What internet browser do you use?

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Re: What internet browser do you use?

Postby Katzii » March 19th, 2011, 7:14 pm

I use Google Chrome; I used to be a Firefox user, but my copy got a glitch way back when which stopped me from starting it up for about three months (and it wouldn't let me uninstall it because it was apparently "in use" despite my not being able to do so!), so I got Chrome and never looked back.

I do use Firefox as my secondary browser (for logging into other email addresses, et cetera), but I'm too used to Chrome now.
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Re: What internet browser do you use?

Postby Jomingo » March 20th, 2011, 2:22 am

Yeah, I've been using Chrome for a while now and to me it's the most streamlined and clutter free browser out there. I can't stand using anything else.
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Re: What internet browser do you use?

Postby Katzii » March 20th, 2011, 3:42 am

Totally agree with you, Jomingo; I have to use *shudder* Internet Explorer at work and it's horrible to use. I've just gotten so used to Chrome that everything else seems almost foreign to me. I know some people don't like the lack of menu bars up the top of the screen for Chrome, but I'm pretty much a "keyboard shortcuts" type person anyway, so it works for me.
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Re: What internet browser do you use?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 20th, 2011, 4:25 am

Chrome is truly the superior browser. I've been using it since it launched in 2008 and it is still fantastic to this day. Before Chrome I used Firefox for a short stint, but before that my unenlightened self used Internet Explorer. D:

Chrome is just clean, simple, and fast. Very unobtrusive.
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Re: What internet browser do you use?

Postby Katzii » March 20th, 2011, 8:29 am

It sounds like you went much the same way as I did, Tiptup Jr. (except I was on Firefox a lot longer). I think for more internet-savvy people, it really is the way to go; as I said before, I think for people who don't use the Internet much, it's a bit intimidating to have no shortcuts and very few buttons (even though it makes it SO MUCH EASIER!), but I'd always pick Firefox over Internet Explorer purely for speed alone.
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Re: What internet browser do you use?

Postby Qyzbud » March 20th, 2011, 9:06 am

I also stuck with Firefox for a while, but I guess around a year ago I switched to Chrome exclusively, and can't see myself looking back.

Why I love Chrome:
Chrome is wonderful for web developers like myself, and of course it's a simple joy to browse with. The way it lets you Arrange Tabs and windows via drag and drop is genius (great for research and development on multiple monitors), the 'Inspect Element' Developer Tools are an absolute godsend for tweaking and debugging page styles, and the built-in Google Browser Sync service is invaluable for me, as I work on so many different web projects from so many different computers. Incognito mode is also quite handy for simultaneously being logged in and out of a site (or logged in as two separate users) for development/testing purposes, and the fact that optimisation and feature improvements are being made all the time is another aspect I really appreciate.

So yes, Chrome is my browsing/development mainstay now. I will be working to keep the Atlas compatible with other browsers, but Google Chrome for Windows and Mac will be the browser I develop with and optimise for.

My recommendation to those using other browsers? Go Chrome, or GO HOME! ;)
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Re: What internet browser do you use?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 20th, 2011, 10:14 am

Baha, Qyz. Clevar. Yeah, Chrome's the best of both worlds for users and developers alike. This thirty-something page comic was released by Google when Chrome came out... call me a nerd but the other day I read the whole thing: http://www.google.com/googlebooks/chrome/index.html

Ha, and at my computer class at school I have managed to switch ALL my friends to Google Chrome. My teacher mistakenly insists that Chrome is incompatible with everything and whenever anyone's computer messes up, she blames it on Chrome (of course it's the ten-year-old laptops, but it's still funny.)
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Re: What internet browser do you use?

Postby Ribbedebie » March 20th, 2011, 10:25 pm

I always use Chrome too! I only use Firefox for Neopets 'cuz that one's got an anti-cookie grabber thingamajiggy and let's say Neopets is full of those lately.

Explorer is laggy, so I don't use it. I occasionally use Safari if Chrome doesn't work.
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Re: What internet browser do you use?

Postby Kiddy14 » March 24th, 2011, 2:03 am

If you've seen the latest versions for IE and Firefox, you'll notice they're pretty similar to Chrome :lol:
I've never liked Chrome because it seems too "simple" for me (this is my opinion, I'm in no way saying you're incorrect for liking it). Of course, it's added a lot of stuff in the latest release, but I still can't stand it.

IE9 is the fastest in my computer (which is a great improvement from IE8, the loading time).
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Re: What internet browser do you use?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 24th, 2011, 10:53 am

What do you mean it's "simple"? It's just less cluttered... I mean really, how much stuff do you need?
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Re: What internet browser do you use?

Postby Kiddy14 » March 25th, 2011, 6:21 am

I don't like it when things look too simple, it makes me feel they think I'm too stupid to use something else than "bookmarks" and log-in buttons.

That's why I always liked Firefox since the beginning, it allowed me to install a lot of stuff (but this is no longer valid since Chrome and IE have been implementing add-ons too) that I knew I'd be using. I can tell you about stuff I use in my Firefox.
  • IE Tab extension to open up my school's portal without having to use IE (technically I am, but in Firefox 8-) )
  • Spellchecker switcher extension to allow me to keep three languages installed without having to disable each one of them (not that I'm not good with languages, but it helps me with French; Spanish and English are there just to be sure).
  • User Agent changer to help me upload files to the Blackboard suite without the weird "Please introduce a valid filename" problem (which is actually my school's problem when they still haven't bought the new fixed version).
  • NoScript because I've had just too many problems with viruses and I like to prevent (and being able to run just certain scripts in webpages is awesome, it's helped me read blogs without disqus comments stretching the page two or three times its normal size; I still let ads run off because it's not fair for the site's owner).
  • Greasemonkey because I have certain scripts which do wonders on certain sites.
  • An extension to allow right-clicking in non-allowing sites, mainly because the one I use it in most (Serebii) has a lot of links, and I like being able to open them in tabs.
  • An extension to let me recover lost previously filled forms (which has helped me when these Forums just log me out for some reason).
  • Download Statusbar, to keep all my downloads silently in the bottom instead of in a new window.
  • An extension to download YT videos directly off the page, it actually adds a button next to the Like, Share… buttons.
  • And other ones not so important such as smooth-scrolling.

But in the end, it all ends up to personal preference.
By the way, the list option no longer works.

EDIT: Thanks, Qyz, I feel stupid now xD
My OCD is not letting me post this message without matching your username's color with the one I'm using… I'll leave it like this omg
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Re: What internet browser do you use?

Postby Qyzbud » March 28th, 2011, 9:14 pm

It's great to know so many of you use Chrome. You can be sure of the best Atlas experience that way.

I remember being a little put-off by its simple interface at first, but before too long I came to realise that Chrome packs a lot of power into an incredibly streamlined interface - the best of both worlds. :D

Kiddy14 wrote:By the way, the list option no longer works.

  • Really?
  • It works for me!
  • Here's a guide...
You have to arrange the star tags [*] within the [list] tags. It's a little confusing, but it works. :geek:

So it's like this:

[*]Item 1
[*]Item 2
[*]Item 3

Hope that helps. :)
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Re: What internet browser do you use?

Postby SimianSegue » April 4th, 2011, 1:34 pm

I used to use firefox, but then I discovered the beauty that is google chrome! My favorite feature is incognito browsing. :twisted:
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Re: What internet browser do you use?

Postby WesternTanager794 » June 15th, 2023, 10:27 pm

Very large bump, but I still use Firefox.
I hate Chrome. For various reasons, but mostly the company.
It's actually about 5 percent faster than Chrome. Which is additionally amplified by the faster loading speeds by preventing trackers and miscellaneous other annoyances from loading. Although, Vivaldi is the fastest browser for windows. And Safari annihilates everything.
I did my own testing.
I'm not telling anyone to switch, but who knows, maybe Qyzbud is right. Maybe the little monkey will get it.
And I'm expecting Firefox to bankrupt in the next few years. Some questionable buisness decisions by them in the last five years. I'm not just parroting off lots of information I've read, just so everyone knows. I know quite a bit about tinkering with windows.
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