, just his. Kunning’s not a name that bodes very well,” said Kruncha.
"He is kompletely trustworthy, I mean he is building the Kumulonimbus for me, so of kourse he kan be trusted," said K.rool.
"If my kalkulations are korrekt, and they are. In four minutes and eight sekonds lightning will strike the top of Crocodile Isle where my lightning rods stand and the elektricity will travel down the wire Gnawty has so graciously unwound for all of the kremlings on Crocodile Isle and of kourse, posterity. Anyway, where was I?" Kunning asked.
"Elektricity, sir," said Krook.
"Yes, thank you. Elektricity will travel down the wire with 1.21 gigawatts of power and jumpstart the Krocodile Kore," said Kunning.
"Whatever you say, Kunning. I'm sure it's all for the best. Of kourse, you do mean the Artifact not the Krocodile Kore, right it was your idea," said K.rool.
"Of course, the Artifakt, to keep those miserable kongs from katching on," said Kunning.
Kunning then checked his wristwatch and said, "Three minutes and twenty-seven sekonds now."
Three minutes and twenty-seven sekonds later, a bolt of lightning erupted from the sky above was instantly attracted by Kunning's system of lightning kontrol rods. The one lightning bolt diversified into fifteen smaller streaks of light and then struck the rods, then the rekonverged along one wire and quickly moved down Crocodile Isle at a speed of 186,000 miles an hour. The Artifakt was easily jumpstarted and kould've blown up from the elektrical overload. Suddenly, a stream of rainbow-kolored oscillating light erupted from the base.
Cranky was looking out his cabin window while Dixie was perusing a box of old papers.
"It says here that the kremling breeds were weak until the Krocodile Kore came about, it's news to me but I assume you knew it Cranky," said Dixie.
"Yes of course, then the breeds strengthened and started giving us all of the trouble we have today. Wait, did you see that?" Cranky asked.
"No, what did you see?" Dixie asked.
"A bolt of lightning struck Crocodile Isle and streamed down in a direct line as if on a string towards the base, and now, as I speak, there's a very thin rainbow beam," said Cranky.
"Is it the Krocodile Kore?" asked Dixie.
"I can't think of anything else it could be," said Cranky.
"That means K.rool is back," said Dixie.
Cranky then said, "Go to DK's Treehouse and fetch Diddy, he needs to see this!"
The Kongs:
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Dixie Kong
Kiddy Kong (Grudgingly)
Funky Kong
Cranky Kong
Wrinkly Kong
The Kremlings:
Captain K.rool
Kremlings from DKC1
Kremlings from DKC2
Kremlings from DKC3
Kremlings from DKC4
Kremcrabs (Armadillo behavior but hermit crabs)
Animal Buddies:
And Buford Mountain Goat,
And Spiney Hedgehog (from DKC4 Kiddy’s Mysterious Adventure)
Also, there are these sprites as well for it.
Chapter 1 Lightning and Thunder!
Cranky Kong was looking through his telescope, when he saw a sparkling glint of light coming from the base of the remains of Crocodile Isle. He zoomed in, and as he zoomed in, he said barely audibly, "What could be on Crocodile Isle? Are the kremlings repopulating it?"
Crocodile Isle had been weirdly been slowly rising above the sea until half of the island was above sea level. And it was still growing in menacing height. After he finished zooming, Cranky realized the glint of glass was much larger, this time he zoomed to max zoom and was eye to eye with a giant kremling eyeball.
"What the heck?!" said Cranky.
"What is it?" asked Dixie Kong coming out of Cranky's Cabin.
"A kremling eyeball is looking straight at me," Cranky informed her.
Dixie Kong had been looking through Cranky's archives in his basement to look at the history of the kremlings. Cranky had the letters of Captain K.rool's ancestors and the genealogy of every notable kremling and almost every kremling history book published. Cranky had told Dixie that the Kremlings historically kept massive libraries and maintained them well. What surprised Dixie the most was that the kremlings being so destructive were so careful at keeping meticulous records of the kremling peoples. Dixie once asked Cranky how he had all of them, he said that, “When my lumbering grandson and Diddy had their first adventure, they made all of the kremlings flee and left everything abandoned, I realized that enormous amounts of kremling history was going to disappear so I emptied each library and dug an enormous basement for all of the books. Also, similarly that is how my lumbering grandson got his banana hoard back, I hauled all of the bananas from the boss fights to his banana hoard because he couldn’t clean after himself!” Cranky usually used all the books as references and to spout out obscure kremling history whenever someone came over and there was a lull in the conversation. Dixie personally thought that sort of behavior was ridiculous and despised it.
Dixie replied to Cranky, "Isn't that weird?"
Cranky then said, "A tad bit, but I've seen kremlings over there plenty of times and it has all turned out to be all right in the end. It's not like they're building another Blast-o-Matic!"
Just then, Cranky's shed was shredded by an incoming cannonball.
"What was that!" Cranky asked obviously shocked.
"Maybe we should take cover," Dixie said.
“Raise you by two pieces o'eight.”
“Yer bluffing, Krook. I'll match yer two pieces o'eight, and raise ye three pieces o'nine.”
“Hehe, even if ye aren't bluffin', I'll win this hand. Kall.”
“I wouldn't be so sure! Look, Full House, Kings and jacks. I'd like to see ye beat that!”
“No problem, Krook. Four Jacks. Looks like I'll be winnin' this round!”
“Not so fast, Kaboing. Four Aces!”
“That's good, but this be better: Five Aces! Kan't beat that! Harharhar, money!”
“Hmpf, I guess you win. Let's play a different game, I don't like this one.”
“I told ye putting those decks together was a bad idea.”
“Hey, each of 'em missed kards. At least now they komplement each other.”
“Yer just mad 'kause I won!”
“K'mon, let's play a different game! --," Consequently, he was interrupted.
"There be a landlubbering kong looking direktly at me! Kaboing, get to your kannon!" said Kruncha.
“What? What?” said Kaboing.
The Kruncha on Crocodile Isle was very annoyed. He was almost going to go all red and angry! His one and only job was to make sure no one was witnessing this historik moment, and against all odds some kong eyeball with a teleskope was looking straight at him!
"No one must see this sinister endeavor or Captain K.rool, he must be thought dead! Prepare to fire!" said the Kruncha.
He gave the order to fire and he realized the kaboing had missed, bekause the eye was still looking at him.
"You fool! You missed! Fire again!" said the Kruncha.
"Ok sir," said Kaboing.
Kaboing fired the kannon and this time severely miscalculated and the kannonball landed in the sea. Kaboing expekted an angry rant but instead was greeted with, "The kong is gone! You hit your mark!"
The kaboing looked konfused, "But my shot landed in the sea! How kould I have taken out the kong? The kong kould've taken kover!"
"That doesn't matter, somehow the kong is dead, and that's the point! You kan go back to your ridikulous game!" said Kruncha.
"Skratch that game! K.rool's here!" said Krook.
Meanwhile, while they had been trying to fire at Cranky. K.rool had been steadily approaching where they were camped. K.rool had just shown up and a gnawty was unreeling a spool of wire, they were accompanied by a Kutlass and a lizardy looking fellow Kaboing hadn't seen before. Another important thing to note was that a storm was beginning to head to approach Crocodile Isle. The lizardy fellow was inspecting the terminal connections the gnawty had hooked up, when he was interrupted by the Captain, "The wires are connected properly, right Kunning?"
"Of course, Captain," said Kunning to K.rool.
Ever since the failure of the original Blast-o-Matic due to his incompetent underlings, he had searched far and wide for someone smarter than him, the infamous Captain K.rool. He had long since realized that if he himself had instead built the Blast-o-Matic perhaps even bringing back the genius disguise of Baron Von Kroolstein the Kongs would be dead right now. He had searched far and wide until he found Kunning who was apparently the former head of Kremkroc. K.rool didn't know this because he let the scientists at Kremkroc establish their own hierarkhy. At the time, Kunning had been konstrukting a thingamajig he called a wristwatch. He said it used quartz krystals to keep time. This was kompletely over K.rool's head and at the time he had just respektfully nodded as if he knew what he was talking about. Kunning had said that the device used a quartz krystal's vibrations to keep the sekonds konsistent. Kunning had shown K.rool over to his small hut and showed him the white board with all the formulas and K.rool pretended once again to understand everything he was talking about.
Kunning had then said, "You're almost as smart as I am, K.rool. In fact, my wristwatches are 52.7x more accurate at keeping time than the grandfather klocks in your kastle."
"Captain. Kutlass is ready," said the gnawty snapping K.rool back to attention.
"Good! Kutlass slice off the extra wire," said K.rool.
The Kutlass easily did and Kruncha said, "Are you sure you can trust this new technician of yours, Captain?"
"I'm absolutely positive! Do you doubt my word?" K.rool asked.
"No no no, of course not Captain, just his. Kunning’s not a name that bodes very well,” said Kruncha.
"He is kompletely trustworthy, I mean he is building the Kumulonimbus for me, so of kourse he kan be trusted," said K.rool.
"If my kalkulations are korrekt, and they are. In four minutes and eight sekonds lightning will strike the top of Crocodile Isle where my lightning rods stand and the elektricity will travel down the wire Gnawty has so graciously unwound for all of the kremlings on Crocodile Isle and of kourse, posterity. Anyway, where was I?" Kunning asked.
"Elektricity, sir," said Krook.
"Yes, thank you. Elektricity will travel down the wire with 1.21 gigawatts of power and jumpstart the Krocodile Kore," said Kunning.
"Whatever you say, Kunning. I'm sure it's all for the best. Of kourse, you do mean the Artifact not the Krocodile Kore, right it was your idea," said K.rool.
"Of course, the Artifakt, to keep those miserable kongs from katching on," said Kunning.
Kunning then checked his wristwatch and said, "Three minutes and twenty-seven sekonds now."
Three minutes and twenty-seven sekonds later, a bolt of lightning erupted from the sky above was instantly attracted by Kunning's system of lightning kontrol rods. The one lightning bolt diversified into fifteen smaller streaks of light and then struck the rods, then the rekonverged along one wire and quickly moved down Crocodile Isle at a speed of 186,000 miles an hour. The Artifakt was easily jumpstarted and kould've blown up from the elektrical overload. Suddenly, a stream of rainbow-kolored oscillating light erupted from the base.
Cranky was looking out his cabin window while Dixie was perusing a box of old papers.
"It says here that the kremling breeds were weak until the Krocodile Kore came about, it's news to me but I assume you knew it Cranky," said Dixie.
"Yes of course, then the breeds strengthened and started giving us all of the trouble we have today. Wait, did you see that?" Cranky asked.
"No, what did you see?" Dixie asked.
"A bolt of lightning struck Crocodile Isle and streamed down in a direct line as if on a string towards the base, and now, as I speak, there's a very thin rainbow beam," said Cranky.
"Is it the Krocodile Kore?" asked Dixie.
"I can't think of anything else it could be," said Cranky.
"That means K.rool is back," said Dixie.
Cranky then said, "Go to DK's Treehouse and fetch Diddy, he needs to see this!"
The Kongs:
Donkey Kong

Diddy Kong

Dixie Kong

Kiddy Kong (Grudgingly)
Funky Kong
Cranky Kong
Wrinkly Kong
The Kremlings:
Captain K.rool
Kremlings from DKC1
Kremlings from DKC2
Kremlings from DKC3
Kremlings from DKC4
Kremcrabs (Armadillo behavior but hermit crabs)
Animal Buddies:

And Buford Mountain Goat,
And Spiney Hedgehog (from DKC4 Kiddy’s Mysterious Adventure)
- K.rool the Krool’s Spiney Sprite
- 2D219A8F-60B7-4697-8A1B-34A366DF7339.gif (5.79 KiB) Viewed 117797 times
Also, there are these sprites as well for it.
- K.rool the Krool’s Spiney Stuff
- 6E062BC9-FE24-4F56-914C-2608AC4B9627.jpeg (8.24 KiB) Viewed 117797 times
Storyline Chapter Two: (UPDATED)
The Kremlings' Revenge
Chapter 2 Lightning Doesn’t Strike the Same Place Twice, right?
Dixie ran as fast as she could to DK and Diddy’s treehouse, she would’ve have flown there if only the way was not uphill, but she was running and almost there. When she got there, she found Donkey playing on the GBA, while Diddy had a book and was starting pretending to be asleep.
“Diddy, I know you’re not sleeping. Now get up and go to Cranky’s. You also owe him a new shed, you said it could withstand anything the kremlings could throw at it!” said Dixie.
“What did the kremlings throw at it anyway?” Diddy asked.
“A cannonball went straight through it!” exclaimed Dixie.
“What how did a kremling toss a cannonball that hard?!" Diddy asked.
"They fired it out a cannon of course!" exclaimed Dixie.
"When I made that statement, I was referring to the metal roof which was in theory, thick enough to withstand anything the kremlings could really throw at it,” said Diddy.
“A deal’s a deal,” said Dixie.
“You can’t expect me to fix it in a day, wait, are you dragging me down there again to show me your progress in your book?” asked Diddy.
“Of course not! That’s ridiculous!” said Dixie.
“Really?” asked Diddy.
“Ok, it’s not that, this time, Cranky and I both believe that K.rool has jumpstarted the Kremling Life Source and is making ready to wage war on the Kongs!” said Dixie.
“What do you mean?!” said Diddy.
“It means we have to go!” said Dixie.
“Let’s go then!” said Diddy.
“What’s Donkey doing anyway?” asked Dixie.
“He’s trying to beat Donkey Kong Country 3 to no avail,” said Diddy.
“Why can’t he, it’s not that much harder than our adventure together,” said Dixie.
“Well, I don’t why he can’t beat the game,” said Diddy.
They ran the distance to Cranky’s Cabin and they got there in a timely manner. Dixie didn’t fly the way downhill because Diddy would fall behind.
“What took you so long?” demanded Cranky when they got there.
“We we’re discussing DK trying to beat DKC3 and...” Dixie was interjected by Cranky.
“I don’t care that much on how you spend your time, what I do know is that Squawks has had time enough to fly there and back from Crocodile Isle and get electrocuted in the process. Additionally, while Squawks was gone, I also had enough time to set up my spectrograph which takes a half hour to set up. But either way I'm being too tough on you. But the exposures are clear and there is for certain, Kremling Life Source Radiation radiating from the beam on Crocodile Isle. How Squawks got electrocuted though, I would assume he flew through the Kremling Power Source which was completely unnecessary,” Cranky said.
“Where is Squawks now?” asked Diddy.
“Probably back at his nest, I think he has a case of mild amnesia. He thought my name was Cantankerous, and he also thinks K.rool’s name is super cool. Where he got that idea, I don’t know,” said Cranky laughing.
“He should be better with time,” Cranky added.
“Cranky, Diddy none of that really matters, what matters is figuring out K.rool’s plans and means of transport. Whether he’s after the banana hoard, or after one of us,” said Dixie.
“You’d never see me get kidnapped!” said Cranky.
“We need to figure out if he planning to use the Flying Krock or something entirely different,” said Dixie.
“You know, Dixie’s right. We need a spy,” said Diddy.
“Not Squawks, he’s in no condition to fly, I wonder who?” said Dixie.
“I think the best course of action is if we instead lock down our weak points, lock down the banana hoards, blow up Kremkroc Industries, have no kong go out alone, and I’ll have to have that obnoxious Funky Kong assist me in creating a laser defense system so that we can “blast-o-matic” any kremling that ventures onto the shores of the DK Island,” Cranky chuckled at his own joke.
“Why do we have to go through all the work of blowing up Kremkroc Industries?” Diddy asked.
“You really don’t know? Well, I’ll have to tell you, the kremlings have two reasons for wanting the bananas,” said Cranky.
“What are they?” Diddy said.
“The reason are that they want to steal our food source and are obsessed on turning our bananas into gold,” said Cranky.
“Cranky, the whole kremling alchemy thing is a myth,” said Dixie.
“No, it isn’t, where do you think all of those banana coins showed up from after my lumbering grandson and you, Diddy ransacked Kremkroc?” Cranky said.
“You know Cranky, I just realized something, it doesn’t mean its K.rool, I mean for all we know a lightning bolt hit the spot where the Kremling Life Source was and that was enough to jumpstart it. Or maybe a Kritter hooked up jumper cables from one of the few kremling kars and electrocuted himself and the Kremling Life Source. And no one has seen K.rool in years and years and years. It’s Ockham’s Razor, it makes the most sense, therefore it’s true,” said Diddy.
“Ockham’s Razor prefers the scenario with fewer parameters!” said Cranky.
“Diddy, I think you should heed Cranky’s words, I mean it seems awfully coincidental that the lightning struck exactly where the Kremling Life Source resides,” said Dixie.
“Well, they say lightning never strikes the same spot twice and as far as I know it hasn’t struck there before,” said Diddy.
“This is going nowhere Diddy,” said Dixie.
“Probably not,” said Diddy.
“Get DK! He ought to settle your disagreement, I hope,” said Cranky.
So, Dixie and Diddy went back to the treehouse and as they were walking, Diddy started chatting, “You should know it has been terrible what DK’s and Kiddy’s side of the treehouse has fallen into ever since you moved out of the treehouse. DK, as you know has piles of trash surrounding his bed and Kiddy is just as bad as he is, you know it was nice having a clean treehouse, I mean he’s only been this bad at picking up since we came back from destroying K.rool’s Blast-o-matic and like I said before, Kiddy copies everything Donkey does. DK’s is a bad influence!” said Diddy.
“I left, because every day, I had to keep Donkey’s and Kiddy’s side of the treehouse clean, because I wouldn’t be able to live with all the clutter. Donkey didn’t care in the least about it, you’d think he preferred it dirty. I mean a thank you now and then but no habit changes,” said Dixie.
“We can finish discussing this later,” said Diddy.
Because at this point they had arrived at the treehouse. Diddy started to climb the rope ladder first and then Dixie followed.
“Donkey! The Kremling Life Source is back online, and that means K.rool’s coming for us!” said Dixie.
The lump in Donkey’s sheets didn’t respond, Diddy pulled the covers down and saw the lump was nothing more than a bunch of pillows.
“Where’s DK?” Diddy asked Dixie.
“The room doesn’t look any more ransacked than usual,” said Dixie.
“Donkey and Kiddy might just have gone somewhere,” said Diddy. “Do you see that?” asked Dixie pointing.
Diddy saw what she was looking at, it was Donkey’s GBA only smashed on the floor with wires and circuit boards askew.
“That doesn’t look good,” said Diddy.
Chapter 2 Lightning Doesn’t Strike the Same Place Twice, right?
Dixie ran as fast as she could to DK and Diddy’s treehouse, she would’ve have flown there if only the way was not uphill, but she was running and almost there. When she got there, she found Donkey playing on the GBA, while Diddy had a book and was starting pretending to be asleep.
“Diddy, I know you’re not sleeping. Now get up and go to Cranky’s. You also owe him a new shed, you said it could withstand anything the kremlings could throw at it!” said Dixie.
“What did the kremlings throw at it anyway?” Diddy asked.
“A cannonball went straight through it!” exclaimed Dixie.
“What how did a kremling toss a cannonball that hard?!" Diddy asked.
"They fired it out a cannon of course!" exclaimed Dixie.
"When I made that statement, I was referring to the metal roof which was in theory, thick enough to withstand anything the kremlings could really throw at it,” said Diddy.
“A deal’s a deal,” said Dixie.
“You can’t expect me to fix it in a day, wait, are you dragging me down there again to show me your progress in your book?” asked Diddy.
“Of course not! That’s ridiculous!” said Dixie.
“Really?” asked Diddy.
“Ok, it’s not that, this time, Cranky and I both believe that K.rool has jumpstarted the Kremling Life Source and is making ready to wage war on the Kongs!” said Dixie.
“What do you mean?!” said Diddy.
“It means we have to go!” said Dixie.
“Let’s go then!” said Diddy.
“What’s Donkey doing anyway?” asked Dixie.
“He’s trying to beat Donkey Kong Country 3 to no avail,” said Diddy.
“Why can’t he, it’s not that much harder than our adventure together,” said Dixie.
“Well, I don’t why he can’t beat the game,” said Diddy.
They ran the distance to Cranky’s Cabin and they got there in a timely manner. Dixie didn’t fly the way downhill because Diddy would fall behind.
“What took you so long?” demanded Cranky when they got there.
“We we’re discussing DK trying to beat DKC3 and...” Dixie was interjected by Cranky.
“I don’t care that much on how you spend your time, what I do know is that Squawks has had time enough to fly there and back from Crocodile Isle and get electrocuted in the process. Additionally, while Squawks was gone, I also had enough time to set up my spectrograph which takes a half hour to set up. But either way I'm being too tough on you. But the exposures are clear and there is for certain, Kremling Life Source Radiation radiating from the beam on Crocodile Isle. How Squawks got electrocuted though, I would assume he flew through the Kremling Power Source which was completely unnecessary,” Cranky said.
“Where is Squawks now?” asked Diddy.
“Probably back at his nest, I think he has a case of mild amnesia. He thought my name was Cantankerous, and he also thinks K.rool’s name is super cool. Where he got that idea, I don’t know,” said Cranky laughing.
“He should be better with time,” Cranky added.
“Cranky, Diddy none of that really matters, what matters is figuring out K.rool’s plans and means of transport. Whether he’s after the banana hoard, or after one of us,” said Dixie.
“You’d never see me get kidnapped!” said Cranky.
“We need to figure out if he planning to use the Flying Krock or something entirely different,” said Dixie.
“You know, Dixie’s right. We need a spy,” said Diddy.
“Not Squawks, he’s in no condition to fly, I wonder who?” said Dixie.
“I think the best course of action is if we instead lock down our weak points, lock down the banana hoards, blow up Kremkroc Industries, have no kong go out alone, and I’ll have to have that obnoxious Funky Kong assist me in creating a laser defense system so that we can “blast-o-matic” any kremling that ventures onto the shores of the DK Island,” Cranky chuckled at his own joke.
“Why do we have to go through all the work of blowing up Kremkroc Industries?” Diddy asked.
“You really don’t know? Well, I’ll have to tell you, the kremlings have two reasons for wanting the bananas,” said Cranky.
“What are they?” Diddy said.
“The reason are that they want to steal our food source and are obsessed on turning our bananas into gold,” said Cranky.
“Cranky, the whole kremling alchemy thing is a myth,” said Dixie.
“No, it isn’t, where do you think all of those banana coins showed up from after my lumbering grandson and you, Diddy ransacked Kremkroc?” Cranky said.
“You know Cranky, I just realized something, it doesn’t mean its K.rool, I mean for all we know a lightning bolt hit the spot where the Kremling Life Source was and that was enough to jumpstart it. Or maybe a Kritter hooked up jumper cables from one of the few kremling kars and electrocuted himself and the Kremling Life Source. And no one has seen K.rool in years and years and years. It’s Ockham’s Razor, it makes the most sense, therefore it’s true,” said Diddy.
“Ockham’s Razor prefers the scenario with fewer parameters!” said Cranky.
“Diddy, I think you should heed Cranky’s words, I mean it seems awfully coincidental that the lightning struck exactly where the Kremling Life Source resides,” said Dixie.
“Well, they say lightning never strikes the same spot twice and as far as I know it hasn’t struck there before,” said Diddy.
“This is going nowhere Diddy,” said Dixie.
“Probably not,” said Diddy.
“Get DK! He ought to settle your disagreement, I hope,” said Cranky.
So, Dixie and Diddy went back to the treehouse and as they were walking, Diddy started chatting, “You should know it has been terrible what DK’s and Kiddy’s side of the treehouse has fallen into ever since you moved out of the treehouse. DK, as you know has piles of trash surrounding his bed and Kiddy is just as bad as he is, you know it was nice having a clean treehouse, I mean he’s only been this bad at picking up since we came back from destroying K.rool’s Blast-o-matic and like I said before, Kiddy copies everything Donkey does. DK’s is a bad influence!” said Diddy.
“I left, because every day, I had to keep Donkey’s and Kiddy’s side of the treehouse clean, because I wouldn’t be able to live with all the clutter. Donkey didn’t care in the least about it, you’d think he preferred it dirty. I mean a thank you now and then but no habit changes,” said Dixie.
“We can finish discussing this later,” said Diddy.
Because at this point they had arrived at the treehouse. Diddy started to climb the rope ladder first and then Dixie followed.
“Donkey! The Kremling Life Source is back online, and that means K.rool’s coming for us!” said Dixie.
The lump in Donkey’s sheets didn’t respond, Diddy pulled the covers down and saw the lump was nothing more than a bunch of pillows.
“Where’s DK?” Diddy asked Dixie.
“The room doesn’t look any more ransacked than usual,” said Dixie.
“Donkey and Kiddy might just have gone somewhere,” said Diddy. “Do you see that?” asked Dixie pointing.
Diddy saw what she was looking at, it was Donkey’s GBA only smashed on the floor with wires and circuit boards askew.
“That doesn’t look good,” said Diddy.
Storyline Chapter 3: (UPDATED)
The Kremlings Revenge
Chapter 3 The Meeting
♪♪Mission Impossible Theme Plays♪♪
Squitter was web platforming up Crocodile Isle. He was most of the way up K.rool’s Keep and was close to the window of the war room. He shot another web platform up, and when he heard voices from the window far above him, he knew he had to hurry if he was going to hear anything important. He had started at about midnight, web platforming from the bottom of Crocodile Isle and he was tired. The wristwatch that Cranky had strapped around one of his legs beeped. Squitter realized it was 6:00 in the morning. Which was the commencing time of the meeting, so he had to hurry.
Cranky was watching Squitter slowing moving up the imposing Crocodile Isle.
“Squitter has to hurry! It’s 6:01!” Cranky said.
He pressed the button on his watch to start an audio transmission to him.
“Squitter, please hurry up! The time is 6:01! The sun is almost up! Start doing instant web platforms, if you don’t mind,” Cranky said.
He knew it was risky. Because one false step meant death. But it was of the utmost importance not to miss this meeting. The leaders of the Kremlings and the representatives of each kremling species were there to make a master plan for the second half of the year to come, 6:03. No kong had ever witnessed or listened to such an important kremling meeting. There was one exception, but she got caught. And she was executed after the meeting adjourned.
“Squitter! You’re almost there!” said Cranky.
He hoped that the spider would not get caught. If that happened, what was to come in the kremling invasion would be completely unknown.
"I mean the kremlings cannot expect someone to climb a sheer cliff," said Cranky.
Finally, Squitter was above the window and had hooked up the web platform to the castle. So, it would not eventually disappear.
Squitter had adjusted the web to 45 degrees so he could peer inside the window without being seen. He reached over to click the button to turn on the apparatus on his back. This apparatus would enable Cranky to hear what was going on inside.
“I hear you loud and clear!” said Cranky.
Cranky had said to him that the Hypersonic Audio Receiver would be able to hear even the slightest sound through the castle stone.
Cranky barely heard, the kremling representatives being called out, “Klampon, Present?”
“Krusha, present?”
“Gnawty, present?”
“Rekoil, Present?”
"That be all, Master Kunning be proceeding things this meeting,” said the Klump. Squitter was confused, why was K.rool here? Maybe he actually is dead?" he thought.
Cranky heard through the receiver, everything.
“Everyone please sit down,” said Kunning.
There was a groaning sound as all the wood benches groaned.
“The most important matter of today is, of course, the Invasion of Kong Island, codenamed, The Approaching Storm. You might have noticed that the Artifact is back online. Additionally, it is up to 90% of its historical strength. The ships in construction in the Krem Quay are the Kumulonimbus and the Gangplank Galleon II. The Kumulonimbus will contain the main invasion expeditionary force of 10,000 kremlings. There have been 20 species selected for the endeavor. The list of species is in the pamphlet each of you has. Five hundred of each breed will make it equal. Pick the best 500 you have. The Kumulonimbus has 3,500 cannons, which should be sufficient to have the kongs capitulate immediately. The far side of DK island will be invaded first, as many kremlings live there and few kongs. The Gangplank Galleon II will provide an auxiliary reserve force of 1,000. The breeds in the 1,000 have not been established yet. The kongs will be severely outnumbered, and in the end, we will be the victors. On top of that, we have many allies on the far side of Kong Island, including but not limited to, the largest colony of zingers in the world headed by King Morzeka. All representatives that are in favor, say aye,” Kunning said.
Every kremling hand shot up.
“Good! That means we can adjourn for now and discuss less important issues after the break,” said Kunning.
When everybody left, he said to Krusha next to him, “That went well. Remember the last time we tried to get all of the kremlings to go to war? It erupted with petty squabbling because we weighted the numbers based on breed, like more Armies than Gnawtys. But it is nice we have Gnawzookas joining our number,” said Kunning.
“I hadn't heard that! That is stupendous!” said Krusha.
“Do you know when the ships will be completed?” asked Kunning.
“Well, there was a minor delay because Konstrukt and his krew could not decipher your handwriting for some of the plans. But last I heard was 100 days, and the Gangplank Galleon II should be able to set sail the day after,” said Krusha.
“Make sure there are not any more delays. I put too much effort into these over-engineered plans to have them wrecked by a bunch of amateur builders,” said Kunning.
"Yes sir," said Krusha.
“Did you hear all that Cranky?” Asked Squitter.
“Every word,” said Cranky.
“I’m going to stay up here until the meeting ends. But where was K.rool?” said Squitter.
“I have no idea,” said Cranky.
“Do you know what the Artifact is?” asked Squitter.
“I don’t know!” Cranky said, almost laughing.
The rest of the matters were less important to him and he only half listened to him. He was almost nodding off when Diddy tapped him on the shoulder.
Diddy and Dixie had not looked that night beyond the two pairs of footsteps leading away from the treehouse. One trail was identifiable as Kiddy’s. the other appeared to be Donkey’s. Both led into the dangerous jungle. What disturbed them was that a kremling set of footprints went the same direction.
“They should not be going out there. Especially at night, it is dangerous to even Donkey,” Dixie had said.
In the morning, they met at the foot of the treehouse and sat down.
“I haven’t seen any sign of them. have you, Dixie?” Diddy asked.
“I haven’t either,” said Dixie.
“Should we go to Cranky for advice? or head into the jungle and pursue them?” asked Diddy.
“The smart thing is to head to Cranky’s,” said Dixie.
“Ok,” said Diddy.
The walk to the cabin was completely normal, but they found Cranky’s door ajar.
“Did the same thing that happened to Kiddy and DK happen to Cranky too?” Diddy asked.
“I have no idea. Truly, I don’t want to know,” said Dixie.
They both peeped in. The room was empty. It was a bit dirty, but not ransacked. They both cautiously went around the side. Cranky was in the back, sitting in his rocking chair with his telescope in front of him. It was pointing at Crocodile Isle, and he appeared to be sleeping.
“Is he dead?” Dixie asked, fearing the worst.
“I don’t think so,” said Diddy creeping closer.
Diddy tapped his shoulder. “What, what?! Back again?! That was quick! So, you have come back to the master for more advice, eh?” said Cranky.
“Kiddy and DK went into the jungle with kremling footsteps following them!” said Dixie.
“Kiddy and Donkey can handle themselves fine,” said Cranky, attempting to be reassuring.
“In the night?” asked Dixie.
“Forget what I said! The two of them are fools thinking they can go out at night. At night you are facing enemies you cannot see and they can see you. They are toast! And I just realized that is probably where my hunting rifle got to!” said Cranky.
“Your famed hunting rifle?! Yours holds the record for most Kremlings shot in the post-DKC trilogy period!” exclaimed Diddy.
“It does?” asked Cranky.
“So, the best kremling hunter on the island lost his rifle to DK! You say you can hear him coming from a mile away!” said Diddy.
“I was sleeping!” said Cranky.
“That’s fair,” said Dixie.
“It probably boils down to this. I occasionally bring you along on my hunting trips. But I used to bring DK on my hunting trips when he was little. And I always said to myself, this monkey is too trigger-happy. I kept my mouth shut until one day when he shot an endangered banana bird. I said to him that that was the last straw. And he said to me he thought it was Screech! Of all things! DK has always been after that bird. Then I say to him that Screech is not bright yellow! I suppose you can find him at the old hunting spot here. I and DK used to go there all the time for kremlings. But they eventually left because of me, stealthy as I am. Here is a map. I suppose you can find him here. What confuses me is why DK did not get back at me sooner,” said Cranky.
“Thanks!” said Diddy.
“Do you have any more advice?” Dixie asked. “You can find all the fun in ropey rampage in between a rock and a hard place,” said Cranky.
“Ha ha! Bye, Cranky,” said Diddy.
“See you later, Alligator! Ha Ha!” Cranky said.
“According to Cranky's map. The two of them should be around here,” said Dixie.
“Then that is where we should go,” said Diddy.
They walked a long time before nearing the clearing. Then they heard gunshots ring out, a lot of them.
“If that is who I think it is. Then that does not sound good!” said Diddy.
They rushed out into the clearing. Expecting to see one of them or both of them in trouble. Instead, they saw them looking disappointed.
“How did you miss it when you shot 11 bullets?” Kiddy asked.
“Somehow, Screech was moving faster than I was shooting,” said Donkey.
Dixie marched over and wrenched the gun out of Donkey’s hands. “Come on! I almost had him, Dixie!” said Donkey.
“You didn’t have to steal Cranky’s rifle,” said Dixie.
“He was the closest with a rifle. And there are only two or three hunters with rifles these days. And I figured he didn’t need it because it has been sitting on the mantelpiece for years just collecting dust,” said Donkey.
“He takes us on hunting trips now and then,” said Diddy. “Since when? Oh, never mind, it doesn’t matter, I suppose Cranky has a rant ready for me back at his cabin,” said Donkey.
“No, he wanted us to find you to deliver the news. The Kremling Power Source is back online!” said Dixie.
“What! Since when?” Donkey asked.
“Since yesterday, he wanted to call us all together to discuss what to do,” said Diddy.
“Well, we have to go now!” Said Donkey.
Eventually, they made it to Cranky’s Cabin, fairly fast. Donkey offered to piggyback Diddy and Kiddy decided to piggyback Dixie. Cranky was waiting for them in front of his cabin.
“I’m not even going to complain about you stealing my gun. Because there are more pressing matters to attend to,” said Cranky.
Diddy got off Donkey’s back. And Dixie got off Kiddy’s. Funky and Wrinkly were inside.
Cranky started speaking, “For those of you that know, I will give a refresher. For those of you who do not know, this should be news. The Kremling Power Source is back online! It appears that the kremlings are planning an attack led by a mysterious new leader named Kunning. Yes, I know, this sounds like Donkey Kong Country 3 all over again, except it isn't KAOS. The Kremling Life Source is back up to 90% of historical precedence and ships are being constructed in the Krem Quay! I will not say anything more about the ships. But, Diddy, Kiddy, Dixie, and Donkey, what do you think of the new information?” Cranky asked.
“I think Kunning is actually K.rool and this is a final attempt to snatch DK Island up,” said Dixie.
“Then you agree with my opinion,” said Cranky.
“I think the kremlings aren’t going to go through with it. It doesn’t seem like K.rool’s strategy. I said yesterday, that maybe some Kremling hooked jumper cables up to it and jumpstarted the source,” said Diddy.
“I think the kremlings are bluffing,” said Donkey.
“Bluffing to themselves!? That’s ridiculous!” Cranky laughed.
“How do you know all of this anyway?” said Donkey.
“My source would like to remain anonymous,” said Cranky.
“That’s nonsense! Anyway, this is just as ridiculous. K.rool hasn’t been seen in 23 years. He is clearly dead,” said Donkey.
“I think Donkey is right,” said Kiddy.
“You always copy him and think any crazy thing he says is true,” said Diddy.
“Well, that’s only partially true, just last week I had a different favorite sandwich than him!” Kiddy said.
“All right! I concede!” Diddy said.
“Funky, Wrinkly, what do you think?” Cranky asked.
“I think no cool K.rool is back, Cranky dude,” said Funky.
“My name is not Cranky dude,” said Cranky.
“Ok, dude,” said Funky.
“I personally think that if K.rool is back, then he would’ve enacted his plan a long time ago,” said Wrinkly.
“I think the meeting should be adjourned. A decisive conclusion cannot be reached. 4-3! Either way, we should prepare for the worst and hope for the best,” Cranky said.
Cranky then slammed his gavel down.
"The meeting is adjourned!" said Cranky.
Chapter 3 The Meeting
♪♪Mission Impossible Theme Plays♪♪
Squitter was web platforming up Crocodile Isle. He was most of the way up K.rool’s Keep and was close to the window of the war room. He shot another web platform up, and when he heard voices from the window far above him, he knew he had to hurry if he was going to hear anything important. He had started at about midnight, web platforming from the bottom of Crocodile Isle and he was tired. The wristwatch that Cranky had strapped around one of his legs beeped. Squitter realized it was 6:00 in the morning. Which was the commencing time of the meeting, so he had to hurry.
Cranky was watching Squitter slowing moving up the imposing Crocodile Isle.
“Squitter has to hurry! It’s 6:01!” Cranky said.
He pressed the button on his watch to start an audio transmission to him.
“Squitter, please hurry up! The time is 6:01! The sun is almost up! Start doing instant web platforms, if you don’t mind,” Cranky said.
He knew it was risky. Because one false step meant death. But it was of the utmost importance not to miss this meeting. The leaders of the Kremlings and the representatives of each kremling species were there to make a master plan for the second half of the year to come, 6:03. No kong had ever witnessed or listened to such an important kremling meeting. There was one exception, but she got caught. And she was executed after the meeting adjourned.
“Squitter! You’re almost there!” said Cranky.
He hoped that the spider would not get caught. If that happened, what was to come in the kremling invasion would be completely unknown.
"I mean the kremlings cannot expect someone to climb a sheer cliff," said Cranky.
Finally, Squitter was above the window and had hooked up the web platform to the castle. So, it would not eventually disappear.
Squitter had adjusted the web to 45 degrees so he could peer inside the window without being seen. He reached over to click the button to turn on the apparatus on his back. This apparatus would enable Cranky to hear what was going on inside.
“I hear you loud and clear!” said Cranky.
Cranky had said to him that the Hypersonic Audio Receiver would be able to hear even the slightest sound through the castle stone.
Cranky barely heard, the kremling representatives being called out, “Klampon, Present?”
“Krusha, present?”
“Gnawty, present?”
“Rekoil, Present?”
"That be all, Master Kunning be proceeding things this meeting,” said the Klump. Squitter was confused, why was K.rool here? Maybe he actually is dead?" he thought.
Cranky heard through the receiver, everything.
“Everyone please sit down,” said Kunning.
There was a groaning sound as all the wood benches groaned.
“The most important matter of today is, of course, the Invasion of Kong Island, codenamed, The Approaching Storm. You might have noticed that the Artifact is back online. Additionally, it is up to 90% of its historical strength. The ships in construction in the Krem Quay are the Kumulonimbus and the Gangplank Galleon II. The Kumulonimbus will contain the main invasion expeditionary force of 10,000 kremlings. There have been 20 species selected for the endeavor. The list of species is in the pamphlet each of you has. Five hundred of each breed will make it equal. Pick the best 500 you have. The Kumulonimbus has 3,500 cannons, which should be sufficient to have the kongs capitulate immediately. The far side of DK island will be invaded first, as many kremlings live there and few kongs. The Gangplank Galleon II will provide an auxiliary reserve force of 1,000. The breeds in the 1,000 have not been established yet. The kongs will be severely outnumbered, and in the end, we will be the victors. On top of that, we have many allies on the far side of Kong Island, including but not limited to, the largest colony of zingers in the world headed by King Morzeka. All representatives that are in favor, say aye,” Kunning said.
Every kremling hand shot up.
“Good! That means we can adjourn for now and discuss less important issues after the break,” said Kunning.
When everybody left, he said to Krusha next to him, “That went well. Remember the last time we tried to get all of the kremlings to go to war? It erupted with petty squabbling because we weighted the numbers based on breed, like more Armies than Gnawtys. But it is nice we have Gnawzookas joining our number,” said Kunning.
“I hadn't heard that! That is stupendous!” said Krusha.
“Do you know when the ships will be completed?” asked Kunning.
“Well, there was a minor delay because Konstrukt and his krew could not decipher your handwriting for some of the plans. But last I heard was 100 days, and the Gangplank Galleon II should be able to set sail the day after,” said Krusha.
“Make sure there are not any more delays. I put too much effort into these over-engineered plans to have them wrecked by a bunch of amateur builders,” said Kunning.
"Yes sir," said Krusha.
“Did you hear all that Cranky?” Asked Squitter.
“Every word,” said Cranky.
“I’m going to stay up here until the meeting ends. But where was K.rool?” said Squitter.
“I have no idea,” said Cranky.
“Do you know what the Artifact is?” asked Squitter.
“I don’t know!” Cranky said, almost laughing.
The rest of the matters were less important to him and he only half listened to him. He was almost nodding off when Diddy tapped him on the shoulder.
Diddy and Dixie had not looked that night beyond the two pairs of footsteps leading away from the treehouse. One trail was identifiable as Kiddy’s. the other appeared to be Donkey’s. Both led into the dangerous jungle. What disturbed them was that a kremling set of footprints went the same direction.
“They should not be going out there. Especially at night, it is dangerous to even Donkey,” Dixie had said.
In the morning, they met at the foot of the treehouse and sat down.
“I haven’t seen any sign of them. have you, Dixie?” Diddy asked.
“I haven’t either,” said Dixie.
“Should we go to Cranky for advice? or head into the jungle and pursue them?” asked Diddy.
“The smart thing is to head to Cranky’s,” said Dixie.
“Ok,” said Diddy.
The walk to the cabin was completely normal, but they found Cranky’s door ajar.
“Did the same thing that happened to Kiddy and DK happen to Cranky too?” Diddy asked.
“I have no idea. Truly, I don’t want to know,” said Dixie.
They both peeped in. The room was empty. It was a bit dirty, but not ransacked. They both cautiously went around the side. Cranky was in the back, sitting in his rocking chair with his telescope in front of him. It was pointing at Crocodile Isle, and he appeared to be sleeping.
“Is he dead?” Dixie asked, fearing the worst.
“I don’t think so,” said Diddy creeping closer.
Diddy tapped his shoulder. “What, what?! Back again?! That was quick! So, you have come back to the master for more advice, eh?” said Cranky.
“Kiddy and DK went into the jungle with kremling footsteps following them!” said Dixie.
“Kiddy and Donkey can handle themselves fine,” said Cranky, attempting to be reassuring.
“In the night?” asked Dixie.
“Forget what I said! The two of them are fools thinking they can go out at night. At night you are facing enemies you cannot see and they can see you. They are toast! And I just realized that is probably where my hunting rifle got to!” said Cranky.
“Your famed hunting rifle?! Yours holds the record for most Kremlings shot in the post-DKC trilogy period!” exclaimed Diddy.
“It does?” asked Cranky.
“So, the best kremling hunter on the island lost his rifle to DK! You say you can hear him coming from a mile away!” said Diddy.
“I was sleeping!” said Cranky.
“That’s fair,” said Dixie.
“It probably boils down to this. I occasionally bring you along on my hunting trips. But I used to bring DK on my hunting trips when he was little. And I always said to myself, this monkey is too trigger-happy. I kept my mouth shut until one day when he shot an endangered banana bird. I said to him that that was the last straw. And he said to me he thought it was Screech! Of all things! DK has always been after that bird. Then I say to him that Screech is not bright yellow! I suppose you can find him at the old hunting spot here. I and DK used to go there all the time for kremlings. But they eventually left because of me, stealthy as I am. Here is a map. I suppose you can find him here. What confuses me is why DK did not get back at me sooner,” said Cranky.
“Thanks!” said Diddy.
“Do you have any more advice?” Dixie asked. “You can find all the fun in ropey rampage in between a rock and a hard place,” said Cranky.
“Ha ha! Bye, Cranky,” said Diddy.
“See you later, Alligator! Ha Ha!” Cranky said.
“According to Cranky's map. The two of them should be around here,” said Dixie.
“Then that is where we should go,” said Diddy.
They walked a long time before nearing the clearing. Then they heard gunshots ring out, a lot of them.
“If that is who I think it is. Then that does not sound good!” said Diddy.
They rushed out into the clearing. Expecting to see one of them or both of them in trouble. Instead, they saw them looking disappointed.
“How did you miss it when you shot 11 bullets?” Kiddy asked.
“Somehow, Screech was moving faster than I was shooting,” said Donkey.
Dixie marched over and wrenched the gun out of Donkey’s hands. “Come on! I almost had him, Dixie!” said Donkey.
“You didn’t have to steal Cranky’s rifle,” said Dixie.
“He was the closest with a rifle. And there are only two or three hunters with rifles these days. And I figured he didn’t need it because it has been sitting on the mantelpiece for years just collecting dust,” said Donkey.
“He takes us on hunting trips now and then,” said Diddy. “Since when? Oh, never mind, it doesn’t matter, I suppose Cranky has a rant ready for me back at his cabin,” said Donkey.
“No, he wanted us to find you to deliver the news. The Kremling Power Source is back online!” said Dixie.
“What! Since when?” Donkey asked.
“Since yesterday, he wanted to call us all together to discuss what to do,” said Diddy.
“Well, we have to go now!” Said Donkey.
Eventually, they made it to Cranky’s Cabin, fairly fast. Donkey offered to piggyback Diddy and Kiddy decided to piggyback Dixie. Cranky was waiting for them in front of his cabin.
“I’m not even going to complain about you stealing my gun. Because there are more pressing matters to attend to,” said Cranky.
Diddy got off Donkey’s back. And Dixie got off Kiddy’s. Funky and Wrinkly were inside.
Cranky started speaking, “For those of you that know, I will give a refresher. For those of you who do not know, this should be news. The Kremling Power Source is back online! It appears that the kremlings are planning an attack led by a mysterious new leader named Kunning. Yes, I know, this sounds like Donkey Kong Country 3 all over again, except it isn't KAOS. The Kremling Life Source is back up to 90% of historical precedence and ships are being constructed in the Krem Quay! I will not say anything more about the ships. But, Diddy, Kiddy, Dixie, and Donkey, what do you think of the new information?” Cranky asked.
“I think Kunning is actually K.rool and this is a final attempt to snatch DK Island up,” said Dixie.
“Then you agree with my opinion,” said Cranky.
“I think the kremlings aren’t going to go through with it. It doesn’t seem like K.rool’s strategy. I said yesterday, that maybe some Kremling hooked jumper cables up to it and jumpstarted the source,” said Diddy.
“I think the kremlings are bluffing,” said Donkey.
“Bluffing to themselves!? That’s ridiculous!” Cranky laughed.
“How do you know all of this anyway?” said Donkey.
“My source would like to remain anonymous,” said Cranky.
“That’s nonsense! Anyway, this is just as ridiculous. K.rool hasn’t been seen in 23 years. He is clearly dead,” said Donkey.
“I think Donkey is right,” said Kiddy.
“You always copy him and think any crazy thing he says is true,” said Diddy.
“Well, that’s only partially true, just last week I had a different favorite sandwich than him!” Kiddy said.
“All right! I concede!” Diddy said.
“Funky, Wrinkly, what do you think?” Cranky asked.
“I think no cool K.rool is back, Cranky dude,” said Funky.
“My name is not Cranky dude,” said Cranky.
“Ok, dude,” said Funky.
“I personally think that if K.rool is back, then he would’ve enacted his plan a long time ago,” said Wrinkly.
“I think the meeting should be adjourned. A decisive conclusion cannot be reached. 4-3! Either way, we should prepare for the worst and hope for the best,” Cranky said.
Cranky then slammed his gavel down.
"The meeting is adjourned!" said Cranky.
Storyline Chapter 4: (UPDATED)
Two months passed by, and nothing happened. Even Cranky was beginning to suspect that he was wrong. Then the kremlings raised the anchor for the Kumulonimbus.
“The Kumulonimbus has set sail! I repeat, operation "The Approaching Storm" is underway,” said a Klump.
As if to prove that. A nasty-looking thunderstorm was heading in the same direction as the Kumulonimbus.
“Bon Voyage!” said a Klinger, hanging from rigging from a neighboring ship.
“So do you think they kan do it?” asked a Kritter.
“Probably," said a Zinger.
Swiftly the Kumulonimbus traveled. It seemed to float above the waves. In fact, the Kumulonimbus was. Kunning had had the ship accumulating seawater. Using hydrolysis, he separated the water into oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen for fuel. Hydrogen for creating a bubble cushion beneath the Kumulonimbus. The longer the ship sailed, the more lift it achieved. Kunning was very happy that he had gotten his way with Captain K.rool, as he had wanted another Blast-o-Matic. Luckily, he had convinced him it was better to keep the island for its natural resources. Although, K.rool had been quite angry when he learned the ship was not a Blast-o-Matic. The kremlings aboard the Kumulonimbus were learning how to use their new weapons. Hopefully, none of the kremlings annihilated the Kumulonimbus while they were training. Looking out his window, he saw the impressiveness of the island. The impressiveness of this angle soon became clear to him as the Kumulonimbus approached the island. There was a knock on the door.
“Kome in,” Kunning said.
A kouple of kritters kame in holding a very angry-looking Tiny Kong.
“We found a Kong spy!” said one of the two kritters.
“I can see that. Tiny, how are you doing?” said Kunning.
“You know perfectly well how I am doing! Terribly!” said Tiny Kong.
"I thought we executed you at the last spying adventure you had. Well. You return!" said Kunning.
"I escaped!" said Tiny.
“Message about the discovery of Tiny Kong to K.rool. Then execute Tiny, even if K.rool tells you to imprison her. I will kover for you,” said Kunning.
The two kritters headed to the radio room and picked up the mic.
“Do you hear me, Captain?” asked the second Kritter through the radio. “Loud and klear!” said K.rool.
"We caught a spy!” said the first Kritter.
“Great! Toss the spy in prison! When you dock, I will deal with the Kong personally,” said K.rool.
They left the radio room and started talking to each other.
“Do you think we should disobey the Captain’s orders? Or should we disobey Kunning’s orders?” asked the first.
“I don’t know what we should do. I think that Kunning kould kill us sooner than K.rool. The Gangplank Galleon II kannot sail until the next kouple of days. Also, it sails with the wind,” said the sekond.
Kunning then came towards them from around a bend in the hall.
"let me guess, K.rool told you to imprison them. And you are having sekond thoughts,” said Kunning.
"Sounds about right,” said the sekond Kritter.
“You said you would kover for us, but that doesn’t mean we eskape the Captain’s wrath,” said the first.
“Did he say anything about tossing them in jail alive?” Kunning asked.
“He didn’t say anything of the like. You know, that’s a good idea!” said the second Kritter.
They both drew their swords at once. The two of them loosened their grip on Tiny Kong. And Tiny Kong saw her chance and escaped. When Tiny escaped her captors, she eventually made her way to the twentieth deck. When Tiny got there, she was dismayed. She looked over the side of the ship. The water was over three hundred feet below. Tiny Kong had to find somewhere to hide onboard. She eventually found a barrel with its lid open and sealed herself in the barrel tight. She heard many kremling voices go around her. Nobody opened the barrel, luckily enough.
Eventually, the Kumulonimbus docked and started unloading cannons. Kremlings began lining up upon the shore in lines and columns. The Kongs living in the harbor were confused and scared. A krusha delivered the ultimatum to the mayor of the Kongs.
It read, The Kremling Expeditionary Invasion Force has landed. The leaders of the force request your immediate and unkonditional surrender. When you surrender, the following things will happen. A. the kurfew will begin at 8:00 at night. A border patrol will also be enakted.
Head Tekhnician
Mr. X
Chief of Staff
Kremling Koordinator
The mayor signed the paper with the nearest pen he had nearby. Then the mayor sent the kremling messenger on his way. He had seen the size of the force and did not want to mess with such an army. Engaging in combat would likely be a massive error. Perhaps in hindsight, he would regret his decision. But maybe not.
When the ship had started its descent, it had already flown over the mainland and made three rotations. Tiny tried to pry open the lid of the barrel. Tiny Kong found it impossible to get out. Tiny was almost going to panic. Then she realized that she was going to draw attention to herself. Tiny Kong decided to lay low for now.
Cranky Kong decided to call together another council. When Wrinkly, Funky, Diddy, Kiddy, Donkey, and Dixie arrived. He began.
“This meeting will now come to order! I have new news. Squawks told me of the Kremling Army on the "far side of the island." Squawks, what do they call the army?” Cranky asked.
“The Kremling Expeditionary Invasion Force. The K.E.I.F,” announced Squawks.
“What he told me means they have stopped all communication. Squawks has also told me they have a border patrol with Gnawzookas of all things! I still think K.rool is behind this. Has anyone ever seen Kunning? No one has, he is a mystery. You would think I would be talking about Mr. X, but I’m not. Will we have a decisive vote this time? You can either vote to attack the kremlings or not to, I think the evidence is overwhelming and requires immediate action,” said Cranky.
“Squawks’s brains are obviously addled. He is probably still affected by the electric shock he suffered a couple of months ago. I think for now he is seeing things,” said Donkey.
“My brains are not bot addled,” said Squawks.
“Not helping,” said Dixie.
“For those opposed to war against the kremlings, raise your hand,” said Cranky.
Donkey and Kiddy raised their hands.
“This leaves Funky, Wrinkly, Diddy, and Dixie. It is still not a decisive result. A decisive result, in this case, would have to be at least 5-1. It is 4-2, the meeting is adjourned,” said Cranky.
Everyone was annoyed with Donkey and Kiddy for deciding against it. But either way, Donkey went back to the treehouse. There he saw Expresso. “Expresso, could you check to see if the Kremlings have invaded the far side of DK Island? Be careful of the kremling border patrol that might be there,” said Donkey.
Expresso nodded his head yes, and took off.
“Thanks! Goodbye!” Donkey yelled after him.
Expresso whizzed by everything in a flash. Thirty minutes after he started his sprint, he left a couple of patrolling kremlings in his dust.
“What just happened?” Asked the Gnawzooka.
“I think that was Expresso,” said the Krusha.
“I will sound the alarm for a breach. All Kremlings, Expresso Ostrich has broken the line and is heading your direktion!” said the Gnawzooka. Expresso eventually merged from the jungle to the trail, and he left two cats of nine tails in the dust.
“Block the road!” One of them cried into the radio.
The barricade was almost complete. Expresso Ostrich would’ve been caught. When he whizzed through the small gap.
“Barrikade Breached! Barrikade Breach!” said the kritter guarding it. Expresso eventually whizzed into town. Then he went straight to the mayor’s house. He was outside in a chair soaking up the sunshine when Espresso stopped in front of him.
“Is it true that the Far side of the Island is subjugated?” Expresso asked.
“Yes, if I were you, I would warn the rest of the Kongs,” he said.
“That's where I’m going,” said Expresso.
“I forgot to mention there are Gnawzookas as they call them with TNT barrels that fire super fast, I mean really fast,” said the mayor.
“Got it,” said Expresso.
He ran the other way this time whizzing past the world. The only trouble he encountered this time was that the barricade had an even narrower gap this time. Two gnawzookas fired at him, blowing each other up instead of him. When Espresso finally reached DK’s Treehouse, Donkey was waiting for him.
“The Kremlings have invaded the far side of the island!” Espresso said.
“Are you sure?” Asked Donkey.
“Certain,” the ostrich said.
“Kiddy! The kremlings have invaded DK Island!” said Donkey.
“Ok!” said Kiddy.
Both of them went to Cranky’s Cabin. Cranky looked surprised to see them.
“Have you brought back those bananas I loaned you?” Cranky asked.
“Of course not,” said Donkey. “I might have guessed,” said Cranky.
“Both of us decided to change our votes,” said Donkey.
“It’s about time, but anyway what convinced you?” Cranky asked them.
“Espresso went there and told us all about it!” Kiddy said.
“Good!” Cranky said.
“I’ll tell everyone the news!” Said Cranky.
“What do you mean?” Donkey asked.
“They’re all in the back debating on how to change your minds. Everyone! They changed their minds,” Cranky yelled out his window.
“Great!” said Dixie.
“Good choice, Donkey-dude!” said Funky.
“I knew you’d come around to it,” said Wrinkly.
“The Kumulonimbus has set sail! I repeat, operation "The Approaching Storm" is underway,” said a Klump.
As if to prove that. A nasty-looking thunderstorm was heading in the same direction as the Kumulonimbus.
“Bon Voyage!” said a Klinger, hanging from rigging from a neighboring ship.
“So do you think they kan do it?” asked a Kritter.
“Probably," said a Zinger.
Swiftly the Kumulonimbus traveled. It seemed to float above the waves. In fact, the Kumulonimbus was. Kunning had had the ship accumulating seawater. Using hydrolysis, he separated the water into oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen for fuel. Hydrogen for creating a bubble cushion beneath the Kumulonimbus. The longer the ship sailed, the more lift it achieved. Kunning was very happy that he had gotten his way with Captain K.rool, as he had wanted another Blast-o-Matic. Luckily, he had convinced him it was better to keep the island for its natural resources. Although, K.rool had been quite angry when he learned the ship was not a Blast-o-Matic. The kremlings aboard the Kumulonimbus were learning how to use their new weapons. Hopefully, none of the kremlings annihilated the Kumulonimbus while they were training. Looking out his window, he saw the impressiveness of the island. The impressiveness of this angle soon became clear to him as the Kumulonimbus approached the island. There was a knock on the door.
“Kome in,” Kunning said.
A kouple of kritters kame in holding a very angry-looking Tiny Kong.
“We found a Kong spy!” said one of the two kritters.
“I can see that. Tiny, how are you doing?” said Kunning.
“You know perfectly well how I am doing! Terribly!” said Tiny Kong.
"I thought we executed you at the last spying adventure you had. Well. You return!" said Kunning.
"I escaped!" said Tiny.
“Message about the discovery of Tiny Kong to K.rool. Then execute Tiny, even if K.rool tells you to imprison her. I will kover for you,” said Kunning.
The two kritters headed to the radio room and picked up the mic.
“Do you hear me, Captain?” asked the second Kritter through the radio. “Loud and klear!” said K.rool.
"We caught a spy!” said the first Kritter.
“Great! Toss the spy in prison! When you dock, I will deal with the Kong personally,” said K.rool.
They left the radio room and started talking to each other.
“Do you think we should disobey the Captain’s orders? Or should we disobey Kunning’s orders?” asked the first.
“I don’t know what we should do. I think that Kunning kould kill us sooner than K.rool. The Gangplank Galleon II kannot sail until the next kouple of days. Also, it sails with the wind,” said the sekond.
Kunning then came towards them from around a bend in the hall.
"let me guess, K.rool told you to imprison them. And you are having sekond thoughts,” said Kunning.
"Sounds about right,” said the sekond Kritter.
“You said you would kover for us, but that doesn’t mean we eskape the Captain’s wrath,” said the first.
“Did he say anything about tossing them in jail alive?” Kunning asked.
“He didn’t say anything of the like. You know, that’s a good idea!” said the second Kritter.
They both drew their swords at once. The two of them loosened their grip on Tiny Kong. And Tiny Kong saw her chance and escaped. When Tiny escaped her captors, she eventually made her way to the twentieth deck. When Tiny got there, she was dismayed. She looked over the side of the ship. The water was over three hundred feet below. Tiny Kong had to find somewhere to hide onboard. She eventually found a barrel with its lid open and sealed herself in the barrel tight. She heard many kremling voices go around her. Nobody opened the barrel, luckily enough.
Eventually, the Kumulonimbus docked and started unloading cannons. Kremlings began lining up upon the shore in lines and columns. The Kongs living in the harbor were confused and scared. A krusha delivered the ultimatum to the mayor of the Kongs.
It read, The Kremling Expeditionary Invasion Force has landed. The leaders of the force request your immediate and unkonditional surrender. When you surrender, the following things will happen. A. the kurfew will begin at 8:00 at night. A border patrol will also be enakted.
Head Tekhnician
Mr. X
Chief of Staff
Kremling Koordinator
The mayor signed the paper with the nearest pen he had nearby. Then the mayor sent the kremling messenger on his way. He had seen the size of the force and did not want to mess with such an army. Engaging in combat would likely be a massive error. Perhaps in hindsight, he would regret his decision. But maybe not.
When the ship had started its descent, it had already flown over the mainland and made three rotations. Tiny tried to pry open the lid of the barrel. Tiny Kong found it impossible to get out. Tiny was almost going to panic. Then she realized that she was going to draw attention to herself. Tiny Kong decided to lay low for now.
Cranky Kong decided to call together another council. When Wrinkly, Funky, Diddy, Kiddy, Donkey, and Dixie arrived. He began.
“This meeting will now come to order! I have new news. Squawks told me of the Kremling Army on the "far side of the island." Squawks, what do they call the army?” Cranky asked.
“The Kremling Expeditionary Invasion Force. The K.E.I.F,” announced Squawks.
“What he told me means they have stopped all communication. Squawks has also told me they have a border patrol with Gnawzookas of all things! I still think K.rool is behind this. Has anyone ever seen Kunning? No one has, he is a mystery. You would think I would be talking about Mr. X, but I’m not. Will we have a decisive vote this time? You can either vote to attack the kremlings or not to, I think the evidence is overwhelming and requires immediate action,” said Cranky.
“Squawks’s brains are obviously addled. He is probably still affected by the electric shock he suffered a couple of months ago. I think for now he is seeing things,” said Donkey.
“My brains are not bot addled,” said Squawks.
“Not helping,” said Dixie.
“For those opposed to war against the kremlings, raise your hand,” said Cranky.
Donkey and Kiddy raised their hands.
“This leaves Funky, Wrinkly, Diddy, and Dixie. It is still not a decisive result. A decisive result, in this case, would have to be at least 5-1. It is 4-2, the meeting is adjourned,” said Cranky.
Everyone was annoyed with Donkey and Kiddy for deciding against it. But either way, Donkey went back to the treehouse. There he saw Expresso. “Expresso, could you check to see if the Kremlings have invaded the far side of DK Island? Be careful of the kremling border patrol that might be there,” said Donkey.
Expresso nodded his head yes, and took off.
“Thanks! Goodbye!” Donkey yelled after him.
Expresso whizzed by everything in a flash. Thirty minutes after he started his sprint, he left a couple of patrolling kremlings in his dust.
“What just happened?” Asked the Gnawzooka.
“I think that was Expresso,” said the Krusha.
“I will sound the alarm for a breach. All Kremlings, Expresso Ostrich has broken the line and is heading your direktion!” said the Gnawzooka. Expresso eventually merged from the jungle to the trail, and he left two cats of nine tails in the dust.
“Block the road!” One of them cried into the radio.
The barricade was almost complete. Expresso Ostrich would’ve been caught. When he whizzed through the small gap.
“Barrikade Breached! Barrikade Breach!” said the kritter guarding it. Expresso eventually whizzed into town. Then he went straight to the mayor’s house. He was outside in a chair soaking up the sunshine when Espresso stopped in front of him.
“Is it true that the Far side of the Island is subjugated?” Expresso asked.
“Yes, if I were you, I would warn the rest of the Kongs,” he said.
“That's where I’m going,” said Expresso.
“I forgot to mention there are Gnawzookas as they call them with TNT barrels that fire super fast, I mean really fast,” said the mayor.
“Got it,” said Expresso.
He ran the other way this time whizzing past the world. The only trouble he encountered this time was that the barricade had an even narrower gap this time. Two gnawzookas fired at him, blowing each other up instead of him. When Espresso finally reached DK’s Treehouse, Donkey was waiting for him.
“The Kremlings have invaded the far side of the island!” Espresso said.
“Are you sure?” Asked Donkey.
“Certain,” the ostrich said.
“Kiddy! The kremlings have invaded DK Island!” said Donkey.
“Ok!” said Kiddy.
Both of them went to Cranky’s Cabin. Cranky looked surprised to see them.
“Have you brought back those bananas I loaned you?” Cranky asked.
“Of course not,” said Donkey. “I might have guessed,” said Cranky.
“Both of us decided to change our votes,” said Donkey.
“It’s about time, but anyway what convinced you?” Cranky asked them.
“Espresso went there and told us all about it!” Kiddy said.
“Good!” Cranky said.
“I’ll tell everyone the news!” Said Cranky.
“What do you mean?” Donkey asked.
“They’re all in the back debating on how to change your minds. Everyone! They changed their minds,” Cranky yelled out his window.
“Great!” said Dixie.
“Good choice, Donkey-dude!” said Funky.
“I knew you’d come around to it,” said Wrinkly.
World Maps: (HELP NEEDED)
Updated World Maps are at the bottom of this topic currently:
World 1: Hermit Crab Cove: Map Needed
World 2: Jagged Jungle: Map Complete
World 3: Misty Mountains: Map Complete
World 4: Zany Zingerland: Map Needed
World 5: Kremkroc Industries: Map Complete
World 6: Kong Castle: Map Needed
World 7: Volcano Valley: Map Complete
World 8: Unknown DKC3 World: Map Needed
World 9: K.rool Kaves: Map Needed
World 10: Old Shipwrecked Boat/Gangplank Galleon II: Map Needed
World 11: Kumulonimbus: Map Needed
World 12: The Lost Worlds: Map Needed
World Map: Map Needed, sketch is at reply 7 near the bottom of the topic.
Do whatever you want for the maps, help would be greatly appreciated!
World 1: Hermit Crab Cove: Map Needed
World 2: Jagged Jungle: Map Complete
World 3: Misty Mountains: Map Complete
World 4: Zany Zingerland: Map Needed
World 5: Kremkroc Industries: Map Complete
World 6: Kong Castle: Map Needed
World 7: Volcano Valley: Map Complete
- Map
- 75CB6E8E-92F7-4FA1-883F-44AC1DB5B726.jpeg (25.36 KiB) Viewed 117654 times
World 8: Unknown DKC3 World: Map Needed
World 9: K.rool Kaves: Map Needed
World 10: Old Shipwrecked Boat/Gangplank Galleon II: Map Needed
World 11: Kumulonimbus: Map Needed
World 12: The Lost Worlds: Map Needed
World Map: Map Needed, sketch is at reply 7 near the bottom of the topic.
Do whatever you want for the maps, help would be greatly appreciated!
I have considered doing multiple bosses a world to fit in all of the ideas.
Levels: (UPDATED)
The Worlds:
World 1 Hermit Crab Cove Beach Jungle Themed
Jetty Jungle DK Island Swing or the DKC4 Jagged Jungle Music
Cranky’s Cabin
Seaside Scramble Stilt Village or Stilt Village (GBA)
Kremcrab Chase Stilt Village or Stilt Village (GBA)
Kremlahari DKC4 Kremlahari Music
Beach Boss Boogie Bad Boss Boogie
Twilight Temple Voices of the Temple
Army Armadillo Ambush DK Island Swing
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
Klubba’s Kiosk
Coral City Aquatic Ambience
Funky’s Flights
Coconut Canyon Dk Island Swing
Necky Gone Nuts Bad Boss Boogie
World 2 Jagged Jungle Jungle Forest Theme
Vine Valley Forest Frenzy
White Rock Falls Cascade Capers (GBA)
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
Greenleaf Grove Forest Interlude
Fungi Forest Forest Frenzy or DKC4 Fungi Forest Music
Forest Frenzy Forest Frenzy
Funky’s Flights
Jittery Jungle Jungle Jitter (GBA)
Cascade Capers Cascade Capers
Klubba’s Kiosk
Clam City Aquatic Ambience
Insanely Gnawty's Lair Beach Boss Boogie
Treetop Town Treetop Rock
Cranky’s Cabin
Watery World Water World
Animal Ascent I have no idea what this level is just a fun name maybe like an Animal Antics design, so Primal Rave
Reptile Ruins Voices of the Temple
Bramble Blast Stickerbush Symphony
Krazy Kremosaurus Karnage Boss Bossanova like the DKC4 2012 demo boss
World 3 Misty Mountains Mine Snow theme
Mining Melancholy Mining Melancholy
Barrel Cannon Caverns like the Barrel Cannon Craggy DKC4 level music also same
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
Colorful Crystal Crossing the music of DKC4 Scarlet Crystal Crossing as this is this is going to be the same level
Wrecked Rails DKC4 Wrecked Rails Music
Funky’s Flights
Snowy Barrel Blast Northern Hemispheres
Sloped Skiway Frosty Frolics New animal buddy Buford the Mountain Goat he can ski on his very long horns
Terrible Tundras Northern Hemispheres
Klubba’s Kiosk
Frosty Frolics Frosty Frolics
Espresso’s Expressway Northern Hemispheres
Winter Wildlands Ice Music for DKC4 2012 demo
Cranky’s Cabin
Crystal Cave/Crystalline Cave Ice Cave Chant
Coral Capers Aquatic Ambience
Penguin Panic Frosty Frolics
Mining Magnificence Mining Melancholy
Mr. X Madness Boss Boogie first part is a lot of krooks (you can’t see them) tossing their hooks at you. You can see the hooks. Then Glaurung the Fire breathing dragon you play against. Imagine Dogadon fight. Then Mr. X comes out and battles against you.
World 4 Zany Zingerland Krazy Kremland themed
Honeycomb Havoc Flight of the Zinger
Rickety Ride Disco Train
Sticky Situations Flight of the Zinger
Cranky’s Cabin
Bramble Antics Stickerbush Symphony
Funky’s Flights
Bayou Boogie Bayou Boogie
Krazy Karnival Disco Train
Klubba’s Kiosk
Hornet Nest Terror Flight of the Zinger this is DKC4 level Hornet Nest Hills
Carnival Cart Carnage Disco Train
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
Hectic Hive Flight of the Zinger
King Morzeka Mayhem Boss Bossanova
World 5 Kremkroc Industries Factory Theme
Fear Factory Fear Factory
Poisonous Pipeline Lockjaw’s Saga? Or Pokey Pipes?
Nuts and Bits Nuts and Bolts
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
Nuts and Bolts Nuts and Bolts
Pokey Pipes Pokey Pipes
Trick Track Trek Terror Life in the Mines
Klubba’s Kiosk
Funky’s Flights
Rambi Rampage Fear Factory
Squittery Shenanigans Nuts and Bolts
Broken Light Alley Fear Factory
Toxic Waste Some DKC3 Factory Music
Boiling Basement Some DKC3 Factory Music
Mine Cart Mania Mine Cart Madness
Cranky’s Cabin
Lockjaw’s Lair or Snapjaw’s Saga Boss Boogie
World 6 Volcano Valley Crocodile Cauldron Theme
Hot Head Bop Hot Head Bop
Red Hot Ride Hot Head Bop
Number Nabbers Hot Head Bop Gimmick: Collect 50 bananas before you can exit level.
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
Lava Lake Lockjaw’s Saga
Magma Mine Mining Melancholy
Klubba's Kiosk
Fearsome Factory Nuts and Bolts
Melting Mine Mining Melancholy?
Funky’s Flights
Cranky’s Cabin
Vivid Volcano Hot Head Bop
Clapper's Ice Cave?! In a Snowbound Land/Ice Cave Chant
Crocodile Caldera Hot Head Bop
Creature from the Lava Lagoon Boss Bossanova technically a Kleever’s revenge.
World 7 Kong Castle Haunted Castle Forest Theme
Marsh Meadows Bayou Boogie or DKC4 Sleet Meadows Level
Design is DKC4 West Swamp Trail Forest
Cranky’s Cabin
Treetop Tumble Treetop Tumble
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
Murky Swamp Bayou Boogie
Treadwood Treachery Treetop Tumble
Haunted Hall Haunted Chase not mine cart not DKC2
Flooded Forest DKC4 Boiling Flooded Music and Design
Kremetery Design and Music is DKC4 Kremetery
Klubba’s Kiosk
Aquatic Ambience Aquatic Ambience
Rockface Ridge Rockface Rumble
Mudhole Marsh Bayou Boogie
Funky’s Flights
Musty Mill Mill Fever (GBA)
Crazy Catacombs Cave Dweller Concert
Oak Island Design and Music is DKC4 Oak Island
Brambled Briars Stickerbush Symphony
Creepy King Kong Boss Bossanova former evil king of the kongs
World 8 Terra Incognito DKC3 Themed :IN PROGRESS:
Cavern Caprice? Cavern Caprice
Enchanted Riverbank? Enchanted Riverbank
Simion Sawmill? Mill Fever (GBA)
Sneaking Sneeks? Mill Fever
Amiss Abyss Water World GBA
Cascading Waterfall? Cascade Capers (GBA)
Hot Pursuit? Hot Pursuit GBA
Jungle Jitter? Jungle Jitter
Crystal Chasm? Crystal Chasm
Murky Mill? Mill Fever
Water World? Water World
KAOS Kore Boss Boogie
Racing Riverside Hot Pursuit
Waterfront Falls? Cascade Capers
Krazy Klasps Rockface Rumble
Riverside Ridge? Enchanted Riverbank
Jittery Jungle Jungle Jitter (GBA)
Burning Rope Ravine/ Kongflustered Cliffs Rockface Rumble GBA
Stilt Village? Stilt Village
Cascading Falls? Cascade Capers (GBA)
Illuminated Ivywild Enchanted Riverbank (GBA)
Kroctopus Krazyness Boss Boogie
World 9 K.rool Kaves After all that, K.rool has a castle on Dk Island inside an enormous cave
Misty Mine Misty Menace
Razored Ridge Rockface Rumble (GBA)
Windy Woods Forest Interlude
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
RockKroc Kaverns Misty Menace
Klubba’s Kiosk
Cave Dweller Cacophony Cave Dweller Concert
Frostbite Fortress In a snowbound land? Krook’s March don’t know the theme of the level yet
Castle Crush Krook’s March
Squawk’s Sprint Mining Melancholy
Lockjaw’s Labyrinth Lockjaw’s Saga
Thick Thicket Treachery Stickerbush Symphony
Funky’s Flights
Cranky of Course Never Died Here Haunted Chase
K.rool Duel Crocodile Cacophony
World 10 Old Shipwrecked Boat
Hidden Harbour Bayou Boogie
Gangplank Galley Klomp’s Romp
Cranky’s Cabin
Squawk’s Storm Jib Jig
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
Glimmering Galleon Music and Design of DKC4 Glimmering Galleon
Aquatic Abyss In a Snowbound Land
Rattly Rampage Snakey Chantey
Jib Jig Jib Jig
Krow’s Revenge or Kreepy Krow’s Revenge Boss Bossanova
Gangplank Galleon II Gangplank Galleon
World 11 Kumulonimbus
Funky’s Rentals?
World 12 The Lost Worlds
Jungle Groove Primal Rave or DK Island Swing
Bouncy Botany Forest Frenzy
Starblast Speedway Music and Level Design of DKC4 Starblast Speedway
Hornet Hall Flight of the Zinger
Kongcrete Jungle Mill Fever (GBA)
Fiery Frenzy Hot Head Bop
Rockface Rumble Rockface Rumble
Amiss Abyss Water World (GBA)
Northlake Frozen In a Snowbound Land
Lost World Lair Crocodile Cacophony
World 1 Hermit Crab Cove Beach Jungle Themed
Jetty Jungle DK Island Swing or the DKC4 Jagged Jungle Music
Cranky’s Cabin
Seaside Scramble Stilt Village or Stilt Village (GBA)
Kremcrab Chase Stilt Village or Stilt Village (GBA)
Kremlahari DKC4 Kremlahari Music
Beach Boss Boogie Bad Boss Boogie
Twilight Temple Voices of the Temple
Army Armadillo Ambush DK Island Swing
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
Klubba’s Kiosk
Coral City Aquatic Ambience
Funky’s Flights
Coconut Canyon Dk Island Swing
Necky Gone Nuts Bad Boss Boogie
World 2 Jagged Jungle Jungle Forest Theme
Vine Valley Forest Frenzy
White Rock Falls Cascade Capers (GBA)
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
Greenleaf Grove Forest Interlude
Fungi Forest Forest Frenzy or DKC4 Fungi Forest Music
Forest Frenzy Forest Frenzy
Funky’s Flights
Jittery Jungle Jungle Jitter (GBA)
Cascade Capers Cascade Capers
Klubba’s Kiosk
Clam City Aquatic Ambience
Insanely Gnawty's Lair Beach Boss Boogie
Treetop Town Treetop Rock
Cranky’s Cabin
Watery World Water World
Animal Ascent I have no idea what this level is just a fun name maybe like an Animal Antics design, so Primal Rave
Reptile Ruins Voices of the Temple
Bramble Blast Stickerbush Symphony
Krazy Kremosaurus Karnage Boss Bossanova like the DKC4 2012 demo boss
World 3 Misty Mountains Mine Snow theme
Mining Melancholy Mining Melancholy
Barrel Cannon Caverns like the Barrel Cannon Craggy DKC4 level music also same
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
Colorful Crystal Crossing the music of DKC4 Scarlet Crystal Crossing as this is this is going to be the same level
Wrecked Rails DKC4 Wrecked Rails Music
Funky’s Flights
Snowy Barrel Blast Northern Hemispheres
Sloped Skiway Frosty Frolics New animal buddy Buford the Mountain Goat he can ski on his very long horns
Terrible Tundras Northern Hemispheres
Klubba’s Kiosk
Frosty Frolics Frosty Frolics
Espresso’s Expressway Northern Hemispheres
Winter Wildlands Ice Music for DKC4 2012 demo
Cranky’s Cabin
Crystal Cave/Crystalline Cave Ice Cave Chant
Coral Capers Aquatic Ambience
Penguin Panic Frosty Frolics
Mining Magnificence Mining Melancholy
Mr. X Madness Boss Boogie first part is a lot of krooks (you can’t see them) tossing their hooks at you. You can see the hooks. Then Glaurung the Fire breathing dragon you play against. Imagine Dogadon fight. Then Mr. X comes out and battles against you.
World 4 Zany Zingerland Krazy Kremland themed
Honeycomb Havoc Flight of the Zinger
Rickety Ride Disco Train
Sticky Situations Flight of the Zinger
Cranky’s Cabin
Bramble Antics Stickerbush Symphony
Funky’s Flights
Bayou Boogie Bayou Boogie
Krazy Karnival Disco Train
Klubba’s Kiosk
Hornet Nest Terror Flight of the Zinger this is DKC4 level Hornet Nest Hills
Carnival Cart Carnage Disco Train
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
Hectic Hive Flight of the Zinger
King Morzeka Mayhem Boss Bossanova
World 5 Kremkroc Industries Factory Theme
Fear Factory Fear Factory
Poisonous Pipeline Lockjaw’s Saga? Or Pokey Pipes?
Nuts and Bits Nuts and Bolts
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
Nuts and Bolts Nuts and Bolts
Pokey Pipes Pokey Pipes
Trick Track Trek Terror Life in the Mines
Klubba’s Kiosk
Funky’s Flights
Rambi Rampage Fear Factory
Squittery Shenanigans Nuts and Bolts
Broken Light Alley Fear Factory
Toxic Waste Some DKC3 Factory Music
Boiling Basement Some DKC3 Factory Music
Mine Cart Mania Mine Cart Madness
Cranky’s Cabin
Lockjaw’s Lair or Snapjaw’s Saga Boss Boogie
World 6 Volcano Valley Crocodile Cauldron Theme
Hot Head Bop Hot Head Bop
Red Hot Ride Hot Head Bop
Number Nabbers Hot Head Bop Gimmick: Collect 50 bananas before you can exit level.
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
Lava Lake Lockjaw’s Saga
Magma Mine Mining Melancholy
Klubba's Kiosk
Fearsome Factory Nuts and Bolts
Melting Mine Mining Melancholy?
Funky’s Flights
Cranky’s Cabin
Vivid Volcano Hot Head Bop
Clapper's Ice Cave?! In a Snowbound Land/Ice Cave Chant
Crocodile Caldera Hot Head Bop
Creature from the Lava Lagoon Boss Bossanova technically a Kleever’s revenge.
World 7 Kong Castle Haunted Castle Forest Theme
Marsh Meadows Bayou Boogie or DKC4 Sleet Meadows Level
Design is DKC4 West Swamp Trail Forest
Cranky’s Cabin
Treetop Tumble Treetop Tumble
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
Murky Swamp Bayou Boogie
Treadwood Treachery Treetop Tumble
Haunted Hall Haunted Chase not mine cart not DKC2
Flooded Forest DKC4 Boiling Flooded Music and Design
Kremetery Design and Music is DKC4 Kremetery
Klubba’s Kiosk
Aquatic Ambience Aquatic Ambience
Rockface Ridge Rockface Rumble
Mudhole Marsh Bayou Boogie
Funky’s Flights
Musty Mill Mill Fever (GBA)
Crazy Catacombs Cave Dweller Concert
Oak Island Design and Music is DKC4 Oak Island
Brambled Briars Stickerbush Symphony
Creepy King Kong Boss Bossanova former evil king of the kongs
World 8 Terra Incognito DKC3 Themed :IN PROGRESS:
Cavern Caprice? Cavern Caprice
Enchanted Riverbank? Enchanted Riverbank
Simion Sawmill? Mill Fever (GBA)
Sneaking Sneeks? Mill Fever
Amiss Abyss Water World GBA
Cascading Waterfall? Cascade Capers (GBA)
Hot Pursuit? Hot Pursuit GBA
Jungle Jitter? Jungle Jitter
Crystal Chasm? Crystal Chasm
Murky Mill? Mill Fever
Water World? Water World
KAOS Kore Boss Boogie
Racing Riverside Hot Pursuit
Waterfront Falls? Cascade Capers
Krazy Klasps Rockface Rumble
Riverside Ridge? Enchanted Riverbank
Jittery Jungle Jungle Jitter (GBA)
Burning Rope Ravine/ Kongflustered Cliffs Rockface Rumble GBA
Stilt Village? Stilt Village
Cascading Falls? Cascade Capers (GBA)
Illuminated Ivywild Enchanted Riverbank (GBA)
Kroctopus Krazyness Boss Boogie
World 9 K.rool Kaves After all that, K.rool has a castle on Dk Island inside an enormous cave
Misty Mine Misty Menace
Razored Ridge Rockface Rumble (GBA)
Windy Woods Forest Interlude
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
RockKroc Kaverns Misty Menace
Klubba’s Kiosk
Cave Dweller Cacophony Cave Dweller Concert
Frostbite Fortress In a snowbound land? Krook’s March don’t know the theme of the level yet
Castle Crush Krook’s March
Squawk’s Sprint Mining Melancholy
Lockjaw’s Labyrinth Lockjaw’s Saga
Thick Thicket Treachery Stickerbush Symphony
Funky’s Flights
Cranky of Course Never Died Here Haunted Chase
K.rool Duel Crocodile Cacophony
World 10 Old Shipwrecked Boat
Hidden Harbour Bayou Boogie
Gangplank Galley Klomp’s Romp
Cranky’s Cabin
Squawk’s Storm Jib Jig
Wrinkly’s Save Cave
Glimmering Galleon Music and Design of DKC4 Glimmering Galleon
Aquatic Abyss In a Snowbound Land
Rattly Rampage Snakey Chantey
Jib Jig Jib Jig
Krow’s Revenge or Kreepy Krow’s Revenge Boss Bossanova
Gangplank Galleon II Gangplank Galleon
World 11 Kumulonimbus
Funky’s Rentals?
World 12 The Lost Worlds
Jungle Groove Primal Rave or DK Island Swing
Bouncy Botany Forest Frenzy
Starblast Speedway Music and Level Design of DKC4 Starblast Speedway
Hornet Hall Flight of the Zinger
Kongcrete Jungle Mill Fever (GBA)
Fiery Frenzy Hot Head Bop
Rockface Rumble Rockface Rumble
Amiss Abyss Water World (GBA)
Northlake Frozen In a Snowbound Land
Lost World Lair Crocodile Cacophony
Maybe we have Funky’s Rentals to supply the Turbo Ski or the Gyrocopter when you find all forty DK Coins?
I will mention that Kunning is from the DKC fan fiction, The Approaching Storm.
I do have a rough sketch of the world map which takes place on the other side of DK Island.
The first level is Jetty Jungle which takes place on the DK Icon before Kongo Jungle in DKC1, from then the first world scrolls over to the far side of DK Island with a transition from the original DKC1 map to the new world map.
DKCplayer created the other half of DK’s Treehouse, and that would be cool to incorporate.
- Dkcplayer’s Jungle Hijinxes Treehouse
- AE9CDC83-EA0E-4562-B7A3-CB6C373929B8.png (56.86 KiB) Viewed 117843 times
BlueTronic/Jamming Sam Miller restored all of the DKC1,2,3 music from 16bit to studio quality and they sound amazing!
Tiny Kong maybe gets kidnapped in exchange for the surrender on the near side of DK Island?
There also will be dk coins and of course, banana birds!