My apologies on making Dixie a little prissy. Trust me when i say that it wasnt my intentions. I was just trying things out and i thought they made for good picture. I know she kinda looks a little OOC in a few pictures, but it was mainly cause they were either based off of something, requested or it just simply fit.
I'm happy you gave your reasons for believing they look generic. Also trust me when i say that most MMD models like this look bubbly anime like. I've dealt with the program for a little over two years now so i know this is fact. I'll do my hardest to make them look a little more serious in pictures but as for making them actually look serious by default is out of my reach. I'm nowhere near advanced to do so.
Also to answer your question, there was really no specific story behind the picture. A buddy of mine on DeviantArt requested that i make a picture of Diddy protecting DK from another Smash Bros fighter.
Speaking of which, if you guys can think of anything that might make a good picture, let me know and i'll do it.
New pictures~!

Note: She saw a spider. XD

New Kong OC introduced. Meet Sassy Kong, the younger sister of Diddy. She belongs to Blacksea2012 on DeviantArt.
Note: Tiny and Sassy are made from the same base and are around the same age so they look similar in the face.Please no criticizing the fact that there is a non-official Kong amongst my gallery.