New Donkey Kong in 2D!

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New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Jomingo » June 15th, 2008, 12:46 pm

OK, don't really know if this is too old news, but click this.

New Donkey Kong game could be revealed at E3, with 2D gameplay! It's about damn time!
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Simion32 » June 15th, 2008, 2:02 pm

Infendo wrote:the new game announcement is Donkey Kong Country, in 2D!
That better not be a pun on words.

I say it's about time K. Rool makes a comeback. Heck, even a new villain would work, as long as the game doesn't have an overly stupid, useless, or clichéd storyline. Whatever this is, I hope it's an actual Wii title instead of something on the Wii Shop. My current stand, is 3D graphics, with 2D gameplay like Donkey Kong Country... it'll be great even if it has super-high-quality 2D graphics. :)

I would have loved Jungle Beat if it would have been treated more as a DKC4 instead of a "go on this quest for absolutely no reason" game.
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Raccoon Sam » June 15th, 2008, 2:13 pm

It better be a DKC123 remake compilation thing

Or it'll end up as Donkey Kong: Godawful Gimmicks
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Teeth » June 15th, 2008, 7:53 pm

As long as PAON or Rare is developing this, I am extremely excited. :mrgreen:

Let's hope it's a DKC4, though a 3D compilation of DKC 1-3 would be nice, but only if the Land games were included as well, or it seems a bit cheap.
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Jomingo » June 16th, 2008, 1:41 am

Sam, puntuation is your friend.

If it were a compilation I would hope for some original content, I don't need to buy another copy of the trilogy. I hope it's not a compilation though, I would like to see an awesome Donkey Kong comback.
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Qyzbud » June 16th, 2008, 2:37 am

This is certainly news to me; AWESOME news, at that!

From the link:
“I had my friend at Nintendo check around for any mention of big games, and per their investigation, the new game announcement is Donkey Kong Country, in 2D! Yes, it is going back to its SNES roots.”

I like *very* much that the title 'Donkey Kong Country' was specified in full here. The Country part has always been left off any new DK title since the original SNES trilogy, so its inclusion here, and the phrase 'back to its SNES roots' have me rather excited, I must confess.

I can't wait to find out more. It sounds like what we've all been waiting and hoping for...

Please let this be for real. :|
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Raccoon Sam » June 16th, 2008, 7:54 am

Jomingo wrote:Sam, puntuation is your friend.

If it were a compilation I would hope for some original content, I don't need to buy another copy of the trilogy. I hope it's not a compilation though, I would like to see an awesome Donkey Kong comback.

I don't really think minor punctuation errors are that horrible; you can still understand the post's point.
Typos however.. :P
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Jomingo » June 16th, 2008, 10:26 am

Typos, especially those in that post, are usually not very noticeable. Punctuation errors, specifically your post, are much more noticeable. A missing comma is no big deal, but the lack of any ending punctuation whatsoever is very noticeable. And you couldn't understand my post's point?

I would think before I corrected a moderator again.
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby BlueTronic » June 16th, 2008, 10:54 am

You have angered the Mods! :evil: Away with you! :P

I sure hope they don't butcher this game like they did the GBA Ports. :x
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Diddy_Gal » June 16th, 2008, 4:45 pm

ALRIGHT! A new Donkey Kong game! I hope PAON will make this game...
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Jomingo » June 17th, 2008, 5:58 am

I don't know, Paon certainly seems like they care about the franchise, but I think that another company should do it. I just hope they don't mess this up.
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Kiddy14 » June 17th, 2008, 1:29 pm

Oh god! I really can't wait. This is like sooo awesome! Hope PAON makes a game like this. It would be awesome if Rare could. I just hope Nintendo Tokyo isn't developing it, they want fresh? *throws a bucket of water* Now, fresh enough? 8-)

Raccoon Sam wrote:I don't really think minor punctuation errors are that horrible; you can still understand the post's point. Typos however.. =P

Jomingo wrote:Typos, especially those in that post, are usually not very noticeable. Punctuation errors, specifically your post, are much more noticeable.

Noticeable or not noticeable, they're grammar errors whatsoever, both of you are wrong in my opinion :roll:
Jomingo wrote:I would think before I corrected a moderator again.

The mod power is controlling you. Beware Jomingo, or you'll end up banning somebody faster than a blink :?
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Jomingo » June 18th, 2008, 12:09 am

Yeah, anyone but Nintendo Tokyo. Though, even if they did make it I don't think they would make the mistake of not including the characters again. Besides, they've been including these characters in the Mario Cameo games recently, so they aren't going to just start ignoring there existence.

Mod power is not controlling me. Mod responsibility is controlling me. You know that I wouldn't ban somebody unless they deserved it. And the second someone does deserve it, you can bet that I will ban them faster than a blink.
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby cfh » June 18th, 2008, 9:54 am

Mods can't ban :o OMG NOES
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Kiddy14 » June 18th, 2008, 10:05 am

Yeah, but Nintendo doesn't really likes Donkey Kong universe at all. I mean, Nintendo Tokyo; kinda prefers to be more into the Mario thingy.

I still hope the developer, whoever it is, makes a DK game that all us devoted DKC fans will sure enjoy as much as the DKC Rare games made us in the 1994 era =)

Jomingo wrote:Mod power is not controlling me. Mod responsibility is controlling me.

Then don't let it control you. Take it easy and drink some Kool-Aid.
cfh wrote:Mods can't ban :o OMG NOES

There are some forums where Mods can, seems this is one of the exceptions. By the way, cfh, remember to stay on-topic, that's why I didn't answer Jomingo's post in first place =P
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby BlueTronic » June 18th, 2008, 10:38 am

Kiddy14 wrote:I still hope the developer, whoever it is, makes a DK game that all us devoted DKC fans will sure enjoy as much as the DKC Rare games made us in the 1994 era =)

One thing we klnow is that no matter who developes it, there still won't be any DKC-like glitches, if any. The glitches are like half the fun right there.
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Jomingo » June 19th, 2008, 2:55 am

CFH, I certainly can ban people. I just go to my moderator control panel, goto banning, type a name and length of ban and presto.

I'm really anxious about this game, I hope it turns out good, but I suspect that it's going to suck.
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Teeth » June 19th, 2008, 5:51 am

Well, if the worst comes to the worst, we'll at least have the Level Builder. :D
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby cfh » June 19th, 2008, 8:27 am

Mods can ban on this forum?! That's new for me.
Jomingo wrote:and presto.

Yum, pesto.

Anyway, about that rumor :?

I think that this is true because of Wario Land Shake and Mega Man 9; it seems like 2D platformer franchises are making a comeback. I hope I'm right...
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Cosmicman » June 19th, 2008, 9:38 am

Teeth wrote:Well, if the worst comes to the worst, we'll at least have the Level Builder. :D

This new game announcement is great news, but, my opinion is it won't compare to the classic trilogy, a different creating team with different ideas with different goals ( $$$$ ) won't aim to please the 90s snes Dkc generation, therefore the game will be very different to what we all would expect, they won't go back to the Dkc roots entirely, they will just use that idea as a mold, that is why personally the level builder sounds a million times like more exciting news to me.
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby Jomingo » June 20th, 2008, 4:20 am

Indeed, the level builder will change our outlook on life, but like it or not this is the next DK title. This could possibly decide the direction that the series will take in future titles, thus this title could be crucial to whether or not the DK series gets better or worse. Whatever they decide to do with this game will be very important; if they make another Junglebeat than the series will continue to fade out Rare's canon and start anew; If they make some generic platformer with some DK elements thrown in than the series will continue it's pattern of spiralling into mediocracy; but, if they make a truly groundbreaking title that returns to the roots while building on the franchise, than maybe the future releases will follow this example and the series will return to its previous popularity.
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Re: New Donkey Kong in 2D!

Postby scigamerfan07 » July 27th, 2009, 3:25 pm

If a new 2D DK comes out, it should have graphics to like those seen in Jungle Cimber (for Nintendo DS, if the title is for DS), the music should still be composed by David Wise, and Rare should a least try to get involved in this one (at least for their reputation). The other non-Rare titles are good, but don't come close to the originals.
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