Diddy takes priority over Donkey when finishing levels

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Diddy takes priority over Donkey when finishing levels

Postby The Kirby » May 28th, 2008, 12:14 am

As any veteran DKC player should know, when you complete a level with a particular Kong, that Kong's mugshot replaces the Kremling that represented an incomplete level on the map.

The glitch is rather simple... if a level is 'Donkey-completed' and you finish it with Diddy, save, and replay that data, the level will be 'Diddy-completed' instead. It's only one-way though, so you can't make a Diddy-completed level into a Donkey-completed one.

I believe there are some extra things involved with this glitch when it comes to Two Player Team's level completion counter, but it's been so long since I've tested it so I may be wrong about this: the counter will update to the mugshot changes done with this glitch, with the exception of Gang-Plank Galleon, which will still count as a level completed for Donkey even after it's been switched to Diddy's mugshot.
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Re: Diddy takes priority over Donkey when finishing levels

Postby Kiddy14 » May 31st, 2008, 2:43 pm

With replay that data, you mean as in reset the console/emulator and replay the level?
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Re: Diddy takes priority over Donkey when finishing levels

Postby Qyzbud » June 4th, 2008, 2:47 pm

This is an interesting one... I wonder how you noticed it.

Play any level that has DK's head marking it, finish it with Diddy, save at Candy's, reset the game... and Diddy's head will be there!

How very unfair! :P
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