Qyzbud wrote:Basically I haven't animated bananas because (like everything else I've animated so far) they have to be individually positioned... and there are so darn many of them.So it's sort of 'prioritisation' on my part (or laziness, I suppose you could say). Also, they all do the same thing, so there's little value in providing unique info for each banana, which is something I plan to provide for individually positioned objects (the ability to provide such object info is my main reason for individually positioning objects). Basically, although it would look good, I've decided that it's not worth the time investment at this stage. If I find myself with a whole lot of spare time, and nothing else to do, animated bananas might become a reality.
Simion32 wrote:It should be (if I recall correctly) 1 image change every 2 frames (given 60FPS).
Simion32 wrote:*checks RE code*
Actually, 15FPS is correct. My bad...
It was actually 1 image every 2 frames, in 30FPS (DKC SNES rendering speed). DOH'
Blaziken257 wrote:Stampede Sprint, the corners of Bazza's Blockade
Blaziken257 wrote:Rocket Rush exemplifies this issue, where there are lots of off-screen ropes for no apparent reason.
Raccoon Sam wrote:Regarding the night/day thing in DKC1, I'm no expert when it comes to Javascript/HTML(5), but after seeing this, I thought, could it be possible that the standard map image would be the 'day'-one, and upon scrolling near the end/clicking a 'night'-button, the site would load the image's palette to Canvas and gradually change it to the night-palette? This would also theoretically work with all the enemies/items, granted their respective palettes are provided.
This might be related.
Blaziken257 wrote:That would be cool if the map page can imitate the night transition effect the way it does in the games. One thing, though, is that the levels have lots of color per palette, so it would be a lot of colors to work with! Also, the transition is gradual (i.e. it doesn't change instantly from color A to color B -- it fades between the two), so there would be a lot of in-between colors to work with as well. And of course, to be accurate, you have to find exactly when the game fades to night, and make it scroll at that exact spot on the map page. (And would it fade back upon scrolling back to the left, or would it imitate the game and avoid doing that?) In any case, if it can be made to work, that would be cool.
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