Kong Abilities:
7E19CE16 Invincibility
Makes the active Kong invincible. This is similar to the effect of an invincibility
barrel, except that there is no visual flashing effect or 'invincibility' sound, and
some things (such as the super-heated water in Lava Lagoon) are still harmful.
7E0E1299 Ghost Mode (Diddy)
Allows Diddy (and any animal he's riding) to pass safely through baddies and other
such harmful objects.
7E0E7099 Ghost Mode (Dixie)
Allows Dixie (and any animal she's riding) to pass safely through baddies and other
such harmful objects.
7E0E0699 Super Jump (Diddy)
Allows Diddy to jump as high as wanted, until the jump button is released.
7E0E6499 Super Jump (Dixie)
Allows Dixie to jump as high as wanted, until the jump button is released.
7E0E1008 8-Way Ctrl (Diddy)
Allows you to move Diddy in any direction using the D-pad. Hold 'Y' to move quickly.
7E0E6E08 8-Way Ctrl (Dixie)
Allows you to move Dixie in any direction using the D-pad. Hold 'Y' to move quickly.
Character Modifier:
7E006F01 Play as... (combine with a code below)
7E006E90 Squitter
When combined with the 'Play as...' code above, this code
will transform the lead Kong into Squitter the spider.
7E006E94 Rattly
When combined with the 'Play as...' code above, this code
will transform the lead Kong into Rattly the snake.
7E006E98 Squawks
When combined with the 'Play as...' code above, this code
will transform the lead Kong into Squawks the parrot.
7E006E9C Rambi
When combined with the 'Play as...' code above, this code
will transform the lead Kong into Rambi the rhino.
7E006EA0 Enguarde
When combined with the 'Play as...' code above, this code
will transform the lead Kong into Enguarde the swordfish.
Camera/view Adjustment:
7E0AD8## Horz View Shift 1
Set the viewpoint to ## screen widths from the left of the level.
Use this in conjunction with the following code to hold the view in place.
7E0AD7## Horz View Shift 2
Fine tune the camera's horizontal position based on the screen area specified by the previous code.
7E0ADC## Vert View Shift 1
Set the viewpoint to ## screen heights from the top of the level.
Use this in conjunction with the following code to hold the view in place.
7E0ADB## Vert View Shift 2
Fine tune the camera's vertical position based on the screen area specified by the previous code.
Level terrain graphics are only drawn when they come into view under normal conditions,
so when using these codes, areas of the level that are viewed suddenly will not have correctly displayed terrain.