Comments are always welcome.
Not quite finished but you get the idea.

Cyclone wrote:Yes. ZBrush UI is pretty confusing.
I don't find the UI in Blender confusing. I'm sure you can learn it in time. Shouldn't take that long to learn. And google is your friend!
I have been using Blender for less then a week and I have learned a lot already.
Your work is amazing Cosmicman. Keep it up! Much better then I can do!
Cosmicman wrote:Why don't you give Unreal or Unity a chance, I'm sure you can do some cool stuff with your models if you practice a bit with one of those game engines. I went the Unreal route and now I feel is too late for me to migrate all my projects to Unity but I hear Unity is really good too.
Cosmicman wrote:About the models I would love to have some of your models in my game, and I will also offer you all my models that you want, some I have made, some I have downloaded, just let me know.
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