Gijinka DKC MMD Project

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Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » July 28th, 2014, 1:04 am

The title says it all. So far, it hasn't made it past a few pictures but once i have everything i need, i'm gonna start putting these beauties to good use.

Sadly though, they aren't game model rips so they had to be handmade in Gijinka style. Heck, it works since nobody has rigged any models for MMD yet.

Here's some pictures of my models.












Yeah, theres more than a few :scratch: . I'll keep you guys updated on the project as it progresses.

Let me know what you guys think. :dixiehappy:
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Phyreburnz » July 28th, 2014, 3:23 am

I'm not sure that I totally understand the project...

Are you making comics, a video, or just pictures?

Also, your character for DK needs the little swoop on top of his head!

See what I mean?
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » July 28th, 2014, 5:39 am

Trust me me when i say that if i could do the swoop i would. :dixiecry:

Also, i'm planning on making videos in the near future but for now its just pictures until i cam get all the technical bugs with the models situated. Hell, i might make this into a series if i can get all the models i need and get a script written and voice actors. But that's a maybe.
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » July 28th, 2014, 7:41 am

Here's a new addition to the gallery~! I'm extremely proud of this~! Twin-Cats from DeviantArt actually requested this. I think she has an account on here but i'm not exactly sure.


EDIT: Crap, i just realized that i double posted. I'm sorry :dixiecry:
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby sonosublime » July 28th, 2014, 12:24 pm

Wow, those are really impressive. I really like the detail put into the characters and backgrounds.

Tiny is great, but I think DK, Diddy and Dixie's likeness could use a little work. They look a little generic, but with some small changes, they could really stand out.
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » July 28th, 2014, 1:15 pm

Oh trust me. I'm working on solutions as we speak. Hopefully when i get done with them, they wont be as generic, but with what resources i have theres not much i can do. Also, what would make these characters look a little less generic in your opinion? It may help me out a little bit.

And thanks. Tiny is the groups random ray of hyperactive sunshine~! :P


Also, new pictures~!


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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Phyreburnz » July 28th, 2014, 1:30 pm

Well, since you're asking for opinions on how to make them less generic...

I think DK's character should be bigger, he needs some more muscle, as well as fat. He just needs a larger build. Would you be able to just put a tuft of hair pointed up on him? I would also give him a heavy brow/brow line.

For Diddy's character, I think he should have big ears. Diddy's ears are proportionally larger than the other Kongs' I think. Maybe move his eyes closer together. Even though you already have large eyes on him, maybe make them bigger. Maybe make his limbs a little thinner, but give him a little bit of a pot belly.

I hope those suggestions help!
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » July 28th, 2014, 4:26 pm

Thanks for the suggestions. It will really come in handy with future inprovements.


Here's another picture for the stack.

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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Super Luigi! » July 29th, 2014, 1:36 pm

DK: The Family Man. By the look of your pictures, though, I'd say Diddy is training to be one as well. I'm not really sure what advice to give you, especially since Phyreburnz already pointed out some flaws I had thought of.

I suppose all I can say is, in a way, Dixie, Tiny, and Diddy look like my cousins and I. As far as I know, that's a compliment to both parties involved. Great job, Kimi Kong, and may you continue enjoying your life with projects such as this!
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » July 29th, 2014, 4:59 pm

Thank you very much. You have no idea how much this made my heart swell with happiness. :dixiehappy:
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Qyzbud » July 29th, 2014, 6:56 pm

These are really fun and beautiful images, Kimi. :)

Apart from the suggestions already made by sono and Phyre, the only thing I've noticed that may need some adjusting is that Dixie's shorts seem a bit big/loose around her waist. This is perhaps most noticeable in the following shots:
Image Image

This looks like a great project, and I'd be happy to create an album for you in the fan art section of the DKC Atlas gallery, and to post some of your favourite pictures in there, if you'd like. :)
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » July 30th, 2014, 3:42 am

Are you serious? :dixiecry:

That would be an honor. Thank you so much.

And yeah, i just noticed how noticeable the shorts were. I'll get those fixed once i start cleaning up my models.
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby sonosublime » July 30th, 2014, 4:08 am

I really like that picture of Diddy protecting DK in the ring. What exactly is the story there?

Anyway, as for how you could change the look of your characters, take a look at this:


The picture is in the anime style, but not overly cutesy. Diddy and Dixie have their game faces on.

Your characters look good, but just a little too... bubbly, I guess. Typical anime look. Which is why I guess I thought they looked a little generic. Also, your Dixie's expressions and body language make her come across as a bit prissy, which is in conflict with her bold and adventurous personality in the games.
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » July 30th, 2014, 5:19 am

My apologies on making Dixie a little prissy. Trust me when i say that it wasnt my intentions. I was just trying things out and i thought they made for good picture. I know she kinda looks a little OOC in a few pictures, but it was mainly cause they were either based off of something, requested or it just simply fit.

I'm happy you gave your reasons for believing they look generic. Also trust me when i say that most MMD models like this look bubbly anime like. I've dealt with the program for a little over two years now so i know this is fact. I'll do my hardest to make them look a little more serious in pictures but as for making them actually look serious by default is out of my reach. I'm nowhere near advanced to do so.

Also to answer your question, there was really no specific story behind the picture. A buddy of mine on DeviantArt requested that i make a picture of Diddy protecting DK from another Smash Bros fighter.

Speaking of which, if you guys can think of anything that might make a good picture, let me know and i'll do it.


New pictures~!


Note: She saw a spider. XD


New Kong OC introduced. Meet Sassy Kong, the younger sister of Diddy. She belongs to Blacksea2012 on DeviantArt.
Note: Tiny and Sassy are made from the same base and are around the same age so they look similar in the face.

Please no criticizing the fact that there is a non-official Kong amongst my gallery.
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Phyreburnz » July 30th, 2014, 7:48 am

I just noticed this now (because of the picture that Sonosublime posted): Dixie doesn't have the curls on either side of her head. Would it be at all possible to add those in?

Also, are you planning on adding anymore Kongs from DK64 in, since you have Tiny already?
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » July 30th, 2014, 8:18 am

Of course i can add them in. I actually feel silly for forgetting them.

And i'm not too sure yet. I really would love to make Chunky and Lanky but it'll all depend on my resources. I know for sure i'm making Funky and Candy in the near future and eventually i'll make the New Tiny design. Kiddy is also on the maybe list because of resources.
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Super Luigi! » July 30th, 2014, 1:52 pm

I have no problems with Sassy Kong, although Tiny might! Speaking of whom, I love Tiny's enthusiasm in your latest pictures. She's so happy, all the time!

So again, others have already noted the problems I noticed. But that's a good thing! One possible problem though. The characters' dimples stick off their faces, which is most noticeable with Diddy in your last picture. Is this a casualty of MMD war, or can you fix it?

As for suggestions, I have quite a few:
1. The camera is placed looking up, just below DK, who is wearing a serious smile, whilst holding a banana, like a true family man.
2. Diddy is walking on the beach (or somewhere else) while Tiny peeks out at him from behind a bush. This shot is taken somewhat over Tiny's shoulder.
3. Dixie and Diddy tickling each other until the bitter end.
4. Sassy and Tiny Kong are playing rock-paper-scissors, while Diddy and Dixie watch from the background.
5. Donkey Kong watching over the other Kongs, like a true family man.
6. Diddy is out digging for some reason, with a shovel or otherwise.
7. Dixie and Sassy in a staring contest.
8. Tiny is pointing at something, while Dixie tries to figure out what it is.
9. Donkey, in true family man style, picks Sassy Kong up from under her arms and flies her around, like she were his own daughter.
10. There is one banana in the picture's center, while everyone else rushes towards it.

I suppose I should stop now. Bear in mind, by no means, do I intend on pressuring you to create these screens. You asked for suggestions, and I have answered your request, as custom dictates. Lastly, please excuse me if any particular one offends you or is otherwise vulgar. Twas not my intention. Nevertheless, please continue to surprise and delight us with additional photographs, and make sure you have fun doing so!
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » July 30th, 2014, 2:34 pm

I can see some of these pictures in my head. I'll get to working on them as soon as possible.

The little blush thing sticks off the face for some reason. I tried to fix it but it made it worse, as in it would barely come out of the face and would look like half of it was eaten. If i can fix this i will, but in the mean time, it'll have to stay like this.

Tiny actually has no problem with Sassy. If anything, she's her partner in crime. Heh heh, devious little pranksters.

And thanks. Tiny is a little ray of hyper active sunshine, though she didn't seem too thrilled to see that spider. I will be making some sad pictures for her, though most of them may be involving the new Tiny design which i don't plan to make for a little bit.
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Addie » July 30th, 2014, 2:37 pm

These look adorable. Its so anime it hurts...but in a good way! Also, I spot Destiny Islands!
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » July 30th, 2014, 3:31 pm

Haha, thanks.

And yeah, it was one of the only Island stages i could find, sadly.

Hey, guess what? Another picture~! Qyzbud actually requested this one~!

Note: Ignore Diddy's stubborn pants-leg. -_-
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Super Luigi! » July 31st, 2014, 1:06 pm

Stubborn pants-leg ignored. I must say, Kimi Kong, you've captured Diddy and Dixie's jump animations well, if not perfectly. Also, I spy the hidden creature feature you've placed in this picture, unintentionally or otherwise!
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » July 31st, 2014, 1:20 pm

Aww, thanks. :)

Wait, what? Hidden creature?
Got another picture picture for you guys.


Now the next one has a meaning behind it.
If you haven't guessed or been to my DeviantArt, this picture was something i made to leave behind when i leave. I'll be going over the road for about two weeks in order to make some money. I won't be able to get on certain websites, if not any depending on circumstances and i defiantly wont be able to make any more of these pictures while i'm away. So i leave this here with you guys until i return.

Also. i've depicted myself as Dixie :dixiehappy:
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Super Luigi! » July 31st, 2014, 1:45 pm

The hidden creature is a secret to everybody! :swanky: What happened to Dixie in the first picture? She seems injured, like someone attacked her. And as for the next picture...


Well then...

I daresay I just shed a tear. But no matter. You must head out into the world and earn your fortune! :dixiehappy: In the meantime, Master Qyzbud and I shall await your return.

By the way, if you're Dixie, does that mean Phyreburnz is Tiny, Qyzbud is DK (the family man), your boyfriend is Diddy, and his sister is Sassy? Or have I got this wrong? Regardless, from one fellow traveler to another, have a safe voyage! :thumbs:
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » July 31st, 2014, 1:57 pm

My idea behind that picture was Dixie getting ambushed by some sort of enemy and Diddy finding her hurt. So yeah, she's injured. :dixiesad:

And thanks. Thats just what i needed to hear. I'm really going to miss you guys. Though you can keep in touch with me on Facebook(that'll probably be the only site i'll be able to acess).

How would Phyreburnz be Tiny? Just asking. My actual idea of who would be Tiny to me would be Twin-Cats on DeviantArt. She's like a little sister to me, even though i haven't known her too long(plus, she's awesome XD). ANd also i don't think my boyfriend is into DKC like i am, so i couldn't see him being Diddy. Haha.
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Phyreburnz » July 31st, 2014, 2:50 pm

Kimi Kong wrote:How would Phyreburnz be Tiny?

I'm wondering this, too! :P
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Super Luigi! » July 31st, 2014, 2:55 pm

Well, who else is important enough to be Tiny? Plus, you're always so cheerful, Phyreburnz! I can't be Diddy though. Nope. Uh-uh. If I was, then that would mean Kimi Kong and I...

Let's not go there quite yet.
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Phyreburnz » July 31st, 2014, 2:58 pm

Never once in my existence has somebody described me as "cheerful," let alone "always so cheerful." I'm probably one of the most pessimistic people I know... :lol:

And my sister likes to describe me as "angry."
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby sonosublime » July 31st, 2014, 4:21 pm

Great new pictures. And Sassy looks awesome. I'm very interested to see where you go with this project.

Good luck with your new job.
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby ArnyTheMutant » August 1st, 2014, 4:30 am

Those pictures are really cute :dixiehappy:
Good luck and have a safe trip.
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » August 1st, 2014, 5:30 am

Thank you very much. :dixiehappy:

Another new picture, requested by Super Luigi!

It's baed off of me leaving. Also, this is my last night for two week that i'll be online DKC-Atlas :dixiecry:
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Super Luigi! » August 1st, 2014, 8:31 am

Thank you for implementing my idea, and I hope you have a safe trip! Until then, Dixie, we'll waiting right here for you!
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » August 14th, 2014, 12:47 pm

Guess whos back? Back again~! Kimi's back~! Tell a friend~!

I've missed you guys so much. My two week absence(which actually ended a couple of days early) is now over~! I'm back to do what i do~! :dixiehappy:
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Qyzbud » August 14th, 2014, 1:38 pm

I think I speak for everyone who's posted in this topic so far when I say... we're glad to have you back!

That's an adorable pic of gaming's cutest couple, by the way. :D
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Super Luigi! » August 14th, 2014, 2:29 pm

Welcome back, Kimi Kong! I don't have a gift for you (besides endless bananas, which you can't quite beat), but I'm glad you've returned safely! And yes, your picture fits and captures the mood perfectly.
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Phyreburnz » August 15th, 2014, 1:54 pm

Welcome back, Kimi!

Oh, I had another question for you... do you have any plans on making Kremlings?
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » August 16th, 2014, 3:44 am

Thats a really good question. Maybe in the near future i will, but as for the moment, i'm just making the Kongs.



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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Super Luigi! » August 17th, 2014, 5:15 am

Run Diddy, run! After Dixie defeated Donkey, she set her sights on Diddy, her then most beloved boyfriend. Meanwhile, Tiny laughs as her plan to brainwash her sister to take over the island is coming into fruition.

At least, that's what I think we're seeing. Great job, Kimi Kong!
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » August 17th, 2014, 7:29 am

Actually, youre spot on~! XD

It was really a SSB practice battle idea that Qyz himself came up with. The picture itself is titled "Why Dixie should be in Smash Bros 4"


New picture~! Tiny stole Diddy's hat(hat is offscreen because technical issues)
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » August 19th, 2014, 1:16 am

Got a new picture for ya~! I tried my damnedest to make this as emotional as possible! :dixiecry:

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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Super Luigi! » August 19th, 2014, 3:09 pm

Your latest masterpiece, Kimi Kong, is an accurate representation of what's happening with my friend and I right now, except I don't exactly think she's crying. Her sister may be though, since she's so stressed out and wants to quit Kong Kollege. Besides suggesting not pushing herself too far by taking time off for herself, I'm at a loss for advice.

I'm sure you had a different situation in mind when creating this picture, but I wanted to submit my interpretation. By the way, do whatever you like, but should we give you more suggestions?
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » August 20th, 2014, 3:50 am

I'm sorry for whats happening between you and your friend and i hope things work out in the end. Things like this usually just need some time to calm itself down.

And the situation pretty much goes like this(just so you know):

Diddy says something extremely harsh out of anger to Dixie and immediatly regrets saying it, but before he could, she was already in tears and running away from him. He reaches out to stop her, but he know its no use.

Qyz, who was watching me as i was making this, actually thought it was a break up scene, but they are in no way breaking up. The scene actually came about because o the Donkey Business song "Runaway Dixie", which for some reason reminded me of a story idea i had years ago that only made its way onto paper by rough sketches(that are long gone). And because of this picture and song, i am actually influenced to write it again, so you guys may be seeing a fanfiction out of me.

Also, youre suggestions are much apprieciated. Just please no over the top silly ones that may be difficult and/or impossible to accomplish.
WIP Video~! Just a dance video really, but its something i wanted to do with Tiny, Diddy and Dixie for a little while now. I wont be finishing this, however, until i have worked out the bugs in my three models.

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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Phyreburnz » August 20th, 2014, 4:24 am

Wow, that animation looks really nice!
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Super Luigi! » August 20th, 2014, 12:58 pm

I agree, although I don't quite understand what I just witnessed. Also, thanks for your kind words, Kimi Kong. As for suggestions, I'll leave you with one:

Donkey is just standing there, looking proud as he watches Diddy and Dixie kiss/hug.
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » August 20th, 2014, 2:38 pm

Thats a good idea.

And its no problem. I try to give as much needed advice as possible.
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby sonosublime » August 20th, 2014, 9:28 pm

So anime, it hurts! (in a good way)
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » August 21st, 2014, 8:44 am

Thanks :)


Now this picture has a sad meaning behind it. I'm in mourning right now because of the passing of my stepfather, who has been my only father figure in my life. This was made from my depression and my mourning. :dixiecry:


(Diddy, according to my sister, is based off of my boyfriend, but that would be completely irrelevant since i didn't get an ounce of comfort from him)
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Super Luigi! » August 21st, 2014, 12:01 pm

Then I shall be Diddy, Kimi Kong for I tried to comfort you last night. But alas, it was not meant to be, and we were separated. If it helps, I love you, your picture, and your stepfather, who was a true family man. Now, may I play my flute?

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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » August 21st, 2014, 12:08 pm

That was truly beautiful and it really touched my heart. Thank you, Luigi. I would be honored for you to be my Diddy anytime. :dixiecry:
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Red Kiddy Kong » August 21st, 2014, 12:15 pm

Kimi KongKimi Kong....... sister I am so sorry for your lost [grabs your hand] me and SL are both here for you but not until the end....we are here until and after the end because Frankly my dear we love you VERRRRYYYYYY much ♥ ♥ ♥ and even though you may hate me or not I don't care because I love you sis and im not leaving you until you are better [holds your hand and with other hand plays with pajama string smiling]
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Re: Gijinka DKC MMD Project

Postby Kimi Kong » August 22nd, 2014, 12:57 am

Thank you guys for your kind words in support. I truly, from the bottom of my heart on up, appreciate it and i'm sure my family does too.


I managed to finish Super Luigi!'s request~!


Drown in it! DROWN IN THE KAWAII!!!
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